886 research outputs found

    Alternate Day Supplementation of Corn Stalk Diets for Ruminants with High or Low Ruminal Escape Protein Supplements

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of feeding soybean meal (SBM) and corn gluten meal (CGM) based, isonitrogenous supplements at 24- or 48-hour intervals on corn stalk utilization. Exp. 1. Yearling rams were fed either protein supplement as 100 g daily or 200 g on alternate days. DM1 was lower (Pc.10) for the CGM than SBM based supplements. Protein source and interval of feeding did not affect (P\u3e.10) digestible dry matter intake (DDMI) or disappearance of dry matter (DMD), but an interaction was observed (P\u3c.05) between protein source and interval of feeding. Nitrogen retention was greater for CGM (P\u3c.10) and 48-hour supplementation (P\u3c.01). However, an interaction between protein source and interval of feeding occurred (P\u3c.10) for N retention. Exp. 2. Angus and Hereford x Anugs steers (119 head; 620 ± 1.9 Ib) allotted to 8-head pens were fed similar diets except supplements (46% crude protein) also provided 0 (OM) or 200 (200M) mg per head per day monensin. CGM supported higher (Pc.05) ADG and gain/feed (G/F) than SBM, but a protein by monensin interaction occurred (Pc.10) for ADG and GIF. There was an interval by monensin interaction for ADG (P\u3c.10) and DM1 (P\u3c.05). An interaction between protein and interval occurred for plasma urea N on day 1 (P\u3c.01) and day 2 (P\u3c.10) of the sampling period. CGM was an effective isonitrogenous substitute for SBM based supplements in these applications. Supplementation at 48-hour intervals supported higher N utilization. High intermittent dosages of monensin appeared detrimental to calf performance

    Low Timing Jitter Detector for Gigahertz Quantum Key Distribution

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    A superconducting single-photon detector based on a niobium nitride nanowire is demonstrated in an optical-fibre-based quantum key distribution test bed operating at a clock rate of 3.3 GHz and a transmission wavelength of 850 nm. The low jitter of the detector leads to significant reduction in the estimated quantum bit error rate and a resultant improvement in the secrecy efficiency compared to previous estimates made by use of silicon single-photon avalanche detectors.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 figure

    Towards a formalism for mapping the spacetimes of massive compact objects: Bumpy black holes and their orbits

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    Observations have established that extremely compact, massive objects are common in the universe. It is generally accepted that these objects are black holes. As observations improve, it becomes possible to test this hypothesis in ever greater detail. In particular, it is or will be possible to measure the properties of orbits deep in the strong field of a black hole candidate (using x-ray timing or with gravitational-waves) and to test whether they have the characteristics of black hole orbits in general relativity. Such measurements can be used to map the spacetime of a massive compact object, testing whether the object's multipoles satisfy the strict constraints of the black hole hypothesis. Such a test requires that we compare against objects with the ``wrong'' multipole structure. In this paper, we present tools for constructing bumpy black holes: objects that are almost black holes, but that have some multipoles with the wrong value. The spacetimes which we present are good deep into the strong field of the object -- we do not use a large r expansion, except to make contact with weak field intuition. Also, our spacetimes reduce to the black hole spacetimes of general relativity when the ``bumpiness'' is set to zero. We propose bumpy black holes as the foundation for a null experiment: if black hole candidates are the black holes of general relativity, their bumpiness should be zero. By comparing orbits in a bumpy spacetime with those of an astrophysical source, observations should be able to test this hypothesis, stringently testing whether they are the black holes of general relativity. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages + 2 appendices + 3 figures. Submitted to PR

    The δN formula is the dynamical renormalization group

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    We derive the 'separate universe' method for the inflationary bispectrum, beginning directly from a field-theory calculation. We work to tree-level in quantum effects but to all orders in the slow-roll expansion, with masses accommodated perturbatively. Our method provides a systematic basis to account for novel sources of time-dependence in inflationary correlation functions, and has immediate applications. First, we use our result to obtain the correct matching prescription between the 'quantum' and 'classical' parts of the separate universe computation. Second, we elaborate on the application of this method in situations where its validity is not clear. As a by-product of our calculation we give the leading slow-roll corrections to the three-point function of field fluctuations on spatially flat hypersurfaces in a canonical, multiple-field model.Comment: v1: 33 pages, plus appendix and references; 5 figures. v2: typographical typos fixed, minor changes to the main text and abstract, reference added; matches version published in JCA

    The evolution of compliance in the human lateral mid-foot.

