399 research outputs found

    Conditions for the onset of the current filamentation instability in the laboratory

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    Current Filamentation Instability (CFI) is capable of generating strong magnetic fields relevant to explain radiation processes in astrophysical objects and lead to the onset of particle acceleration in collisionless shocks. Probing such extreme scenarios in the laboratory is still an open challenge. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using neutral ee^{-} e+e^{+} beams to explore the CFI with realistic parameters, by performing 2D particle-in-cell simulations. We show that CFI can occur unless the rate at which the beam expands due to finite beam emittance is larger than the CFI growth rate and as long as the role of competing electrostatic two-stream instability (TSI) is negligible. We also show that the longitudinal energy spread, typical of plasma based accelerated electron-positron fireball beams, plays a minor role in the growth of CFI in these scenarios

    Transverse self-modulation of ultra-relativistic lepton beams in the plasma wakefield accelerator

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    The transverse self-modulation of ultra-relativistic, long lepton bunches in high-density plasmas is explored through full-scale particle-in-cell simulations. We demonstrate that long SLAC-type electron and positron bunches can become strongly self-modulated over centimeter distances, leading to wake excitation in the blowout regime with accelerating fields in excess of 20 GV/m. We show that particles energy variations exceeding 10 GeV can occur in meter-long plasmas. We find that the self-modulation of positively and negatively charged bunches differ when the blowout is reached. Seeding the self-modulation instability suppresses the competing hosing instability. This work reveals that a proof-of-principle experiment to test the physics of bunch self-modulation can be performed with available lepton bunches and with existing experimental apparatus and diagnostics.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Electron trapping and acceleration by the plasma wakefield of a self-modulating proton beam

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    It is shown that co-linear injection of electrons or positrons into the wakefield of the self-modulating particle beam is possible and ensures high energy gain. The witness beam must co-propagate with the tail part of the driver, since the plasma wave phase velocity there can exceed the light velocity, which is necessary for efficient acceleration. If the witness beam is many wakefield periods long, then the trapped charge is limited by beam loading effects. The initial trapping is better for positrons, but at the acceleration stage a considerable fraction of positrons is lost from the wave. For efficient trapping of electrons, the plasma boundary must be sharp, with the density transition region shorter than several centimeters. Positrons are not susceptible to the initial plasma density gradient.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, 44 reference

    British American Tobacco and the “insidious impact of illicit trade” in cigarettes across Africa

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    OBJECTIVES: To provide an overview of the complicity of British American Tobacco (BAT) in the illicit trade of cigarettes across the African continent in terms of rationale, supply routes and scale. METHODS: Analysis of internal BAT documents and industry publications. RESULTS: BAT has relied on illegal channels to supply markets across Africa since the 1980s. Available documents suggest smuggling has been an important component of BAT's market entry strategy in order to gain leverage in negotiating with governments for tax concessions, compete with other transnational tobacco companies, circumvent local import restrictions and unstable political and economic conditions and gain a market presence. BAT worked through distributors and local agents to exploit weak government capacity to gain substantial market share in major countries. CONCLUSIONS: Documents demonstrate that the complicity of BAT in cigarette smuggling extends to Africa, which includes many of the poorest countries in the world. This is in direct conflict with offers by the company to contribute to stronger international cooperation to tackle the illicit tobacco trade

    A proposed demonstration of an experiment of proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration based on CERN SPS

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    The proton bunch-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) has been proposed as an approach to accelerate an electron beam to the TeV energy regime in a single plasma section. An experimental program has been recently proposed to demonstrate the capability of proton-driven PWFA by using existing proton beams from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) accelerator complex. At present, a spare Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) tunnel, having a length of 600 m, could be used for this purpose. The layout of the experiment is introduced. Particle-in-cell simulation results based on realistic SPS beam parameters are presented. Simulations show that working in a self-modulation regime, the wakefield driven by an SPS beam can accelerate an externally injected ~10 MeV electrons to ~2 GeV in a 10-m plasma, with a plasma density of 7 × 1014 cm−

