1,849 research outputs found

    Nganggung as a Local Wisdom in Andrea Hirata’s Dwilogi Padang Bulan

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    This study aims to analyze how local wisdom values and symbolic meaning of nganggung as the slogan of sepintu sedulang, which reflects the nature of mutual cooperation, exist. Nganggung or sepintu sedulang is a local wisdom that reflect a social life of a society in Belitong based on gotong-royong. Nganggung tradition can hopefully represent the reflection of society nowadays as a role value and norm to solve all the problem faced. The analysis is based on the theory of local wisdom by Rahyono (2010) and Sibarani (2014) which describe that local wisdom is the genuine knowledge and intelligence of human come from the culture and the experience to manage the sosial life of society. Using descriptive qualitative analysis by objective approach of Sarjono (2011), the findings shows that nganggung tradition has local wisdom values such as religious, gotong-royong, responsible, appreciative, submissive, and independent. Symbolic meaning of the features of nganggung tradition which is tudung saji is the preservation of plants of the custon which is wild pandanus. Its form like a parabolic antenna signs that nganggung tradition is the protector of all society. The use of red colour for tudung saji signs bravery and high work performance. The straps on tudung saji signs to bond the diversity by the sense of belongings. The shape of dulang which is round signs the dynamic manner of the society.   Keywords: nganggung, tradition, local wisdom, tudung saj

    Uji Dosis Tepung Buah Sirih Hutan (Piper Aduncum L) Terhadap Mortalitas Kumbang Bubuk (Sitophilus Zeamais M) Pada Jagung Di Penyimpanan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the dose of flour forest fruit betel (Piper aduncum L) that best powder beetle kills pests (Sitophilus zeamais M) on corn in storage. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pests, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The study was conducted from April to June 2016. The research method implemented experimentally. This research was conducted in two series, the first carried out for 72 hours to observe the initial time of death, the daily mortality, Lethal time50, and total mortality, and the second after 5 weeks of infestation, which is observed is S. zeamais beetle population growth and shrinkage weight of corn by pests S. zeamais, using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of six treatments, with four replications thus obtained 24 experimental units. Each experimental unit infested as many as 10 animals S. zeamais. The results showed that the dosage of flour betel vine forest at a dose of 8 g / 100 g of corn is the best dose to control S. zeamais with total mortality of 97.50%, the initial time of 5.50 hours of death, lethal time50 (LT50) during 21:00 hours

    Arsenic, fluoride and other trace elements in the Argentina Pampean plain

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    The contents of arsenic (As), fluoride (F) and other trace elements (B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Ba, Si and Sr) have been determined in groundwater samples from the Langueyú creek basin, in the Argentina Pampean plain. This research aims to establish the baseline concentration and geographical distribution of trace elements in this basin. This aim has particular interest to public health in the city of Tandil where groundwater is the principal source of water for human supply. The baseline concentrations of elements in the Langueyú creek basin are in good agreement with published data from other locations of the Pampean aquifer. The arsenic limit of 10mg/l, established as provisional limit by the World Health Organization (WHO), was exceeded in 78% of the sampled wells, with As concentration increasing in the direction of groundwater flow. Concentrations of B, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn regulated by the Argentinian Food Code (CAA) do not exceed the maximum limit for drinking water, although concentrations of Ni, Zn or Pb peaked up at some wells, probably due to pipeline corrosion. The strong correlation observed between As, F, V, Cr and B has been related to their anionic character at the groundwater natural alkaline pH that is likely associated with similar mobilization (adsorption/desorption) processes. Worst consequences for human health have arisen in areas with the highest arsenic concentration in drinking water. The conclusions of this study contribute to understand the provenance and mobilization processes of some trace elements in groundwater. It enables the decision making regarding the public health priorities and the technological treatments of water resources in urban and rural areas

    Forest nurseries and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: the case of Sicily and Apulia (Italy)

