162 research outputs found

    Maternal metabolic stress may affect oviduct gatekeeper function

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    We hypothesized that elevated non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) modify in vitro bovine oviduct epithelial cell (BOEC) metabolism and barrier function. Hereto, BOECs were studied in a polarized system with 24h-treatments at day 9: 1) CONTROL (0”M NEFA + 0%EtOH), 2) SOLVENT CONTROL (0”M NEFA + 0.45%EtOH), 3) BASAL NEFA (720”M NEFA + 0.45%EtOH in the basal compartment), 4) APICAL NEFA (720”M NEFA + 0.45%EtOH in the apical compartment). FITC-albumin was used for monolayer permeability assessment, and related to Transepithelial Electric Resistance (TER). Fatty acid (FA), glucose, lactate and pyruvate concentrations were measured in spent medium. Intracellular lipid droplets (LD) and FA-uptake were studied using Bodipy 493/503 and immunolabelling of FA-transporters (FAT/CD36, FABP3 and caveolin1). BOEC-mRNA was retrieved for qRT-PCR. Results revealed that APICAL NEFA reduced relative TER-increase (46.85%) during treatment, and increased FITC-albumin flux (27.59%) compared to other treatments. In BASAL NEFA, FAs were transferred to the apical compartment as free FAs: mostly palmitic and oleic acid increased, respectively 56.0 % and 33.5% of initial FA-concentrations. APICAL NEFA allowed no FA-transfer, but induced LD-accumulation and upregulated FA-transporter expression (↑CD36, ↑FABP3, ↑CAV1-protein-expression). Gene expression in APICAL NEFA indicated increased anti-apoptotic (↑BCL2) and anti-oxidative (↑SOD1) capacity, upregulated lipid metabolism (↑CPT1, ↑ACSL1 and ↓ACACA), and FA-uptake (↑CAV1). All treatments had similar carbohydrate metabolism and oviduct function specific gene expression (=OVGP1, ESR1, FOXJ1). Overall, elevated NEFAs affected BOEC-metabolism and barrier function differently depending on NEFA-exposure side. Data substantiate the concept of the oviduct as a gatekeeper that may actively alter early embryonic developmental conditions

    A five-stage treatment train for water recovery from urine and shower water for long-term human Space missions

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    Long-term human Space missions will rely on regenerative life support as resupply of water, oxygen and food comes with constraints. The International Space Station (ISS) relies on an evaporation/condensation system to recover 74-85% of the water in urine, yet suffers from repetitive scaling and biofouling while employing hazardous chemicals. In this study, an alternative non-sanitary five-stage treatment train for one "astronaut" was integrated through a sophisticated monitoring and control system. This so-called Water Treatment Unit Breadboard (WTUB) successfully treated urine (1.2-L-d with crystallisation, COD-removal, ammonification, nitrification and electrodialysis, before it was mixed with shower water (3.4-L-d(-1)). Subsequently, ceramic nanofiltration and single-pass flat-sheet RO were used. A four-months proof-of-concept period yielded: (i) chemical water quality meeting the hygienic standards of the European Space Agency, (ii) a 87- +/- -5% permeate recovery with an estimated theoretical primary energy requirement of 0.2-kWh p -L-1, (iii) reduced scaling potential without anti-scalant addition and (iv) and a significant biological reduction in biofouling potential resulted in stable but biofouling-limited RO permeability of 0.5 L-m(-2)-h(-1)-bar(-1). Estimated mass breakeven dates and a comparison with the ISS Water Recovery System for a hypothetical Mars transit mission show that WTUB is a promising biological membrane-based alternative to heat-based systems for manned Space missions

    Detailed dimethylacetal and fatty acid composition of rumen content from lambs fed lucerne or concentrate supplemented with soybean oil

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    Articles in International JournalsLipid metabolism in the rumen is responsible for the complex fatty acid profile of rumen outflow compared with the dietary fatty acid composition, contributing to the lipid profile of ruminant products. A method for the detailed dimethylacetal and fatty acid analysis of rumen contents was developed and applied to rumen content collected from lambs fed lucerne or concentrate based diets supplemented with soybean oil. The methodological approach developed consisted on a basic/ acid direct transesterification followed by thin-layer chromatography to isolate fatty acid methyl esters from dimethylacetal, oxo- fatty acid and fatty acid dimethylesters. The dimethylacetal composition was quite similar to the fatty acid composition, presenting even-, odd- and branched-chain structures. Total and individual odd- and branched-chain dimethylacetals were mostly affected by basal diet. The presence of 18:1 dimethylacetals indicates that biohydrogenation intermediates might be incorporated in structural microbial lipids. Moreover, medium-chain fatty acid dimethylesters were identified for the first time in the rumen content despite their concentration being relatively low. The fatty acids containing 18 carbon-chain lengths comprise the majority of the fatty acids present in the rumen content, most of them being biohydrogenation intermediates of 18:2n26 and 18:3n23. Additionally, three oxo- fatty acids were identified in rumen samples, and 16-O-18:0 might be produced during biohydrogenation of the 18:3n23

