768 research outputs found

    The Metallicity of the Intracluster Medium Over Cosmic Time: Further Evidence for Early Enrichment

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    We use Chandra X-ray data to measure the metallicity of the intracluster medium (ICM) in 245 massive galaxy clusters selected from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect surveys, spanning redshifts 0<z<1.20<z<1.2. Metallicities were measured in three different radial ranges, spanning cluster cores through their outskirts. We explore trends in these measurements as a function of cluster redshift, temperature, and surface brightness "peakiness" (a proxy for gas cooling efficiency in cluster centers). The data at large radii (0.5--1 r500r_{500}) are consistent with a constant metallicity, while at intermediate radii (0.1-0.5 r500r_{500}) we see a late-time increase in enrichment, consistent with the expected production and mixing of metals in cluster cores. In cluster centers, there are strong trends of metallicity with temperature and peakiness, reflecting enhanced metal production in the lowest-entropy gas. Within the cool-core/sharply peaked cluster population, there is a large intrinsic scatter in central metallicity and no overall evolution, indicating significant astrophysical variations in the efficiency of enrichment. The central metallicity in clusters with flat surface brightness profiles is lower, with a smaller intrinsic scatter, but increases towards lower redshifts. Our results are consistent with other recent measurements of ICM metallicity as a function of redshift. They reinforce the picture implied by observations of uniform metal distributions in the outskirts of nearby clusters, in which most of the enrichment of the ICM takes place before cluster formation, with significant later enrichment taking place only in cluster centers, as the stellar populations of the central galaxies evolve.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted version, to appear in MNRA

    Multiple density discontinuities in the merging galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301

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    CIZA J2242.8+5301, a merging galaxy cluster at z=0.19, hosts a double-relic system and a faint radio halo. Radio observations at frequencies ranging from a few MHz to several GHz have shown that the radio spectral index at the outer edge of the N relic corresponds to a shock of Mach number 4.6+/-1.1, under the assumptions of diffusive shock acceleration of thermal particles in the test particle regime. Here, we present results from new Chandra observations of the cluster. The Chandra surface brightness profile across the N relic only hints to a surface brightness discontinuity (<2-sigma detection). Nevertheless, our reanalysis of archival Suzaku data indicates a temperature discontinuity across the relic that is consistent with a Mach number of 2.5+/-0.5, in agreement with previously published results. This confirms that the Mach number at the shock traced by the N relic is much weaker than predicted from the radio. Puzzlingly, in the Chandra data we also identify additional inner small density discontinuities both on and off the merger axis. Temperature measurements on both sides of the discontinuities do not allow us to undoubtedly determine their nature, although a shock front interpretation seems more likely. We speculate that if the inner density discontinuities are indeed shock fronts, then they are the consequence of violent relaxation of the dark matter cores of the clusters involved in the merger.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Abell 1033: birth of a radio phoenix

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    Extended steep-spectrum radio emission in a galaxy cluster is usually associated with a recent merger. However, given the complex scenario of galaxy cluster mergers, many of the discovered sources hardly fit into the strict boundaries of a precise taxonomy. This is especially true for radio phoenixes that do not have very well defined observational criteria. Radio phoenixes are aged radio galaxy lobes whose emission is reactivated by compression or other mechanisms. Here, we present the detection of a radio phoenix close to the moment of its formation. The source is located in Abell 1033, a peculiar galaxy cluster which underwent a recent merger. To support our claim, we present unpublished Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and Chandra observations together with archival data from the Very Large Array and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We discover the presence of two sub-clusters displaced along the N-S direction. The two sub-clusters probably underwent a recent merger which is the cause of a moderately perturbed X-ray brightness distribution. A steep-spectrum extended radio source very close to an AGN is proposed to be a newly born radio phoenix: the AGN lobes have been displaced/compressed by shocks formed during the merger event. This scenario explains the source location, morphology, spectral index, and brightness. Finally, we show evidence of a density discontinuity close to the radio phoenix and discuss the consequences of its presence.Comment: accepted MNRA

