42 research outputs found

    Mediterranean diet, physical activity and gut microbiome composition: A cross-sectional study among healthy young italian adults

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    Background. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the microbial composition of the gut and its possible association with the Mediterranean diet (MD) after adjusting for demographic and anthropometric characteristics in a sample of healthy young Italian adults. Methods. Gut microbiota, demographic information, and data on adherence to MD and physical activity (PA) habits were collected in a sample of 140 university students (48.6% males, mean age 22.5 ± 2.9) with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 22.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2 (15.2–33.8) and a mean PA level of 3006.2 ± 2973.6 metabolic equivalent (MET)-minutes/week (148–21,090). Results. A high prevalence of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes was found in all the fecal samples. Significant dissimilarities in the microbiota composition were found on the basis of MD adherence and PA levels (p = 0.001). At the genus level, Streptococcus and Dorea were highly abundant in overweight/obese individuals, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira in participants with lower adherence to MD, and Lachnobacterium in subjects with low levels of PA (p = 0.001). A significantly higher abundance of Paraprevotella was shown by individuals with lower BMI, lower MD adherence, and lower PA levels (p = 0.001). Conclusions. This study contributes to the characterization of the gut microbiome of healthy humans. The findings suggest the role of diet and PA in determining gut microbiota variability

    A complementary study approach unravels novel players in the pathoetiology of Hirschsprung disease

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    Hirschsprung disease (HSCR, OMIM 142623) involves congenital intestinal obstruction caused by dysfunction of neural crest cells and their progeny during enteric nervous system (ENS) development. HSCR is a multifactorial disorder; pathogenetic variants accounting for disease phenotype are identified only in a minority of cases, and the identification of novel disease-relevant genes remains challenging. In order to identify and to validate a potential disease-causing relevance of novel HSCR candidate genes, we established a complementary study approach, combining whole exome sequencing (WES) with transcriptome analysis of murine embryonic ENS-related tissues, literature and databas

    The Thickness of the Mantle Lithosphere and Collision-Related Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus

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    The Lesser Caucasus mountains sit on a transition within the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone between very thin lithosphere (<100 km) to the west, under Eastern Anatolia, and a very thick lithospheric root (up to 200 km) in the east, under western Iran. A transect of volcanic highlands running from NW to SE in the Lesser Caucasus allows us to look at the effects of lithosphere thickness variations on the geochemistry of volcanic rocks in this continental collision zone. Volcanic rocks from across the region show a wide compositional range from basanites to rhyolites, and have arc-like geochemical characteristics, typified by ubiquitous negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Magmatic rocks from the SE, where the lithosphere is thought to be thicker, are more enriched in incompatible trace elements, especially the light rare earth elements, Sr and P. They also have more radiogenic ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr, and less radiogenic ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Nd. Across the region, there is no correlation between SiO₂ content and Sr–Nd isotope ratios, revealing a lack of crustal contamination. Instead, ‘spiky’ mid-ocean ridge basalt normalized trace element patterns are the result of derivation from a subduction-modified mantle source, which probably inherited its subduction component from subduction of the Tethys Ocean prior to the onset of continent–continent collision in the late Miocene. In addition to the more isotopically enriched mantle source, modelling of non-modal batch melting suggests lower degrees of melting and the involvement of garnet as a residual phase in the SE. Melt thermobarometry calculations based on bulk-rock major elements confirm that melting in the SE must occur at greater depths in the mantle. Temperatures of melting below 1200°C, along with the subduction-modified source, suggest that melting occurred within the lithosphere. It is proposed that in the northern Lesser Caucasus this melting occurs close to the base of the very thin lithosphere (at a depth of ∼45 km) as a result of small-scale delamination. A striking similarity between the conditions of melting in NW Iran and the southern Lesser Caucasus (two regions between which the difference in lithosphere thickness is ∼100 km) suggests a common mechanism of melt generation in the mid-lithosphere (∼75 km). The southern Lesser Caucasus magmas result from mixing between partial melts of deep lithosphere (∼120 km in the south) and mid-lithosphere sources to give a composition intermediate between magmas from the northern Lesser Caucasus and NW Iran. The mid-lithosphere magma source has a distinct composition compared with the base of the lithosphere, which is argued to be the result of the increased retention of metasomatic components in phases such as apatite and amphibole, which are stabilized by lower temperatures prior to magma generation

