50 research outputs found

    High Detection Rates of Enteropathogens in Asymptomatic Children Attending Day Care

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    BACKGROUND: Gastroenteritis morbidity is high among children under the age of four, especially amongst those who attend day care. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of a range of enteropathogens in the intestinal flora of children attending day care and to relate their occurrence with characteristics of the sampled child and the sampling season. METHODS: We performed three years of enteropathogen surveillance in a network of 29 child day care centers in the Netherlands. The centers were instructed to take one fecal sample from ten randomly chosen children each month, regardless of gastrointestinal symptoms at time of sampling. All samples were analyzed for the molecular detection of 16 enteropathogenic bacteria, parasites and viruses by real-time multiplex PCR. RESULTS: Enteropathogens were detected in 78.0% of the 5197 fecal samples. Of the total, 95.4% of samples were obtained from children who had no gastroenteritis symptoms at time of sampling. Bacterial enteropathogens were detected most often (most prevalent EPEC, 19.9%), followed by parasitic enteropathogens (most prevalent: D. fragilis, 22.1%) and viral enteropathogens (most prevalent: norovirus, 9.5%). 4.6% of samples related to children that experienced symptoms of gastroenteritis at time of sampling. Only rotavirus and norovirus were significantly associated with gastroenteritis among day care attendees. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that asymptomatic infections with enteropathogens in day care attendees are not a rare event and that gastroenteritis caused by infections with these enteropathogens is only one expression of their presence

    Exposure to soluble platinum salts in precious metal refinery workers over a 17-year period

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    BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to soluble chlorinated platinum (Pt) salts, commonly called chloroplatinates, is a known cause of Pt salt sensitisation (PSS) and occupational asthma. We aimed to model inhalable soluble Pt salts exposure levels based on measurements in precious metal refineries for use in a retrospective cohort study on PSS. METHODS: Five platinum refineries located in the United Kingdom (3 sites), United States, and South Africa provided time weighted average inhalable soluble Pt salts exposure data, measured in 2,982 personal air samples over a 17-year period (2000-2016). We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate geometric mean (GM) exposure levels for each refinery and job title over time. RESULTS: The GM of measured exposure levels over all facilities was 92 ng/m3 with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 9.07. Facility-specific GMs ranged from 48 ng/m3 (GSD 15.3) to 242 ng/m3 (GSD 5.99). Exposure modelling showed that soluble Pt salts exposure levels declined approximately 10% per year in two of the five facilities, but there were no clear time trends in the other facilities. A priori specified exposure groups captured most of the between-jobs differences, which helps to accurately predict exposures for jobs with no measurement data available. CONCLUSIONS: We applied exposure modelling to estimate time, refinery, and job-specific soluble Pt salts exposures. A significant annual decline in exposure levels was observed in two of the five participating facilities. Modelled exposure levels can be linked to individual workers' job history for exposure-response analysis of PSS in an epidemiological study

    Pharmacogenomic and structural analysis of constitutive G-protein coupled receptor activity

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    Premi a l'excel·lència investigadora. Àmbit de les Ciències de la Salut. 2008G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) respond to a chemically diverse plethora of signal transduction molecules. The notion that GPCRs also signal without an external chemical trigger, i.e. in a constitutive or spontaneous manner, resulted in a paradigm shift in the field of GPCR pharmacology. With the recognition of constitutive GPCR activity and the fact that GPCR binding and signaling can be strongly affected by a single point mutation, GPCR pharmacogenomics obtained a lot of attention. For a variety of GPCRs, point mutations have been convincingly linked to human disease. Mutations within conserved motifs, known to be involved in GPCR activation, might explain the properties of some naturally occurring constitutively active GPCR variants linked to disease. A brief history historical introduction to the present concept of constitutive receptor activity is given and the pharmacogenomic and the structural aspects of constitutive receptor activity are described

    Constitutive signaling of the Human Cytomegalovirus-encoded Chemokine receptor US28

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    Previously it was shown that the HHV-8-encoded chemokine receptor ORF74 shows considerable agonist-independent, constitutive activity giving rise to oncogenic transformation (Arvanitakis, L., Geras-Raaka, E., Varma, A., Gershengorn, M. C., and Cesarman, E. (1997) Nature 385, 347-350). In this study we report that a second viral-encoded chemokine receptor, the human cytomegalovirus-encoded US28, also efficiently signals in an agonist-independent manner. Transient expression of US28 in COS-7 cells leads to the constitutive activation of phospholipase C and NF-κB signaling via

    Large-scale ICU data sharing for global collaboration: the first 1633 critically ill COVID-19 patients in the Dutch Data Warehouse

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    A comparison of car ownership models

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    In this paper, car ownership models that can be found in the literature (with a focus on the recent literature and on models developed for transport planning) are classified into a number of model types. The different model types are compared on a number of criteria: inclusion of demand and supply side of the car market, level of aggregation, dynamic or static model, long-run or short-run forecasts, theoretical background, inclusion of car use, data requirements, treatment of business cars, car type segmentation, inclusion of income, of fixed and/or variable car cost, of car quality aspects, of licence holding, of socio-demographic variables and of attitudinal variables, and treatment of scrappage

    Pediatric germ cell tumors presenting beyond childhood?

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    Four cases are reported meeting the criteria of a pediatric (i.e., Type I) testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT), apart from the age of presentation, which is beyond childhood. The tumors encompass the full spectrum of histologies of pediatric TGCT: teratoma, yolk sac tumor, and various combinations of the two, and lack intratubular germ cell neoplasia/carcinoma in situ in the adjacent parenchyma. The neoplasms are (near)diploid, and lack gain of 12p, typical for seminomas and non-seminomas of the testis of adolescents and adults (i.e., Type II). It is proposed that these neoplasms are therefore late appearing pediatric (Type I) TGCT. The present report broadens the concept of earlier reported benign teratomas of the post-pubertal testis to the full spectrum of pediatric TGCT. The possible wide age range of pediatric TGCT, demonstrated in this study, lends credence to the concept that TGCT should according to their pathogenesis be classified into the previously proposed types. This classification is clinically relevant, because Type I mature teratomas are benign tumors, which are candidates for testis conserving surgery, as opposed to Type II mature teratomas, which have to be treated as Type II (malignant) non-seminomas