747 research outputs found

    Ictiólogos de la Argentina: Norberto Oscar Oldani

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    This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina

    Oral candidiasis in patients with renal transplants

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    Objectives: Oral candidiasis (OC) is a frequent oral lesion in renal transplant patients (RTPs). Despite the in - creased prevalence of OC in RTPs, no study has examined related risk factors. The aims of this study were to analyze the prevalence of and risk factors for OC in RTPs compared with age- and gender-matched healthy control group (HC) as well as determine the incidence of OC after transplantation. Study D esing: We analyzed the prevalence and risk factors of OC in a group of 500 RTPs (307 men, 193 women, mean age 53.63 years) and 501 HC subjects (314 men, 187 women, mean age 52.25 years). Demographic and pharmacological data were recorded for all subjects. Incident cases of OC were ascertained retrospectively from outpatient clinical records only in the RTP group. Results: The prevalence of OC was 7.4% in RTPs compared with 4.19% in HC (P<0.03). The most frequent type of OC in the two groups was denture stomatitis. Statistical association was found between OC and age, mycophe - nolate mofetil dose and blood levels, dentures and tobacco. The multiple logistic regression model only chose for denture variable. According to the outpatient clinical records, 24 RTPs suffered OC during the first moth post- transplant. Severe lesions affecting the oral cavity and pharynx appeared in 79% of the OC cases. Conclusions: This study shows a lower prevalence of OC in RTPs than previous reports. Denture stomatitis was the most frequent OC prevalence form described in RTPs. Severe candidiasis is more frequent in the immediate posttransplant period. The presence of denture is an important risk factor of OC. These results emphasise the importance of adequate pre- and post-transplant oral health and denture cleaning and adjustment is recommended for these subjects to prevent this infection

    La cuenca del Salado: uso y posibilidades de sus recursos pesqueros.

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    The fishing resources of the Salado Basin are extraordinary important in the context of the inland waters of Argentina. However, the diversity of landscapes in the basin and the lack of continuity in the regional planning , have made difficult a proper management of the fishing resources. This paper has a general overview of the main aspects related to the fishing fauna of the region, with a natural point of view of the processes and mechanisms of the management. A description of the fishes basin community and the identification of the species with commercial and game interests is included . We describe the different fishing gears used in the province for game, commercial and scientific fishing. We review the criteria of diagnosis of the silver side population as a main resource of fishing interest and under this point of view we propose new outlooks to promote a proper management of the resources and its sustainable use. We identify the different kinds of fisheries that are common in the basin and we make a survey of the related socioeconomic aspects. Moreover, we analyze the development of a new institutional and regulatory frame in order to optimize the management of the fishing resources. Finally, we define criteria for ordering and conserving such resources and identify conflict points and requirements for its sustainable use in the context of new proposals for the public policies

    The acceptability of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia with and without therapist guidance: Patients’ expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability

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    Purpose: Internet-based treatments have been tested for several psychological disorders. However, few studies have directly assessed the acceptability of these self-applied interventions in terms of expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability. Moreover, no studies provide this type of data on Internet-based treatment for flying phobia (FP), with or without therapist guidance. The aim of this study was to analyze the acceptability of an Internet-based treatment for FP (NO-FEAR Airlines) that includes exposure scenarios composed of images and real sounds. A secondary aim was to compare patients’ acceptance of two ways of delivering this treatment (with or without therapist guidance). Patients and methods: The sample included 46 participants from a randomized controlled trial who had received the self-applied intervention with (n = 23) or without (n = 23) therapist guidance. All participants completed an assessment protocol conducted online and by telephone at both pre- and posttreatment. Results: Results showed good expectations, satisfaction, opinion, and usability, regardless of the presence of therapist guidance, including low aversiveness levels from before to after the intervention. However, participants generally preferred the therapist-supported condition. Conclusion: NO-FEAR Airlines is a well-accepted Internet-based treatment that can help enhance the application of the exposure technique, improving patient acceptance and access to FP treatment

    Oxfordian microbial laminites from La Manga Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Remarkable nanobacteria preservation

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    Exceptionally preserved stromatolites have been found in the shallow marine carbonate facies of the Callovian-Oxfordian La Manga Formation, in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). The stromatolites exhibit planar and crinkle lamination, often disrupted by sheet-cracks, mudcracks, and fenestral structures, which indicate periodic subaerial exposure. These and other evidences suggest that these stromatolites grew in low energy upper intertidal to lower supratidal environments. They consist of fine micrite/microsparite crystal fabrics (with a remarkable lack of allochems) that define submillimiter alternations of dense laminae. Extensive SEM examinations of polished samples of the stromatolites reveal exceptional preservation of rod-shaped bacteria, coccoid like microorganisms, and abundant aggregates of framboidal pyrite. The rod-like bacteria consists of a network of irregular distributed filaments, which range from 150 nm to an uncommon 640 nm in length; diameters range from 54 nm to 90 nm. Subspherical bodies range in size between 70 and 89 nm. The presence of abundant framboidal pyrites is interpreted as the result of the metabolic activity of sulfate–reducing bacteria and decay of organic matter.Se describen estromatolitos excepcionalmente preservados en facies carbonáticas marinas someras en la Formación La Manga, de edad Calloviense-Oxfordiense, en la Cuenca de Neuquén (Argentina). Los estromatolitos muestran una laminación tanto planar como ondulada, frecuentemente alterada por estructuras de tipo fenestral, y sheet y mud-crack, que indican etapas de exposición subaérea. Estas y otras características sugieren que estos estromatolitos crecieron en ambientes de baja energía, intermareales altos y supramareales. Están constituidos por una fábrica de micrita-microesparita (con una destacada ausencia de aloquímicos) que constituyen alternancias submilimétricas de laminación densa. Estudios detallados con SEM sobre muestras pulidas revelan una preservación excepcional con morfología alargada, microorganismos tipo cocoide, y abundantes agregados de pirita framboidal. Las bacterias con morfologías alargadas están constituyendo una red irregularmente distribuida de filamentos que oscilan en tamaño desde 150 nm hasta, excepcionalmente, 640 nm en longitud; el diámetro oscila entre 50 nm y 90 nm. Las morfologías subesféricas oscilan entre 70 nm y 89 nm. La presencia de abundantes piritas framboidales es interpretada como resultado de una actividad metabólica de bacterias sulfato-reductoras y la descomposición de materia orgánica

