528 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a single exciton in strongly correlated bilayers

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    We formulated an effective theory for a single interlayer exciton in a bilayer quantum antiferromagnet, in the limit that the holon and doublon are strongly bound onto one interlayer rung by the Coulomb force. Upon using a rung linear spin wave approximation of the bilayer Heisenberg model, we calculated the spectral function of the exciton for a wide range of the interlayer Heisenberg coupling \alpha=J_{\perp}/Jz. In the disordered phase at large \alpha, a coherent quasiparticle peak appears representing free motion of the exciton in a spin singlet background. In the N\'{e}el phase, which applies to more realistic model parameters, a ladder spectrum arises due to Ising confinement of the exciton. The exciton spectrum is visible in measurements of the dielectric function, such as c-axis optical conductivity measurements.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Resilience factors in PTSD

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    Only a relatively small percentage of the people exposed to traumatic events develop PTSD. While much research has focused on the etiology of the disorder and on risk factors, possible resilience factors in post-traumatic adjustment have been studied considerably less extensively. The field of psychology provides several constructs and theoretical paradigms that may aid in the understanding of resilience. Hardiness, dispositional optimism, locus of control, social support and coping for instance, are all concepts that may readily be applied to the study of buffering or resilience factors in PTSD. To establish how these factors relate to post traumatic stress symptoms multiple regression analyses were performed on test files of 126 Dutch veterans and soldiers. Preliminary results show that neither hardiness nor optimism significantly predicted number and intensity of PTSD symptoms. Levels of social support explained a significant proportion of variance in symptoms as did locus of control. Higher levels of avoidant and emotional coping strategies predicted PTSD symptoms. These results show that coping strategies and resources are important resilience factors. Further analyses, to be performed on a larger data set, will be presented

    Evaluation of Dynamic Models of Distillation Columns with Emphasis on the Initial Response

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    The flow dynamics (tray hydraulics) are of key importance for the initial dynamic response of distillation columns. The most important parameters are the liquid holdup, the liquid hydraulic time constant and the vapor constant representing the initial effect of a change in vapor flow on liquid flow. In the paper we present methods for determining these parameters experimentally, and compare the results with estimates from available correlations such as the Francis Weir formula

    Somatostatin subtype-2 receptor-targeted metal-based anticancer complexes

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    Conjugates of a dicarba analogue of octreotide, a potent somatostatin agonist whose receptors are overexpressed on tumor cells, with [PtCl 2(dap)] (dap = 1-(carboxylic acid)-1,2-diaminoethane) (3), [(η 6-bip)Os(4-CO 2-pico)Cl] (bip = biphenyl, pico = picolinate) (4), [(η 6-p-cym)RuCl(dap)] + (p-cym = p-cymene) (5), and [(η 6-p-cym)RuCl(imidazole-CO 2H)(PPh 3)] + (6), were synthesized by using a solid-phase approach. Conjugates 3-5 readily underwent hydrolysis and DNA binding, whereas conjugate 6 was inert to ligand substitution. NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations showed that conjugate formation does not perturb the overall peptide structure. Only 6 exhibited antiproliferative activity in human tumor cells (IC 50 = 63 ± 2 Ό in MCF-7 cells and IC 50 = 26 ± 3 Ό in DU-145 cells) with active participation of somatostatin receptors in cellular uptake. Similar cytotoxic activity was found in a normal cell line (IC 50 = 45 ± 2.6 Ό in CHO cells), which can be attributed to a similar level of expression of somatostatin subtype-2 receptor. These studies provide new insights into the effect of receptor-binding peptide conjugation on the activity of metal-based anticancer drugs, and demonstrate the potential of such hybrid compounds to target tumor cells specifically. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    Punctate White Matter Lesions Associated With Altered Brain Development And Adverse Motor Outcome In Preterm Infants.

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    Preterm infants who develop neurodevelopmental impairment do not always have recognized abnormalities on cerebral ultrasound, a modality routinely used to assess prognosis. In a high proportion of infants, MRI detects punctate white matter lesions that are not seen on ultrasonography. To determine the relation of punctate lesions to brain development and early neurodevelopmental outcome we used multimodal brain MRI to study a large cohort of preterm infants. Punctate lesions without other focal cerebral or cerebellar lesions were detected at term equivalent age in 123 (24.3%) (59 male) of the 506 infants, predominantly in the centrum semiovale and corona radiata. Infants with lesions had higher gestational age, birth weight, and less chronic lung disease. Punctate lesions showed a dose dependent relation to abnormalities in white matter microstructure, assessed with tract-based spatial statistics, and reduced thalamic volume (p < 0.0001), and predicted unfavourable motor outcome at a median (range) corrected age of 20.2 (18.4-26.3) months with sensitivity (95% confidence intervals) 71 (43-88) and specificity 72 (69-77). Punctate white matter lesions without associated cerebral lesions are common in preterm infants currently not regarded as at highest risk for cerebral injury, and are associated with widespread neuroanatomical abnormalities and adverse early neurodevelopmental outcome

