11,013 research outputs found

    Implikasi Hukum Bagi Notaris Yang Tidak Melekatkan Sidik Jari Penghadap Pada Minuta Akta

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    __________________________________________________________________ This writing aims to determine what is the background of the acknowledgement of fingerprint into Certificate Minute and legal implication to Notary Officer who does not acknowledge fingerprint, by using the method of normative legal research, law approach, to obtain the views and doctrine as the basis for a legal argument over legal issues investigated. Based on the result of this examine and analysis,acknowledgement of fingerprint into Certificate Minute of Notary Public is aimed to anticipate the denial of applicant againts the signature in the Certificate Minute and therefore, fingerprint of the applicant is adhered as supplementary evidence.legal implication to Notary Officer who does not acknowledge applicant fingerprint into Certificate Minute is legal sanction based on Article 16 Verse (11) of Notary Title Act, which includes (a) written reprimand, (b) temporary suspension, (c) officially dismissal, and (d) unofficial dismissal. If written reprimand is not respected or there is additional deviation, Notary Officer can be subjected to the subsequent stratified sanction. Key words: notary, fingerprint, applicant, certificate minute Abstrak __________________________________________________________________ Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latar belakang dilekatkannya sidik jari penghadap pada Minuta Akta dan implikasi hukum bagi Notaris yang tidak melekatkannya, dengan menggunakan metode normatif legal research, melalui pendekatan undang-undang guna memperoleh pandangan dan doktrin sebagai dasar argumentasi hukum atas isu hukum yang diteliti. Berdasar hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa latar belakang dilekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada Minuta Akta bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi apabila para penghadap menyangkal tanda tangannya, maka sebagai bukti tambahan digunakan sidik jari penghadap tersebut. Implikasi hukum bagi Notaris yang tidak melekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada Minuta Akta dapat dikenai sanksi sesuai Pasal 16 ayat (11) Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris berupa: (a)peringatan tertulis; (b)pemberhentian sementara; (c)pemberhentian dengan hormat; (d)pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat. Jika sanksi peringatan tertulis kepada Notaris tidak dipatuhi atau terjadi pelanggaran oleh Notaris yang bersangkutan, maka dapat dijatuhi sanksi berikutnya secara berjenjang. Kata kunci: notaris, sidik jari, penghadap, minuta akt

    Akibat Hukum Tidak Dipenuhinya Ketentuan Pasal 74 Ayat (1) Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 Jo. Pasal 54 Ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 4 Tahun 1988 Tentang Perhimpunan Penghuni Satuan Rumah Susun

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    This article aims to determine legal consequences and remedies not filling the provisions of article 74 paragraph 1 of law number 20 year 2011 jo article 54 paragraph 1 of government regulation number 4 of 1988 concerning the association of the occupants unit of flats, using normative legal research methods, through approach to legislation, conceptual and comparison in order to obtain the views an doctrines as a basis legal arguments on legal issues studied. Based on the survey result revealed that, with no formation of associations of occupant flats units, then the resident will lose the right to enjoy a sense of comfort, easy, safe, orderly and organized the principles in the flats. According to article 107 flats legislation may be subject to adminisrative sanctions contained in article 108 of the law enactment flats in stages, ranging from a written warning to revocation of business license. Remedies that can be given the resident can do prosecution by first reporting to the local authorities for further prosecution to the developer. According article 75 paragraph 1 law flats:development actors are required to facilitate the formation of associations occupant apartment units at the latest before the transitional period ends. In article 59 paragraph 2. The transitional period a maximum of one year since the first delivery of flats units to the owner. Key words: legal consequences, association occupant, flatsAbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum dan upaya hukum atas tidak dipenuhinya ketentuan Pasal 74 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 Jo.Pasal 54 Ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 4 Tahun 1988 Tentang Perhimpunan Penghuni Satuan Rumah Susun, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, melalui pendekatan undang-undang, konseptual dan perbandingan guna memperoleh pandangan dan doktrin sebagai dasar argumentasi hukum atas isu hukum yang diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa, dengan tidak dibentuknya PPSRS, maka para penghuni akan kehilangan hak untuk menikmati rasa nyaman, mudah, aman, tertib dan teratur yang menjadi asas penyelenggaraan rumah susun. Menurut Pasal 107 UURS dapat dikenai sanksi administratif yang terdapat pada Pasal 108 UURS yang berlaku secara berjenjang, mulai dari peringatan tertulis sampai dengan pencabutan izin usaha. Upaya hukum yang dilakukan, para penghuni bisa melakukan penuntutan dengan terlebih dahulu melaporkan kepada Pemerintah Daerah setempat untuk selanjutnya dilakukan penindakan kepada pihak pengembang. Menurut Pasal 75 Ayat (1) UURS: Pelaku pembangunan wajib memfasilitasi terbentuknya PPPSRS paling lambat sebelum masa transisi berakhir. Pasal 59 Ayat (2): Masa transisi ditetapkan paling lama 1 tahun sejak penyerahan pertama kali satuan rumah susun kepada pemilik. Kata kunci: akibat hukum, perhimpunan penghuni, rumah susu