    Interface Scaling in the Contact Process

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    Scaling properties of an interface representation of the critical contact process are studied in dimensions 1 - 3. Simulations confirm the scaling relation beta_W = 1 - theta between the interface-width growth exponent beta_W and the exponent theta governing the decay of the order parameter. A scaling property of the height distribution, which serves as the basis for this relation, is also verified. The height-height correlation function shows clear signs of anomalous scaling, in accord with Lopez' analysis [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4594 (1999)], but no evidence of multiscaling.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Aromáticas y medicinales en Paravachasca: promoviendo el aprovechamiento sustentable

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    In Córdoba province, the use and commercialization of native aromatic and medicinal plants (AMP) are widespread practices adopted by the population. This context defines the need for the development of adequate technologies and its transfer to the environment in order to revalue and conserve the resource; the proposed objectives were to promote the use, production and sustainable use of native AMP in Valle de Paravachasca and to train social actors in management practices. In order to address sustainable practices in the use of AMP and their cultivation, the training and learning of students, teachers, producers and policy makers was carried out through journeys, practical workshops in fields and exchange of knowledge. The development of new knowledge was achieved through active participation in the different stages carried out. It is worth highlighting that students and teachers showed great interest in the activities and spaces for intervention on the subject. The participation of family groups in relation to new concerns and the return of practices and knowledge was visualized, allowing progress towards new objectives in pursuit of regional development. The interrelation and participation made it possible to detect new problems for future challenges in university research and outreach.En la provincia de Córdoba el uso y comercialización de plantas aromáticas y medicinales (PAM) nativas son prácticas difundidas y arraigadas en la población. Sin embargo, las prácticas de colecta no se realizan en forma sustentable, generando la degradación de los recursos y consecuentemente la pérdida de ingresos familiares. Este contexto define la necesidad del desarrollo de tecnologías adecuadas y su transferencia al medio para revalorizar y conservar el recurso. Los objetivos propuestos fueron promover el aprovechamiento, producción y uso sustentable de PAM nativas en el Valle de Paravachasca y capacitar a los actores sociales en las prácticas de manejo. Para abordar las prácticas sustentables en el aprovechamiento de las PAM y su cultivo se consideró la capacitación y aprendizaje de alumnos, docentes, productores y decisores políticos a través de jornadas, talleres de prácticas a campo e intercambio de saberes. La incorporación de nuevos conocimientos se logró mediante la participación activa en las instancias desarrolladas. Se destacó el gran interés de alumnos y docentes en las actividades y espacios de acción sobre la temática. Se visualizó la participación de los grupos familiares en nuevas inquietudes y el retorno de prácticas y conocimientos, permitiendo avanzar hacia nuevos objetivos en pos de un desarrollo regional. La interrelación y participación permitieron detectar nuevas problemáticas para futuros desafíos en la investigación y extensión universitaria

    Constitutive heterochromatin polymorphisms in human chromosomes identified by whole comparative genomic hybridization

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    Whole comparative genomic hybridization (W-CGH) is a new technique that reveals cryptic differences in highly repetitive DNA sequences, when different genomes are compared using metaphase or interphase chromosomes. W-CGH provides a quick approach to identify differential expansion of these DNA sequences at the single-chromosome level in the whole genome. In this study, we have determined the frequency of constitutive chromatin polymorphisms in the centromeric regions of human chromosomes using a whole-genome in situ cross-hybridization method to compare the whole genome of five different unrelated individuals. Results showed that the pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin of chromosome 6 exhibited a high incidence of polymorphisms in repetitive DNA families located in pericentromeric regions. The constitutive heterochromatin of chromosomes 5 and 9 was also identified as highly polymorphic. Although further studies are necessary to corroborate and assess the overall incidence of these polymorphisms in human populations, the use of W-CGH could be pertinent and of clinical relevance to assess rapidly, from a chromosomal viewpoint, genome similarities and differences in closely related genomes such as those of relatives, or in more specific situations such as bone marrow transplantation where chimerism is produced in the recipient

    Interventions of computerized psychotherapies for depression in Primary Care in Spain

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    Currently, depression is a global health problem recognized by the WHO. The prevalence of this pathology in Primary Care is estimated at 19.5% worldwide, and 20.2% in Spain. In addition, the current intervention policies and protocols involve significant costs, both personal and economic, for people suffering from this disorder, as well as for society in general. On the other hand, the relapse rates after pharmacological interventions that are currently applied and the lack of effective specialized attention in mental health services reflect the need to develop new therapeutic strategies that are more accessible and profitable. Therefore, one of the proposals that are being investigated in different parts of the world is the design and evaluation of therapeutic protocols applied through Information and Communication Technologies, especially through the Internet and computer programs. The objective of this work was to present the current situation in Spain regarding the use of these interventions for the treatment of depression in Primary Care. The main conclusion is that although there is scientific evidence on the effectiveness of these programs, there are still important barriers that hinder their application in the public system, and also the need to develop implementation studies that facilitate the transition from research to clinical practice