    Systemic Hydrocortisone To Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in preterm infants (the SToP-BPD study): Statistical analysis plan

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    Background: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication of preterm birth with short-term and long-term adverse consequences. Although the glucocorticoid dexamethasone has been proven to be beneficial for the prevention of BPD, there are concerns about an increased risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. Hydrocortisone has been suggested as an alternative therapy. The aim of the Systemic Hydrocortisone To Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in preterm infants (SToP-BPD) trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of postnatal hydrocortisone administration for the reduction of death or BPD in ventilator-dependent preterm infants. Methods/design: The SToP-BPD study is a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled hydrocortisone trial in preterm infants at risk for BPD. After parental informed consent is obtained, ventilator-dependent infants are randomly allocated to hydrocortisone or placebo treatment during a 22-day period. The primary outcome measure is the composite outcome of death or BPD at 36 weeks postmenstrual age. Secondary outcomes are short-term effects on pulmonary condition and long-term neurodevelopmental sequelae assessed at 2 years corrected age. Complications of treatment, other serious adverse events and suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions are reported as safety outcomes. This pre-specified statistical analysis plan was written and submitted without knowledge of the unblinded data

    Desert Farming Benefits from Microbial Potential in Arid Soils and Promotes Diversity and Plant Health

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    BACKGROUND: To convert deserts into arable, green landscapes is a global vision, and desert farming is a strong growing area of agriculture world-wide. However, its effect on diversity of soil microbial communities, which are responsible for important ecosystem services like plant health, is still not known. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied the impact of long-term agriculture on desert soil in one of the most prominent examples for organic desert farming in Sekem (Egypt). Using a polyphasic methodological approach to analyse microbial communities in soil as well as associated with cultivated plants, drastic effects caused by 30 years of agriculture were detected. Analysing bacterial fingerprints, we found statistically significant differences between agricultural and native desert soil of about 60%. A pyrosequencing-based analysis of the 16S rRNA gene regions showed higher diversity in agricultural than in desert soil (Shannon diversity indices: 11.21/7.90), and displayed structural differences. The proportion of Firmicutes in field soil was significantly higher (37%) than in the desert (11%). Bacillus and Paenibacillus play the key role: they represented 96% of the antagonists towards phytopathogens, and identical 16S rRNA sequences in the amplicon library and for isolates were detected. The proportion of antagonistic strains was doubled in field in comparison to desert soil (21.6%/12.4%); disease-suppressive bacteria were especially enriched in plant roots. On the opposite, several extremophilic bacterial groups, e.g., Acidimicrobium, Rubellimicrobium and Deinococcus-Thermus, disappeared from soil after agricultural use. The N-fixing Herbaspirillum group only occurred in desert soil. Soil bacterial communities were strongly driven by the a-biotic factors water supply and pH. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: After long-term farming, a drastic shift in the bacterial communities in desert soil was observed. Bacterial communities in agricultural soil showed a higher diversity and a better ecosystem function for plant health but a loss of extremophilic bacteria. Interestingly, we detected that indigenous desert microorganisms promoted plant health in desert agro-ecosystems

    Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of PGG–paclitaxel, a novel macromolecular formulation of paclitaxel, in nu/nu mice bearing NCI-460 lung cancer xenografts

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    PGG–PTX is a water-soluble formulation of paclitaxel (PTX), made by conjugating PTX to poly(l-γ-glutamylglutamine) acid (PGG) via ester bonds, that spontaneously forms a nanoparticle in aqueous environments. The purpose of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of PTX following injection of either free PTX or PGG–PTX in mice. Both [3H]PTX and PGG–[3H]PTX were administered as an IV bolus injection to mice bearing SC NCI-H460 lung cancer xenografts at a dose of 40-mg PTX equivalents/kg. Plasma, tumor, major organs, urine, and feces were collected at intervals out to 340 h. Total taxanes, taxane extractable into ethyl acetate, and native PTX were quantified by liquid scintillation counting and HPLC. Conjugation of PTX to the PGG polymer increased plasma and tumor C max, prolonged plasma half-life and the period of accumulation in tumor, and reduced washout from tumor. In plasma injection of PGG–PTX increased total taxane AUC0–340 by 23-fold above that attained with PTX. In tumors, it increased the total taxane by a factor of 7.7, extractable taxane by 5.7, and native PTX by a factor of 3.5-fold. Conjugation delayed and reduced total urinary and fecal excretion of total taxanes. Incorporation of PTX into the PGG–PTX polymer significantly prolonged the half-life of total taxanes, extractable taxane, and native PTX in both the plasma and tumor compartments. This resulted in a large increase in the amount of active PTX delivered to the tumor. PGG–PTX is an attractive candidate for further development
