1,919 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamical assessment of 200 AGeV collisions

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    We are analyzing the hydrodynamics of 200 A GeV S+S collisions using a new approach which tries to quantify the uncertainties arising from the specific implementation of the hydrodynamical model. Based on a previous phenomenological analysis we use the global hydrodynamics model to show that the amount of initial flow, or initial energy density, cannot be determined from the hadronic momentum spectra. We additionally find that almost always a sizeable transverse flow deve- lops, which causes the system to freeze out, thereby limiting the flow velocity in itself. This freeze-out dominance in turn makes a distinction between a plasma and a hadron resonance gas equation of state very difficult, whereas a pure pion gas can easily be ruled out from present data. To complete the picture we also analyze particle multiplicity data, which suggest that chemical equilibrium is not reached with respect to the strange particles. However, the over- population of pions seems to be at most moderate, with a pion chemical potential far away from the Bose divergence.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figs in separate uuencoded file, for LateX, epsf.tex, dvips, TPR-94-5 and BNL-(no number yet

    Thermal phenomenology of hadrons from 200 AGeV S+S collisions

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    We develop a complete and consistent description for the hadron spectra from heavy ion collisions in terms of a few collective variables, in particular temperature, longitudinal and transverse flow. To achieve a meaningful comparison with presently available data, we also include the resonance decays into our picture. To disentangle the influences of transverse flow and resonance decays in the mTm_T-spectra, we analyse in detail the shape of the mTm_T-spectra.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figs in seperate uuencoded file, for LaTeX, epsf.sty and dvips, TPR-93-16 and BNL-(no number yet

    Boundary and Coulomb Effects on Boson Systems in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The boundary of a boson system plays an important role in determining the momentum distribution of the bosons. For a boson system with a cylindrical boundary, the momentum distribution is enhanced at high transverse momenta but suppressed at low transverse momenta, relative to a Bose-Einstein distribution. The boundary effects on systems of massless gluons and massive pions are studied. For gluons in a quark-gluon plasma, the presence of the boundary may modify the signals for the quark-gluon plasma. For pions in a pion system in heavy-ion collisions, Coulomb final-state interactions with the nuclear participants in the vicinity of the central rapidity region further modify the momentum distribution at low transverse momenta. By including both the boundary effect and the Coulomb final-state interactions we are able to account for the behavior of the π\pi^{-} transverse momentum spectrum observed in many heavy-ion experiments, notably at low transverse momenta.Comment: 15 pages Postscript uuencoded tar-comprssed file, 9 Postscript figures uuencoded tar-compressed fil

    Charged Particle Production in Proton-, Deuteron-, Oxygen- and Sulphur-Nucleus Collisions at 200 GeV per Nucleon

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    The transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of net protons and negatively charged hadrons have been measured for minimum bias proton-nucleus and deuteron-gold interactions, as well as central oxygen-gold and sulphur-nucleus collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon. The rapidity density of net protons at midrapidity in central nucleus-nucleus collisions increases both with target mass for sulphur projectiles and with the projectile mass for a gold target. The shape of the rapidity distributions of net protons forward of midrapidity for d+Au and central S+Au collisions is similar. The average rapidity loss is larger than 2 units of rapidity for reactions with the gold target. The transverse momentum spectra of net protons for all reactions can be described by a thermal distribution with `temperatures' between 145 +- 11 MeV (p+S interactions) and 244 +- 43 MeV (central S+Au collisions). The multiplicity of negatively charged hadrons increases with the mass of the colliding system. The shape of the transverse momentum spectra of negatively charged hadrons changes from minimum bias p+p and p+S interactions to p+Au and central nucleus-nucleus collisions. The mean transverse momentum is almost constant in the vicinity of midrapidity and shows little variation with the target and projectile masses. The average number of produced negatively charged hadrons per participant baryon increases slightly from p+p, p+A to central S+S,Ag collisions.Comment: 47 pages, submitted to Z. Phys.