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    Fossil evidence for longitudinal arches in the foot is frequently used to constrain the origins of terrestrial bipedality in human ancestors. This approach rests on the prevailing concept that human feet are unique in functioning with a relatively stiff lateral mid-foot, lacking the significant flexion and high plantar pressures present in non-human apes. This paradigm has stood for more than 70 years but has yet to be tested objectively with quantitative data. Herein, we show that plantar pressure records with elevated lateral mid-foot pressures occur frequently in healthy, habitually shod humans, with magnitudes in some individuals approaching absolute maxima across the foot. Furthermore, the same astonishing pressure range is present in bonobos and the orangutan (the most arboreal great ape), yielding overlap with human pressures. Thus, while the mean tendency of habitual mechanics of the mid-foot in healthy humans is indeed consistent with the traditional concept of the lateral mid-foot as a relatively rigid or stabilized structure, it is clear that lateral arch stabilization in humans is not obligate and is often transient. These findings suggest a level of detachment between foot stiffness during gait and osteological structure, hence fossilized bone morphology by itself may only provide a crude indication of mid-foot function in extinct hominins. Evidence for thick plantar tissues in Ardipithecus ramidus suggests that a human-like combination of active and passive modulation of foot compliance by soft tissues extends back into an arboreal context, supporting an arboreal origin of hominin bipedalism in compressive orthogrady. We propose that the musculoskeletal conformation of the modern human mid-foot evolved under selection for a functionally tuneable, rather than obligatory stiff structure

    A simple and efficient numerical scheme to integrate non-local potentials

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    As nuclear wave functions have to obey the Pauli principle, potentials issued from reaction theory or Hartree-Fock formalism using finite-range interactions contain a non-local part. Written in coordinate space representation, the Schrodinger equation becomes integro-differential, which is difficult to solve, contrary to the case of local potentials, where it is an ordinary differential equation. A simple and powerful method has been proposed several years ago, with the trivially equivalent potential method, where non-local potential is replaced by an equivalent local potential, which is state-dependent and has to be determined iteratively. Its main disadvantage, however, is the appearance of divergences in potentials if the wave functions have nodes, which is generally the case. We will show that divergences can be removed by a slight modification of the trivially equivalent potential method, leading to a very simple, stable and precise numerical technique to deal with non-local potentials. Examples will be provided with the calculation of the Hartree-Fock potential and associated wave functions of 16O using the finite-range N3LO realistic interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Anomalous scaling, nonlocality and anisotropy in a model of the passively advected vector field

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    A model of the passive vector quantity advected by a Gaussian time-decorrelated self-similar velocity field is studied; the effects of pressure and large-scale anisotropy are discussed. The inertial-range behavior of the pair correlation function is described by an infinite family of scaling exponents, which satisfy exact transcendental equations derived explicitly in d dimensions. The exponents are organized in a hierarchical order according to their degree of anisotropy, with the spectrum unbounded from above and the leading exponent coming from the isotropic sector. For the higher-order structure functions, the anomalous scaling behavior is a consequence of the existence in the corresponding operator product expansions of ``dangerous'' composite operators, whose negative critical dimensions determine the exponents. A close formal resemblance of the model with the stirred NS equation reveals itself in the mixing of operators. Using the RG, the anomalous exponents are calculated in the one-loop approximation for the even structure functions up to the twelfth order.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, REVTe

    Quantum suppression of shot noise in field emitters

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    We have analyzed the shot noise of electron emission under strong applied electric fields within the Landauer-Buttiker scheme. In contrast to the previous studies of vacuum-tube emitters, we show that in new generation electron emitters, scaled down to the nanometer dimensions, shot noise much smaller than the Schottky noise is observable. Carbon nanotube field emitters are among possible candidates to observe the effect of shot-noise suppression caused by quantum partitioning.Comment: 5 pages, 1 fig, minor changes, published versio

    Decoupling in an expanding universe: boundary RG-flow affects initial conditions for inflation

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    We study decoupling in FRW spacetimes, emphasizing a Lagrangian description throughout. To account for the vacuum choice ambiguity in cosmological settings, we introduce an arbitrary boundary action representing the initial conditions. RG flow in these spacetimes naturally affects the boundary interactions. As a consequence the boundary conditions are sensitive to high-energy physics through irrelevant terms in the boundary action. Using scalar field theory as an example, we derive the leading dimension four irrelevant boundary operators. We discuss how the known vacuum choices, e.g. the Bunch-Davies vacuum, appear in the Lagrangian description and square with decoupling. For all choices of boundary conditions encoded by relevant boundary operators, of which the known ones are a subset, backreaction is under control. All, moreover, will generically feel the influence of high-energy physics through irrelevant (dimension four) boundary corrections. Having established a coherent effective field theory framework including the vacuum choice ambiguity, we derive an explicit expression for the power spectrum of inflationary density perturbations including the leading high energy corrections. In accordance with the dimensionality of the leading irrelevant operators, the effect of high energy physics is linearly proportional to the Hubble radius H and the scale of new physics L= 1/M.Comment: LaTeX plus axodraw figures. v2: minor corrections; refs added. JHEP style: 34 pages + 18 pages appendi