31,525 research outputs found

    Determining optimal cadence for an individual road cyclist from field data

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    The cadence that maximises power output developed at the crank by an individual cyclist is conventionally determined using a laboratory test. The purpose of this study was two-fold: (i) to show that such a cadence, which we call the optimal cadence, can be determined using power output, heart-rate, and cadence measured in the field and (ii) to describe methodology to do so. For an individual cyclist's sessions, power output is related to cadence and the elicited heart-rate using a non-linear regression model. Optimal cadences are found for two riders (83 and 70 revolutions per minute, respectively); these cadences are similar to the riders’ preferred cadences (82–92?rpm and 65–75?rpm). Power output reduces by approximately 6% for cadences 20?rpm above or below optimum. Our methodology can be used by a rider to determine an optimal cadence without laboratory testing intervention: the rider will need to collect power output, heart-rate, and cadence measurements from training and racing sessions over an extended period (>6 months); ride at a range of cadences within those sessions; and calculate his/her optimal cadence using the methodology described or a software tool that implements it

    Environmental impacts of alternative cement binders.

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    Cement production is among the most difficult industrial activities to decarbonize. Various measures have been proposed and explored to reduce its CO2 emissions. Among these measures, the substitution of portland cement (PC) clinker with alternative materials is arguably the most effective, and consequently is an area of high research and commercial interest. However, few studies have systematically quantified environmental impacts of alternative, i.e., non-PC, clinkers. Here, we quantify and compare environmental impacts arising from the production of binders derived from several of the most commonly investigated alternative cement systems. We show that binders derived from most of these alternative cements result in lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as other indicators of environmental impacts relative to the PC binder. The extent of these reductions varies as a function of energy requirements for production, process-related emissions from clinker formation, and raw materials demand. While utilization of alternative cements can be environmentally beneficial, similar reductions in GHG emissions can be achieved through use of partial replacement of PC with mineral admixtures. In this work, we quantitatively demonstrate the potential for alternative binders to mitigate environmental burdens and highlight the need to consider trade-offs among environmental impact categories when assessing these products

    Hysteresis of Natural Magnetite Ensembles: Micromagnetics of Silicate-Hosted Magnetite Inclusions Based on Focused-Ion-Beam Nanotomography

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    Three-dimensional geometries of silicate-hosted magnetic inclusions from the Harcus intrusion, South Australia have been determined using focused-ion-beam nanotomography (FIB-nt). By developing an effective workflow, the geometries were reconstructed for magnetic particles in a plagioclase (162) and a pyroxene (282), respectively. For each inclusion, micromagnetic modelling using MERRILL provided averaged hysteresis loops and backfield remanence curves of 20 equidistributed field directions together with average Ms, Mrs, Hc, and Hcr . The micromagnetic structures within each silicate are single-domain, single-vortex, multi-vortex and multi-domain states. They have been analyzed using domain-state diagnostic plots, such as the Day plot and the Néel plot. SD particles can be subdivided into groups with dominant uniaxial anisotropy (Mrs/Ms ∼ 0.5 and 10 < Hc < 100 mT) and mixed uniaxial/multiaxial anisotropy (Mrs/Ms ∼ 0.7 and 10 < Hc < 30 mT). Most single-vortex particles lie on a trend with 0 < Mrs/Ms < 0.1 and 0 < Hc < 10 mT, while others dis- play a broad range of intermediate Mrs/Ms and Hc values. Single-vortex and multi-vortex states do not plot on systematic grain-size trends. Instead, the multi-component mixture of domain states within each silicate spans the entire range of natural variability seen in bulk samples. This questions the interpretation of bulk average hysteresis parameters in terms of grain size alone. FIB-nt combined with large-scale micromagnetic simulations provides a more complete characterization of silicate-hosted carriers of stable magnetic remanence. This approach will improve the understanding of single-crystal paleomagnetism, and enable primary paleomagnetic data to be extracted from ancient rocks

    Probing Current Sheet Instabilities from Flare Ribbon Dynamics

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    The presence of current sheet instabilities, such as the tearing mode instability, are needed to account for the observed rate of energy release in solar flares. Insights into these current sheet dynamics can be revealed by the behavior of flare ribbon substructure, as magnetic reconnection accelerates particles down newly reconnected field lines into the chromosphere to mark the flare footpoints. Behavior in the ribbons can therefore be used to probe processes occurring in the current sheet. In this study, we use high-cadence (1.7 s) IRIS Slit Jaw Imager observations to probe for the growth and evolution of key spatial scales along the flare ribbons—resulting from dynamics across the current sheet of a small solar flare on 2016 December 6. Combining analyses of spatial scale growth with Si iv nonthermal velocities, we piece together a timeline of flare onset for this confined event, and provide evidence of the tearing mode instability triggering a cascade and inverse cascade toward a power spectrum consistent with plasma turbulence

    Universal scaling properties of extremal cohesive holographic phases

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    We show that strongly-coupled, translation-invariant holographic IR phases at finite density can be classified according to the scaling behaviour of the metric, the electric potential and the electric flux introducing four critical exponents, independently of the details of the setup. Solutions fall into two classes, depending on whether they break relativistic symmetry or not. The critical exponents determine key properties of these phases, like thermodynamic stability, the (ir)relevant deformations around them, the low-frequency scaling of the optical conductivity and the nature of the spectrum for electric perturbations. We also study the scaling behaviour of the electric flux through bulk minimal surfaces using the Hartnoll-Radicevic order parameter, and characterize the deviation from the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription in terms of the critical exponents.Comment: v4: corrected a typo in eqn (3.29), now (3.28). Conclusions unchange

