264 research outputs found

    La construcción jurisdiccional de los procesos de consulta de las comunidades indígenas y su aproximación al derecho a la información en México

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    This paper analyzes exogenous and endogenous factors that generates the protection of the prior and informed consultation in Mexican State as a collective right of indigenous people that allows the participation and dialogue in the decisions that could affect them like in their institutions, territory, selfdetermination, autonomy, authorities, normative system, identity, language or culture Among extern factors the latinoamerican wave incorporates the recognition of the indigenous corpus iuris, that makes a significant change but insufficient to solve the problem because also needs guarantees to protect their right efectively. Within the intern factors, the recognition process incorporates jurisdictional precedents that allows the protection of the collective right in the absence and resistence of the assurance purposes that dignify indigenous people, the coexisting of legal systems and the protection of the freedom of information.Este artículo analiza los factores exógenos y endógenos que se han generado en el Estado mexicano para asegurar el derecho a la consulta libre, previa e informada, como derecho colectivo que permite el diálogo de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas a efecto de participar en las decisiones que puedan afectarlos directamente como puede ocurrir en sus instituciones, territorio, autonomía, libre determinación, autoridades, sistemas normativos, identidad, lengua o cultura. Entre los factores externos se advierte la oleada latinoamericana expansionista del reconocimiento de un corpus iuris indígena, que ha resultado significativa pero que no resuelve en su totalidad el eficaz ejercicio de los derechos puesto que se requieren de mayores garantías que permitan su cabal cumplimiento en todos los supuestos. Por su parte, dentro de los factores internos se analiza el proceso de reconocimiento de los derechos indígenas que incorpora precedentes jurisdiccionales que hacen evidentes las omisiones y la falta de voluntad política para la constitucionalización de los derechos indígenas y de la implementación de mecanismos que abonen a la dignificación de estos, a la coexistencia armónica de sistemas así como a asegurar el derecho a la información durante los procesos de implementación

    The fate of murine double minute X (MdmX) is dictated by distinct signaling pathways through murine double minute 2 (Mdm2)

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    Mouse double minute 2 (Mdm2) and MdmX dimerize in response to low levels of genotoxic stress to function in a ubiquitinating complex, which signals for destabilization of p53. Under growth conditions, Mdm2 functions as a neddylating ligase, but the importance and extent of MdmX involvement in this process are largely unknown. Here we show that when Mdm2 functions as a neddylating enzyme, MdmX is stabilized. Furthermore, we demonstrate that under growth conditions, MdmX enhances the neddylation activity of Mdm2 on p53 and is a substrate for neddylation itself. Importantly, MdmX knockdown in MCF-7 breast cancer cells resulted in diminished neddylated p53, suggesting that MdmX is important for Mdm2-mediated neddylation. Supporting this finding, the lack of MdmX in transient assays or in p53/MdmX-/- MEFs results in decreased or altered neddylation of p53 respectively; therefore, MdmX is a critical component of the Mdm2-mediated neddylating complex. c-Src is the upstream activator of this Mdm2-MdmX neddylating pathway and loss of Src signaling leads to the destabilization of MdmX that is dependent on the RING (Really Interesting New Gene) domain of MdmX. Treatment with a small molecule inhibitor of neddylation, MLN4924, results in the activation of Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM). ATM phosphorylates Mdm2, converting Mdm2 to a ubiquitinating enzyme which leads to the destabilization of MdmX. These data show how distinct signaling pathways engage neddylating or ubiquitinating activities and impact the Mdm2-MdmX axis

    Food addiction and lifetime alcohol and illicit drugs use in specific eating disorders

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    Background and aims: Food addiction (FA) and substance use (SU) have frequently been reported in patients with eating disorders (EDs). Our study aimed to assess the prevalence rates of FA and/or lifetime problematic alcohol and illicit drug use among patients with specific ED, such as: bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding and eating disorder (OSFED). We sought to identify clinical, psychopathological, and personality profiles involved in these addictive behavior-based phenotypes. Methods: The total sample was 527 patients (176 BN, 115 BED, and 236 OSFED). FA was assessed through the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0. To determine lifetime SU, a semi structured clinical interview was carried out. Results: Patients with BN had the highest rates of FA both with and without SU. No gender differences were obtained for the prevalence of current FA and/or lifetime SU. Patients reporting at least one addictive-related behavior exhibited increased clinical severity compared to those who reported none. Increased impulsivity (such as high lack of premeditation, sensation seeking, and positive urgency) and low self-directedness were differentiating factors for presenting one or two addictive behaviors. Discussion and Conclusions: Overall, patients presenting with at least one addictive-like behavior reported a poorer clinical status than those without. Also, patients with FA and SU exhibited a more dysfunctional profile characterized by high impulsivity and low selfdirectedness. These findings would support the need for targeted treatments to reduce impulsivity and increase self-directedness, especially in patients with any addictive-related behavior, as a step towards improving their treatment outcome

