530 research outputs found

    Model Pemilihan Moda Antara Kendaraan Pribadi Dan Bus Kampus

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    Peningkatan mahasiswa yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya ketersediaan angkutan umum dan perbaikan fasilitas parkir kendaraan pribadi oleh kampus. Upaya mengurangi dampak peningkatan kendaraan priadi akibat aktivitas mahasiswa adalah dengan mengoperasikan Bus Kampus. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan, yakni : (1) Mengetahui implementasi rute Bus Kampus yang paling potensial untuk diterapkan; (2) Mengetahui tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan fasilitas parkir di kampus; (3) Mengetahui harapan pada fasilitas layanan Bus Kampus; dan (4) Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh besaran tarif parkir dan atau waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan petak parkir, terhadap kesediaan mahasiswa beralih menggunakan bus kampus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner yang dilakukan di beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di Kota Surabaya, dengan total reponden 250 orang. Data yang telah terkumpul selanjutnya diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS. Berdasarkan survei yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui terdapat 2 rute yang dianggap paling potensial dari 5 rute yakni Surabaya Selatan dan Surabaya Timur. Berdasarkan IPA diketahui ketersedian lahan parkir dan kemudahan mencari petak parkir, merupakan hal yang dianggap penting namun belum mencapai kepuasan yang diharapkan. Kebersihan Bus Kampus merupakan hal penting yang menjadi harapan mahasiswa untuk direalisasikan. Kesedian mahasiswa untuk beralih menggunakan Bus Kampus lebih sensitif akibat Perubahan tarif parkir dibandingkan waktu mencari petak parkir

    Praktek E-government Dalam Administrasi Kependudukan Studi Pelaksanaan Perekaman E-ktp Di Kabupaten Pemalang

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    This study was conducted to describe the implementation of programe in the “electronik Kartu Tanda Penduduk/e-KTP” (electronic civil ID card) in Pemalang regency. The program is motivated by the development of information and communication technologies are adopted into the system of governance in the form of e-government. Implementation of e-KTP is intended to manifest valid demographic data base. So that it can be support the implementation of good governance.To explain the research implementation of e-KTP, then used descriptive qualitative research methods. Subject and object in this study is the Department of Population and Civil Registration Pemalang, Head of Population Registration, Technical Supervisor District, operator services, and society in general. The method of data collection was through interviews and observations with the selection of purposive informants.The study says that the implementation of e-KTP recording in Pemalang can be said is not maximized. Many constraints make the implementation of this program to be blocked, such as a less effective socialization, inadequate recording facility and bad mobilization planning.Recommendations for future research, is needed good socialization, communication, coordination and cooperation between the government and the public, in order to unify the views in the policy implementation process. In addition, the use value of the e-KTP itself should really be utilized for the distribution of welfare of the people and to improve public access to all public services provided by the government

    Adverse drug reactions and cost effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and neurotropic drugs in patients with low back pain

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    Background: The objective was to evaluate the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and cost effectiveness of different classes of drugs in therapy of low back pain.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out over a period of 12 months (November 2012 to November 2013) in which a total of 300 patients with low back pain were enrolled and divided equally into three groups – Group 1 (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]), Group 2 (NSAIDs ± muscle relaxant), and Group 3 (NSAIDs ± muscle relaxant ± neurotropic drugs). Any ADR developed after the initiation of treatment at 3 weeks and 6 weeks was noted. Prescription cost per day was also calculated.Results: There was a male predominance in the study population with a mean age of 39.76±9.40 years. A total of 262 ADRs were noted among which most were seen in Group 3 (119 ADRs). Gastritis was the most common ADR in Group 1. Drowsiness was the most common ADR in Group 2 (30%) and 3 (46%). Prescription cost per day was highest in Group 3 (30.28±11.24 Indian Rupee [INR]) followed by Group 2 (25.92±8.66 INR) and Group 1 (12.22±3.38 INR).Conclusion: Patient on combination of three drugs (NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and neurotropic agents) had maximum ADRs and their prescription cost per day was highest among the three groups

    Mass communication education for radio mosque managers in dating hoax and radicalism news

