3,005 research outputs found

    Political Unification

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    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Demarcations

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    In this paper we present a set of key demarcations, particularly important when discussing ethical and societal issues of current AI research and applications. Properly distinguishing issues and concerns related to Artificial General Intelligence and weak AI, between symbolic and connectionist AI, AI methods, data and applications are prerequisites for an informed debate. Such demarcations would not only facilitate much-needed discussions on ethics on current AI technologies and research. In addition sufficiently establishing such demarcations would also enhance knowledge-sharing and support rigor in interdisciplinary research between technical and social sciences.Comment: Proceedings of the Norwegian AI Symposium 2019 (NAIS 2019), Trondheim, Norwa

    The concept of solidarity: emerging from the theoretical shadows?

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    The concept of solidarity has been relatively neglected by social scientists since Durkheim's pioneering work in the late 19th century. The discipline of politics has been guilty of overlooking this 'subjective' element of community life, but recent works by Stjernø and Brunkhorst reflect a growing awareness of the theoretical significance of the concept. Whereas early liberal attempts to theorise solidarity took the nation state to be the appropriate community for its realisation, the emergence of globalisation raises the possibility of human solidarity developing in the global community. Traditional forms of solidarity have been dissipated by the social changes accompanying globalisation, but they were often locked into the defence of particular interests. New forms may be emerging to rekindle the broader vision of human solidarity. Recent work by writers such as Habermas, Honneth, Rorty and Touraine focuses on widening and deepening democratic participation and/or the articulation of our ethical obligations in various ways. It is argued here that these perspectives need to be supplemented by a radical humanist approach grounded in a normative theory of human self-realisation

    Judgements of Solomon: anxieties and defences of social workers involved in care proceedings

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    Evidence from focus group discussions with social workers in child care and child protection was collected for a research project exploring decision-making in care proceedings and seeking a better understanding of the causes of delay in the process. Here this material is used to examine social workers’ feelings about their work and to explore the anxieties they expressed. Isabel Menzies’s work on containing anxiety in institutions is used to provide a conceptual framework for thinking about the ways in which individuals’ unconscious defences against anxiety may affect the structure, policies and practices of the organization in which they work. It is suggested that this dimension needs to be taken into account in understanding difficulties which arise in putting policy into practice

    A HMM POS Tagger for Micro-blogging Type Texts

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    The high volume of communication via micro-blogging type messages has created an increased demand for text processing tools customised the unstructured text genre. The available text processing tools developed on structured texts has been shown to deteriorate significantly when used on unstructured, micro-blogging type texts. In this paper, we present the results of testing a HMM based POS (Part-Of-Speech) tagging model customized for unstructured texts. We also evaluated the tagger against published CRF based state-of-the-art POS tagging models customized for Tweet messages using three publicly available Tweet corpora. Finally, we did cross-validation tests with both the taggers by training them on one Tweet corpus and testing them on another one

    Effect of population trends in body mass index on prostate cancer incidence and mortality in the United States.

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    Concurrent with increasing prostate cancer incidence and declining prostate cancer mortality in the United States, the prevalence of obesity has been increasing steadily. Several studies have reported that obesity is associated with increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer and prostate cancer mortality, and it is thus likely that the increase in obesity has increased the burden of prostate cancer. In this study, we assess the potential effect of increasing obesity on prostate cancer incidence and mortality. We first estimate obesity-associated relative risks of low- and high-grade prostate cancer using data from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. Then, using obesity prevalence data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and prostate cancer incidence data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program, we convert annual grade-specific prostate cancer incidence rates into incidence rates conditional on weight category. Next, we combine the conditional incidence rates with the 1980 prevalence rates for each weight category to project annual grade-specific incidence under 1980 obesity levels. We use a simulation model based on observed survival and mortality data to translate the effects of obesity trends on prostate cancer incidence into effects on disease-specific mortality. The predicted increase in obesity prevalence since 1980 increased high-grade prostate cancer incidence by 15.5% and prostate cancer mortality by between 7.0% (under identical survival for obese and nonobese cases) and 23.0% (under different survival for obese and nonobese cases) in 2002. We conclude that increasing obesity prevalence since 1980 has partially obscured declines in prostate cancer mortality

    Mind the gap? The persistence of pathological discourses in urban regeneration policy

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    Urban regeneration policy has historically framed policy problems using a discourse that pathologises areas and spatial communities. Since 2001 in England, and 2002 in Scotland a structural change in policy has occurred where citywide partnerships are now meant overcome structural spatial inequalities, countering pathological explanations. This paper uses historical and discourse analysis to evaluate one of the major community regeneration strategies developed by the Scottish Executive in 2002: Better Communities in Scotland: Closing the Gap. It seeks to ask whether structural change in policy was paralleled by discursive change; what discursive path dependence is evidenced? The text is placed in the historic context of UK urban renewal policies dating back to the launch of the Urban Programme in 1968 and particularly the policy discourse created by the influential Conservative government policy of 1988 New Life for Urban Scotland and the wider discourses of poverty and neighbourhood renewal policy created by Labour governments since 1997. The close textual analysis of the text shows that Better Communities in Scotland continues to pathologise spatial communities. Although this suggests a degree of historical path dependency, the historic breadth of the analysis also problematises simple historical determinism

    Responsible participation and housing: restoring democratic theory to the scene

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    Tensions between individual liberty and collective social justice characterise many advanced liberal societies. These tensions are reflected in the challenges posed for representative democracy both by participatory democratic practices and by the current emphasis on (so-called) responsible participation. Based on the example of ‘community’ housing associations in Scotland, this paper explores these tensions. It is argued that the critique of responsibility may have been over-stated – that, in particular, ‘community’ housing associations offer the basis for relatively more inclusive and effective processes of decision-making than council housing, which relies on the traditional processes and institutions of representative local government for its legitimacy