49 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbon formation core protection and and transportation apparatus

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    An apparatus for transporting core samples includes an outer tube having an open end and a cover removably mounted to the open end; a core tube slidable into and out ofthe outer tube when the cover is removed from the outer tube; and a stabilizing structure between the core tube and the outer tube, the stabilizing structure supporting the core tube within the outer tube with the core tube spaced from contact with an inner wall ofthe outer tube

    New molecular approaches in adipogenesis regulation: The connexin 43 role

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    Indexación: Scopus; Redalyc.La prevalencia de la obesidad a nivel mundial se ha incrementado rápidamente durante los últimos años debido principalmente a los cambios en el estilo de vida de la población con un aumento significativo en el consumo de energía y disminución de los niveles de actividad física. Es por esto que la comunidad científica está interesada en comprender de forma más profunda los mecanismos que regulan la fisiopatología de la obesidad. Dentro de los diferentes blancos de estudio se encuentra la adipogénesis, cuyo entendimiento es fundamental para comprender el desarrollo de la obesidad y las patologías asociadas a esta. Recientemente ha surgido importantes evidencias que involucran a la proteína de canales de “Gap Junction” conexina 43 (Cx43) en la regulación de los procesos relacionados con adipogénesis, cuyo papel es básicamente anti-adipogénico, sin embargo, nuevas funciones de Cx43 en la regulación de la formación del tejido adiposo siguen descubriéndose.The global prevalence of obesity has been increased rapidly over the past few years mainly due to changes in the lifestyle of the population with a significant increase in energy consumption and decreased levels of physical activity. As a result, the scientific community is interested in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that regulate the pathophysiology of obesity. In this context, adipogenesis process is an important target of study to understand the obesity and associated pathologies. Recently has been emerged important evidence that involve gap junction channel protein connexin 43 (Cx43) in the regulation of processes related to adipogenesis, whose role is fundamentally anti-adipogenic. However, new functions of Cx43 in the regulation of adipose tissue function also continued to emerge.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990800

    2018 Proceedings: Sixth Annual Reynolds Chair Symposium

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    This year’s Reynolds’ Symposium featured a partnering of the School of Religion with the School of Education and Psychology.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/reysymp/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Medical imaging: Foundations and scope

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    Indexación: Scopus; Radalyc.En la actualidad es innegable la utilidad de las diversas modalidades de imagenología médica como apoyo clínico tanto en la generación de diagnósticos de un buen número de enfermedades como en la planeación de tratamientos tendientes a proporcionar una alternativa de solución a las personas que, por una u otra razón, manifiestan algún desequilibrio en su salud. Entre las modalidades imagenológicas que, frecuentemente, se utilizan en el ámbito médico se pueden mencionar: Ultrasonido (US), Resonancia Magnética (MRI), Tomografía Computarizada sencilla (CT) y multicapa (MSCT), Tomografía Computarizada por Emisión de Positrones (PET) y Tomografía Computarizada por Emisión de Fotones simples (SPECT). En este sentido, este artículo tiene como finalidad presentar una descripción ordenada, coherente y sistemática de cada una de las mencionadas modalidades y establecer la vinculación de la MSCT con situaciones clínicas íntimamente relacionadas con la anatomía cardiaca y procesos de hipertensión. La razón por la cual se hace énfasis en la MSCT es debido a que, por una parte, se cuenta con un número importante de bases de datos tanto de sujetos fisiológicos como de sujetos patológicos y, por la otra, que se tiene previsto presentar un conjunto de técnicas computacionales que serán exploradas en el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones en el contexto de aspectos anatómico-cardiológicos que influyen directa o indirectamente en la aparición, desarrollo y prevalencia de procesos hipertensivos.Nowdays, several forms of medical imaging are usefulness in clinical support for both diagnostics diseases generation and treatment planning designed to provide an alternative solution to people who, for one or another reason, manifest an imbalance in your health. Among the imaging modalities that frequently are used in the medical field may include: Ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), simple computed tomography (CT) and multilayer computed tomography (MSCT), CT positron emission tomography (PET) Computed tomography and single photon emission (SPECT). In this sense, this article presents an orderly, coherent and systematic description of these modalities and it establishes relationship with the MSCT modality and clinical situations closely related to cardiac anatomy and hypertension processes. The reason emphasis on MSCT is done is because, on the one hand, we have a large number of databases both physiological subjects and pathological subjects and, on the other, we plan to present a set of computational techniques that will be explored in future research, in the context of cardiologic anatomical aspects, with directly or indirectly influence in the emergence, development and prevalence of hypertensive processes.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990700