    Megakaryocytes: Regulators of Bone Mass and Hematopoiesis

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    poster abstractEmerging evidence demonstrates that megakaryocytes (MK) play a key role in regulating skeletal homeostasis and hematopoiesis. Recent reports show that MK reside in close proximity to hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). Genetic depletion of MK resulted in mitotic activation of HSC suggesting that MK maintain HSC quiescence. Other studies demonstrated that following irradiation, surviving MK migrate to endosteal surfaces where osteoblast (OB) lineage cells dramatically increase and promote engraftment of transplanted HSC. Here we investigated if MK directly impact hematopoiesis or whether they indirectly support HSC function through their interaction with OB-lineage cells. Our data suggests that LSK (Lin-Sca+CD117+, an enriched HSC population) co-cultured with MK and OB generate significantly higher numbers of colony forming cells (HSC function) compared to LSK cocultured with either MK or OB alone. The functionality of this in vitro data was confirmed in vivo with transplantation studies which showed increased engraftment in mice transplanted with LSK cells co-cultured with OB and MK compared to LSK cells co-cultured with OB alone. To test if loss of MK negatively impacts osteoblastogenesis, we generated conditional knockout mice where cMpl, the receptor for the main MK growth factor, thrombopoietin (TPO), was deleted in MK (cMplfl/fl x PF4Cre). Unexpectedly, these mice exhibited a 10-fold increase in platelet numbers, megakaryocytosis, a dramatic expansion of phenotypically defined hematopoietic precursors, and a remarkable 20-fold increase in the bone volume fraction. Collectively, these data indicate that while MK modulate HSC function, this activity is in part mediated through interactions with OB and suggest a complex role for TPO and MK in HSC regulation. While work is needed to further elucidate mechanisms, understanding the coordinated interaction between MK, OB, HSC, and TPO/Mpl should inform the development of novel treatments to enhance HSC recovery following myelosuppressive injuries, as well as bone loss diseases, such as osteoporosis

    Early-Stage Metastasis Requires Mdm2 and Not p53 Gain of Function

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    Metastasis of cancer cells to distant organ systems is a complex process that is initiated with the programming of cells in the primary tumor. The formation of distant metastatic foci is correlated with poor prognosis and limited effective treatment options. We and others have correlated Mouse double minute 2 (Mdm2) with metastasis; however, the mechanisms involved have not been elucidated. Here, it is reported that shRNA-mediated silencing of Mdm2 inhibits epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cell migration. In vivo analysis demonstrates that silencing Mdm2 in both post-EMT and basal/triple-negative breast cancers resulted in decreased primary tumor vasculature, circulating tumor cells, and metastatic lung foci. Combined, these results demonstrate the importance of Mdm2 in orchestrating the initial stages of migration and metastasis

    Scaffold-free bioprinting of mesenchymal stem cells using the Regenova printer: Spheroid characterization and osteogenic differentiation

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    Limitations in scaffold material properties, such as sub-optimal degradation time, highlight the need for alternative approaches to engineer de novo tissues. One emerging solution for fabricating tissue constructs is scaffold-free tissue engineering. To facilitate this approach, three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting technology (Regenova Bio 3D Printer) has been developed to construct complex geometric shapes from discrete cellular spheroids without exogenous scaffolds. Optimizing spheroid fabrication and characterizing cellular behavior in the spheroid environment are important first steps prior to printing larger constructs. Here, we characterized spheroids of immortalized mouse bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) that were differentiated to the osteogenic lineage. Immortalized BMSCs were seeded in low attachment 96-well plates in various numbers to generate self-aggregated spheroids either under the force of gravity or centrifugation. Cells were cultured in control or osteogenic media for up to 28 days. Spheroid diameter, roundness and smoothness were measured. Cell viability, DNA content and alkaline phosphatase activity were assessed at multiple time points. Additionally, expression of osteogenic markers was determined using real time qPCR. Spheroids formed under gravity with 20 K, 30 K and 40 K cells had average diameters of 498.5 ± 8.3 μm, 580.0 ± 32.9 μm and 639.2 ± 54.0 μm, respectively, while those formed under 300G centrifugation with the same numbers of cells had average diameters of 362.3 ± 3.5 μm, 433.1 ± 6.4 μm and 491.2 ± 8.0 μm. Spheroids formed via centrifugation were superior to those formed by gravity, as evidenced by better roundness and smoothness and double the retention of DNA (cellular) content. Cells in spheroids exhibited a robust osteogenic response to the differentiation medium, including higher mRNA expression of alkaline phosphatase, collagen type I, and osteocalcin than those cultured in control medium, as well as greater alkaline phosphatase activity. The optimal spheroid fabrication technique from this study was to aggregate 40 K cells under 150–300G centrifugation. In future investigations, these spheroids will be 3D printed into larger tissue constructs

