1,142 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Gender Equity in STEM Subjects at Four-Year Universities in England

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    England is among the many nations aspiring to increase highly qualified and diversified human resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Gender disparities in enrollment and persistence in STEM undergraduate education in England are replicated internationally. Despite the expansion of higher education in England, women remain underrepresented in STEM subjects. Politicians have voiced their worries over the economy’s overall health and security due to the inadequate number of women in STEM fields in England. While numerous studies have documented gender disparities in STEM subjects in England, there is still a need for better understanding about how to promote gender equity in STEM from early childhood to higher education. In this chapter, we examine the difference in early educational achievement in mathematics and science subjects and students’ plan to study STEM subjects by gender. We also examine women’s odds of studying STEM subjects in England after controlling for academic performance and social class characteristics. We particularly test gendered differences in studying STEM at prestigious Russell Group universities. We analyze data from the British Department of Education’s Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (also known as Next Steps). Finally, we highlight factors that policy makers, researchers, instructors, and STEM workforce members should consider to close gender gaps in STEM undergraduate education

    Novel domain architectures and functional determinants in atypical annexins revealed by phylogenomic analysis.

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    The fundamental cellular role and molecular interactions of annexins in vesicle trafficking and membrane remodeling remain to be further clarified in order to better understand and exploit their contributions to health and disease. We focused on distinctive features of atypical annexins from all domains of life using phylogenomic, molecular systematic and experimental approaches, to extend the current paradigm and better account for annexin diversity of structure, function and mechanistic role in membrane homeostasis. The analysis of gene duplications, organization of domain architectures and profile hidden Markov models of subfamily orthologs defined conserved structural features relevant to molecular interactions and functional divergence of seven family clades ANXA-G. Single domain annexins of bacteria, including cyanobacteria, were frequently coupled to enzymatic units conceivably related to membrane metabolism and remodeling. Multiple ANX domains (up to 20) and various distinct functional domains were observed in unique annexins. Canonical type 2 calcium binding ligands were well-preserved in roughly half of all ANX domains, but alternative structural motifs comprised of 'KGD', cysteine or tryptophan residues were prominently conserved in the same strategic interhelical loops. Selective evolutionary constraint, site-specific location and co-occurrence in all kingdoms identify alternative modes of fundamental binding interactions for annexins

    Micropapillary Lung Cancer with Breast Metastasis Simulating Primary Breast Cancer due to Architectural Distortion on Images

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    A 47-year-old Korean woman with right middle lobe lung adenocarcinoma, malignant pleural effusion, and multiple lymph node and bone metastases, after three months of lung cancer diagnosis, presented with a palpable right breast mass. Images of the right breast demonstrated architectural distortion that strongly suggested primary breast cancer. Breast biopsy revealed metastatic lung cancer with a negative result for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and mammaglobin, and a positive result for thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1). We present a case of breast metastasis from a case of lung cancer with an extensive micropapillary component, which was initially misinterpreted as a primary breast cancer due to unusual image findings with architectural distortion

    Ordering in the dilute weakly-anisotropic antiferromagnet Mn(0.35)Zn(0.65)F2

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    The highly diluted antiferromagnet Mn(0.35)Zn(0.65)F2 has been investigated by neutron scattering in zero field. The Bragg peaks observed below the Neel temperature TN (approximately 10.9 K) indicate stable antiferromagnetic long-range ordering at low temperature. The critical behavior is governed by random-exchange Ising model critical exponents (nu approximately 0.69 and gamma approximately 1.31), as reported for Mn(x)Zn(1-x)F2 with higher x and for the isostructural compound Fe(x)Zn(1-x)F2. However, in addition to the Bragg peaks, unusual scattering behavior appears for |q|>0 below a glassy temperature Tg approximately 7.0 K. The glassy region T<Tg corresponds to that of noticeable frequency dependence in earlier zero-field ac susceptibility measurements on this sample. These results indicate that long-range order coexists with short-range nonequilibrium clusters in this highly diluted magnet.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Display of native antigen on cDC1 that have spatial access to both T and B cells underlies efficient humoral vaccination