    M & L Jaargang 7/1

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    GeneriekJuul Slembrouck, Paul Stryckers, Piet Gillard en Herman Van den Bossche Het Boekenbergpark in Deurne (Antwerpen). [The Boekenberg park at Deurne (Antwerp).]Meer dan ooit is deze uit 1911 daterende, tot de verbeelding sprekende omschrijving van het Boekenbergpark in Deurne op zijn plaats.Nu een aangepast beheer en een wandelbrochure actief aanzetten tot passieve recreatie, gaat Herman Van den Bossche, ruim vijf jaar nà M&L 1/6, over tot een stand van zaken.Marjan Buyle Een middeleeuws stripverhaal. De conservering van een 15de-eeuwse kruisdraging in de Antwerpse kathedraal. [A medieval cartoon. The conservation of a 15th-century Bearing-of-the-Cross in the Antwerp Our Ladys cathedral.]Geen zinnig mens kan heden nog het uitermate artificiële ontkennen van onze hagelwitte middeleeuwse kathedralen.Flard na flard, helaas nog steeds te vaak bij toeval, hertekent zich intussen een rijkelijke, originele binnendecoratie.In de Antwerpse Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal ondervond Marjan Buyle aldus andermaal hoe verrassend het ene kruis een ander kan verbergen.E. Roekens, L. Leysen, R. Van Grieken en E. Keppens Verwering van historische gebouwen door luchtverontreiniging. De Sint-Romboutskathedraal in Mechelen. [Chemical weathering of historic buildings by air pollution. The Saint-Rombouts cathedral at Mechelen.]Het gegeven noch de resultaten zijn geheel nieuw te noemen. De effect-analyse van luchtpollutie op historische gebouwen, in opdracht van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap uitgevoerd door E. Roekens, L. Leysen, R. Van Grieken (U.I.A.) en E. Keppens (V.U.B.), is in haar toepassing op de Mechelse Sint-Romboutskathedraal nochtans voldoende beangstigend voor enige extra aandacht.Jos Martens, Sieg Vlaeminck en Louis Coolen Het Capucijnenklooster te Sint-Truiden. Een maatschappelijke toekomst voor een religieus verleden. [The monastery of the Capuchins at St. Truiden. A social future for a relgious past.]Verlaten door de oorspronkelijke kloosterlingen, na wisselend gebruik bestemd voor afbraak, beschermd als monument Een routine-gegeven.Maar hoe krijg je nu een herbestemmingsproject voor een dergelijk complex ensemble bijvoorbeeld voor het O.C.M.W. van Sint-Truiden effectief van de grond?Met andere woorden: wàt met de gebundelde inspanningen van Jos Martens, Sieg Vlaeminck en Louis Coolen?SummaryM&L Foto-reportag

    Early alterations in the MCH system link aberrant neuronal activity and sleep disturbances in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with hippocampal hyperactivity and decreased sleep quality. Here we show that homeostatic mechanisms transiently counteract the increased excitatory drive to CA1 neurons in App NL-G-F mice, but that this mechanism fails in older mice. Spatial transcriptomics analysis identifies Pmch as part of the adaptive response in App NL-G-F mice. Pmch encodes melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), which is produced in sleep–active lateral hypothalamic neurons that project to CA1 and modulate memory. We show that MCH downregulates synaptic transmission, modulates firing rate homeostasis in hippocampal neurons and reverses the increased excitatory drive to CA1 neurons in App NL-G-F mice. App NL-G-F mice spend less time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. App NL-G-F mice and individuals with AD show progressive changes in morphology of CA1-projecting MCH axons. Our findings identify the MCH system as vulnerable in early AD and suggest that impaired MCH-system function contributes to aberrant excitatory drive and sleep defects, which can compromise hippocampus-dependent functions

    Novel Information on the Epitope of an Inverse Agonist Monoclonal Antibody Provides Insight into the Structure of the TSH Receptor