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    In Italy, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) foresees the planting of ca. 6.6 million trees to establish urban and peri-urban forests in 14 metropolitan cities. This ambitious project requires a significant number of native trees and shrubs, currently unavailable in Italian public and private nurseries. This survey analyzes the state of forest nurseries in two administrative regions of southern Italy, i.e. the “Filici” forest nursery (province of Agrigento, Sicily) and the Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium (province of Foggia, Apulia), to evaluate the adequacy of Sicilian and Apulian forest nurseries as potential sources of plant material to meet the requirements of the NRRP. The census carried out at the “Filici” nursery revealed the presence of more than 22,000 seedlings in cultivation, comprising 55 species, 26 genera, and 26 families. The autochthonous species are 43 (78.2%), while the exotic ones are 12 (21.8%). The Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium forest nursery has 190,876 seedlings in cultivation. A total of 80 species are present, belonging to 59 genera and 32 families. Of these, 68 (85%) are native species, 12 (15%) are exotic. An analysis of the plant material being cultivated in these forest nurseries shows the presence of a share of autochthonous species of interest for urban reforestation initiatives, however these are still insufficient in number

    Genetic and Clinical Features of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Types 1 and 2

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) are clinical inherited syndromes affecting different endocrine glands. Three different patterns of MEN syndromes can occur (MEN 1, MEN 2A, and MEN 2B). MEN syndromes are very rare, affect all ages and both sexes are equally affected. MEN 1 is characterized by the neoplastic transformation of the parathyroid glands, pancreatic islets, anterior pituitary, and gastrointestinal tract. Heterozygous MEN 1 germline mutations have been detected in about 70–80% of patients with MEN 1. The mutations are scattered throughout the entire genomic sequence of the gene. MEN 1 patients are characterized by variable clinical features, thus suggesting the lack of a genotype-phenotype correlation. Therapeutical approaches are different according to the different endocrinopathies. The prognosis is generally good if adequate treatment is provided. In MEN 2 syndromes, the medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is almost invariably present and can be associated with pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and/or multiple adenomatosis of parathyroid glands with hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). The different combination of the endocrine neoplasia gives origin to 3 syndromes: MEN 2A, MEN 2B, and FMTC. The clinical course of MTC varies considerably in the three syndromes. It is very aggressive in MEN 2B, almost indolent in the majority of patients with FMTC and with variable degrees of aggressiveness in patients with MEN 2A. Activating germline point mutations of the RET protooncogene are present in 98% of MEN 2 families. A strong genotype-phenotype correlation has been observed and a specific RET mutation may be responsible for a more or less aggressive clinical course. The treatment of choice for primary MTC is total thyroidectomy with central neck lymph nodes dissection. Nevertheless, 30% of MTC patients, especially in MEN 2B and 2A, are not cured by surgery. Recently, developed molecular therapeutics that target the RET pathway have shown very promising activity in clinical trials of patients with advanced MTC. MEN 2 prognosis is strictly dependent on the MTC aggressiveness and thus on the success of the initial treatment

    Entomological Surveillance Of Malaria Vectors In Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency, Maluku Province

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    The research aims to determine the prevalence of malaria and Anopheles spp using bio-ecology surveillance in Alusi and Waturu community health centers in Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency. The study was conducted in March-April 2015 with cross sectional design. In this research, we performed mass blood survey on 489 participants in the Kilmasa village and 434 participants in Waturu village. We also performed entomology surveillances, i.e. larval density, catching Anopheles spp, temperature, humidity, and salinity. To confirm malaria vectors, we used enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) techniques. The data analyzed descriptively. The results of the study showed proportion 0.20% malaria morbidity in Kilmasa village and 0.23% in Waturu village. Anopheles flavirostris and An. barbirostris group were likely to bite a human outside and inside the house and peaked at 11.00 pm-12.00 pm. The parous rate of An. flavirostris and An. barbirostris was 46% and 26%, respectively. Human blood index of An.flavirostris and An. barbirostris was 33.3% and by 70%, respectively. Anopheles flavirostri and An. barbirostris were malaria vectors with sporozoite rate 0.38% and 12.5%, respectively

    T Cell LFA-1 Engagement Induces HuR-Dependent Cytokine mRNA Stabilization through a Vav-1, Rac1/2, p38MAPK and MKK3 Signaling Cascade

