441 research outputs found

    The role of FDI in Indian growth and infrastructure development

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    India has seen significant changes in its foreign policy over the past 20 years. The 1991 balance of payment crisis allowed India to embrace international trade by inviting foreign direct investment (FDI) into various sectors within its economy. The significance of these changes has made India the second most attractive destination for FDI behind China. The increase in FDI in India has coincided with the government’s ability to change to a market-oriented economy. By opening its economy to international trade, India has seen a rise in the number of multinational corporations that have moved their operations from their home country. Infrastructure development has benefitted from these enormous changes, with various sectors, including telecommunications, ports and roads, seeing an increase in the number of projects being initiated through the involvement of foreign investors. This paper will aim to highlight the changes that India has gone through since 1991 in the liberalisation of its economy. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how India has grown both, socially and economically, through the encouragement of FDI, comparing the country’s performance to other emerging economies. Finally, it will show how FDI has helped to improve India’s infrastructure development programs, and the challenges the country still faces in providing a standard of living comparable to the developed world.Nos últimos 20 anos, a Índia tem vindo a observar mudanças significativas a nível da sua política com o exterior. A crise de 1991 da balança de pagamentos permitiu de certa forma a abertura ao comércio internacional, em termos do Investimento Directo Estrangeiro (IDE). Desta forma, as significativas reformas tornaram a Índia o segundo país mais atractivo para o IDE, logo após a China. Por outro lado, o aumento do IDE na Índia coincide com a maior abertura do governo para uma Economia mais aberta, ou seja, mais orientada pelas leis do mercado. Ao abrir a sua Economia ao comércio internacional, observou-se um aumento na deslocação da produção de empresas multi-nacionais para a Índia. Assim, existiu um massivo desenvolimento a nível das infraestruturas locais, que beneficiaram com a produção estrangeira, tendo sido estes benefícios transversais a vários sectores, incluindo as telecomunicações, portos e estradas, que assim tiveram um aumento do número de projectos desde o envolvimento de capitais estrangeiros. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo destacar as principais mudanças pelas quais a Índia passou desde 1991, com a liberalização da sua Economia. Por outro lado, pretende demonstrar como a Índia se desenvolveu tanto a nível social como económico, através do incentivo ao IDE, através de uma comparação com o desempenho de outras economias emergentes. Finalmente, irá mostrar a influência do IDE no desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas, assim como terá em consideração os desafios que Índia continua a enfrentar em termos da qualidade e nível de vida, comparando com países desenvolvidos

    Indigenous Language and Church Teaching in Nigeria: An Assessment of Kuteb Songs in Kwambai Community

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    The worship mode of Africans is often enriched by songs that contain expressions of their faith recount stories or render praise to God They have taken pleasure and given regard to composing these songs in their local dialect thus communicating the essence of Bible messages in ways that English language could not have been able to do These songs have done much in Church teaching indicating that mother tongue is a key factor in communicating to a larger audience in Kwambai community Though English language was the original medium through which Christianity was propagated among them the people have adopted and modified the gospel message to suit their needs The assessment in this study relied on observation and unstructured interviews with song composers and other members of the community The study opines that the role of mother tongue in communication cannot be underplayed if people in local communities will be reached with the message of the Gospe

    Parity of the neutron consistent with neutron-antineutron oscillations

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    In the analysis of neutron-antineutron oscillations, it has recently been argued in the literature that the use of the i gamma(0) parity n(p)(t, -(x) over right arrow) = i gamma(0)n(t, -(x) over right arrow), which is consistent with the Majorana condition, is mandatory and that the ordinary parity transformation of the neutron field n(p)(t, -(x) over right arrow) = i gamma(0)n(t, -(x) over right arrow) has difficulties. We show that a careful treatment of the ordinary parity transformation of the neutron works in the analysis of neutron-antineutron oscillations. Technically, CP symmetry in a mass diagonalization procedure is important and the two parity transformations i gamma(0)-parity and gamma(0)-parity are compensated for by the PauliGursey transformation. Our analysis shows that either choice of parity gives the correct results for neutronantineutron oscillations if carefully treated.Peer reviewe


