1,101 research outputs found

    Macroevolution and adaptive processes of the Leptocoeliidae family (Brachiopoda) throughout the Silurian and Devonian. e2321742

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    The Leptocoeliidae family (genera Anabaia, Australocoelia, Eocoelia, Leptocoelia, Leptocoelina and Pacificocoelia) has an important place in the global paleobiogeography, during the Silurian and Devonian. During these periods, global climate changes impacted a lot of invertebrate faunas in the epicontinental seas of Gondwana. In the Silurian, the genus Eocoelia reached a cosmopolitan behavior, while Leptocoeliaemerged by adaptive sympatric processes and Anabaia became extinct. After that, during the Devonian, the genus Australocoelia emerged and reached cosmopolitan levels while Leptocoelina and Pacificocoelia emerged by sympatries in the equatorial regions. Australocoelia, during the Devonian, occupied the same ecological niches that were previously occupied by Anabaia in the Silurian. It can be said that the same occurred with Pacificocoelia and Eocoloelia in the seas of Laurentia, configuring a process of succession of fauna

    A (in) Exigibilidade do IPI Sobre Operações de Aquisição de Veículos Importados para Uso Próprio

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    The federal tax authority does not admit that on the operations for the purchase of automotive vehicles imported for own use take place an immunity of the tax over industrialized products IPI -, which is why the tax is required for customs clearance. Taxpayers, in turn, seek to national courts along the unenforceability of declaration of such exaction on this mode of operation, arguing not perform the triggering event of levy of the tax, and that its requirement affront to the principle of non-cumulative. Recently, the Superior Court of Justice - STJ, in the judgment of the Special Appeal No. 1,396,488 / SC subjected to systematic rite of repetitive appeals (. Art 543-C CPC), has positioned itself in favor of taxpayers. Under the Supreme Court - STF, the question was affected by general repercussion in the wake of the case of Extraordinary Appeal No. 723651 / PR, which had not yet completed his trial, but already has voted in favor of tax requirement pronounced by the rapporteur. Given the controversy surrounding the issue through the present study we aim to analyze the tax incidence matrix rule of IPI and features attached thereto for following be concluded or not by your requirement in this type of operation. Therefore, research will be conducted will doctrine and jurisprudence, in works by Brazilian authors and decisions of national courts, seeking the literature review on the topic proposed in order to identify the produced scientific contributions and, from the deductive method, formulate our understanding about the issue.O fisco federal não admite que sobre as operações de aquisição de veículos automotores importados para uso próprio não seja cobrado o imposto sobre produtos industrializados - IPI, razão pela qual o tributo é exigido no desembaraço aduaneiro. Os contribuintes, por sua vez, buscam junto aos tribunais pátrios a declaração de inexigibilidade de tal exação sobre essa modalidade de operação, argumentando não realizarem o fato gerador da incidência do tributo, bem como que a sua exigência afronta o princípio da não cumulatividade. Recentemente, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça  STJ, no julgamento do Recurso Especial nº1.396.488/SC submetido à sistemática do rito dos recursos repetitivos (art. 543-C do Código de Processo Civil), posicionou-se a favor dos contribuintes. No âmbito do Supremo Tribunal Federal  STF, a questão fora afetada por repercussão geral no bojo dos autos do Recurso Extraordinário nº 723.651/PR, o qual ainda não teve seu julgamento concluído, mas já possui voto favorável à exigência do tributo prolatado pelo relator. Haja vista a controvérsia que circunda a questão, por meio do presente estudo busca-se analisar a regra matriz de incidência tributária do IPI e as características a ele inerentes para, na sequência, concluir-se ou não por sua exigência nesse tipo de operação. Para tanto, será realizada pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial, em obras de autores brasileiros e decisões dos tribunais pátrios, visando a revisão bibliográfica acerca do tema proposto com o intuito de identificar as contribuições científicas produzidas e, a partir do método dedutivo, formular o nosso entendimento sobre a questão

    OCURRENCE OF LINGULAPHOLIS (CRANIOPSIDAE, BRACHIOPODA) IN THE PIMENTEIRA FORMATION (DEVONIAN, PARNAÍBA BASIN): Registro de Lingulapholis (Craniopsidae, Brachiopoda) na Formação Pimenteira (Devoniano, Bacia de Parnaíba)

