23,679 research outputs found

    Collective excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate by modulation of the atomic scattering length

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    We excite the lowest-lying quadrupole mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate by modulating the atomic scattering length via a Feshbach resonance. Excitation occurs at various modulation frequencies, and resonances located at the natural quadrupole frequency of the condensate and at the first harmonic are observed. We also investigate the amplitude of the excited mode as a function of modulation depth. Numerical simulations based on a variational calculation agree with our experimental results and provide insight into the observed behavior.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Recent developments in chiral dynamics of hadrons and hadrons in nuclei

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    In this talk I present recent developments in the field of hadronic physics and hadrons in the nuclear medium. I review the unitary chiral approach to meson baryon interaction and address the topics of the two dynamically generated Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) resonances, with experiments testing it, the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) and Δ(1700)\Delta(1700) resonances, plus the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520), Σ(1385)\Sigma(1385) and ω\omega in the nuclear medium.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Talk at YKIS06 Kyoto Symposium, Kyoto, december 200

    Latest results for the antikaon-nucleon optical potential

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    The key question of this letter is whether the K-nucleus optical potential is deep, as it is prefered by the phenomenological fits to kaonic atoms data, or shallow, as it comes out from unitary chiral model calculations. The current experimental situation is reviewed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Presented at the 21st European Conference on the Few-Body problems in Physics (EFB21), Salamanca, Spain, August 29 - September 3, 201

    Relação entre fatores abióticos e emissão de CO2 em sistemas agroflorestais com dendê em Tomé-Açu - PA.

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    Apesar da importância do bioma Amazônico tanto por abrigar grande biodiversidade quanto por influenciar no regime de chuvas, esta região tem sido submetida a queimadas e a mudanças no uso da terra. Nesse contexto, os sistemas alternativos de cultivo, que buscam a produção sustentável ganham espaço, como os Sistemas Agroflorestais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre a emissão de CO2 pelo solo, a temperatura e a umidade do solo em dois sistemas alternativos de cultivo de dendê, adubadeira e biodiverso, em Tomé-Açu ? PA, na área onde está sendo desenvolvido o projeto Projeto Dendê em Sistemas Agroflorestais na Agricultura Familiar. O monitoramento de CO2, temperatura e umidade do solo foi realizado no período de dezembro de 2010 a maio de 2011, em 36 pontos em cada tratamento. A análise de Correlação de Pearson foi feita para verificar se existe correlação entre o dióxido de carbono e esses fatores abióticos, também uma análise de regressão foi realizada para gerar um modelo que mostre esta relação. Foi verificada correlação linear positiva entre CO2 e temperatura do solo nos dois tratamentos analisados, e correlação linear negativa entre o gás carbônico e a umidade do solo no sistema adubadeiras. No sistema biodiverso não foi verificada relação entre esses dois componentes. Pode-se concluir que os fatores abióticos analisados interferem de forma fraca no efluxo de CO2 do solo, no período estudadoEditores técnicos: Roberto Porro, Milton Kanashiro, Maria do Socorro Gonçalves Ferreira, Leila Sobral Sampaio e Gladys Ferreira de Sousa

    Selected topics on Hadrons in Nuclei

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    In this talk we report on selected topics on hadrons in nuclei. The first topic is the renormalization of the width of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) in a nuclear medium. This is followed by a short update of the situation of the ω\omega in the medium. The investigation of the properties of Kˉ\bar{K} in the nuclear medium from the study of the (Kflight,p)(K_{flight},p) reaction is also addressed, as well as properties of X,Y,Z charmed and hidden charm resonances in a nuclear medium. Finally we address the novel issue of multimeson states.Comment: Talk at the International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vancouver, July 201

    Sound and light from fractures in scintillators

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    Prompted by intriguing events observed in certain particle-physics searches for rare events, we study light and acoustic emission simultaneously in some inorganic scintillators subject to mechanical stress. We observe mechanoluminescence in Bi4Ge3O12{Bi}_4{Ge}_{3}{O}_{12}, CdWO4{CdWO}_{4} and ZnWO4{ZnWO}_{4}, in various mechanical configurations at room temperature and ambient pressure. We analyze how the light emission is correlated to acoustic emission during fracture. For Bi4Ge3O12{Bi}_4{Ge}_{3}{O}_{12}, we set a lower bound on the energy of the emitted light, and deduce that the fraction of elastic energy converted to light is at least 3×1053 \times 10^{-5}

    Artrite-Encefalite Caprina (CAE): principais sinais clínicos.

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