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    AbstrakBadan Permusyawaratan Desa merupakan sarana bagi Kepala Desa di Desa Lompad Kecamatan Ranoyapo dan masyarakat dalam merencanakan setiap kegiatan pembangunan desanya, oleh karena itu di sini dibutuhkan prakarsa dan swadaya masyarakat untuk ikut serta dalam merencanakan pembangunan di desanya sendiri. Hal ini Berarti masyarakat dapat dikatakan harus berpartisipasi dalam setiap kegiatan-kegiatan dan sebagai subjek dalam perencanaan-perencanaan pembangunan di desanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan Badan Permusyawaratan dalam menjaring/menyerap aspirasi masyarakat desa lompad sangat besar, merekalah yang menyerap aspirasi masyarakat tentang hal-hal apa yang lebih dipentingkan oleh masyarakat dalam pembangunan di desa Lompad. Begitu juga dalam pelaksanaan penerapan aspirasi masyarakat BPD desa Lompad mempunyai metode-metode yang efiktif dengan cara mengadakan musyawarah desa dan menyediakan tempat-tempat untuk masyarakat dalam menyampaikan aspirasinya, dan peran Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam menetapkan prioritas pembangunan sudah baik dengan selalu berlandaskan aspirasi dari masyarakat dan dalam tahap penetapan prioritas program pembangunan di desa lompad ditetapkan setelah aspirasi masyarakat tertampung dengan menyesuaikan kondisi yang ada di desa lompad sendiri.Kata Kunci : Peranan, BPD, Aspirasi, Skala Priorita


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    Kota Samarinda dihadiri oleh aneka kuliner khas Kalimantan Timur. Di kota Samarinda belum ada fasilitas yang mewadahi semua kegiatan bidang Kuliner baik dalam hal wisata. Usaha yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan bidang kuliner untuk sarana informatif dan sarana wisata. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian deskriptif, penelitian ini menganalisis objek pembanding untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan sebagai acuan dalam proses rancangan selanjutnya. Taman Wisata Kuliner ini menggunakan konsep Citywalk dan dengan pendekatan Urban tourism, penggabungan taman wisata kuliner dengan konsep city walk serta penggunaan tema bangunan yaitu urban tourism menjadikan taman wisata kuliner ini menjadi kawasan yang nyaman bagi para pengunjung. Menerapkan konsep Makro (Rekreatif), konsep makro tatanan lahan (Terarah), konsep bentuk (Kontemporer) dan konsep mikro ruang (Rekreatif). Hasil rancangan ini diharapkan menjadi obyek budaya kuliner yang dapat memberikan konstribusi positif bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat serta yang dapat memberikan obyek wisata bagi masyarakat, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang tertarik tentang kuliner makanan khas Kalimantan Timur di kota Samarinda


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    Natural disasters are one of the things that have risks and hazards to the population. This study aims to simulate the flood hazard and calculate its impact on the Hitoyoshi area, Japan residential areas. Hitoyoshi was chosen as the case study because the area experienced a catastrophic flood in 2020 that destroyed the city. The calculation of the impact of this study is also based on mapping the area based on land function, damage to buildings, and building materials, especially in areas affected by floods in the city of Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto. The results of this study indicate how much risk will be caused by flooding, especially in the Hitoyoshi area, with simulations carried out in ArcGIS software. In addition, the simulated hazard map is overlaid with buildings to determine the impact caused by the Hitoyoshi Area. This research aims to provide input for the Japanese institution in increasing the risk of natural disasters against floods, especially in the Hitoyoshi area, in dealing with future disasters. Simulations carried out in areas that have been affected by flooding by making a hazard map and validating it to prove the accuracy of the data are expected to be used and applied in several other countries besides Japan

    Observation of thundercloud-related gamma rays and neutrons in Tibet

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    During the 2010 rainy season in Yangbajing (4300 m above sea level) in Tibet, China, a long-duration count enhancement associated with thunderclouds was detected by a solar-neutron telescope and neutron monitors installed at the Yangbajing Comic Ray Observatory. The event, lasting for ∼40  min, was observed on July 22, 2010. The solar-neutron telescope detected significant γ-ray signals with energies >40  MeV in the event. Such a prolonged high-energy event has never been observed in association with thunderclouds, clearly suggesting that electron acceleration lasts for 40 min in thunderclouds. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations showed that >10  MeV γ rays largely contribute to the neutron monitor signals, while >1  keV neutrons produced via a photonuclear reaction contribute relatively less to the signals. This result suggests that enhancements of neutron monitors during thunderstorms are not necessarily clear evidence for neutron production, as previously thought

    Estimating Walk Score and Examining Its Association with Safety Factors of Neighborhood Environment in Kumamoto, Japan

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