63 research outputs found

    Omega phase formation in ti–3wt

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    It is well known that severe plastic deformation not only leads to strong grain refinement and material strengthening but also can drive phase transformations. A study of the fundamentals of α → ω phase transformations induced by high-pressure torsion (HPT) in Ti–Nb-based alloys is presented in the current work. Before HPT, a Ti–3wt.%Nb alloy was annealed at two different temperatures in order to obtain the α-phase state with different amounts of niobium. X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were applied for the characterisation of phase transitions and evolution of the microstructure. A small amount of the β-phase was found in the initial states, which completely transformed into the ω-phase during the HPT process. During HPT, strong grain refinement in the α-phase took place, as did partial transformation of the α- into the ω-phase. Therefore, two kinds of ω-phase, each with different chemical composition, were obtained after HPT. The first one was formed from the β-phase, enriched in Nb, and the second one from the α-phase. It was also found that the transformation of the α-phase into the ω-phase depended on the Nb concentration in the α-Ti phase. The less Nb there was in the α-phase, the more of the α-phase was transformed into the ω-phase

    Severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review

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    Ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials are currently of high interest due to their superior mechanical and functional properties. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is one of the most effective methods to produce such materials with unique microstructure-property relationships. In this review paper, after summarizing the recent progress in developing various SPD methods for processing bulk, surface and powder of materials, the main structural and microstructural features of SPD-processed materials are explained including lattice defects, grain boundaries and phase transformations. The properties and potential applications of SPD-processed materials are then reviewed in detail including tensile properties, creep, superplasticity, hydrogen embrittlement resistance, electrical conductivity, magnetic properties, optical properties, solar energy harvesting, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, hydrolysis, hydrogen storage, hydrogen production, CO2 conversion, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. It is shown that achieving such properties is not limited to pure metals and conventional metallic alloys, and a wide range of materials are currently processed by SPD, including high-entropy alloys, glasses, semiconductors, ceramics and polymers. It is particularly emphasized that SPD has moved from a simple metal processing tool to a powerful means for the discovery and synthesis of new superfunctional metallic and nonmetallic materials. The article ends by declaring that the borders of SPD have been extended from materials science and it has become an interdisciplinary tool to address scientific questions such as the mechanisms of geological and astronomical phenomena and the origin of life

    Research and analysis of electrical properties of laboratory station for high-voltage tests of insulation

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    Artykuł dotyczy analizy działania obwodu elektrycznego stanowiska do badania elektroizolacyjnego sprzętu ochronnego. Podczas pracy stanowiska stwierdzono, że napięcie probiercze jest znacznie odkształcone. Aby poznać przyczyny zniekształceń wykonano pomiary sygnałów napięcia i prądu w trzech miejscach obwodu. Ciągi próbek sygnałów poddano analizie widmowej i wyznaczono charakterystyki elementów układu. Analiza wyników pozwoliła stwierdzić, że przyczyną zniekształceń jest praca jednego z transformatorów w stanie nasycenia. Można zaobserwować zjawisko ferrorezonasu prądów powodujące znaczne ich zniekształcenie. Drugim zaobserwowanym niekorzystnym zjawiskiem jest rezonans napięć powodujący wzmocnienie wybranych harmonicznych.This article deals with the analysis of the electrical circuit of the electrical insulating equipment inspection stand. The test stand consists o f two transformers, the TRS-10 regulator and the TP-60 tester. The test voltage can be adjusted from 0 to 30 KV. During the operation of the station it was found that the test voltage is significantly deformed. In order to know the causes of distortion, measurements of voltage and current signals were made at three locations of the circuit. Signal samples were subjected to spectral analysis and the characteristics of system components were designated. Analysis of the results showed that the cause of the distortion is the operation of one of the transformers in the saturation state. The signals of currents obtained for different settings of the transformer have a deformed waveform (fig. 2), typical of the ferroresonance phenomenon. The occurrence of this phenomenon confirms the course of the characteristic (Fig. 4). The second observed unfavorable phenomenon is resonance of voltages in the high voltage circuit, resulting in the strengthening of selected harmonics of voltage. This phenomenon can be observed on the basis of the shape of frequency characteristics of the loaded test transformer TP-60 (Fig. 6)

    New Insights into the Intermartensitic Transformation and Over 11% Magnetic Field‐Induced Strain in 14 m

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    Stress-induced intermartensitic phase transformation from 10 M to 14 M modulatedmartensite structure is characterized in Ni50.5Mn28.9Ga20.6 at%single crystals, with particular focus on periodic atomic shuffling by in situsynchrotron radiation diffraction. Under compression, along the [001] direction,at 6 MPa, the self-accommodated 10 M single crystal is found to transform to anearly single-variant state. Further stress increase up to 20 MPa triggers intermartensitictransformation to an intermediate, mixed martensite state.Intermartensitic transformation is hereby invoked at a considerably lower stressthan previously reported for NiMnGa alloys. However, the stress level appliedalong the [001] direction does not promote the complete 10 M!14 M martensitetransformation. The 14 M structure is then fully achievable, when a consecutivecompression along the [100] direction is applied. Such mechanically promoted14 M single crystals are stable at room temperature and yield about 11.4%magnetic-field induced strain—being the highest noted up to date for theNiMnGa system