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    The genus Lingulapholis had temporal and spatial restrictions during the Devonian, being found only in Colombia and the United States. In Brazil, its related taxa Craniops is common in the Amazonas, Paraná, and Parnaíba basins. New data from the cities of Picos and Itainópolis, east flank of Parnaíba Basin, led to the discovery of a yet previously undescribed brachiopod genus for this region of Gondwana. The Lingulapholis brachiopod was found associated with plant fragments under conditions of moderate to low hydrodynamic energy as indicated by ichnological assemblage, in proximal expressions of Cruziana ichnofacies alternated to Skolithos ichnofacies. The presence of Lingulapholis suggests that the Parnaíba Basin was inserted in the zone of diffuse faunal mixing during the Middle Devonian.ABSTRACT - The genus Lingulapholis had temporal and spatial restrictions during the Devonian, being found only in Colombia and the United States. In Brazil, its related taxa Craniops is common in the Amazonas, Paraná, and Parnaíba basins. New data from the cities of Picos and Itainópolis, east flank of Parnaíba Basin, led to the discovery of a yet previously undescribed brachiopod genus for this region of Gondwana. The Lingulapholis brachiopod was found associated with plant fragments under conditions of moderate to low hydrodynamic energy as indicated by ichnological assemblage, in proximal expressions of Cruziana ichnofacies alternated to Skolithos ichnofacies. The presence of Lingulapholis suggests that the Parnaíba Basin was inserted in the zone of diffuse faunal mixing during the Middle Devonian. RESUMO - - O gênero Lingulapholis teve restrições temporais e espaciais durante o Devoniano, sendo encontrado apenas na Colômbia e nos Estados Unidos. No Brasil, seu táxon relacionado Craniops é comum nas bacias do Amazonas, Paraná e Parnaíba. Novos dados das cidades de Picos e Itainópolis, flanco leste da Bacia do Parnaíba, levaram à descoberta de um gênero de braquiópode ainda não descrito para esta região do Gondwana. O braquiópode Lingulapholis foi encontrado associado a fragmentos de plantas em condições de moderada a baixa energia hidrodinâmica, conforme indicado pela assembleia icnológica, em expressões próximas de icnofácies Cruziana alternadas a icnofácies Skolithos. A presença de Lingulapholis sugere que a Bacia do Parnaíba esteve inserida na zona de mistura faunística difusa durante o Devoniano Médio

    Weaknesses and challenges on spatial planning of rural areas in Brazil

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    É necessário que as áreas rurais sejam pensadas e planejadas de forma integrada às áreas urbanas, uma vez que há uma relação de trocas de matéria e energia constante entre elas e que as tornam dependentes uma da outra. Entretanto, esta ainda aparenta ser uma prática deficiente em boa parte dos municípios brasileiros. Este trabalho busca identificar as deficiências e desafios quanto ao planejamento territorial de áreas rurais no Brasil e dar contribuições ao debate. É dada atenção ao Plano Diretor municipal como instrumento de planejamento territorial e à sua esperada relação com o rural e com instrumentos de planejamento ambiental. Constata-se uma distancia entre a teoria e a prática, ainda que haja instrumentos para tal, indicando a necessidade de maior integração entre estes, entre as escalas e recortes de trabalho, e entre as perspectivas de planejamento urbana e ambiental, reforçando a importância da visão regional neste processo31221Rural and urban areas should be designed and planned in an integrated way, once there is a constant exchange of matter and energy between them, which makes them dependent on each other. However, there is no optimistic expectation that this is a common practice among the Brazilian municipalities. This paper seeks to identify the weaknesses and challenges faced by spatial planning of rural areas in Brazil and give contributions to the debate. Attention is given to the Municipal Master plan as an instrument of spatial planning, and to its relation with rural issues and with other environmental planning tools. There seems to be a distance between theory and practice, even though, there are instruments available to do so, suggesting the necessity of deeper integration between them, between scales and areas of work and, between the two planning perspectives, reinforcing the regional planning approach in this proces

    Rural areas in planning: proposal of a basic framework to prepare municipal master plan