    Forest Life Under Control of Microbial Life

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    Histological study of different layers of oocyte in stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus)

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    The present study was conducted on a large number of oocytes collected from 36 female Acipenser stellatus brood fish caught from fishing grounds in the Guilan province and transferred to the Shahid Behesti Sturgeon Breeding Center during 1997-1998. Physiological assessments were carried out on the microscopic sections prepared from these oocytes. Under normal conditions, 9 distinguishable layers were observed in the sections prepared from A. stellatus oocytes that included the follicle, the outer most layer, followed by a jelly coat, an external zona radiata, internal zona radiata, fat layer, pigments, cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleoli. The presence of erythrocytes and micropyle canal in the oocytes indicate normal embryognesis among them

    Fully Analyzing an Algebraic Polya Urn Model

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    This paper introduces and analyzes a particular class of Polya urns: balls are of two colors, can only be added (the urns are said to be additive) and at every step the same constant number of balls is added, thus only the color compositions varies (the urns are said to be balanced). These properties make this class of urns ideally suited for analysis from an "analytic combinatorics" point-of-view, following in the footsteps of Flajolet-Dumas-Puyhaubert, 2006. Through an algebraic generating function to which we apply a multiple coalescing saddle-point method, we are able to give precise asymptotic results for the probability distribution of the composition of the urn, as well as local limit law and large deviation bounds.Comment: LATIN 2012, Arequipa : Peru (2012

    Estimation of Kumaraswamy Distribution Parameters Using the Principle of Maximum Entropy

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    This paper proposes using maximum entropy approach to estimate the parameters of the Kumaraswamy distribution subject to moment constraints. Kumaraswamy [7] introduced the double pounded probability density function which was originally used to model hydrological phenomena. It was mentioned that this probability density function is applicable to bounded natural phenomena which have values on two sides. The distribution share several properties with the beta distribution and it has the extra advantages that is possesses a closed form distribution function, but it remained unknown to most statisticians until it was developed by Jones [6] as a beta-type distribution with some tractability advantages in particular as it has fairly simple quantile function and it has explicit formula for L-Moment. Using the principle of maximum entropy to propose new estimators for the Kumaraswamy parameters and compared with maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation methods. A simulation study is performed to investigate the performance of the estimators in terms of their mean square errors and their efficiency

    Tilted bilayer membranes as simple transmission quarter-wave retardation plates

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    A tilted bilayer membrane, which consists of two thin films of transparent optically isotropic materials of different refractive indices, can function as a transmission quarter-wave retarder (QWR) at a high angle of incidence. A specific design using a cryolite-Si membrane in the infrared is presented, and its tolerances to small shifts of wavelength, incidence angle, and film thickness errors are discussed. Some designs provide a dual QWR in transmission and reflection. Such devices provide simple linear-to-circular (and circular-to-linear) polarization transformers. Bilayer eighth-wave retarders without diattenuation are also introduced

    Optomechanical heat transfer between molecules in a nanoplasmonic cavity

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    We explore whether localized surface plasmon polariton modes can transfer heat between molecules placed in the hot spot of a nanoplasmonic cavity through optomechanical interaction with the molecular vibrations. We demonstrate that external driving of the plasmon resonance indeed induces an effective molecule-molecule interaction corresponding to a heat transfer mechanism that can even be more effective in cooling the hotter molecule than its heating due to the vibrational pumping by the plasmon. This mechanism allows us to actively control the rate of heat flow between molecules through the intensity and frequency of the driving laserThis work has been funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2016-STG-714870) and the Spanish MINECO under Contract No. MAT2014-53432-C5-5-R and the “María de Maeztu” programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377), as well as through a Ramón y Cajal grant (JF) and support from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (SMA

    Long and short paths in uniform random recursive dags

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    In a uniform random recursive k-dag, there is a root, 0, and each node in turn, from 1 to n, chooses k uniform random parents from among the nodes of smaller index. If S_n is the shortest path distance from node n to the root, then we determine the constant \sigma such that S_n/log(n) tends to \sigma in probability as n tends to infinity. We also show that max_{1 \le i \le n} S_i/log(n) tends to \sigma in probability.Comment: 16 page
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