170 research outputs found


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    Postoperative patients often experience difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living, especially during the recovery period, causing patients to depend on their families and need support in recovery. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and the level of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) in postoperative patients at Arifin Achmad Hospital Pekanbaru. Method this study used a correlation descriptive design and a cross sectional approach. The research sample was 61 respondents with inclusion criteria using a acccidental sampling technique. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test. The result of the 61 respondents studied, the majority of postoperative respondents received high family support, totaling 39 respondents, of which 1 (2.6%) were heavily dependent and 38 (97.4%) were independent. The results of the chi-square test in statistical analysis yielded a p value of 0.000 < (α = 0.05) so that H0 was rejected. Conclusion is family support has a relationship with the level of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) in postoperative patients.


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    Background: oral health is part of health case because a good oral care will support the general health of pregnant women. Each health care personnel have an important role to support the pregnant women to check their oral health condition to dental health care facilities. This is because the behavior of the pregnant women to control their oral health during pregnancy is still relatively low. Therefore planned classroom teaching methods pregnant women.Methods: Observational descriptive cross sectional study. Techniques of collecting data using questionnaires, the samples were 72 people who fit the criteria of inclusion and exclusion that has been determined. The data obtained are then processed using SPSS version 22.0. Result: in this study, have had bleeding gums during pregnancy is 59.7%. Then, there is 73.6% has never been to a dentist or other dental health service to control and clean their teeth during pregnancy. Conclusion: oral health behavior of pregnant women which include brushing frequency is twice a day or more. In case of using dental floss and use mouthwash was never. Handling of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is rinse with water. Many respondents have not received information about oral health during pregnancy and never made a visit to the dentist

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Cakrawala Citramega Multifinance Kota Palembang

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    With this research, researchers have a goal of knowing job satisfaction on employee performance at PT CCM Palembang City. Research method is quantitative with a total of 35 employees as respondents using a simple linear regression analysis technique. Data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires. Based on the research conclusions, job satisfaction at PT CCM Palembang City has a positive effect with a Tcount = 6.725 &gt; Ttable = 1.690 and a significant value of 0.00 &lt;0.05 and shows an R Square number of 0.565 on employee performance. The simple linear regression equation yields Y = 14.644 + 0.572X, indicating that job satisfaction at PT Cakrawala Citramega Multifinance Palembang City has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Keywords: satisfaction, performance, employe

    The Effect of Internal Factor Toward Banking Credit Distribution

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    The country's economy is supported by banking institutions. This is because the benefits of credit are greater compared to other bank businesses such as savings fund deposit services fees, interbank delivery service fees and so on. Internal factors that affect lending include CAR, ROA, NPL, LDR and BOPO. This research was conducted with the aim of simultaneously testing CAR, ROA, NPL, LDR and BOPO on bank credit distribution. The research sample is the bank with the largest number of assets in Indonesia. Data were obtained from the financial statements of the Persero's commercial banks from 2013 to 2017, using the panel data regression data analysis method. The results of hypothesis testing on CAR have a positive influence on lending, ROA also has a positive effect on lending, NPL has a negative effect, LDR has a positive effect, BOPO has a negative effect, whereas if tested simultaneously, CAR, LDR, NPL, LDR and BOPO has a positive effect on lending. With regard to the above conclusions, bank management should be able to take into account the trend of financial ratios for several years, before determining the lending polic

    Willingness To Pay Masyarakat dalam Mengurangi Dampak Sampah Rumah Tangga

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the willingness to pay in the City of Tarakan. Its aim focuses on reducing the negative impact of waste and determine how much influence the value of the willingness to pay the community in reducing the harmful effects of waste in the City of Tarakan. The type of data used in the study is primary data and secondary data. The research location was carried out in four sub-districts in Tarakan City, the research took 30 days to distribute questionnaires, and 400 respondents were received in four sub-districts. City of Tarakan in the amount of Rp. 16575. Simultaneous test results showed that the independent variables namely age, sex, level of education, number of family members and income affect WTP (willingness to pay the community)

    Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dengan Kecenderungan Gaya Hidup Hedonis Mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Mahasiswi adalah calon penerus bangsa yang diharapkan mampu memberikan yang terbaik untuk bangsa dan juga mampu menyatukan serta menyampaikan pikiran dan hati nurani untuk memajukan bangsa. Pada kenyataannya mahasiswa zaman sekarang cenderung mengagung-agungkan kesenangan dan kenikmatan dalam menjalani hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu: Ada hubungan negatif antara konsep diri dengan kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis pada mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Cluster random sampling yaitu melakukan random pada fakultas yang akan dikenai penelitian, sehingga terpilihlah 5 fakultas dengan jumlah subjek 100 orang. Karakteristik sampelnya adalah mahasiswi yang berusia 17-21 dan masih aktif kuliah. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala yang digunakan adalah skala konsep diri dan skala kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis, teknik analisis data menggunakan product moment dan uji regresi yang diolah dengan program SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan teknik analisis product moment dari Pearson diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar -0,386 dengan p = 0,000 (p < 0,05) artinya ada hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara konsep diri dengan kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis. Aspek konsep diri yang paling berpengaruh adalah konsep diri fisik dengan (r) sebesar -273 dengan p = 0,007 jika (p ≤ 0,05). Sumbangan efektif variabel konsep diri terhadap kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis sebesar 14,9% yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien determinan (r²) = 0,149. Hasil penelitian tersebut tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh konsep diri saja tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain di luar konsep diri yaitu sebesar 85,1%. Rerata empirik variabel konsep diri sebesar 152,32 dan rerata hipotetik sebesar 125 yang berarti konsep diri subjek tergolong tinggi. Rerata empirik kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis sebesar 59,46 dan rerata hipotetik sebesar 60 yang berarti kecenderungan gaya hidup hedonis subjek tergolong sedang


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    Insomnia merupakan kesulitan untuk tidur atau kesulitan untuk tetap tidur, bahkan seseorang yang terbangun dari tidur, tetapi merasa belum cukup tidur. Menurut studi epidemiologi mengungkapkan insomnia mempengaruhi 15-40% populasi di dunia. Menurut United States Census Bureau, International Data Base tahun 2004 terhadap penduduk Indonesia dinyatakan bahwa dari 238,5 juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia, sebanyak 28 juta jiwa (11,7%) mengalami insomnia. Angka ini membuat insomnia sebagai salah satu gangguan paling banyak yang dikeluhkan masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersiat deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap insomnia pada Mahasiswa Kepaniteraan Klinik Senior (KKS) Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini mencakup Seluruh Mahasiswa KKS di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat/Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas (IKM/IKK) Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan prevalensi insomnia pada Mahasiswa KKS di Bagian IKM/IKK Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah yaitu sebanyak 25%. Mahasiswa KKS yang mengalami insomnia berpengetahuan tidak baik yaitu 25% dan pada kategori berpengetahuan baik yaitu 25%, atau tidak terdapat kecenderungan hubungan antara insomnia dan tidak. Sikap dari kelompok menderita insomnia berada dalam kategori tidak setuju yaitu 14,3% dan pada kategori setuju yaitu 35,7%. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak responden secara umum telah mengetahui tentang insomnia yang meliputi penyebab, akibat maupun manfaat tidur. Kata kunci: insomnia, sikap, pengetahuan, Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedoktera


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    This study aims to determine farmers' perceptions of the impact of degraded land in Tarakan City. The research was conducted at the agricultural center of Juata Permai Village. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The data collection methods used were a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The results of the score calculation related to farmers' understanding of the impact of degraded land are not good. This shows that the level of knowledge and understanding among farmers about the impacts of degraded land is still low. In terms of government response, an average of 31.37 was obtained, and it was included in the unfavorable category. This shows that the government's prevention policies are relatively ineffective and tend to be less informative. Overall, this shows that farmers' appreciation of critical land improvement is included in the agree category

    Preliminary Study on Antibacterial Activity of Sawo Kecik (Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard) Roots Extract

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    The roots of sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard) contain astringent that can be used to treat diarrhea for infants. However, the active antibacterial substance in sawo kecik roots has not been known. Therefore, the research to understand the antimicrobial activity of sawo kecik roots extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was performed. Sawo kecik roots were macerated using methanol and chloroform. The result was then treated with E.coli and S.aureus with a concentration of 5 ppm and compared to negative control (solvent) and further observed and analyzed how reduced the bacterial growth with Two Ways ANOVA without interaction. The research results indicated that the sawo kecik roots methanol extract was effective to slow down the growth of S.aureus (0.160 ± 0.007) but ineffective against E.coli, whereas sawo kecik roots chloroform extract was not effective to reduce both bacteria. It can be concluded that further research is required to measure and verify the antibacterial activity of the extract using higher concentration samples and different research methodology