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    Follicular dendritic cells and macrophages have been strongly implicated in presentation of native Ag to B cells. This property has also occasionally been attributed to conventional dendritic cells (cDC) but is generally masked by their essential role in T cell priming. cDC can be divided into two main subsets, cDC1 and cDC2, with recent evidence suggesting that cDC2 are primarily responsible for initiating B cell and T follicular helper responses. This conclusion is, however, at odds with evidence that targeting Ag to Clec9A (DNGR1), expressed by cDC1, induces strong humoral responses. In this study, we reveal that murine cDC1 interact extensively with B cells at the border of B cell follicles and, when Ag is targeted to Clec9A, can display native Ag for B cell activation. This leads to efficient induction of humoral immunity. Our findings indicate that surface display of native Ag on cDC with access to both T and B cells is key to efficient humoral vaccination

    CD98hc facilitates B cell proliferation and adaptive humoral immunity.

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    The proliferation of antigen-specific lymphocytes and resulting clonal expansion are essential for adaptive immunity. We report here that B cell-specific deletion of the heavy chain of CD98 (CD98hc) resulted in lower antibody responses due to total suppression of B cell proliferation and subsequent plasma cell formation. Deletion of CD98hc did not impair early B cell activation but did inhibit later activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase Erk1/2 and downregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27. Reconstitution of CD98hc-deficient B cells with CD98hc mutants showed that the integrin-binding domain of CD98hc was required for B cell proliferation but that the amino acid-transport function of CD98hc was dispensable for this. Thus, CD98hc supports integrin-dependent rapid proliferation of B cells. We propose that the advantage of adaptive immunity favored the appearance of CD98hc in vertebrates

    Laparoscopic Enucleation of a Nonfunctioning Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas

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    Laparoscopic approaches are increasingly used in pancreatic surgery. In the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the pancreas, enucleation is one of the recommended surgery. Although many clinical experiences have reported the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic enucleation of functioning NETs, such as insulinomas, few reports have explored such treatment for non-functioning NETs. Here, we present a case of 70-year old female patient who underwent successful laparoscopic enucleation of a nonfunctioning NET located in the body of the pancreas

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Dendritic Cells Infiltrate the Brain Parenchyma and Target the Cervical Lymph Nodes under Neuroinflammatory Conditions

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    BACKGROUND: In many neuroinflammatory diseases, dendritic cells (DCs) accumulate in several compartments of the central nervous system (CNS), including the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Myeloid DCs invading the inflamed CNS are thus thought to play a major role in the initiation and perpetuation of CNS-targeted autoimmune responses. We previously reported that, in normal rats, DCs injected intra-CSF migrated outside the CNS and reached the B-cell zone of cervical lymph nodes. However, there is yet no information on the migratory behavior of CSF-circulating DCs under neuroinflammatory conditions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address this issue, we performed in vivo transfer experiments in rats suffering from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model of multiple sclerosis. EAE or control rats were injected intra-CSF with bone marrow-derived myeloid DCs labeled with the fluorescent marker carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE). In parallel experiments, fluorescent microspheres were injected intra-CSF to EAE rats in order to track endogenous antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Animals were then sacrificed on day 1 or 8 post-injection and their brain and peripheral lymph nodes were assessed for the presence of microspheres(+) APCs or CFSE(+) DCs by immunohistology and/or FACS analysis. Data showed that in EAE rats, DCs injected intra-CSF substantially infiltrated several compartments of the inflamed CNS, including the periventricular demyelinating lesions. We also found that in EAE rats, as compared to controls, a larger number of intra-CSF injected DCs reached the cervical lymph nodes. This migratory behavior was accompanied by an accentuation of EAE clinical signs and an increased systemic antibody response against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, a major immunogenic myelin antigen. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Altogether, these results indicate that CSF-circulating DCs are able to both survey the inflamed brain and to reach the cervical lymph nodes. In EAE and maybe multiple sclerosis, CSF-circulating DCs may thus support the immune responses that develop within and outside the inflamed CNS

    The action of a multidisciplinary team in the nutritional care of critically ill patients

