1,185 research outputs found

    Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting

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    Melting of an ultrathin lubricant film confined between two atomically flat surfaces is we studied using the rheological model for viscoelastic matter approximation. Phase diagram with domains, corresponding to sliding, dry, and two types of stickslipstick-slip friction regimes has been built taking into account additive noises of stress, strain, and temperature of the lubricant. The stress time series have been obtained for all regimes of friction using the Stratonovich interpretation. It has been shown that self-similar regime of lubricant melting is observed when intensity of temperature noise is much larger than intensities of strain and stress noises. This regime is defined by homogenous distribution, at which characteristic stress scale is absent. We study stress time series obtained for all friction regimes using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. It has been shown that multifractality of these series is caused by different correlations that are present in the system and also by a power-law distribution. Since the power-law distribution is related to small stresses, this case corresponds to self-similar solid-like lubricant.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 41 reference

    Diel rhythm of volatile emissions from males and females of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae using PTR-ToF and GC–MS

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    The olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae, is the major key pest of olive groves worldwide. As an odor-driven species, its intraspecific communication has been thoroughly investigated, yielding a combination of spiroacetals, esters and hydrocarbons. However, its management with pheromone is still restricted to olean, the major pheromone component. Given the crucial role of circadian rhythm and pheromone blends in mediating flies reproductive behavior compared to single compounds, B. oleae headspace chemical profile was carefully examined, through the combination of Proton Transfer Reaction Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF) and Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). This novel approach aimed at continuously investigating the temporal scale of volatilome profile of B. oleae individuals, as well as the determination of new candidate sexborne compounds (particularly those emitted in traces or having low molecular weight), that may be relevant to the fly’s chemical communication and were unreported due to limitations of frequently used analytical techniques. Our results describe the dynamics and diversity of B. oleae chemical profile, highlighting the emission of 90 compounds, with clear diel rhythm of release, of known pheromone components of B. oleae (e.g., olean, alphapinene and muscalure) and new candidates. In contrast to ammonia, acetaldehyde and muscalure, which were highly emitted during the afternoon by males and mixed groups, olean was mostly released by mature females and mixed groups, with a peak of emission during early-morning and afternoon. This emission of olean around dawn is reported for the first time, suggesting early-morning mating activity in B. oleae. Furthermore, esters, such as methyl tetradecanoate, which had been earlier identified as a pheromone for B. oleae, did not exhibit any discernible release patterns. These findings are the first to demonstrate the emission of chemicals, which are only produced when males and females are close to one another, with an emission peak during the afternoon (mating period), and that may have aphrodisiac properties for B. oleae males. These results emphasize the relevance of compounds with distinct diel rhythm and address their potential function as intraspecific messengers, according to their source and timing of releas

    The impact of innovations in the production of biologically valuable food products on supply chain management in the regional economy

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    Abstract— The article shows a study of the role of supply chain management of innovative biologically valuable food products in the industrial development and economy of the region. The analysis of the process of updating the assortment of food products based on the introduction of innovative developments and production principles conducive to the release of a healthy diet product (innovative product) is presented. The main provisions of the concept of healthy food products, the category of “innovative food products” are analyzed. The article systematizes the definitions of the concept of “innovative product”. Based on the results of the study, features, functional properties and characteristic features of an innovative food product are determined. Based on the concept of “innovative food product”, the concepts of “new food product”, “improved food product”, and “modified food product” are formulated. A classification model of innovative food products is presented. Based on it, it is shown that the development, production and sale of an innovative food product two functions: economic and social. The study made it possible to formulate the main criteria that make it possible to attribute a food product to a group of innovative food products. The article describes the characteristics of an innovative food product, describes market and consumer properties. The author's definitions of concepts are given: “innovative food product”, “new food product”, “improved food product”, “modified food product”. A classification of innovative food products is proposed

    Freezing precipitation in Russia and the Ukraine

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    International audienceConditions for freezing precipitation (FP), including freezing rain (FR) and freezing drizzle (FZ) for 8 airports in Russia and 4 in the Ukraine are studied on the basis of 10 to 20-year series of surface observations, radiosonde and objective analysis data. Statistical characteristics are presented of the FP episode durations and of occurrence frequency dependences on surface air temperature, wind direction and speed and cloud base height. From the radiosonde data, it is found that the "classical mechanism" of FP generation (for which, stratification of "warm nose" type in the cloud layer is necessary) is not frequent: most of FP cases are associated with "all cold" conditions in the lower 3-km layer, that is, with negative temperatures in and below the clouds

    Optimization of gas sensors measurements by dynamic headspace analysis supported by simultaneous direct injection mass spectrometry

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    Dynamic headspace extraction is frequently used in gas sensors measurements. The procedure may introduce artefacts but its influence in sensor signals interpretation is rarely considered. In this paper, taking advantage of the on-line combination of a quartz microbalance gas sensor array with a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer, we have been able to track the evolution of the concentration of volatile compounds along 75 s of extraction of the headspace of differently treated tomato pastes. Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer signals show that VOCs are characterized by a large diversity of the evolution of the concentration. VOCs kinetics has been described by an electric equivalent circuit model. On the other hand, sensor signals continuously grow approaching a steady value. The contrasting behaviour between sensors signals and the concentration of most of VOCs is explained considering that water is the dominant component in the tomato paste sample and that water is one of those compounds whose concentration in the sensor cell steadily grows. Analysis of variance show that sensors signals achieve the largest separation between classes when the concentration of VOCs in the sensor cell reached its peak. Thus, although the sensor signals continue to rise their information content decays. This finding suggests that measurement protocols need to be adjusted according to the properties of the sample and that the actual measurement times could be much shorter than those predicted from the behaviour of sensor signal