    The large-scale shock in the cluster of galaxies Hydra A

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    We analyzed a deep XMM-Newton observation of the cluster of galaxies Hydra A, focusing on the large-scale shock discovered as a surface brightness discontinuity in Chandra images. The shock front can be seen both in the pressure map and in temperature profiles in several sectors. The Mach numbers determined from the temperature jumps are in good agreement with the Mach numbers derived from EPIC/pn surface brightness profiles and previously from Chandra data and are consistent with M~1.3. The estimated shock age in the different sectors using a spherically symmetric point explosion model ranges between 130 and 230 Myr and the outburst energy between 1.5 and 3e61 ergs. The shape of the shock seen in the pressure map can be approximated with an ellipse centered 70 kpc towards the NE from the cluster center. We aimed to develop a better model that can explain the offset between the shock center and the AGN and give a consistent result on the shock age and energy. To this end, we performed 3D hydrodynamical simulations in which the shock is produced by a symmetrical pair of AGN jets launched in a spherical galaxy cluster. As an explanation of the observed offset of the shock center, we consider large-scale bulk flows in the intracluster medium. The simulation successfully reproduces the size, ellipticity, and average Mach number of the observed shock front. The predicted age of the shock is 160 Myr and the total input energy 3e61 erg. Both values are within the range determined by the spherically symmetric model. Matching the observed 70 kpc offset of the shock ellipse from the cluster center requires large-scale coherent motions with a high velocity of 670 km/s. We discuss the feasibility of this scenario and offer alternative ways to produce the offset and to further improve the simulation.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in A&A, minor revision compared to previous versio

    Elastin Stabilization of Connective Tissue

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    A method and product are provided for the treatment of connective tissue weakened due to destruction of tissue architecture, and in particular due to elastin degradation. The treatment agents employ certain unique properties of phenolic compounds to develop a protocol for reducing elastin degradation, such as that occurring during aneurysm formation in vasculature. According to the invention, elastin can be stabilized in vivo and destruction of connective tissue, such as that leading to life-threatening aneurysms in vasculature, can be tempered or halted all together. The treatment agents can be delivered or administered acutely or chronically according to various delivery methods, including sustained release methods incorporating perivascular or endovascular patches, use of microsphere carriers, hydrogels, or osmotic pumps

    Elastin stabilization of connective tissue

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    A method and product are provided for the treatment of connective tissue weakened due to destruction of tissue architecture, and in particular due to elastin degradation. The treatment agents employ certain unique properties of phenolic compounds to develop a protocol for reducing elastin degradation, such as that occurring during aneurysm formation in vasculature. According to the invention, elastin can be stabilized in vivo and destruction of connective tissue, such as that leading to life-threatening aneurysms in vasculature, can be tempered or halted all together. The treatment agents can be delivered or administered acutely or chronically according to various delivery methods, including sustained release methods incorporating perivascular or endovascular patches, use of microsphere carriers, hydrogels, or osmotic pumps

    Elastin stabilization of connective tissue

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    A method and product are provided for the treatment of connective tissue weakened due to destruction of tissue architecture, and in particular due to elastin degradation. The treatment agents employ certain unique properties of phenolic compounds to develop a protocol for reducing elastin degradation, such as that occurring during aneurysm formation in vasculature. According to the invention, elastin can be stabilized in vivo and destruction of connective tissue, such as that leading to life-threatening aneurysms in vasculature, can be tempered or halted all together. The treatment agents can be delivered or administered acutely or chronically according to various delivery methods, including sustained release methods incorporating perivascular or endovascular patches, use of microsphere carriers, hydrogels, or osmotic pumps

    Metal transport by gas sloshing in M87

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    We present the results of an XMM-Newton mosaic covering the central ~200 kpc of the nearby Virgo cluster. We focus on a strong surface brightness discontinuity in the outskirts of the brightest cluster galaxy, M87. Using both XMM-Newton and Suzaku, we derive accurate temperature and metallicity profiles across this feature and show that it is a cold front probably due to sloshing of the Virgo ICM. It is also associated with a discontinuity in the chemical composition. The gas in the inner, bright region of the front is ~40% more abundant in Fe than the gas outside the front, suggesting the important role of sloshing in transporting metals through the ICM. For the first time, we provide a quantitative estimate of the mass of Fe transported by a cold front. This amounts to ~6% of the total Fe mass within the radial range affected by sloshing, significantly more than the amount of metals transported by the AGN in the same cluster core. The very low Fe abundance of only ~0.2 solar immediately outside the cold front at a radius of 90 kpc suggests we are witnessing first-hand the transport of higher metallicity gas into a pristine region, whose abundance is typical of the cluster outskirts. The Mg/Fe and O/Fe abundance ratios remain approximately constant over the entire radial range between the centre of M87 and the faint side of the cold front, which requires the presence of a centrally peaked distribution not only for Fe but also for core-collapse type supernova products. This peak may stem from the star formation triggered as the BCG assembled during the protocluster phase.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA
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