    Einsatz eines integrierten Me�- und Auswertesystems in der Differentialdiagnose der Gesichtsl�hmung

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    Erkennung und Auswertung des postcalorischen Nystagmussignals auf einem Digitalrechner

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    Base and precious metal mineralization in Middle Jurassic rocks of the Lesser Caucasus: A review of geology and metallogeny and new data from the Kapan, Alaverdi and Mehmana districts.

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    The polymetallic Cu–Au–Ag–Zn ± Pb, Cu–Au and Cu deposits in the Kapan, Alaverdi and Mehmana mining districts of Armenia and the Nagorno–Karabakh region form part of the Tethyan belt. They are hosted by Middle Jurassic rocks of the Lesser Caucasus paleo-island arc, which can be divided into the Kapan Zone and the Somkheto– Karabakh Island Arc. Mineralization in Middle Jurassic rocks of this paleo-island arc domain formed during the first of three recognized Mesozoic to Cenozoic metallogenic epochs. The Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous metallogenic epoch comprises porphyry Cu, skarn and epithermal deposits related to Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous intrusions. The second and third metallogenic epochs of the Lesser Caucasus are represented by Late Cretaceous volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits with transitional features towards epithermal mineraliza- tion and by Eocene to Miocene world-class porphyry Mo–Cu and epithermal precious metal deposits, respectively. The ore deposits in the Kapan, Alaverdi and Mehmana mining districts are poorly understood and previous re- searchers named them as copper–pyrite, Cu–Au or polymetallic deposits. Different genetic origins were proposed for their formation, including VMS and porphyry-related scenarios. The ore deposits in the Kapan, Alaverdi and Mehmana mining districts are characterized by diverse mineralization styles, which include polymetallic veins, massive stratiform replacement ore bodies at lithological contacts, and stockwork style mineralization. Sericitic, argillic and advanced argillic alteration assemblages are widespread in the deposits which have intermediate to high-sulfidation state mineral parageneses that consist of tennantite–tetrahedrite plus chalcopyrite and enargite–luzonite–colusite, respectively. The ore deposits are spatially associated with differentiated calc- alkaline intrusions and pebble dykes are widespread. Published δ34S values for sulfides and sulfates are in agree- ment with a magmatic source for the bulk sulfur whereas published δ34S values of sulfate minerals partly overlap with the isotopic composition of contemporaneous seawater. Published mineralization ages demonstrate discrete ore forming pulses from Middle Jurassic to the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous boundary, indicating time gaps of 5 to 20 m.y. in between the partly subaqueous deposition of the host rocks and the epigenetic mineralization. Most of the described characteristics indicate an intrusion-related origin for the ore deposits in Middle Jurassic rocks of the Lesser Caucasus, whereas a hybrid VMS–epithermal–porphyry scenario might apply for deposits with both VMS- and intrusion-related features. The volcanic Middle Jurassic host rocks for mineralization and Middle to Late Jurassic intrusive rocks from the Somkheto–Karabakh Island Arc and the Kapan Zone show typical subduction-related calc-alkaline signature. They are enriched in LILE such as K, Rb and Ba and show negative anomalies in HFSE such as Nb and Ta. The ubiquitous presence of amphibole in Middle Jurassic volcanic rocks reflects magmas with high water contents. Flat REE patterns ([La/Yb]N = 0.89–1.23) indicate a depleted mantle source, and concave-upward (listric-shaped) MREE–HREE pat- terns ([Dy/Yb]N = 0.75–1.21) suggest melting from a shallow mantle reservoir. Similar trace element patterns of Middle Jurassic rocks from the Somkheto–Karabakh Island Arc and the Kapan Zone indicate that these two tectonic units form part of one discontinuous segmented arc. Similar petrogenetic and ore-forming processes operated along its axis and Middle Jurassic volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks constitute the preferential host for polymetallic Cu–Au–Ag–Zn ± Pb, Cu–Au and Cu mineralization, both in the Somkheto–Karabakh Island Arc and the Kapan Zone