    A complementary compact laser based neutron source

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    Several experiments of neutron generation using high intensity laser sources, with a power exceeding 10^19W/cm^2 via TNSA (Target Normal Sheath Acceleration) or other similar methods, have been performed in the past years in different laboratories. However, so far there is no one running neutron source based on such a technology. In the framework of the Conceptual Report Design of a new accelerator in the Eupraxia project we are studying the possibility to have a laser-based neutron source, not only by TNSA but also from self-injection schemes. We focus our attention on the applications in cultural heritage studies as well also on the complementary role that such a source can have in the framework of large facilities devoted to radiation production.Comment: 4 pages, two figures, 3rd European Advanced Accelerators Concept

    Optical map guided genome assembly

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    Background The long reads produced by third generation sequencing technologies have significantly boosted the results of genome assembly but still, genome-wide assemblies solely based on read data cannot be produced. Thus, for example, optical mapping data has been used to further improve genome assemblies but it has mostly been applied in a post-processing stage after contig assembly. Results We proposeOpticalKermitwhich directly integrates genome wide optical maps into contig assembly. We show how genome wide optical maps can be used to localize reads on the genome and then we adapt the Kermit method, which originally incorporated genetic linkage maps to the miniasm assembler, to use this information in contig assembly. Our experimental results show that incorporating genome wide optical maps to the contig assembly of miniasm increases NGA50 while the number of misassemblies decreases or stays the same. Furthermore, when compared to the Canu assembler,OpticalKermitproduces an assembly with almost three times higher NGA50 with a lower number of misassemblies on realA. thalianareads. Conclusions OpticalKermitsuccessfully incorporates optical mapping data directly to contig assembly of eukaryotic genomes. Our results show that this is a promising approach to improve the contiguity of genome assemblies.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of office, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurements in hypertensive and suspected hypertensive SWICOS participants.

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    PURPOSE Hypertension should be confirmed with the use of home BP measurement (HBPM) or 24h ambulatory BP measurement (ABPM). The aim of our study was to compare measurements obtained by OBPM, HBPM and ABPM in individuals with elevated OBPM participating in the population-based Swiss Longitudinal Cohort Study (SWICOS). MATERIAL AND METHODS Participants with OBPM ≥140/90 mmHg assessed their BP using HBPM and ABPM. The cut-off for hypertension was ≥135/85 mmHg for HBPM, ≥130/80 mmHg for ABPM. White-coat hypertension (WCH) was defined as normal HPBM and ABPM in participants not taking antihypertensive drugs. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as hypertension in HBPM or ABPM despite antihypertensive treatment. RESULTS Of 72 hypertensive subjects with office BP ≥140/90 mmHg and valid measurements of HBPM and ABPM, 39 were males (aged 62.8 ± 11.8y), 33 were females (aged 57.4 ± 14.2y). Hypertension was confirmed with HBPM and ABPM in 17 participants (24%), with ABPM only in 24 further participants (33%), and with HBPM only in 2 further participants (3%). Participants who had hypertension according to ABPM but not HBPM were younger (59 ± 11 y versus 67 ± 16 y; p < 0.001) and more frequently still working (83% versus 23%; p < 0.001). The prevalence of WCH was 28%. Among the 32 subjects taking antihypertensive drugs, uncontrolled hypertension was found in 49%. CONCLUSION This population-based study found a high prevalence of WCH and potential uncontrolled hypertension among individuals with elevated OBPM. This study, therefore, supports the ESH recommendations of complementing OBPM by ABPM or HBPM. The use of HBPM instead of ABPM for the confirmation of hypertension in individuals with elevated OBPM might lead to underdiagnosis and uncontrolled hypertension, in particular in the younger working population. In these individuals, this study suggests using ABPM instead of HBPM