72 research outputs found

    Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression amongst internally displaced persons in northern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: The 20 year war in northern Uganda between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government has resulted in the displacement of up to 2 million people within Uganda. The purpose of the study was to measure rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression amongst these internally displaced persons (IDPs), and investigate associated demographic and trauma exposure risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional multi-staged, random cluster survey with 1210 adult IDPs was conducted in November 2006 in Gulu and Amuru districts of northern Uganda. Levels of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD were measured using the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (original version), and levels of depression were measured using the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the association of demographic and trauma exposure variables on the outcomes of PTSD and depression. RESULTS: Over half (54%) of the respondents met symptom criteria for PTSD, and over two thirds (67%) of respondents met symptom criteria for depression. Over half (58%) of respondents had experienced 8 or more of the 16 trauma events covered in the questionnaire. Factors strongly linked with PTSD and depression included gender, marital status, distance of displacement, experiencing ill health without medical care, experiencing rape or sexual abuse, experiencing lack of food or water, and experiencing higher rates of trauma exposure. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence of exposure to traumatic events and deprivation of essential goods and services suffered by IDPs, and the resultant effect this has upon their mental health. Protection and social and psychological assistance are urgently required to help IDPs in northern Uganda re-build their lives

    Victimization and PTSD-like states in an Icelandic youth probability sample

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although adolescence in many cases is a period of rebellion and experimentation with new behaviors and roles, the exposure of adolescents to life-threatening and violent events has rarely been investigated in national probability studies using a broad range of events.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In an Icelandic national representative sample of 206 9th-grade students (mean = 14.5 years), the prevalence of 20 potentially traumatic events and negative life events was reported, along with the psychological impact of these events.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventy-four percent of the girls and 79 percent of the boys were exposed to at least one event. The most common events were the death of a family member, threat of violence, and traffic accidents. The estimated lifetime prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder-like states (PTSD; DSM-IV, APA, 1994 <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>) was 16 percent, whereas another 12 percent reached a sub-clinical level of PTSD-like states (missing the full diagnosis with one symptom). Following exposure, girls suffered from PTSD-like states almost twice as often as boys. Gender, mothers' education, and single-parenthood were associated with specific events. The odds ratios and 95% CI for PTSD-like states given a specific event are reported. Being exposed to multiple potentially traumatic events was associated with an increase in PTSD-like states.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings indicate substantial mental health problems in adolescents that are associated with various types of potentially traumatic exposure.</p

    Human skeletal muscle plasmalemma alters its structure to change its Ca2+-handling following heavy-load resistance exercise

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    High-force eccentric exercise results in sustained increases in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]cyto), which can cause damage to the muscle. Here we report that a heavy-load strength training bout greatly alters the structure of the membrane network inside the fibres, the tubular (t-) system, causing the loss of its predominantly transverse organization and an increase in vacuolation of its longitudinal tubules across adjacent sarcomeres. The transverse tubules and vacuoles displayed distinct Ca2+-handling properties. Both t-system components could take up Ca2+ from the cytoplasm but only transverse tubules supported store-operated Ca2+ entry. The retention of significant amounts of Ca2+ within vacuoles provides an effective mechanism to reduce the total content of Ca2+ within the fibre cytoplasm. We propose this ability can reduce or limit resistance exercise-induced, Ca2+-dependent damage to the fibre by the reduction of [Ca2+]cyto to help maintain fibre viability during the period associated with delayed onset muscle soreness

    Screening for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Somali ex-combatants: A validation study

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    In Somalia, a large number of active and former combatants are affected by psychological problems such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that impairs their ability to re-integrate into civilian life. This study reports on development and validation of a screening tool for PTSD in Somali language with a sample of ex-combatants.Waxaa Soomaaliya ka jira tiro badan oo askartii hore ah oo dhimirka wax ka gaaray, sida cudurka la yiraahdo "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)", kaaso isbeddel ku sameeyo qofka dad ladhaqankiisa. Darasaadkanina wuxuu horumarinayaa qalabka baaritaanka caafimaadka cudurka DPTS oo loo adeegsanayo Af-soomaaliga.In Somalia, un gran numero di soldati o ex-soldati sono affetti da problemi psicologici come il Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress (DPTS), che altera la capacità di re-integrarsi nella vita civile. Questo studio riporta sullo sviluppo di uno strumento di screening per il DPTS in lingua somala

    The influence of demographic characteristics, living conditions, and trauma exposure on the overall health of a conflict-affected population in Southern Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: There remains limited evidence on how armed conflict affects overall physical and mental well-being rather than specific physical or mental health conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of demographic characteristics, living conditions, and violent and traumatic events on general physical and mental health in Southern Sudan which is emerging from 20 years of armed conflict. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 1228 adults was conducted in November 2007 in the town of Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to investigate the associations and relative influence of variables in three models of demographic characteristics, living conditions, and trauma exposure, on general physical and mental health status. These models were run separately and also as a combined model. Data quality and the internal consistency of the health status instrument (SF-8) were assessed. RESULTS: The variables in the multivariate analysis (combined model) with negative coefficients of association with general physical health and mental health (i.e. worse health), respectively, were being female (coef. -2.47; -2.63), higher age (coef.-0.16; -0.17), absence of soap in the household (physical health coef. -2.24), and experiencing within the past 12 months a lack of food and/or water (coef. -1.46; -2.27) and lack of medical care (coef.-3.51; -3.17). A number of trauma variables and cumulative exposure to trauma showed an association with physical and mental health (see main text for data). There was limited variance in results when each of the three models were run separately and when they were combined, suggesting the pervasive influence of these variables. The SF-8 showed good data quality and internal consistency. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence on the pervasive influence of demographic characteristics, living conditions, and violent and traumatic events on the general physical and mental health of a conflict-affected population in Southern Sudan, and highlights the importance of addressing all these influences on overall health