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    Hospitalized patients may have special nutrient requirements imposed by a combination of malnutrition and enhanced utilization of nutrients resulting from the disease process. Nutritional support, mainly during critical stages of disease, should be provided safely and effectively. Several studies have evaluated the paper of a multidisciplinary team in the administration of a nutritional therapy. Individually, the majority of these studies are underpowered to evaluate an effect on the quality of nutritional care. With the objective to identify problems inherent to the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients and verify the impact of the actions of a multidisciplinary team on the quality of these procedures, we analysed articles that have been published between 1980 and 2004 about the role of the action of multidisciplinary teams in the care and nutritional outcome of hospitalized patients, especially those undergoing intensive care. The terms used for the search were: multidisciplinary team, nutritional support, parenteral nutrition, enteral feeding, critically ill, intensive care unit, critically ill child. Of 130 studies, intially identified, just 24 were selected, of which 14 compared the standard of nutritional therapy with and without the presence of a multidisciplinary team. The inadequate supply of nutrients, infection and metabolic complications and the excessive use of parenteral nutrition were the main problems detected in the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients. In the comparative studies, the presence of the multidisciplinary team improved the pattern of nutritional support, and reduced the incidence of complications and the costs.Pacientes hospitalizados podem ter necessidades nutricionais especiais em função da desnutrição e dos desequilíbrios metabólicos impostos pelas doenças. A terapia nutricional, principalmente nos estágios críticos das enfermidades, deve ser administrada de modo seguro e eficaz. Vários estudos têm avaliado o papel da equipe multidisciplinar na administração da terapia nutricional. Com o objetivo de identificar os problemas inerentes à administração da terapia nutricional em pacientes hospitalizados e verificar o impacto da atuação de uma equipe multidisciplinar na qualidade dos procedimentos, foi realizada uma revisão que analisou artigos publicados entre 1980 e 2004 sobre o papel da atuação de equipes multidisciplinares no cuidado e na evolução nutricional de pacientes hospitalizados, principalmente os que se encontravam sob cuidados intensivos. Os termos utilizados na pesquisa foram: multidisciplinary team, nutritional support, parente-ral nutrition, enteral feeding, critically ill, intensive care unit,critically ill child. Dos 130 estudos inicialmente identificados, foram selecionados 24, dos quais 14 compararam o padrão de terapia nutricional com e sem a presença da equipe multidisciplinar. Os principais problemas detectados na administração de terapia nutricional em pacientes hospitalizados foram a oferta inadequada de nutrientes, as complicações infecciosas e metabólicas e o uso excessivo de nutrição parenteral. Nos estudos comparativos, a presença da equipe multidisciplinar melhorou o padrão de oferta nutricional, reduziu a incidência de complicações e os custos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaHospital São Paulo Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos PediátricosHospital São Paulo Equipe Multidisciplinar de Terapia NutricionalUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaHospital São Paulo Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos PediátricosHospital São Paulo Equipe Multidisciplinar de Terapia NutricionalSciEL

    Long-term labeling of hippocampal neural stem cells by a lentiviral vector

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    Using a lentivirus-mediated labeling method, we investigated whether the adult hippocampus retains long-lasting, self-renewing neural stem cells (NSCs). We first showed that a single injection of a lentiviral vector expressing a green fluorescent protein (LV PGK-GFP) into the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the adult hippocampus enabled an efficient, robust, and long-term marking of self-renewing NSCs and their progeny. Interestingly, a subset of labeled cells showed the ability to proliferate multiple times and give rise to Sox2+ cells, clearly suggesting the ability of NSCs to self-renew for an extensive period of time (up to 6 months). In addition, using GFP+ cells isolated from the SGZ of mice that received a LV PGK-GFP injection 3 months earlier, we demonstrated that some GFP+ cells displayed the essential properties of NSCs, such as self-renewal and multipotency. Furthermore, we investigated the plasticity of NSCs in a perforant path transection, which has been shown to induce astrocyte formation in the molecular layer of the hippocampus. Our lentivirus (LV)-mediated labeling study revealed that hippocampal NSCs are not responsible for the burst of astrocyte formation, suggesting that signals released from the injured perforant path did not influence NSC fate determination. Therefore, our studies showed that a gene delivery system using LVs is a unique method to be used for understanding the complex nature of NSCs and may have translational impact in gene therapy by efficiently targeting NSCs