633 research outputs found

    Towards the lattice study of M-theory

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    We propose the Wilson discretization of the supersymmetric Yang-Mills Quantum Mechanics as a lattice version of the matrix model of M-theory. An SU(2) model is studied numerically in the quenched approximation for D=4. A clear signal for the existence of two different phases is found and the continuum pseudocritical temperature is determined. We have also extracted the continuum limit of the total size of the system in both phases and for different temperatures.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Gravity and Matrix Models

    Towards a diagrammatic derivation of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz-Taylor superpotential

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    We show how it is possible to integrate out chiral matter fields in N=1 supersymmetric theories and in this way derive in a simple diagrammatic way the NfSlogSSlogdetXN_f S \log S - S \log \det X part of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz-Taylor superpotential.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Reggeon exchange from AdS/CFT

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence in a confining backgroundand the worldline formalism of gauge field theories,we compute scattering amplitudes with an exchange of quark andantiquark in the tt-channel corresponding to Reggeon exchange. Itrequires going beyond the eikonal approximation, which was used when studying Pomeron exchange. The wordline path integral is evaluated through the determination of minimal surfaces and their boundaries by the saddle-point method at large gauge coupling g^2N_c. We find a Regge behaviour with linear Regge trajectories. The slope is related to the qqˉq\bar q static potential and is four times the Pomeronslope obtained in the same framework. A contribution to the intercept, related to the L\"uscher term, comes from the fluctuations around the minimal surface.Comment: 11 pages, 1 eps figur

    Factorization of Seiberg-Witten Curves with Fundamental Matter

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    We present an explicit construction of the factorization of Seiberg-Witten curves for N=2 theory with fundamental flavors. We first rederive the exact results for the case of complete factorization, and subsequently derive new results for the case with breaking of gauge symmetry U(Nc) to U(N1)xU(N2). We also show that integrality of periods is necessary and sufficient for factorization in the case of general gauge symmetry breaking. Finally, we briefly comment on the relevance of these results for the structure of N=1 vacua.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    On the Couplings of Vector Mesons in AdS/QCD

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    We address, in the AdS/CFT context, the issue of the universality of the couplings of the rho meson to other hadrons. Exploring some models, we find that generically the rho-dominance prediction f_\rho g_{\rho H H}=m_\rho^2 does not hold, and that g_{\rho H H} is not independent of the hadron H. However, we prove that, in any model within the AdS/QCD context, there are two limiting regimes where the g_{\rho H H}, along with the couplings of all excited vector mesons as well, become H-independent: (1) when H is created by an operator of large dimension, and (2) when H is a highly-excited hadron. We also find a sector of a particular model where universality for the rho coupling is exact. Still, in none of these cases need it be true that f_\rho g_\rho=m_\rho^2, although we find empirically that the relation does hold approximately (up to a factor of order two) within the models we have studied.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. ver 2: Comments about the commutability of two universal limits in the D3/D7 case corrected. Typos corrected. ver 3: Substantive revisions of certain calculations, with improved conventions, correction of typos, clarifications, new formulas, new figures; no changes in essential results or conclusion

    Lectures on Chiral Disorder in QCD

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    I explain the concept that light quarks diffuse in the QCD vacuum following the spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry. I exploit the striking analogy to disordered electrons in metals, identifying, among others, the universal regime described by random matrix theory, diffusive regime described by chiral perturbation theory and the crossover between these two domains.Comment: Lectures given at the Cargese Summer School, August 6-18, 200

    Minimal surfaces and Reggeization in the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We address the problem of computing scattering amplitudes related to the correlation function of two Wilson lines and/or loops elongated along light-cone directions in strongly coupled gauge theories. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence in the classical approximation, the amplitudes are shown to be related to minimal surfaces generalizing the {\em helicoid} in various AdS5AdS_5 backgrounds. Infra-red divergences appearing for Wilson lines can be factorized out or can be cured by considering the IR finite case of correlation functions of two Wilson loops. In non-conformal cases related to confining theories, reggeized amplitudes with linear trajectories and unit intercept are obtained and shown to come from the approximately flat metrics near the horizon, which sets the scale for the Regge slope. In the conformal case the absence of confinement leads to a different solution. A transition between both regimes appears, in a confining theory, when varying impact parameter.Comment: 22 pages, 2 eps figures, expanded discussion, conclusions unchanged, version to be published in Nuclear Physics

    Eigenvalue density of Wilson loops in 2D SU(N) YM

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    In 1981 Durhuus and Olesen (DO) showed that at infinite N the eigenvalue density of a Wilson loop matrix W associated with a simple loop in two-dimensional Euclidean SU(N) Yang-Mills theory undergoes a phase transition at a critical size. The averages of det(z-W), 1/det(z-W), and det(1+uW)/(1-vW) at finite N lead to three different smoothed out expressions, all tending to the DO singular result at infinite N. These smooth extensions are obtained and compared to each other.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Conformal invariance and QCD Pomeron vertices in the 1/Nc1/N_c limit

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    Using the dipole framework for QCD at small x in the 1/N_c limit, we derive the expression of the 1 -> p dipole multiplicity density in momentum space. This gives an analytical expression for the 1 -> p QCD Pomeron amplitudes in terms of one-loop integration of effective vertices in transverse momentum. Conformal invariance and a Hilbert space construction for dipole correlation functions are the main tools of the derivation. Relations with conformal field theories in the classical limit are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX file, 1 .eps figur

    High energy scattering and the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We consider small angle and large impact parameter high energy scattering of colourless states in SYM using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The gauge theory scattering amplitude is linked with a correlation function of tilted Wilson loops, which can be calculated by the exchange of bulk supergravity fields between the two corresponding string worldsheets. We identify the dominant contributions, which all correspond to real phase shifts. In particular, we find a contribution of the bulk graviton which gives an unexpected `gravity-like' s1s^1 behaviour of the gauge theory phase shift in a specific range of energies and (large) impact parameters.Comment: 22p, 2 figure