    Comparison of fiber effect on glycemic index and glycemic load in differents types of bread

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    Indexación: Scopus; Redalyc.Existen diversos alimentos que contienen como nutriente principal hidratos de carbono, destacando entre ellos el pan por su masivo consumo a nivel mundial. Numerosos estudios se han llevado a cabo con el fin de reducir su índice glicémico, sin embargo, aún existe controversia sobre la acción de la fibra dietética en la disminución del IG en este alimento. Este estudio determinó el efecto de la fibra dietética sobre el índice glicémico y carga glicémica en dos tipos de panes comerciales en 23 individuos sanos quienes consumieron aleatoriamente 3 diferentes productos, de 50 g de carbohidratos cada uno, durante 6 días: pan blanco (PH), pan integral (PF), y solución glucosada como producto de referencia (SG). Se midió glicemia en ayunas y post-prandial a los tiempos 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 y 120 min. La insulina fue medida en el minuto 0 y 120 min. El área bajo la curva de glicemia resultó más baja para ambos tipos de pan PH 13589 ±1557, PF 12005 ±1254 que para el producto de referencia SG 14089 ±1245. Los valores del índice glicémico PH 68,55 ±1,2 y PF 62,10 ±1,3 y carga glicémica PH 16,45 ±1,4 resultaron más bajos para el pan con mayor aporte de fibra 9,93 ± 1,1, sin diferencias en la concentración de insulina, sugiriendo que la cantidad de carbohidratos y tipo de fibra contenidos en el pan integral, pueden considerarse factores intrínsecos en su composición nutricional, capaces de afectar la respuesta glicémica post- ingesta de estos productos en individuos sanos.There are several foods that contain carbohydrates as the main nutrient, being one of the most important the bread for its massive worldwide consumption. Numerous studies have been done in order to reduce its glycemic index, however there is still controversy about the action of dietary fiber in the decrease of GI in this product. In this study, it was determined the effect of dietetic fiber on glycemic index and glycemic load in two types of commercial breads in 23 healthy individuals who randomly consumed 3 different products during 6 days of 50g of carbohydrates each: white bread (PH), whole wheat bread (PE) and glucose solution as reference product (SG). Fasting and postprandial glycemia was measured at times 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Insuline was measured at 0 min and 120 min. The area under de glycemia curve was lower for both bread types PH 13589 ±1557, PF 12005 ±1254 than for the reference product SG 14089 ±1245. The values of the glycemic index PH 68,55 ±1,2 and PF 62,01 ±1,3 and glycemic load PH 16.45 ±1,4 were lower for bread with more amount fiber 9,93 ± 1,1, with no difference in insulin concentration, suggesting that the amount of carbohydrates and fiber type contained in whole wheat bread can be considered intrinsic factors in bread composition, affecting the post-intake glycemic response of this type of products in healthy individuals.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990800

    Effect of oat β-glucan on glycemic index and glycemic load of a nutritional supplement sweetened with sucralose in healthy adults: A randomized clinical trial