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    The TSH receptor (TSHR) comprises an extracellular leucine-rich domain (LRD) linked by a hinge region to the transmembrane domain (TMD). Insight into the orientation of these components to each other is required for understanding how ligands activate the receptor. We previously identified residue E251 at the LRD-hinge junction as contributing to coupling TSH binding with receptor activation. However, a single residue cannot stabilize the LRD-hinge unit. Therefore, based on the LRD crystal structure we selected for study four other potential LRD-hinge interface charged residues. Alanine substitutions of individual residues K244, E247, K250 and R255 (as well as previously known E251A) did not affect TSH binding or function. However, the cumulative mutation of these residues in varying permutations, primarily K250A and R255A when associated with E251A, partially uncoupled TSH binding and function. These data suggest that these three residues, spatially very close to each other at the LRD base, interact with the hinge region. Unexpectedly and most important, monoclonal antibody CS-17, a TSHR inverse agonist whose epitope straddles the LRD-hinge, was found to interact with residues K244 and E247 at the base of the convex LRD surface. These observations, together with the functional data, exclude residues K244 and E247 from the TSHR LRD-hinge interface. Further, for CS-17 accessibility to K244 and E247, the concave surface of the TSHR LRD must be tilted forwards towards the hinge region and plasma membrane. Overall, these data provide insight into the mechanism by which ligands either activate the TSHR or suppress its constitutive activity

    Postoperative Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Patients With and Without Preoperative Colonization

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    Importance Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infections (SSIs) and bloodstream infections (BSIs) are important complications of surgical procedures for which prevention remains suboptimal. Contemporary data on the incidence of and etiologic factors for these infections are needed to support the development of improved preventive strategies.Objectives To assess the occurrence of postoperative S aureus SSIs and BSIs and quantify its association with patient-related and contextual factors.Design, Setting, and Participants This multicenter cohort study assessed surgical patients at 33 hospitals in 10 European countries who were recruited between December 16, 2016, and September 30, 2019 (follow-up through December 30, 2019). Enrolled patients were actively followed up for up to 90 days after surgery to assess the occurrence of S aureus SSIs and BSIs. Data analysis was performed between November 20, 2020, and April 21, 2022. All patients were 18 years or older and had undergone 11 different types of surgical procedures. They were screened for S aureus colonization in the nose, throat, and perineum within 30 days before surgery (source population). Both S aureus carriers and noncarriers were subsequently enrolled in a 2:1 ratio.Exposure Preoperative S aureus colonization.Main Outcomes and Measures The main outcome was cumulative incidence of S aureus SSIs and BSIs estimated for the source population, using weighted incidence calculation. The independent association of candidate variables was estimated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models.Results In total, 5004 patients (median [IQR] age, 66 [56-72] years; 2510 [50.2%] female) were enrolled in the study cohort; 3369 (67.3%) were S aureus carriers. One hundred patients developed S aureus SSIs or BSIs within 90 days after surgery. The weighted cumulative incidence of S aureus SSIs or BSIs was 2.55% (95% CI, 2.05%-3.12%) for carriers and 0.52% (95% CI, 0.22%-0.91%) for noncarriers. Preoperative S aureus colonization (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR], 4.38; 95% CI, 2.19-8.76), having nonremovable implants (AHR, 2.00; 95% CI, 1.15-3.49), undergoing mastectomy (AHR, 5.13; 95% CI, 1.87-14.08) or neurosurgery (AHR, 2.47; 95% CI, 1.09-5.61) (compared with orthopedic surgery), and body mass index (AHR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.01-1.08 per unit increase) were independently associated with S aureus SSIs and BSIs.Conclusions and Relevance In this cohort study of surgical patients, S aureus carriage was associated with an increased risk of developing S aureus SSIs and BSIs. Both modifiable and nonmodifiable etiologic factors were associated with this risk and should be addressed in those at increased S aureus SSI and BSI risk

    Purple non‐sulphur bacteria and plant production: benefits for fertilization, stress resistance and the environment

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    Purple non-sulphur bacteria (PNSB) are phototrophic microorganisms, which increasingly gain attention in plant production due to their ability to produce and accumulate high-value compounds that are benefi- cial for plant growth. Remarkable features of PNSB include the accumulation of polyphosphate, the pro- duction of pigments and vitamins and the production of plant growth-promoting substances (PGPSs). Scattered case studies on the application of PNSB for plant cultivation have been reported for decades, yet a comprehensive overview is lacking. This review highlights the potential of using PNSB in plant pro- duction, with emphasis on three key performanceindicators (KPIs): fertilization, resistance to stress (biotic and abiotic) and environmental benefits. PNSB have the potential to enhance plant growth performance, increase the yield and quality of edible plant biomass, boost the resistance to environmental stresses, bioremediate heavy metals and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Here, the mechanisms responsible for these attributes are discussed. A dis- tinction is made between the use of living and dead PNSB cells, where critical interpretation of existing literature revealed the better performance of living cells. Finally, this review presents research gaps that remain yet to be elucidated and proposes a roadmap for future research and implementation paving the way for a more sustainable crop production