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    Brachydactyly ("short digits") is a general term that refers to disproportionately short fingers and toes, and forms part of the group of limb malformations characterized by bone dysostosis. The various types of isolated brachydactyly are rare, except for types A3 and D. Brachydactyly can occur either as an isolated malformation or as a part of a complex malformation syndrome. To date, many different forms of brachydactyly have been identified. Some forms also result in short stature. In isolated brachydactyly, subtle changes elsewhere may be present. Brachydactyly may also be accompanied by other hand malformations, such as syndactyly, polydactyly, reduction defects, or symphalangism

    Incipient Social Groups: An Analysis via In-Vivo Behavioral Tracking

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    Social psychology is fundamentally the study of individuals in groups, yet there remain basic unanswered questions about group formation, structure, and change. We argue that the problem is methodological. Until recently, there was no way to track who was interacting with whom with anything approximating valid resolution and scale. In the current study we describe a new method that applies recent advances in image-based tracking to study incipient group formation and evolution with experimental precision and control. In this method, which we term "in vivo behavioral tracking," we track individuals' movements with a high definition video camera mounted atop a large field laboratory. We report results of an initial study that quantifies the composition, structure, and size of the incipient groups. We also apply in-vivo spatial tracking to study participants' tendency to cooperate as a function of their embeddedness in those crowds. We find that participants form groups of seven on average, are more likely to approach others of similar attractiveness and (to a lesser extent) gender, and that participants' gender and attractiveness are both associated with their proximity to the spatial center of groups (such that women and attractive individuals are more likely than men and unattractive individuals to end up in the center of their groups). Furthermore, participants' proximity to others early in the study predicted the effort they exerted in a subsequent cooperative task, suggesting that submergence in a crowd may predict social loafing. We conclude that in vivo behavioral tracking is a uniquely powerful new tool for answering longstanding, fundamental questions about group dynamics

    Computational Methods Used in Hit-to-Lead and Lead Optimization Stages of Structure-Based Drug Discovery

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    GPCR modeling approaches are widely used in the hit-to-lead (H2L) and lead optimization (LO) stages of drug discovery. The aims of these modeling approaches are to predict the 3D structures of the receptor-ligand complexes, to explore the key interactions between the receptor and the ligand and to utilize these insights in the design of new molecules with improved binding, selectivity or other pharmacological properties. In this book chapter, we present a brief survey of key computational approaches integrated with hierarchical GPCR modeling protocol (HGMP) used in hit-to-lead (H2L) and in lead optimization (LO) stages of structure-based drug discovery (SBDD). We outline the differences in modeling strategies used in H2L and LO of SBDD and illustrate how these tools have been applied in three drug discovery projects

    S-nitrosylation and S-glutathionylation of Cys134 on troponin I have opposing competitive actions on Ca2+ sensitivity in rat fast-twitch muscle fibers

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    Nitric oxide is generated in skeletal muscle with activity and decreases Ca2+sensitivity of the contractile apparatus, putatively by S-nitrosylation of an unidentified protein. We investigated the mechanistic basis of this effect and its relationship to the oxidation-induced increase in Ca2+sensitivity in mammalian fast-twitch (FT) fibers mediated by S-glutathionylation of Cys134 on fast troponin I (TnIf). Force-[Ca2+] characteristics of the contractile apparatus in mechanically skinned fibers were assessed by direct activation with heavily Ca2+-buffered solutions. Treatment with S-nitrosylating agents, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) or S-nitroso- N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP), decreased pCa50( = −log10[Ca2+] at half-maximal activation) by ~−0.07 pCa units in rat and human FT fibers without affecting maximum force, but had no effect on rat and human slow-twitch fibers or toad or chicken FT fibers, which all lack Cys134. The Ca2+sensitivity decrease was 1) fully reversed with dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione, 2) at least partially reversed with ascorbate, indicative of involvement of S-nitrosylation, and 3) irreversibly blocked by low concentration of the alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The biotin-switch assay showed that both GSNO and SNAP treatments caused S-nitrosylation of TnIf. S-glutathionylation pretreatment blocked the effects of S-nitrosylation on Ca2+sensitivity, and vice-versa. S-nitrosylation pretreatment prevented NEM from irreversibly blocking S-glutathionylation of TnIfand its effects on Ca2+sensitivity, and likewise S-glutathionylation pretreatment prevented NEM block of S-nitrosylation. Following substitution of TnIfinto rat slow-twitch fibers, S-nitrosylation treatment caused decreased Ca2+sensitivity. These findings demonstrate that S-nitrosylation and S-glutathionylation exert opposing effects on Ca2+sensitivity in mammalian FT muscle fibers, mediated by competitive actions on Cys134 of TnIf.</jats:p