    Linking inter-annual variation in environment, phenology, and abundance for a montane butterfly community (article)

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    This is the final version. Available from the Ecological Society of America via the DOI in this record. The dataset associated with this article is located in ORE at: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.1963Climate change has caused widespread shifts in species’ phenology, but the consequences for population and community dynamics remain unclear because of uncertainty regarding the species-specific drivers of phenology and abundance, and the implications for synchrony among interacting species. Here, we develop a statistical model to quantify inter-annual variation in phenology and abundance over an environmental gradient, and use it to identify potential drivers of phenology and abundance in co-occurring species. We fit the model to counts of 10 butterfly species with single annual generations over a mountain elevation gradient, as an exemplar system in which temporally limited availability of biotic resources and favorable abiotic conditions impose narrow windows of seasonal activity. We estimate parameters describing changes in abundance, and the peak time and duration of the flight period, over ten years (2004–2013) and across twenty sample locations (930–2,050 m) in central Spain. We also use the model outputs to investigate relationships of phenology and abundance with temperature and rainfall. Annual shifts in phenology were remarkably consistent among species, typically showing earlier flight periods during years with warm conditions in March or May–June. In contrast, inter-annual variation in relative abundance was more variable among species, and generally less well associated with climatic conditions. Nevertheless, warmer temperatures in June were associated with increased relative population growth in three species, and five species had increased relative population growth in years with earlier flight periods. These results suggest that broadly coherent interspecific changes to phenology could help to maintain temporal synchrony in community dynamics under climate change, but that the relative composition of communities may vary due to interspecific inconsistency in population dynamic responses to climate change. However, it may still be possible to predict abundance change for species based on a robust understanding of relationships between their population dynamics and phenology, and the environmental drivers of both.Royal SocietyNatural Environment Research Counci

    Comparison of methods for determining unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the wet range to evaluate the sensitivity of wetting front detectors

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    The design of passive lysimeters or wetting front detectors determines the tensions at which they collect a water sample from an unsaturated soil. When deployed in the field to help manage irrigation, it is necessary to know the minimum flux of water that can be sampled by a passive lysimeter and how this relates to the drainage flux at field capacity. This requires a good estimate of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity characteristic, K(h), in the wet range (&lt; 10 kPa). We compared various field, laboratory and theoretical approaches for obtaining the K(h) function and compared these to a reference K(h) function derived by applying inverse modelling approaches to field drainage experimental data. The Van Genuchten model and three of the pedotransfer models produced K(h) functions with a root mean square error of less than 5% compared to the reference, and appear to be simple methods of obtaining a reasonable estimate of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. However, despite the goodness of fit, there can be a 10-fold difference in conductivity at a given tension &lt; 10 kPa estimated from the different methods. Moreover, water content at field capacity depends entirely on whether field capacity is defined as time elapsed after saturation, a set tension or a minimum flux.Keywords: inverse modelling, instantaneous profile method, pedotransfer functions, wetting front detector, field capacity, HYDRUS-2

    A prospective randomized trial of fk506 versus cyclosporine after human pulmonary transplantation

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    We have conducted a unique prospective randomized study to compare the effect of PK506 and cyclosporine (CsA) as the principal immunosuppressive agents after pulmonary transplantation. Between October 1991 and March 1993, 74 lung transplants (35 single lung transplants [SLT], 39 bilateral lung transplant [BLT]) were performed on 74 recipients who were randomly assigned to receive either FK or CsA. Thirty-eight recipients (19 SLT, 19 BLT) received FK and 36 recipients (16 SLT, 20 BLT) received CsA. Recipients receiving FK or CsA were similar in age, gender, preoperative New York Heart Association functional class, and underlying disease. Acute rejection (ACR) was assessed by clinical, radiographic, and histologic criteria. ACR was treated with methylprednisolone, 1 g i.v./day, for three days or rabbit antithymocyte globulin if steroid-resistant.During the first 30 days after transplant, one patient in the FK group died of cerebral edema, while two recipients treated with CsA died of bacterial pneumonia (1) and cardiac arrest (1) (P=NS). Although one-year survival was similar between the groups, the number of recipients free from ACR in the FK group was significantly higher as compared with the CsA group (P<0.05). Bacterial and viral pneumonias were the major causes of late graft failure in both groups. The mean number of episodes of ACR/ 100 patient days was significantly fewer in the FK group (1.2) as compared with the CsA group (2.0) (P<0.05). While only one recipient (1/36=3%) in the group treated with CsA remained free from ACR within 120 days of transplantation, 13% (5/38) of the group treated with FK remained free from ACR during this interval (P<0.05). The prevalence of bacterial infection in the CsA group was 1.5 episodes/100 patient days and 0.6 episodes/100 patient days in the FK group. The prevalence of cytomegaloviral and fungal infection was similar in both groups.Although the presence of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections was similar in the two groups, ACR occurred less frequently in the FK-treated group as compared with the CsA-treated group in the early postoperative period (<90 days). Early graft survival at 30 days was similar in the two groups, but intermediate graft survival at 6 months was better in the FK group as compared with the CsA group. © 1994 by Williams and Wilkins
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