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    The news hoax and radical understand like a chain that is not separated. Both are very dangerous and have the potential to damage the unity and integrity of the nation and state. This concern encourages researchers to conduct research and assistance for mosque media managers. The sample in this study was the manager of Radio el-Jannah 100.9 FM Malang. This research uses a qualitative approach with four stages: data collection, training, assistance and evaluation. The results of this study indicate that the function of the mosque remains as a center for community empowerment so that it needs to have communication media, one of which is radio which still has a loyal audience segment. The manager of the mosque radio must master the skills of mass communication so that the message broadcast can be well received by the viewers, because from the results of this study it was found that the manager of the mosque's radio had never learned about mass communication. Message and radio broadcast material must be valid, selected, and aimed at educating the public to ward off hoax news and radical understanding

    Important Factors to Remember when Constructing a Cross-site Scripting Prevention Mechanism

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    Web application has become an essential part of daily activities to provide easy accessibility that ensures better performance. It is a platform where sensitive information such as username, password, credit card details, operating system and software version etc. is stored that attracts intruders to generate most of their attacks. Intruders can steal valuable data by compromising web application security flaws; Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability is one of these. Several studies have been conducted in order to prevent the XSS vulnerability. In this research, we searched Scopus Indexed articles published in the last 11 years (between 2008 and 2020) using two keywords (“XSS Attack Prevention” and “XSS Prevention”). The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review on XSS prevention techniques e.g. strengths and weaknesses, including structural issues and real-time deployment location in order to extract valuable information. This review identified 14 articles among the 25 selected articles that provided various suitable prevention techniques for XSS attacks. Seven articles are based on tools that have been implemented and take into account design, coding, testing, and integrating validation processes, six articles are about server site solutions, and one is about automatic mitigation solutions. As a result, this research will be invaluable in guiding the advancement of XSS prevention techniques

    Mindcontrol: a web application for brain segmentation quality control

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    Tissue classification plays a crucial role in the investigation of normal neural development, brain-behavior relationships, and the disease mechanisms of many psychiatric and neurological illnesses. Ensuring the accuracy of tissue classification is important for quality research and, in particular, the translation of imaging biomarkers to clinical practice. Assessment with the human eye is vital to correct various errors inherent to all currently available segmentation algorithms. Manual quality assurance becomes methodologically difficult at a large scale - a problem of increasing importance as the number of data sets is on the rise. To make this process more efficient, we have developed Mindcontrol, an open-source web application for the collaborative quality control of neuroimaging processing outputs. The Mindcontrol platform consists of a dashboard to organize data, descriptive visualizations to explore the data, an imaging viewer, and an in-browser annotation and editing toolbox for data curation and quality control. Mindcontrol is flexible and can be configured for the outputs of any software package in any data organization structure. Example configurations for three large, open-source datasets are presented: the 1000 Functional Connectomes Project (FCP), the Consortium for Reliability and Reproducibility (CoRR), and the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) Collection. These demo applications link descriptive quality control metrics, regional brain volumes, and thickness scalars to a 3D imaging viewer and editing module, resulting in an easy-to-implement quality control protocol that can be scaled for any size and complexity of study

    The curcumin analog HO-3867 selectively kills cancer cells by converting mutant p53 protein to transcriptionally active wildtype p53

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    p53 is an important tumor-suppressor protein that is mutated in more than 50% of cancers. Strategies for restoring normal p53 function are complicated by the oncogenic properties of mutant p53 and have not met with clinical success. To counteract mutant p53 activity, a variety of drugs with the potential to reconvert mutant p53 to an active wildtype form have been developed. However, these drugs are associated with various negative effects such as cellular toxicity, nonspecific binding to other proteins, and inability to induce a wildtype p53 response in cancer tissue. Here, we report on the effects of a curcumin analog, HO-3867, on p53 activity in cancer cells from different origins. We found that HO-3867 covalently binds to mutant p53, initiates a wildtype p53-like anticancer genetic response, is exclusively cytotoxic toward cancer cells, and exhibits high anticancer efficacy in tumor models. In conclusion, HO-3867 is a p53 mutant-reactivating drug with high clinical anticancer potential