12 research outputs found

    Subtractive Renormalization Of The Njl Model

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)In this work, we apply a subtractive renormalization method to the SU(2) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model in Born approximation and compare the results obtained here with those achieved by the standard momentum cutoff regularization. We have computed the dynamical quark mass, the chiral condensate, the pion mass and the quark-antiquark T-matrix as a function of the cutoff Λ and the subtraction scale ξ. We have shown that both approaches give similar results and the dependence of the physical quantities on the subtraction point ξ is much weaker than the dependence on the cutoff Λ. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.706Section 5CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoFAPESP, São Paulo Research FoundationConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)13th International Workshop on Hadron Physics22 March 2015 through 27 March 201512266

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum fields

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    The nonequilibrium effective equation of motion for a scalar background field in a thermal bath is studied numerically. This equation emerges from a microscopic quantum field theory derivation and it is suitable to a Langevin simulation on the lattice. Results for both the symmetric and broken phases are presented.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 5th International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics: International Conference on Particle-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering at Relativistic Energies, Trieste, Italy, 22-26 May 2006. V2:reference correcte

    Langevin Simulation of Scalar Fields: Additive and Multiplicative Noises and Lattice Renormalization

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    We consider the Langevin lattice dynamics for a spontaneously broken lambda phi^4 scalar field theory where both additive and multiplicative noise terms are incorporated. The lattice renormalization for the corresponding stochastic Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin and the subtleties related to the multiplicative noise are investigated.Comment: 26 pages, 4 eps figures (Elsevier latex style

    AVASUS’ Contributions to Promoting Lifelong Learning in Health: Toward Achieving the SDGs and Strengthening Global Health Security

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    The Virtual Learning Environment of the Brazilian Health System (AVASUS) was developed by the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS) and the Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in partnership with Brazil’s Ministry of Health (MoH). AVASUS provides open educational resources in the health field and has emerged as the third largest platform for massive health education globally, with more than one million students. Among the various learning pathways AVASUS offers, some specifically focus on meeting the educational needs to address public health emergencies and overlooked health contexts. The main argument in this study is that technology-mediated lifelong learning in health is an effective strategy for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. This chapter analyzes the pathways related to COVID-19, syphilis, and prison health, focusing on the contributions towards achieving SDGs 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, and 17 and fulfilling the Global Health Security Agenda. Our analysis revealed two key findings. Lifelong learning in health (i) prompts decision-making on public health policies and (ii) contributes towards implementing the SDGs. Ultimately, AVASUS should be recognized as a tool to improve health services and support policy-making

    What is the magnetic field distribution for the equation of state of magnetized neutron stars?

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    In this Letter, we report a realistic calculation of the magnetic field profile for the equation of state inside strongly magnetized neutron stars. Unlike previous estimates, which are widely used in the literature, we find that magnetic fields increase relatively slowly with increasing baryon chemical potential (or baryon density) of magnetized matter. More precisely, the increase is polynomial instead of exponential, as previously assumed. Through the analysis of several different realistic models for the microscopic description of stellar matter (including hadronic, hybrid and quark models) combined with general relativistic solutions endowed with a poloidal magnetic field obtained by solving Einstein–Maxwell's field equations in a self-consistent way, we generate a phenomenological fit for the magnetic field distribution in the stellar polar direction to be used as input in microscopic calculations. Keywords: Neutron star, Equation of state, Quark deconfinement, Magnetic fiel

    Doses de composto orgânico comercial na composição de substratos para a produção de mudas de maracujazeiro em diferentes tipos de cultivo protegido Contents of commercial organic compound in the production of passiflora seedlings in different types of protected cultivation

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    Doses de composto orgânico comercial misturado ao solo foram utilizadas como substrato na produção de mudas de maracujazeiro amarelo. O experimento foi conduzido no Campus de Aquidauana, da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, de setembro a dezembro de 2007. Utilizaram-se seis ambientes protegidos: estufa plástica com pé-direito de 2,5m; viveiro telado com Sombrite® 50%, com pé-direito de 2,5m; viveiro telado de tela termo-refletora Aluminet® 50%, com pé-direito de 2,5m; viveiro coberto com palha de coqueiro, com pé-direito de 1,8m; estufa plástica com pé-direito de 4,0m, possuindo abertura zenital e tela termo-refletora 50% sob o plástico e, viveiro telado de tela de sombreamento 50%, com pé-direito de 3,5m. Foram utilizados cinco substratos com doses de 0, 7, 14, 21 e 28% de composto orgânico misturado ao solo. Utilizou-se o delineamento em parcelas subdivididas, com dez repetições. As parcelas principais foram os ambientes de cultivo e as subparcelas foram os substratos. Conclui-se que a estufa agrícola com altura de 4,0m, o viveiro agrícola com altura de 3,5m e o viveiro coberto com palha de coqueiro nativo propiciaram melhor desenvolvimento das mudas. As doses de 7%, 14% e 21% de composto orgânico se mostraram viáveis para composição de substratos com solo da região.<br>Contents of commercial organic compound mixed with soil were used as substrate in the production of Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. seedlings. The experiment was carried out in the Aquidauana Campus at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, from September to December of 2007. Six environments were used: plastic greenhouse with height of 2.5m; nursery with height of 2.5m covered by shade net with black monofilament of 50% shading rate; nursery with height of 2.5m covered by Aluminum shading screen with shading rate of 50%; nursery with height of 1.8m covered by straw of native coconut; plastic greenhouse with height of 4.0m, zenith opened and thermal shade netting from Aluminet® under the roof and nursery with height of 3.5m covered by shade net with black monofilament of 50% shading rate. Five commercial organic compound contents of 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%, mixed with soil were used. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized split-plot scheme where the environments were principal plot and substrates were subplots. The greenhouse with height of 4.0 m, the nursery with height of 3.5 m and the nursery covered with coconut fibers showed the best seedlings. The contents of 7%, 14% and 21% of commercial organic compounds were viable for composition of the substrates with local soil