16,779 research outputs found

    Managing relational capital for the sustainability of the energy sector in the social media

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    Various management models have been proposed for intangible business assets in this new digital era. However, these models do not consider the relationships between intangible assets in business management, or their effect. This work has two main objectives: first, to show the effect of intangi-ble assets as expressed in digital media related to energy brands; second, to demonstrate the rela-tionships between the emotions, experiences and attitudes of the audiences. To do so, a novel model of intangibles is proposed and applied to the energy sector using IBEX 35 data. In this sce-nario, we determine that users' experiences extracted from digital environments have significant relationships with one of the most important intangibles in the energy business, namely emotion.Vários modelos de gestão foram propostos para ativos de negócios intangíveis nesta nova era digital. No entanto, esses modelos não consideram as relações entre ativos intangíveis na gestão ou os seus efeitos. Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais: primeiro, mostrar o efeito dos ativos intangíveis expressos nos meios digitais relacionados com as marcas associadas ao setor económico da energia; segundo, demonstrar as relações entre as emoções, experiências e atitudes do público. Para esse efeito, é proposto um novo modelo de gestão de intangíveis aplicado ao setor de energia utilizando dados do IBEX 35. Nesse cenário, concluímos que as experiências dos utilizadores extraídas de ambientes digitais têm relacionamentos significativos com um dos intangíveis mais importantes no negócio de energia, ou seja, a emoção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indirect ELISA for Detection of Fascioliasis IgG Antibodies in Human Sera

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    Currently, coprological examination based on egg detection in stool samples is used as the most ideal standard for the diagnosis of human fascioliasis. However, this method has been proven not to be adequate when being employed in the acute phase of the disease, and presents a poor sensitivity during the chronic phase. Serodiagnosis has become an excellent alternative to coprological examination in efforts to combat the effects of fascioliasis on human and animal health. Human fascioliasis is usually recognized as an infection of the bile ducts and liver caused by Fasciola hepatica, known to affect over 2 million humans. In this research, Indirect Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was performed to discern between positive and negative IgG antibody titers in sera in collaboration with a lab in Peru. A batch of approximately 325 samples of human sera of endemic Fasciola hepatica from regions in Peru was gathered and sent to the laboratory in order to be examined with the method explained in the following paragraph. In the search for a test for the diagnosis of fascioliasis on humans, indirect ELISA started to be employed in order to determine positive and negative values. In the indirect ELISA test, the sample antibody is sandwiched between the antigen coated on the plate and an enzyme-labeled, anti-species globulin conjugate. The addition of an enzyme substrate-chromogen reagent causes color to develop. This color is directly proportional to the amount of bound sample antibody. The more antibody present in the sample, the stronger the color development in the test wells. Positive samples presented a very strong optical density value, while negative samples were clear or low optical density value, measured with the aid of a spectrophotometer

    Os efeitos de um plano de exercícios para o ombro na postura de voleibolistas da 1ª Divisão Nacional: fotogrametria (SAPO)

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Analisar quais as principais alterações posturais observadas no voleibolista da 1ª divisão nacional, antes e após um plano de exercícios para o ombro. Métodos: Estudo experimental longitudinal com 39 participantes (22,8±5,5 anos de idade), distribuídos por dois grupos: GC e GE.O GE realizou um plano de exercícios para o ombro durante 6 semanas. A postura foi avaliada por meio de análise computorizada de fotografias baseada no protocolo de avaliação SAPO versão 0.68. Resultados: Inicialmente da comparação intergrupo, conclui-se que apenas a variável AHC7 apresentava diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Após as 6 semanas, verificou-se que apenas existiam diferenças estatisticamente significativas na variável AQD. Na comparação intragrupo, após as 6 semanas, verificou-se que no GC 5 variáveis (ACEIAS, AQD, AQE, AVC E AHP) e no GE 6 variáveis (AFMID, AQE, AVT, AVC, AHP) demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: O plano de exercícios para o ombro não demonstrou ser eficaz para uma melhoria da postura dos voleibolistas.Objective: Analyze the main postural changes observed in volleyball players of the 1st national division, before and after an exercise plan to the shoulder. Methods: It’s a longitudinal experimental study with 39 participants (22,8±5,5 years old), assigned to two groups: GC and GE. The GE performed an exercise plan for the shoulder for 6 weeks. The posture was evaluated through computer analysis of photographs based on the evaluation protocol SAPO version 0.68. Results: Initially, with the intergroup comparison, it’s concluded that only AHC7 variable showed significant differences. After 6 weeks, it was found that there were only statistically significant differences in AQD variable. The intragroup comparison, after 6 weeks, it was found that the GC 5 variables (ACEIAS, DQA, AQE, stroke and AHP) and the GE 6 variables (AFMID, AQE, AVT, stroke, AHP) showed statistical differences significant. Conclusion: The exercise plan for the shoulder hasn’t been shown to be effective for improving the volleyball athlete posture

    Un juez musulmán de formación mallorquina

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    Ecoliteracia e literatura para a infância: quando a relação com o ambiente toma conta dos livros

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    O artigo apresenta, de forma elementar, uma conceção de ecoliteracia, as virtualidades da literatura infantil para a promover e um breve historial de publicações sobre a temática em Portugal.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Viajando da cidade para o campo: representações de cenários urbanos e rurais em dois livros ilustrados portugueses