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    Engagement of the β2 integrin, lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), results in stabilization of T cell mRNA transcripts containing AU-rich elements (AREs) by inducing rapid nuclear-to-cytosolic translocation of the RNA-stabilizing protein, HuR. However, little is known regarding integrin-induced signaling cascades that affect mRNA catabolism. This study examines the role of the GTPases, Rac 1 and Rac 2, and their downstream effectors, in the LFA-1-induced effects on mRNA.Engagement of LFA-1 to its ligand, ICAM-1, in human peripheral T cells resulted in rapid activation of Rac1 and Rac2. siRNA-mediated knockdown of either Rac1 or Rac2 prevented LFA-1-stimulated stabilization of the labile transcripts encoding IFN-γ and TNF-α, and integrin mediated IFN-γ mRNA stabilization was absent in T cells obtained from Rac2 gene-deleted mice. LFA-1 engagement-induced translocation of HuR and stabilization of TNF- α mRNA was lost in Jurkat cells deficient in the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav-1 (J.Vav1). The transfection of J.Vav1 cells with constitutively active Rac1 or Rac2 stabilized a labile β-globin reporter mRNA, in a HuR-dependent manner. Furthermore, LFA-1-mediated mRNA stabilization and HuR translocation in mouse splenic T cells was dependent on the phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, MKK3, and its target MAP kinase p38MAPK, and lost in T cells obtained from MKK3 gene-deleted mice.Collectively, these results demonstrate that LFA-1-induced stabilization of ARE-containing mRNAs in T cells is dependent on HuR, and occurs through the Vav-1, Rac1/2, MKK3 and p38MAPK signaling cascade. This pathway constitutes a molecular switch that enhances immune and pro-inflammatory gene expression in T cells undergoing adhesion at sites of activation and effector function

    A prospective evaluation of the predictive value of faecal calprotectin in quiescent Crohn’s disease

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    Background: The faecal calprotectin (FC) test is a non-invasive marker for gastrointestinal inflammation. Aim: To determine whether higher FC levels in individuals with quiescent Crohn’s disease are associated with clinical relapse over the ensuing 12 months.<p></p> Methods: A single centre prospective study was undertaken in Crohn's disease patients in clinical remission attending for routine review. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the primary endpoint of clinical relapse by 12 months, based on FC at baseline, was calculated. Kaplan-Meier curves of time to relapse were based on the resulting optimal FC cutoff for predicting relapse.<p></p> Results: Of 97 patients recruited, 92 were either followed up for 12 months without relapsing, or reached the primary endpoint within that period. Of these, 10 (11%) had relapsed by 12 months. The median FC was lower for non-relapsers, 96µg/g (IQR 39-237), than for relapsers, 414µg/g (IQR 259-590), (p=0.005). The area under the ROC curve to predict relapse using FC was 77.4%. An optimal cutoff FC value of 240µg/g to predict relapse of quiescent Crohn’s had sensitivity of 80.0% and specificity of 74.4%. Negative predictive value was 96.8% and positive predictive value was 27.6%. FC≥240μg/g was associated with likelihood of relapse 5.7 (95% CI 1.9-17.3) times higher within 2.3 years than lower values (p=0.002).<p></p> Conclusions: In this prospective dataset, FC appears to be a useful, non-invasive tool to help identify quiescent Crohn’s disease patients at a low risk of relapse over the ensuing 12 months. FC of 240µg/g was the optimal cutoff in this cohort.<p></p&gt

    Pengaruh Faktor Klimatik Terhadap Kepadatan Nyamuk Anopheles farauti di Ekosistem Pantai dan Rawa Provinsi Papua

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    Infectious vectors are generally sensitive to environmental change, including climatic factor. Climate may affect the ability of vector in transmitting the disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of climatic factors on density of Anopheles farauti Laveran in coastal and marsh ecosystems. The mosquito was collected by using human landing collection method. The climatic data recorded during the research were air suhue, wind velocity and humidity, while the rainfall rate data was obtained from the Provincial office of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency Suhue of Papua Province. The result showed that Anopheles farauti was constantly found during the study period as air suhue, humidity, rainfall and wind velocity fluctuated. This result suggest that during the data collection climatic factors did not significantly affect the presence and density of Anopheles farauti. Key words: climatic factor; mosquito density; coastal; swamp; Anopheles farauti.