291 research outputs found

    Ion-beam mixing induced by atomic and cluster bombardment in the electronic stopping-power regime

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    Single crystals of magnesium oxide containing nanoprecipitates of sodium were bombarded with swift ions (∼GeV-Pb, U) or cluster beams (∼20 MeV-C60) to study the phase change induced by electronic processes at high stopping power (≳10 keV/nm). The sodium precipitates and the defect creation were characterized by optical absorption and transmission electron microscopy. The ion or cluster bombardment leads to an evolution of the Na precipitate concentration but the size distribution remains unchanged. The decrease in Na metallic concentration is attributed to mixing effects at the interfaces between Na clusters and MgO. In addition, optical-absorption measurements show a broadening of the absorption band associated with electron plasma oscillations in Na clusters. This effect is due to a decrease of the electron mean free path, which could be induced by defect creation in the metal. All these results show an influence of high electronic stopping power in materials known to be very resistant to irradiation with weak ionizing projectiles. The dependence of these effects on electronic stopping power and on various solid-state parameters is discussed

    Optimal Transport, Convection, Magnetic Relaxation and Generalized Boussinesq equations

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    We establish a connection between Optimal Transport Theory and classical Convection Theory for geophysical flows. Our starting point is the model designed few years ago by Angenent, Haker and Tannenbaum to solve some Optimal Transport problems. This model can be seen as a generalization of the Darcy-Boussinesq equations, which is a degenerate version of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq (NSB) equations. In a unified framework, we relate different variants of the NSB equations (in particular what we call the generalized Hydrostatic-Boussinesq equations) to various models involving Optimal Transport (and the related Monge-Ampere equation. This includes the 2D semi-geostrophic equations and some fully non-linear versions of the so-called high-field limit of the Vlasov-Poisson system and of the Keller-Segel for Chemotaxis. Finally, we show how a ``stringy'' generalization of the AHT model can be related to the magnetic relaxation model studied by Arnold and Moffatt to obtain stationary solutions of the Euler equations with prescribed topology

    Remarks on the KLS conjecture and Hardy-type inequalities

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    We generalize the classical Hardy and Faber-Krahn inequalities to arbitrary functions on a convex body ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n, not necessarily vanishing on the boundary Ω\partial \Omega. This reduces the study of the Neumann Poincar\'e constant on Ω\Omega to that of the cone and Lebesgue measures on Ω\partial \Omega; these may be bounded via the curvature of Ω\partial \Omega. A second reduction is obtained to the class of harmonic functions on Ω\Omega. We also study the relation between the Poincar\'e constant of a log-concave measure μ\mu and its associated K. Ball body KμK_\mu. In particular, we obtain a simple proof of a conjecture of Kannan--Lov\'asz--Simonovits for unit-balls of pn\ell^n_p, originally due to Sodin and Lata{\l}a--Wojtaszczyk.Comment: 18 pages. Numbering of propositions, theorems, etc.. as appeared in final form in GAFA seminar note

    Numerical approximation of the Euler-Poisson-Boltzmann model in the quasineutral limit

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    This paper analyzes various schemes for the Euler-Poisson-Boltzmann (EPB) model of plasma physics. This model consists of the pressureless gas dynamics equations coupled with the Poisson equation and where the Boltzmann relation relates the potential to the electron density. If the quasi-neutral assumption is made, the Poisson equation is replaced by the constraint of zero local charge and the model reduces to the Isothermal Compressible Euler (ICE) model. We compare a numerical strategy based on the EPB model to a strategy using a reformulation (called REPB formulation). The REPB scheme captures the quasi-neutral limit more accurately

    Observational biases in Lagrangian reconstructions of cosmic velocity fields

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    Lagrangian reconstruction of large-scale peculiar velocity fields can be strongly affected by observational biases. We develop a thorough analysis of these systematic effects by relying on specially selected mock catalogues. For the purpose of this paper, we use the MAK reconstruction method, although any other Lagrangian reconstruction method should be sensitive to the same problems. We extensively study the uncertainty in the mass-to-light assignment due to luminosity incompleteness, and the poorly-determined relation between mass and luminosity. The impact of redshift distortion corrections is analyzed in the context of MAK and we check the importance of edge and finite-volume effects on the reconstructed velocities. Using three mock catalogues with different average densities, we also study the effect of cosmic variance. In particular, one of them presents the same global features as found in observational catalogues that extend to 80 Mpc/h scales. We give recipes, checked using the aforementioned mock catalogues, to handle these particular observational effects, after having introduced them into the mock catalogues so as to quantitatively mimic the most densely sampled currently available galaxy catalogue of the nearby universe. Once biases have been taken care of, the typical resulting error in reconstructed velocities is typically about a quarter of the overall velocity dispersion, and without significant bias. We finally model our reconstruction errors to propose an improved Bayesian approach to measure Omega_m in an unbiased way by comparing the reconstructed velocities to the measured ones in distance space, even though they may be plagued by large errors. We show that, in the context of observational data, a nearly unbiased estimator of Omega_m may be built using MAK reconstruction.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted by MNRAS on 2007 October 2. Received 2007 September 30; in original form 2007 July 2