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    Research has shown that Nature is frequently found as an important element in children’s literature. Despite being depicted in a rather superfi cial and stereotypical way and touched by humanity, it is usually represented as a fun, harmonious and even idyllic component of the story. This construction of the natural world depends on the power of language to create scenarios, shaping the way Nature is perceived, merging the aesthetic, recreational and pedagogical dimensions of children’s literature. The objective of this study is to identify how these dimensions intersect and how the theme of ecoliteracy is dealt with by focusing on two main perspectives: (a) linguistic perspective: resorting to the principles of the identifi cation of frames and their interpretative repertoire; (b) literary and semiotic perspective: establishing text-picture relationships and dynamics according to the postmodern theories on picturebooks. In order to do this, the study focuses on two children’s picturebooks published in 2009, which tell stories of car journeys involving families travelling from an urban setting to a rural one. These two picturebooks represent various forms of subjective appropriation of space and promote ecoliteracy through the relationship between the child protagonists and the surrounding environment.A investigação mostra que a natureza é presença frequente na literatura infantojuvenil e que é habitualmente confi gurada como uma entidade prazerosa, harmoniosa e até idílica, ainda que superfi cial, humanizada e estereotipada. Esta construção do mundo natural repousa sobre o poder da linguagem verbal para criar realidade, moldando a forma como a natureza é percecionada, fundindo as dimensões estética, lúdica e pedagógica da literatura para crianças e jovens. Este estudo objetiva identifi car as linhas de intersecção destas dimensões, mais especifi camente a questão da ecoliteracia, adotando duas perspetivas fundamentais: (a) uma perspetiva linguística, recorrendo à identifi cação de quadros conceptuais e ao reportório interpretativo nos quais estes são constituí- dos; (b) uma perspetiva literária e semiótica, estabelecendo relações e dinâmicas texto-imagem, segundo teoria pós-modernas de abordagem do livro ilustrado (álbum). Para cumprir o seu objetivo, este estudo analisa dois livros (álbuns) para crianças publicados em 2009 que apresentam narrativas de viagens de carro em família de áreas urbanas para áreas rurais. Estes dois livros representam diversas formas de apropriação subjetiva do espaço, no quadro da relação entre as crianças e o meio na sociedade contemporânea e ambos promovem a ecoliteracia dos leitores.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, UM (FCT R&D 317

    Urban and rural landscapes in Portuguese picture story books : reification and perceptions

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    We have chosen to study a collection of three books published by the Metropolitan Lisbon Area with the purpose to disseminate the natural and cultural surroundings of the Portuguese capital. The selected books combine pedagogical intentionality and aesthetic dimension, recreating the adventures of a girl in natural Portuguese landscapes. The main character visits different natural scenarios and discovers all sort of new special places. With a scientific review, the books emphasize, without losing their literary quality, the environmental diversity of the area, which determinates its specificity. History, geography, geology and biology intersect with magic and wonderful and propose a different way of looking at reality. As we will seek to prove, these books represent, in an original way, various forms of personal and subjective appropriation of space, particularly concerning natural landscape, thereby stimulating a variety of readings and interpretations. Both text and images depict, in their own language and style, the relationship between children and environmentEste estudio se centra en una colección de tres volúmenes publicados por el Área Metropolitana de Lisboa con el objetivo de difundir el medio natural y cultural que rodea a la capital portuguesa. Los libros seleccionados combinan intencionalidad pedagógica y dimensión estética a través de la narración de las aventuras de un niño que transcurren en pleno paisaje natural. El protagonista visita diferentes escenarios naturales y descubre una gran variedad de espacios únicos. Desde una cuidadosa revisión científica, en los libros se destaca, sin perder su calidad literaria, la diversidad y riqueza ambiental de un espacio particular y único. La historia, la geografía, la geología y la biología se cruzan con la magia y lo maravilloso para proponer una manera diferente de observar la realidad. El estudio tratará de demostrar cómo estos libros representan de una manera muy original, la apropiación personal y subjetiva del espacio, en particular del paisaje natural, lo que permite una variedad de lecturas e interpretaciones. Texto e imágenes recrean en su estilo y lenguaje específico, la relación del niño con el medio ambiente.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    A Comparison of Machine-Learning Methods to Select Socioeconomic Indicators in Cultural Landscapes

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    Cultural landscapes are regarded to be complex socioecological systems that originated as a result of the interaction between humanity and nature across time. Cultural landscapes present complex-system properties, including nonlinear dynamics among their components. There is a close relationship between socioeconomy and landscape in cultural landscapes, so that changes in the socioeconomic dynamic have an effect on the structure and functionality of the landscape. Several numerical analyses have been carried out to study this relationship, with linear regression models being widely used. However, cultural landscapes comprise a considerable amount of elements and processes, whose interactions might not be properly captured by a linear model. In recent years, machine-learning techniques have increasingly been applied to the field of ecology to solve regression tasks. These techniques provide sound methods and algorithms for dealing with complex systems under uncertainty. The term ‘machine learning’ includes a wide variety of methods to learn models from data. In this paper, we study the relationship between socioeconomy and cultural landscape (in Andalusia, Spain) at two different spatial scales aiming at comparing different regression models from a predictive-accuracy point of view, including model trees and neural or Bayesian networks