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    Indexación: Scopus; RedalycLas propiedades hipoglicemiantes del β-glucano de avena son de interés para la industria alimentaria y el área clínica, por sus potenciales beneficios sobre la salud al disminuir la respuesta glicémica, el nivel sérico de lipoproteínas de baja densidad y el índice glicémico de los alimentos. Existen suplementos nutricionales específicos para diabéticos edulcorados con sucralosa cuyo índice glicémico y carga glicémica aún no han sido establecidos. El efecto del β-glucano de avena sobre el índice glicémico y carga glicémica de un suplemento nutricional edulcorado con sucralosa, fue determinado en 13 adultos sanos (6 hombres y 7 mujeres), quienes consumieron aleatoriamente 4 alimentos en días distintos, de 50 g de carbohidratos cada uno: suplemento nutricional para diabéticos (FN), suplemento nutricional con β-glucano (FN- β), y como productos de referencia: solución glucosada (SG) y pan blanco (PB). Se midió glicemia en ayunas y post- prandial a los tiempos 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 y 120 min. El área bajo la curva de glicemia resultó más baja para ambas fórmulas (FN) 12697±993, (FN-β) 11584 ±1171, que para los productos de referencia:(SG) 13900±1245, y (PB) 13267 ± 1557. Los valores de índice glicémico (FN) 67,02 ± 5,69, así como la carga glicémica resultaron intermedios y más bajos para el suplemento con β-glucano incorporado (FN –β) 59,8 ± 6,2; sin diferencias en la concentración de insulina, sugiriendo que la adición del β-glucano derivado de la avena reduce la velocidad de absorción intestinal de la glucosa, efecto que podría estudiarse en diabéticos.The hypoglycemic properties of oat β-glucan is of interest for the food industry and clinical area, for potencial health benefits by reducing glycemic response, serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycemic index of meals. There are specific nutritional supplements for diabetics sweetened with sucralose whose glycemic index and glycemic load has not been established. Effect of oat β-glucan on glycemic index and glycemic load of a nutritional supplement sweetened with sucralose in healthy adults was determined in 13 healthy subjects (6 men and 7 women) old that consumed randomly 4 meals of 50 g of carbohydrates each in different days: a nutritional supplement for diabetics (FN), the nutritional supplement with β-glucan incorporated (FN-β) and two reference food, glucose solution (SG) and white bread (PB). Fasting and postprandial glycemia was measured at times 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min. The area under the glycemia curve was lower for both formulas (FN) 12697±993, (FN-β) 11584 ±1171 than for reference products (SG) 13900±1245, y (PB) 13267 ± 1557. The values of glycemic index (GI) (FN) 67, 02 ± 5,69 and glycemic load were intermediate and more lower for the supplement with β-glucan incorporated (FN –β) 59, 8 ± 6,2, with no difference of insulin concentration . Suggesting that the addition of oat-derived β-glucan reduces the rate of intestinal absorption of glucose. This effect should be studied in diabetic.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990800

    Global patient outcomes after elective surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-, middle- and high-income countries.

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    BACKGROUND: As global initiatives increase patient access to surgical treatments, there remains a need to understand the adverse effects of surgery and define appropriate levels of perioperative care. METHODS: We designed a prospective international 7-day cohort study of outcomes following elective adult inpatient surgery in 27 countries. The primary outcome was in-hospital complications. Secondary outcomes were death following a complication (failure to rescue) and death in hospital. Process measures were admission to critical care immediately after surgery or to treat a complication and duration of hospital stay. A single definition of critical care was used for all countries. RESULTS: A total of 474 hospitals in 19 high-, 7 middle- and 1 low-income country were included in the primary analysis. Data included 44 814 patients with a median hospital stay of 4 (range 2-7) days. A total of 7508 patients (16.8%) developed one or more postoperative complication and 207 died (0.5%). The overall mortality among patients who developed complications was 2.8%. Mortality following complications ranged from 2.4% for pulmonary embolism to 43.9% for cardiac arrest. A total of 4360 (9.7%) patients were admitted to a critical care unit as routine immediately after surgery, of whom 2198 (50.4%) developed a complication, with 105 (2.4%) deaths. A total of 1233 patients (16.4%) were admitted to a critical care unit to treat complications, with 119 (9.7%) deaths. Despite lower baseline risk, outcomes were similar in low- and middle-income compared with high-income countries. CONCLUSIONS: Poor patient outcomes are common after inpatient surgery. Global initiatives to increase access to surgical treatments should also address the need for safe perioperative care. STUDY REGISTRATION: ISRCTN5181700