    Mass Transportation on Sub-Riemannian Manifolds

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    We study the optimal transport problem in sub-Riemannian manifolds where the cost function is given by the square of the sub-Riemannian distance. Under appropriate assumptions, we generalize Brenier-McCann's Theorem proving existence and uniqueness of the optimal transport map. We show the absolute continuity property of Wassertein geodesics, and we address the regularity issue of the optimal map. In particular, we are able to show its approximate differentiability a.e. in the Heisenberg group (and under some weak assumptions on the measures the differentiability a.e.), which allows to write a weak form of the Monge-Amp\`ere equation

    On the upstream mobility scheme for two-phase flow in porous media

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    When neglecting capillarity, two-phase incompressible flow in porous media is modelled as a scalar nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law. A change in the rock type results in a change of the flux function. Discretizing in one-dimensional with a finite volume method, we investigate two numerical fluxes, an extension of the Godunov flux and the upstream mobility flux, the latter being widely used in hydrogeology and petroleum engineering. Then, in the case of a changing rock type, one can give examples when the upstream mobility flux does not give the right answer.Comment: A preprint to be published in Computational Geoscience

    A Wasserstein approach to the one-dimensional sticky particle system

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    We present a simple approach to study the one-dimensional pressureless Euler system via adhesion dynamics in the Wasserstein space of probability measures with finite quadratic moments. Starting from a discrete system of a finite number of "sticky" particles, we obtain new explicit estimates of the solution in terms of the initial mass and momentum and we are able to construct an evolution semigroup in a measure-theoretic phase space, allowing mass distributions with finite quadratic moment and corresponding L^2-velocity fields. We investigate various interesting properties of this semigroup, in particular its link with the gradient flow of the (opposite) squared Wasserstein distance. Our arguments rely on an equivalent formulation of the evolution as a gradient flow in the convex cone of nondecreasing functions in the Hilbert space L^2(0,1), which corresponds to the Lagrangian system of coordinates given by the canonical monotone rearrangement of the measures.Comment: Added reference

    A glimpse into the differential topology and geometry of optimal transport

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    This note exposes the differential topology and geometry underlying some of the basic phenomena of optimal transportation. It surveys basic questions concerning Monge maps and Kantorovich measures: existence and regularity of the former, uniqueness of the latter, and estimates for the dimension of its support, as well as the associated linear programming duality. It shows the answers to these questions concern the differential geometry and topology of the chosen transportation cost. It also establishes new connections --- some heuristic and others rigorous --- based on the properties of the cross-difference of this cost, and its Taylor expansion at the diagonal.Comment: 27 page

    Reconstruction of the early Universe as a convex optimization problem

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    We show that the deterministic past history of the Universe can be uniquely reconstructed from the knowledge of the present mass density field, the latter being inferred from the 3D distribution of luminous matter, assumed to be tracing the distribution of dark matter up to a known bias. Reconstruction ceases to be unique below those scales -- a few Mpc -- where multi-streaming becomes significant. Above 6 Mpc/h we propose and implement an effective Monge-Ampere-Kantorovich method of unique reconstruction. At such scales the Zel'dovich approximation is well satisfied and reconstruction becomes an instance of optimal mass transportation, a problem which goes back to Monge (1781). After discretization into N point masses one obtains an assignment problem that can be handled by effective algorithms with not more than cubic time complexity in N and reasonable CPU time requirements. Testing against N-body cosmological simulations gives over 60% of exactly reconstructed points. We apply several interrelated tools from optimization theory that were not used in cosmological reconstruction before, such as the Monge-Ampere equation, its relation to the mass transportation problem, the Kantorovich duality and the auction algorithm for optimal assignment. Self-contained discussion of relevant notions and techniques is provided.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures; accepted to MNRAS. Version 2: numerous minour clarifications in the text, additional material on the history of the Monge-Ampere equation, improved description of the auction algorithm, updated bibliography. Version 3: several misprints correcte