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    Grande enfoque é dado ao planejamento urbano enquanto é observada e aprofundada a necessidade de ampliar a atenção e discussão sobre o planejamento territorial de áreas rurais no Brasil. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo a proposição de uma estrutura base para nortear a elaboração e revisão do Plano Diretor Municipal considerando propostas existentes e fortalecendo a articulação do Plano Diretor com outros instrumentos de planejamento oriundos da política ambiental. Para tanto, buscou na teoria de planejamento ambiental, pontos chave para nortear a proposta, como, por exemplo, levantamento e análise de forma integrada de aspectos físicos, biológicos e culturais, inclusão de valores sociais, integração entre diferentes recortes e escalas de planejamento e participação pública. Baseado em revisão bibliográfica e documental, permitiu mesclar elementos da perspectiva ambiental à perspectiva urbanística, reforçando a necessidade de trabalhar tais perspectivas, seus planos e instrumentos de forma complementar e integrada411537Major focus is given to urban planning, while the necessity of going deeper and wider in the discussion and attention over rural areas spatial planning is observed in Brazil. In this sense, this paper has as goal to propose a basic framework to guide the processes of elaboration and revision of the Municipal Master Plan, taking into account other existing frameworks and reinforcing the interrelation between the Master Plan and other planning tools related to environmental policy. In order to do so, environmental planning theory was consulted and key points were selected to guide the proposal, such as, integrated survey and analysis of physical, biological and cultural aspects, inclusion of social values, integration between different territorial areas and planning scales and public participation. Based on bibliographical and documentary review, it allowed to merge elements from the environmental to the urban planning perspective, reinforcing the need to work these perspectives, plans and instruments in an integrated wa

    Compositional and microhardness findings in tooth affected by X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets

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    This study aimed to evaluate the X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLHR)-related compositional and microhardness tooth aspects. One affected and one non-affected teeth by XLHR were sectioned transversely, and each section was separated for Micro-Raman spectroscopy, Knoop microhardness and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDS). The outcomes of these analyses were assessed. Outcomes of Raman analysis of inorganic/organic components (~958/~1250+~1450 cm?1) and carbonate/phosphate (~1070/~958 cm?1) ratios showed areas of altered enamel and dentin (interglobular dentin, calcospherites, and mantle dentin) with an increase of inorganic content in the rickets tooth. Microhardness reduction was observed in the affected tooth, with a more evident drop in regions of mantle dentin, interglobular dentin, and calcospherites. SEM-EDS analysis showed demonstrated the absence of calcium and phosphorus in interglobular spaces. In conclusion, compositional and structural deficiencies were observed in deciduous tooth affected by XLHR. Also, it was observed the absence of hydroxyapatite in the interglobular dentin by using Raman spectroscopy analysis

    Autism spectrum as an etiologic systemic disorder: a protocol for an umbrella review

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder with a huge prevalence increasing every year (1/44 children). Still diagnosed as a mental disorder, the last 10 years of research found possible causes, risks, genetics, environmental triggers, epigenetics, metabolic, immunological, and neurophysiological unbalances as relevant aetiology. Umbrella methodology is the highest level of scientific evidence, designed to support clinical and political decisions. A literature search for autism aetiology, pathophysiology, or causes, conducted in the last 10 years, at PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Scopus, and the Web of Science, resulted in six umbrella reviews. Nevertheless, only one quantitative analysis reported risk factors and biomarkers but excluded genetics, experiments on animal models, and post-mortem studies. We grouped ASD’s multi-factorial causes and risks into five etiological categories: genetic, epigenetic, organic, psychogenic, and environmental. Findings suggest that autism might be evaluated as a systemic disorder instead of only through the lens of mental and behavioural. The overview implications of included studies will be qualitatively analysed under ROBIS and GRADE tools. This umbrella review can provide a rational basis for a new urgent health policy to develop better and adequate integrated care services for ASD. The methodological protocol has the register CRD42022348586 at PROSPERO.Zélia Anastácio acknowledges the support by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center on Child Studies of the University of Minho) project under the reference UIDB/00317/202

    Análise do crescimento do cafeeiro arábica, em relação à fração de água transpirável do solo

