2,545 research outputs found

    Can vouchers reduce elite capture of local development projects? Experimental evidence from the Solomon Islands

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    External financing of local public goods can potentially create 'political resource curses' by reducing citizen oversight, exacerbating elite capture, and producing policy outcomes that are sub-optimal for the general population. This paper experimentally tests a novel mechanism that seeks to mitigate elite capture of local development projects. Control communities are provided with block grants to fund local public goods, while households in treatment communities are provided with vouchers that they may either contribute to a public good or redeem at a discount for a private capital good. We find that the use of vouchers as a mechanism for aid delivery increases community participation in local public decision-making, changes the nature of allocation outcomes, and improves community satisfaction with allocation outcomes

    Excited-state absorption in Er:BaY2F8 and Cs3Er2Br9 and comparison with Er:LiYF4

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    The influence of Excited-State Absorption (ESA) on the green laser transition and the overlap of Ground-State Absorption (GSA) and ESA for 970 nm upconversion pumping in erbium is investigated in Er3+:BaY2F8 and Cs3Er2Br9. Results are compared to Er3+:LiYF4. In Er3+:BaY2F8, a good overlap between GSA and ESA is found at 969 nm in one polarization direction. The emission cross section at 550 nm is a factor of two smaller than in LiYF4. In Cs3Er2Br9, the smaller Stark splitting of the levels shifts the wavelengths of the green emission and ESA from 4I13/2 off resonance. It enhances, however, ground-state reabsorption. The emission cross section at 550 nm is comparable to LiYF4. Upconversion leads to significant green fluorescence from 2H9/2. A significant population of the 4111/2 level and ESA at 970 nm are not present under 800 nm pumping

    Crystal structures of the carborane dianions, [1,4-(PhCB10H10C)2C6H4]2- and [1,4-(PhCB10H10C)2C6F4]2-, and the stabilizing role of the para-phenylene unit on unusual 2n+3 SE clusters

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    While carboranes with 2 n+2 and 2 n+4 (n=number of skeletal atoms) skeletal electrons (SE) are widely known, little has been reported on carboranes with odd SE numbers. Electrochemical measurements on two-cage assemblies, where two C-phenyl-ortho-carboranyl groups are linked by a para-phenylene or a para-tetrafluorophenylene bridge, revealed two well separated and reversible two-electron reduction waves indicating formation of stable dianions and tetraanions. The salts of the dianions were isolated by reduction with sodium metal and their unusual structures were determined by X-ray crystallography. The diamagnetic dianions contain two 2 n+3 SE clusters where each cluster has a notably long carborane C–carborane C distance of ca 2.4 Å. The π conjugation within the phenylene bridge plays an important role in the stabilization of these carboranes with odd SE counts

    Investigation of diode-pumped 2.8-µm laser performance in Er:BaY2F8

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    Laser operation at 2.8 mm in BaY2F8 with erbium concentrations of 7.5% and 20% is investigated under laser-diode pumping at 967 nm. Output powers as high as 250 mW and slope efficiencies as high as 24% are obtained. Results are comparable with those of Er3+:LiYF4 under the same pump conditions. Slope efficiencies above 30% are predicted for optimized erbium concentrations

    Problems of methodological determination of the place of financial and budgetary control in the system of state financial control

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    The relevance of this report due to the presence of problems in the field of budgetary control at all levels of the Russian budget system, which leads to numerous cases of misuse and inefficient use of budget funds and other public property, overestimation of the cost of purchased goods, works and services for state and municipal needs, the use of other corruption schemes in the budget mechanism

    Gaussian Tunneling Model of c-Axis Twist Josephson Junctions

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    We calculate the critical current density JcJJ^J_c for c-axis Josephson tunneling between identical high temperature superconductors twisted an angle ϕ0\phi_0 about the c-axis. We model the tunneling matrix element squared as a Gaussian in the change of wavevector q parallel to the junction, <t(q)2>exp(q2a2/2π2σ2)<|t({\bf q})|^2>\propto\exp(-{\bf q}^2a^2/2\pi^2\sigma^2). The JcJ(ϕ0)/JcJ(0)J^J_c(\phi_0)/J^J_c(0) obtained for the s- and extended-s-wave order parameters (OP's) are consistent with the Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} data of Li {\it et al.}, but only for strongly incoherent tunneling, σ20.25\sigma^2\ge0.25. A dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave OP is always inconsistent with the data. In addition, we show that the apparent conventional sum rule violation observed by Basov et al. might be understandable in terms of incoherent c-axis tunneling, provided that the OP is not dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Dangerous work: The gendered nature of bullying in the context of higher education

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    This paper discusses results from a research project which set out to investigate gender differences in the nature and experience of bullying within the higher education sector. Gender differences emerged in the form and perception of bullying as well as in target response. Results also indicate that, irrespective of gender, bullies can capture and subvert organizational structures and procedures (official hierarchies, mentoring systems, probationary reviews) to further their abuse of the target and to conceal aggressive intent. These outcomes are discussed in relation to gendered assumptions behind management practices and in relation to the masculinist ethic that underpins many higher education management initiatives. Overall, results indicate that bullying cannot be divorced from gender and that such behaviour needs to be seen in a gendered context