16 research outputs found

    Further results on generalised communicating P systems

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    YesIn this paper we consider four restricted cases of the generalised communicating P systems and study their computational power, by providing improved results, with respect to the number of compartments involved. We illustrate the expressive power of these devices by modelling several problems, such as producer/consumer, work ow patterns, broadcasting problem and comparative operations. We also present some relationships between generalised communicating P systems and P colonies, tissue-like P systems with very simple components.MG and FI were supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0688, CSVE by grant No. 120558 of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office, Hungary

    Using membrane computing for obtaining homology groups of binary 2D digital images

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    Membrane Computing is a new paradigm inspired from cellular communication. Until now, P systems have been used in research areas like modeling chemical process, several ecosystems, etc. In this paper, we apply P systems to Computational Topology within the context of the Digital Image. We work with a variant of P systems called tissue-like P systems to calculate in a general maximally parallel manner the homology groups of 2D images. In fact, homology computation for binary pixel-based 2D digital images can be reduced to connected component labeling of white and black regions. Finally, we use a software called Tissue Simulator to show with some examples how these systems wor

    An application of dynamic P systems: Generating context-free languages

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    We present a method of generating context-free languages, in a parallel way, using dynamic P systems, which evolve in time in a coherent manner. The evolution is described by a contextual grammar D(G), which can be canonically associated to any context-free grammar G. The dynamic P system generated by D(G) will "compute" the language L(G), i.e., one of the configurations of the system will contain all words of L(G) of length n at depth 2n - 1. Our approach is an attempt to prove the richness and power of the concept of dynamic P system, both in the area of P systems, and in the area of contextual grammars. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

    Generation of kolam-designs based on contextual array P systems

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    Kolam-designs are diagrams used to decorate the floor, especially in front of a house in South India. Methods of generation of the kolam diagrams were developed based on two-dimensional picture generating models, broadly known as array grammars, introduced for the description and analysis of picture patterns. Rewriting array P system, a membrane computing model based on array rewriting has been developed to evolve picture arrays, based on context-free array rewriting rules. In contrast to this array P system, another P system model called contextual array P system (CAP) using contextual array rules for the evolution or generation of picture arrays has been proposed and its power in generating picture arrays investigated. Here we develop an application of CAP for the generation of the kolam diagrams. The advantage of using CAP is that kolam diagrams that cannot be handled by array grammars can be generated by the CAP model

    Static Sorting P Systems

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    On Languages of Cyclic Words

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