    The adrenal medulla modulates mechanical allodynia in a rat model of neuropathic pain

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    We have investigated whether the stress response mediated by the adrenal medulla in rats subjected to chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI) modulates their nocifensive behavior. Treatment with SK29661 (300 mg/kg; intraperitoneal (I.P.)), a selective inhibitor of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) that converts noradrenaline (NA) into adrenaline (A), fully reverted mechanical allodynia in the injured hind paw without affecting mechanical sensitivity in the contralateral paw. The effect was fast and reversible and was associated with a decrease in the A to NA ratio (A/NA) in the adrenal gland and circulating blood, an A/NA that was elevated by CCI. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-7-sulfonamide (SKF29661) did not a ect exocytosis evoked by Ca2+ entry as well as major ionic conductances (voltage-gated Na+, Ca2+, and K+ channels, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) involved in stimulus-secretion coupling in chroma n cells, suggesting that it acted by changing the relative content of the two adrenal catecholamines. Denervation of the adrenal medulla by surgical splanchnectomy attenuated mechanical allodynia in neuropathic animals, hence confirming the involvement of the adrenal medulla in the pathophysiology of the CCI model. Inhibition of PNMT appears to be an effective and probably safe way to modulate adrenal medulla activity and, in turn, to alleviate pain secondary to the injury of a peripheral nerveThis research was funded by the SPANISH MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION, grants BFU2011-26253, BFU2015-70067-REDC to A.R.A., and SAF2016-78892 to A.G.G, and by UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, grant PR75/18-21593 to A.R.A

    Nucleus accumbens functional connectivity and circulating endocannabinoids levels in anorexia nervosa

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    Introduction: Neuroimaging findings have reported aberrant functional connectivity in brain regions involved reward system in individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) altering hedonic processing over food. Likewise, endocannabinoids such as Anandamide (AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) have been involved in rewarding aspects of food intake. Objectives: To identify nucleus accumbens (NAcc) functional connectivity with whole-brain comparing between individuals with AN and controls. Furthermore, in a sub-study, to explore the interaction between NAcc functional connectivity and peripheral AEA and 2-AG levels

    Lnk Deficiency Leads to TPO-Mediated Osteoclastogenesis and Increased Bone Mass Phenotype

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    The Lnk adapter protein negatively regulates the signaling of thrombopoietin (TPO), the main megakaryocyte (MK) growth factor. Lnk-deficient (-/-) mice have increased TPO signaling and increased MK number. Interestingly, several mouse models exist in which increased MK number leads to a high bone mass phenotype. Here we report the bone phenotype of these mice. MicroCT and static histomorphometric analyses at 20 weeks showed the distal femur of Lnk-/- mice to have significantly higher bone volume fraction and trabecular number compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Notably, despite a significant increase in the number of osteoclasts (OC), and decreased bone formation rate in Lnk-/- mice compared to WT mice, Lnk-/- mice demonstrated a 2.5-fold greater BV/TV suggesting impaired OC function in vivo. Additionally, Lnk-/- mouse femurs exhibited non-significant increases in mid-shaft cross-sectional area, yet increased periosteal BFR compared to WT femurs was observed. Lnk-/- femurs also had non-significant increases in polar moment of inertia and decreased cortical bone area and thickness, resulting in reduced bone stiffness, modulus, and strength compared to WT femurs. Of note, Lnk is expressed by OC lineage cells and when Lnk-/- OC progenitors are cultured in the presence of TPO, significantly more OC are observed than in WT cultures. Lnk is also expressed in osteoblast (OB) cells and in vitro reduced alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in Lnk-/- cultures. These data suggest that both direct effects on OB and OC as well as indirect effects of MK in regulating OB contributes to the observed high bone mass. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 2231-2240, 2017
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