    Features of spatial distribution of oscillations in faculae regions

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    We found that oscillations of LOS velocity in H-alpha are different for various parts of faculae regions. Power spectra show that the contribution of low-frequency modes (1.2 - 2 mHz) increase at the network boundaries. Three and five- minute periods dominate inside cells. The spectra of photosphere and chromosphere LOS velocity oscillations differ for most faculae. On the other hand, we detected several cases where propagating oscillations in faculae were manifest with a five-minute period. Their initiation point on spatial-temporal diagrams coincided with the local maximum of the longitudinal magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The use of low-invasive surgical procedures in the treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver.

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    The problem of diagnostics and stage surgical treatment of a combat trauma of the abdomen with liver damage is actual in conditions of increasing specific gravity of liver damage, accompanied by its severe functional insufficiency. The aim of the study was to improve the results of surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver using minimally invasive surgical techniques. The analysis of surgical treatment of 23 men aged 19 to 49 years with gunshot liver damage at II-IV levels of medical care was carried out. Shock of I st. was observed in 5 (21.7%), II st. - in 8 (34,8%), III st. - 9 wounded (39.2%), IV st. - 1 woun­ded (4.3%), admitted in an agonizing condition. At the second level of medical care, 12 wounded underwent lapa­roscopic operations (52.1%). 11 wounded underwewnt laparotomy (47.9%) with the use of mechanical, physical and chemical methods of bleeding stopping. In 17 wounded (73.9%), concomitant lesions of other organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (stomach, small and large intestine, kidneys, spleen) were observed. Correction of concomitant damages was carried out according to generally accepted methods. At the IV level of medical care, three wounded (12.9%) underwent puncture and drainage of intrahepatic abscesses using ultrasound navigation. Ultrasound examination allowed to determine the degree of liver damage, localization of a foreign body and safe access to its removal. In the structure of gunshot wounds of the abdomen, liver damage makes up 19.2% and the most often is observed in combined shrapnel wounds. In 30.4% of cases of gunshot liver damages, the condition of the wounded is regarded as severe and critical, which requires immediate surgical and resuscitative measures. The use of minimally invasive techniques (video laparoscopy, interventional sonography) in the surgical treatment of gunshot liver injuries can improve results and avoid unreasonable laparotomies

    The use of low-invasive surgical procedures in the treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver.

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    The problem of diagnostics and stage surgical treatment of a combat trauma of the abdomen with liver damage is actual in conditions of increasing specific gravity of liver damage, accompanied by its severe functional insufficiency. The aim of the study was to improve the results of surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver using minimally invasive surgical techniques. The analysis of surgical treatment of 23 men aged 19 to 49 years with gunshot liver damage at II-IV levels of medical care was carried out. Shock of I st. was observed in 5 (21.7%), II st. - in 8 (34,8%), III st. - 9 wounded (39.2%), IV st. - 1 woun­ded (4.3%), admitted in an agonizing condition. At the second level of medical care, 12 wounded underwent lapa­roscopic operations (52.1%). 11 wounded underwewnt laparotomy (47.9%) with the use of mechanical, physical and chemical methods of bleeding stopping. In 17 wounded (73.9%), concomitant lesions of other organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (stomach, small and large intestine, kidneys, spleen) were observed. Correction of concomitant damages was carried out according to generally accepted methods. At the IV level of medical care, three wounded (12.9%) underwent puncture and drainage of intrahepatic abscesses using ultrasound navigation. Ultrasound examination allowed to determine the degree of liver damage, localization of a foreign body and safe access to its removal. In the structure of gunshot wounds of the abdomen, liver damage makes up 19.2% and the most often is observed in combined shrapnel wounds. In 30.4% of cases of gunshot liver damages, the condition of the wounded is regarded as severe and critical, which requires immediate surgical and resuscitative measures. The use of minimally invasive techniques (video laparoscopy, interventional sonography) in the surgical treatment of gunshot liver injuries can improve results and avoid unreasonable laparotomies

    Simultaneous Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry and electronic nose study of the volatile compounds released by Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells in vitro

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    The discovery that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can be biomarkers for several diseases has led to the conception of their possible application as diagnostic tools. In this study, we aimed at defining of diagnostic signatures for the presence of malaria transmissible stages in infected individuals. To do this, we compared VOCs released by asexual and sexual stage cultures of Plasmodium falciparum, the deadliest species of malaria, with those emitted by uninfected red blood cells (RBCs). VOC analysis was carried out with an innovative set-up, where each sample was simultaneously analysed by proton transfer reaction time of flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and an electronic nose. PTR-Tof-MS results show that sexual stages are characterized by a larger emission of hexanal, compared with uninfected or asexual stage-infected RBCs, which makes them clearly identifiable. PTR-Tof-MS analysis also detected differences in VOC composition between asexual stages and uninfected RBCs. These results have been substantially replicated by the electronic nose analysis and may open the possibility to develop sensitive and easy-to-use devices able to detect sexual parasite stages in infected individuals. This study also demonstrates that the combination of mass spectrometry with electronic noses is a useful tool to identify markers of diseases and to support the development of optimized sensors