51 research outputs found

    Dynamic protein methylation in chromatin biology

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    Post-translational modification of chromatin is emerging as an increasingly important regulator of chromosomal processes. In particular, histone lysine and arginine methylation play important roles in regulating transcription, maintaining genomic integrity, and contributing to epigenetic memory. Recently, the use of new approaches to analyse histone methylation, the generation of genetic model systems, and the ability to interrogate genome wide histone modification profiles has aided in defining how histone methylation contributes to these processes. Here we focus on the recent advances in our understanding of the histone methylation system and examine how dynamic histone methylation contributes to normal cellular function in mammals

    The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source

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    An overview is provided of the 15 neutron beam instruments making up the initial instrument suite of the European Spallation Source (ESS), and being made available to the neutron user community. The ESS neutron source consists of a high-power accelerator and target station, providing a unique long-pulse time structure of slow neutrons. The design considerations behind the time structure, moderator geometry and instrument layout are presented. The 15-instrument suite consists of two small-angle instruments, two reflectometers, an imaging beamline, two single-crystal diffractometers; one for macromolecular crystallography and one for magnetism, two powder diffractometers, and an engineering diffractometer, as well as an array of five inelastic instruments comprising two chopper spectrometers, an inverse-geometry single-crystal excitations spectrometer, an instrument for vibrational spectroscopy and a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer. The conceptual design, performance and scientific drivers of each of these instruments are described. All of the instruments are designed to provide breakthrough new scientific capability, not currently available at existing facilities, building on the inherent strengths of the ESS long-pulse neutron source of high flux, flexible resolution and large bandwidth. Each of them is predicted to provide world-leading performance at an accelerator power of 2 MW. This technical capability translates into a very broad range of scientific capabilities. The composition of the instrument suite has been chosen to maximise the breadth and depth of the scientific impact o

    Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops: XXV - Mineral nutrition of new zealand spinach plant (Tetragonia expansa Murr.)

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    The present work was carried out in order to study: a - the effect of omission and presence of the macronutrients and boron on the growth of the plants; b - deficiency symptoms of macronutrients, as well of boron; c - the effect of the deficiency of each nutrient on the chemical composition of the plants. Young spinach plants were grown in pots containing pure quartz sand. Several times a day the plants were irrigated by percolation with nutrient solutions. The treatments were: complete solution and deficient solution, in which each one of the macronutrients was omitted as well boron. Soon as the malnutrition symptoms appered, the plants were harvested and analysed chemically. - symptoms of malnutrition are easily observed for N, K, Ca and B. - symptoms of malnutrition for P, S and Mg are not easily identified. - the nutrient content, in dry matter, in deficient leaves and healthy leaves is:O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar alguns aspectos da nutrição mineral do espinafre (Tetragonia expansa Murr.) no que concerne: 1 - Efeitos da omissão dos macronutrientes e do boro, na obtenção de um quadro sintomatológico; 2 - Efeitos das carências na produção de matéria seca e composição química da planta. Mudas com trinta dias de idade foram transplantadas para soluções nutritivas carentes nos macronutrientes e/ou em boro. A coleta das plantas foi realizada quando os sintomas de deficiência se tornaram evidentes. No material seco procedeu-se a análise química. Os dados mostram que: 1 - os sintomas visuais de deficiência de N, K, Ca e B apresentam-se bem definidos; sendo que os de P, Mg e S são de difícil caracterização ; 2 - os teores dos nutrientes em plantas sadias e deficientes são

    High-temperature strain-gage behavior on carbon materials

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