    Ore formation during Jurassic subduction of the Tethys along the Eurasian margin: Constraints from the Kapan district, Lesser Caucasus, southern Armenia

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    The Kapan mining district in the southernmost Lesser Caucasus is one of the few locations along the central Tethyan metallogenic belt where ore-forming processes were associated with magmatic arc growth during Jurassic Tethys subduction along the Eurasian margin. Three ore deposits of the Kapan district were investigated in this study: Centralni West, Centralni East, and Shahumyan. The ore deposits are hosted by Middle Jurassic andesitic to dacitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of tholeiitic to transitional affinities below a late Oxfordian unconformity, which is covered by calc-alkaline to transitional Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks interlayered with sedimentary rocks. The mineralization consists of veins, subsidiary stockwork, and partial matrix replacement of breccia host rocks, with chalcopyrite, pyrite, tennantite-tetrahedrite, sphalerite, and galena as the main ore minerals. Centralni West is a dominantly Cu deposit, and its host rocks are altered to chlorite, carbonate, epidote, and sericite. At Centralni East, Au is associated with Cu, and the Shahumyan deposit is enriched in Pb and Zn as well as precious metals. Both deposits contain high-sulfidation mineral assemblages with enargite and luzonite. Dickite, sericite, and diaspore prevail in altered host rocks in the Centralni East deposit. At the Shahumyan deposit, phyllic to argillic alteration with sericite, quartz, pyrite, and dickite is dominant with polymetallic veins, and advanced argillic alteration with quartz-alunite ± kaolinite and dickite is locally developed. The lead isotope composition of sulfides and alunite (206Pb/204Pb = 18.17–18.32, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.57–15.61, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.17–38.41) indicates a common metal source for the three deposits and suggests that metals were derived from magmatic fluids that were exsolved upon crystallization of Middle Jurassic intrusive rocks or leached from Middle Jurassic country rocks. The δ18O values of hydrothermal quartz (8.3–16.4‰) and the δ34S values of sulfides (2.0–6.5‰) reveal a dominantly magmatic source at all three deposits. Combined oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope compositions of hydrothermal calcite (δ18O = 7.7–15.4‰, δ13C = −3.4−+0.7‰, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70537–0.70586) support mixing of magmatic-derived fluids with seawater during the last stages of ore formation at Shahumyan and Centralni West. 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal muscovite at Centralni West and of magmatic-hydrothermal alunite at Shahumyan yield, respectively, a robust plateau age of 161.78 ± 0.79 Ma and a disturbed plateau age of 156.14 ± 0.79 Ma. Re-Os dating of pyrite from the Centralni East deposit yields an isochron age of 144.7 ± 4.2 Ma and a weighted average age of the model dates of 146.2 ± 3.4 Ma, which are younger than the age of the immediate host rocks. Two different models are offered, depending on the reliability attributed to the disturbed 40Ar/39Ar alunite age and the young Re-Os age. The preferred interpretation is that the Centralni West Cu deposit is a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit and the Shahumyan and Centralni East deposits are parts of porphyryepithermal systems, with the three deposits being broadly coeval or formed within a short time interval in a nascent magmatic arc setting, before the late Oxfordian. Alternatively, but less likely, the three deposits could represent different mineralization styles successively emplaced during evolution and growth of a magmatic arc during a longer time frame between the Middle and Late Jurassic