    Mapping tsunami impacts on land cover and related ecosystem service supply in Phang Nga, Thailand

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    -The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused damages to coastal ecosystems and thus affected the livelihoods of the coastal communities who depend on services provided by these ecosystems. The paper presents a case study on evaluating and mapping the spatial and temporal impacts of the tsunami on land use and land cover (LULC) and related ecosystem service supply in the Phang Nga province, Thailand. The method includes local stakeholder interviews, field investigations, remote-sensing techniques, and GIS. Results provide an ecosystem services matrix with capacity scores for 18 LULC classes and 17 ecosystem functions and services as well as pre-/post-tsunami and recovery maps indicating changes in the ecosystem service supply capacities in the study area. Local stakeholder interviews revealed that mangroves, casuarina forest, mixed beach forest, coral reefs, tidal inlets, as well as wetlands (peat swamp forest) have the highest capacity to supply ecosystem services, while e.g. plantations have a lower capacity. The remote-sensing based damage and recovery analysis showed a loss of the ecosystem service supply capacities in almost all LULC classes for most of the services due to the tsunami. A fast recovery of LULC and related ecosystem service supply capacities within one year could be observed for e.g. beaches, while mangroves or casuarina forest needed several years to recover. Applying multi-temporal mapping the spatial variations of recovery could be visualised. While some patches of coastal forest were fully recovered after 3 yr, other patches were still affected and thus had a reduced capacity to supply ecosystem services. The ecosystem services maps can be used to quantify ecological values and their spatial distribution in the framework of a tsunami risk assessment. Beyond that they are considered to be a useful tool for spatial analysis in coastal risk management in Phang Nga

    Conflictos de control y competencia en la actividad turística-recreacional en espacios turísticos nacionales: Caso: Localidad de Playa el Agua, municipio Antolín del Campo, estado Eueva Esparta, Venezuela

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    The research paper is based on the conflicts within the legal competence of the public organisms that manage and control the tourist recreational activity of “Playa El Agua”. The theoretical reference that support the study relate to the tourist superstructure, law, competence and the tourism environment. The methodology applied in the study is defined as a field research with an analytic situational design, visualized from a temporal trans-sectional perspective, using qualitative research techniques as a documentary review, interview and observation. The analysis led to the conclusion that there are conflicts of legal nature between the public organisms that operate in “Playa El Agua”, which affect in many ways the tourism recreational activity in the area, basically, due to the failure to respect laws, ignorance, lack of coordination between the organisms and public employees with poor qualification.La investigación se fundamenta en el estudio de los conflictos de competencia legal existentes en las actuaciones de los organismos públicos que manejan y controlan la actividad turística-recreacional en Playa El Agua. Los referentes teóricos del estudio son: superestructura turística, conflictos de competencia, y espacio turístico. La metodología representa un diseño analítico-situacional, de perspectiva temporal transeccional, basada en la aplicación de técnicas de carácter cualitativo, específicamente revisión documental, entrevista y observación in situ, y la interpretación de los resultados, hermenéuticamente en el análisis de contenido. Los resultados permitieron concluir la existencia de conflictos de competencia legal entre los organismos públicos involucrados, que afectan la actividad turística-recreacional en Playa El Agua, explicado en el incumplimiento de las leyes, desconocimiento, descoordinación entre los organismos, y falta de capacitación de los funcionarios públicos que allí se desempeñan