    Front-end electronics for the ALICE TPC-detector

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    The Front-End electronics for the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for the ALICE experiment consists of 5x105 channels. A single readout channel is comprised of three basic units: a charge sensitive amplifier/shaper with a fast tail cancellation; a 10 bit 10 Msamples/sec low power ADC; a digital ASIC which contains the zero suppression circuit and a multiple-event buffer. Data from a number of channels (4096) are multiplexed into an optical link (DDL) by means of a local custom bus which can support a data throughput of 2 Mbyte/event at a trigger rate of 50 Hz. The construction of a prototype of this electronics is presented in this paper

    Effects of Compression and Collective Expansion on Particle Emission from Central Heavy-Ion Reactions

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    Conditions under which compression occurs and collective expansion develops in energetic reactions of heavy nuclei, are analyzed, together with their effects on emitted light baryons and pions. Within transport simulations, it is shown that shock fronts perpendicular to beam axis form in head-on reactions. The fronts separate hot compressed matter from normal. As impact parameter increases, the angle of inclination of the fronts relative to beam axis decreases, and in-between the fronts a weak tangential discontinuity develops. Hot matter exposed to the vacuum in directions perpendicular to shock motion (and parallel to fronts), starts to expand sideways, early within reactions. Expansion in the direction of shock motion follows after the shocks propagate through nuclei, but due to the delay does not acquire same strength. Expansion affects angular distributions, mean-energy components, shapes of spectra and mean energies of different particles emitted into any one direction, and further particle yields. Both the expansion and a collective motion associated with the weak discontinuity, affect the magnitude of sideward flow within reaction plane. Differences in mean particle energy components in and out of the reaction plane in semicentral collisions, depend sensitively on the relative magnitude of shock speed in normal matter and speed of sound in hot matter.Comment: 71 pages, 33 figures (available on request), report MSUCL-94

    The energy dependence of flow in Ni induced collisions from 400 to 1970A MeV

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    We study the energy dependence of collective (hydrodynamic-like) nuclear matter flow in 400-1970 A MeV Ni+Au and 1000-1970 A MeV Ni+Cu reactions. The flow increases with energy, reaches a maximum, and then gradually decreases at higher energies. A way of comparing the energy dependence of flow values for different projectile-target mass combinations is introduced, which demonstrates a common scaling behaviour among flow values from different systems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Event-by-event fluctuations of the kaon to pion ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon

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    We present the first measurement of fluctuations from event to event in the production of strange particles in collisions of heavy nuclei. The ratio of charged kaons to charged pions is determined for individual central Pb+Pb collisions. After accounting for the fluctuations due to detector resolution and finite number statistics we derive an upper limit on genuine non-statistical fluctuations, perhaps related to a first or second order QCD phase transition. Such fluctuations are shown to be very small.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Two-proton correlations from 158 AGeV Pb+Pb central collisions

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    The two-proton correlation function at midrapidity from Pb+Pb central collisions at 158 AGeV has been measured by the NA49 experiment. The results are compared to model predictions from static thermal Gaussian proton source distributions and transport models RQMD and VENUS. An effective proton source size is determined by minimizing CHI-square/ndf between the correlation functions of the data and those calculated for the Gaussian sources, yielding 3.85 +-0.15(stat.) +0.60-0.25(syst.) fm. Both the RQMD and the VENUS model are consistent with the data within the error in the correlation peak region.Comment: RevTeX style, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. More discussion are added about the structure on the tail of the correlation function. The systematic error is revised. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    The ALICE TPC, a large 3-dimensional tracking device with fast readout for ultra-high multiplicity events

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    The design, construction, and commissioning of the ALICE Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is described. It is the main device for pattern recognition, tracking, and identification of charged particles in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. The TPC is cylindrical in shape with a volume close to 90 m^3 and is operated in a 0.5 T solenoidal magnetic field parallel to its axis. In this paper we describe in detail the design considerations for this detector for operation in the extreme multiplicity environment of central Pb--Pb collisions at LHC energy. The implementation of the resulting requirements into hardware (field cage, read-out chambers, electronics), infrastructure (gas and cooling system, laser-calibration system), and software led to many technical innovations which are described along with a presentation of all the major components of the detector, as currently realized. We also report on the performance achieved after completion of the first round of stand-alone calibration runs and demonstrate results close to those specified in the TPC Technical Design Report.Comment: 55 pages, 82 figure