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    Understanding the need of the coffee water is essential for proper crop management, aiming obtaining higher yields and rational use of water resources. In this sense, the objective was to analyze the influence of fraction of transpirable soil water on the growth of Arabica coffee and evaluate the recovery of plants after drought. The experiment was carried out in Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, located in Alegre-ES municipality, consisting of two treatments and four replicates. The treatments corresponded to the absence (T0) and presence of soil water deficit (Td), applied at 30 and 90 days after planting. The T0 kept the moisture close to field capacity soil. In Td, the deficit was applied until the plants reach 10% relative sweating T0. The variables analyzed were transpiration, leaf area and plant height. To evaluate the recovery of coffee after water stress, the plants were kept for 30 days with moisture content around field capacity. According to the results, a reduction in the variables in higher values of breathable fraction of water in soil treatment applied 30 days after planting, compared to 90 days. The plants has shown better recovery trend after the water deficit in the treatment applied at 90 days after planting.A compreensão da necessidade hídrica do cafeeiro é primordial para o manejo adequado da cultura, visando obtenção de maiores produtividades e uso racional dos recursos hídricos. Objetivou-se analisar a influência da fração de água transpirável do solo no crescimento inicial do cafeeiro arábica e avaliar a recuperação das plantas, após o déficit hídrico. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, localizada no município de Alegre-ES, sendo constituído de dois tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam à ausência (T0) e presença de déficit hídrico no solo (Td), aplicados aos 30 e 90 dias após plantio. O T0 manteve a umidade do solo próxima da capacidade de campo. No Td, o déficit foi aplicado até as plantas atingirem 10% da transpiração relativa do T0. As variáveis avaliadas foram: transpiração relativa, área foliar e altura das plantas. Para avaliar a recuperação do cafeeiro após estresse hídrico, as plantas foram mantidas por 30 dias com umidade próxima à capacidade de campo. De acordo com os resultados, houve redução nas médias das variáveis em maiores valores de fração de água transpirável do solo no tratamento aplicado aos 30 dias após plantio, em relação aos de 90 dias. As plantas apresentaram melhor tendência de recuperação após o déficit hídrico no tratamento aplicado aos 90 dias após o plantio

    Alternativas econômicas, ecológicas e divertidas para destinação de resíduos orgânicos

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    Anais do 3° Encontro Nacional de Jogos e Atividades Lúdicas no Ensino de Química, Física e Biologia (Jalequim - Level III) - Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Ensino de Química/Ciências da UNILA (NuDDEQ)Ações sustentáveis são importantes ferramentas para o ensino. A formação de cidadãos conscientes e comprometidos com as principais questões da sociedade moderna dependem da identificação do sujeito com o ambiente, e do sentimento de pertencimento da realidade apresentada ( ALCÓCER, 2015 ). Objetivou-se contribuir para a conscientização sobre a importância de aumentar o tempo de vida útil de resíduos sólidos utilizando práticas econômicas, ecológicas e divertidas

    Analysis of growth of coffee arabic in relation to water soil transpirable fraction

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    A compreensão da necessidade hídrica do cafeeiro é primordial para o manejo adequado da cultura, visando obtenção de maiores produtividades e uso racional dos recursos hídricos. Objetivou-se analisar a influência da fração de água transpirável do solo no crescimento inicial do cafeeiro arábica e avaliar a recuperação das plantas, após o déficit hídrico. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, localizada no município de Alegre-ES, sendo constituído de dois tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam à ausência (T0) e presença de déficit hídrico no solo (Td), aplicados aos 30 e 90 dias após plantio. O T0 manteve a umidade do solo próxima da capacidade de campo. No Td, o déficit foi aplicado até as plantas atingirem 10% da transpiração relativa do T0. As variáveis avaliadas foram: transpiração relativa, área foliar e altura das plantas. Para avaliar a recuperação do cafeeiro após estresse hídrico, as plantas foram mantidas por 30 dias com umidade próxima à capacidade de campo. De acordo com os resultados, houve redução nas médias das variáveis em maiores valores de fração de água transpirável do solo no tratamento aplicado aos 30 dias após plantio, em relação aos de 90 dias. As plantas apresentaram melhor tendência de recuperação após o déficit hídrico no tratamento aplicado aos 90 dias após o plantio.Understanding the need of the coffee water is essential for proper crop management, aiming obtaining higher yields and rational use of water resources. In this sense, the objective was to analyze the influence of fraction of transpirable soil water on the growth of Arabica coffee and evaluate the recovery of plants after drought. The experiment was carried out in Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, located in Alegre-ES municipality, consisting of two treatments and four replicates. The treatments corresponded to the absence (T0) and presence of soil water deficit (Td), applied at 30 and 90 days after planting. The T0 kept the moisture close to field capacity soil. In Td, the deficit was applied until the plants reach 10% relative sweating T0. The variables analyzed were transpiration, leaf area and plant height. To evaluate the recovery of coffee after water stress, the plants were kept for 30 days with moisture content around field capacity. According to the results, a reduction in the variables in higher values of breathable fraction of water in soil treatment applied 30 days after planting, compared to 90 days. The plants has shown better recovery trend after the water deficit in the treatment applied at 90 days after planting