379 research outputs found

    Characterization of Auditory Disability and Its Relation to the Resilience

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    The objective of the work is to establish the characterization of the auditory disability and its relationship with resilience at the Technical University of Manabí. The article shows a conceptual analysis related to the inclusion and social integration of disabled students. Based on the fact that the person with disabilities grows and develops in the same way as that of people without disabilities and what usually happens is that disabled people are rejected and discriminated against based on a prefabricated and erroneous conceptualization of these people. The results associated with the application of the SV-RES test prepared by the researchers are shown (Saavedra & Villalta, 2008b). Characterization of the auditory deficit is made in the students, and the limitations that derive from it are pointed out. We analyze the particularities related to communication with students who have a hearing disability and resilience in this type of student, where some personal highlights that in this sense constitute an example of resilience. Finally, the results related to the study of the relationship between students' hearing disability and the level of resilience dimensions are shown

    Assessment of organizational policies in a retail store based on a simulation model

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    This paper evaluates three organizational policies in a retail store by a discrete simulation model in Simio®. The policies implemented were using one, two, or three express checkouts, cross-trained workers, and allocating one, two, or three weighing counters in the produce section (fruit and vegetables). These policies were evaluated during days with low, medium, and high demand over critical performance metrics such as the queue length, waiting time, active and idle time rate, the average time in the system, average service time, and sales. Our results demonstrated that all policies are beneficial for the studied system but in days with high demand. In days with low or medium demand, there were good improvements for some indicators, but this conflicted with others. As the simulation model was implemented to evaluate each policy independently, a future direction should include studying the performance simultaneously

    Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Activity Designed into a Human Drug Metabolism Enzyme

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    Organophosphorus (OP) nerve agents are potent suicide inhibitors of the essential neurotransmitter-regulating enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Due to their acute toxicity, there is significant interest in developing effective countermeasures to OP poisoning. Here we impart nerve agent hydrolysis activity into the human drug metabolism enzyme carboxylesterase 1. Using crystal structures of the target enzyme in complex with nerve agent as a guide, a pair of histidine and glutamic acid residues were designed proximal to the enzyme's native catalytic triad. The resultant variant protein demonstrated significantly increased rates of reactivation following exposure to sarin, soman, and cyclosarin. Importantly, the addition of these residues did not alter the high affinity binding of nerve agents to this protein. Thus, using two amino acid substitutions, a novel enzyme was created that efficiently converted a group of hemisubstrates, compounds that can start but not complete a reaction cycle, into bona fide substrates. Such approaches may lead to novel countermeasures for nerve agent poisoning

    Deceptive body movements reverse spatial cueing in soccer

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The purpose of the experiments was to analyse the spatial cueing effects of the movements of soccer players executing normal and deceptive (step-over) turns with the ball. Stimuli comprised normal resolution or point-light video clips of soccer players dribbling a football towards the observer then turning right or left with the ball. Clips were curtailed before or on the turn (-160, -80, 0 or +80 ms) to examine the time course of direction prediction and spatial cueing effects. Participants were divided into higher-skilled (HS) and lower-skilled (LS) groups according to soccer experience. In experiment 1, accuracy on full video clips was higher than on point-light but results followed the same overall pattern. Both HS and LS groups correctly identified direction on normal moves at all occlusion levels. For deceptive moves, LS participants were significantly worse than chance and HS participants were somewhat more accurate but nevertheless substantially impaired. In experiment 2, point-light clips were used to cue a lateral target. HS and LS groups showed faster reaction times to targets that were congruent with the direction of normal turns, and to targets incongruent with the direction of deceptive turns. The reversed cueing by deceptive moves coincided with earlier kinematic events than cueing by normal moves. It is concluded that the body kinematics of soccer players generate spatial cueing effects when viewed from an opponent's perspective. This could create a reaction time advantage when anticipating the direction of a normal move. A deceptive move is designed to turn this cueing advantage into a disadvantage. Acting on the basis of advance information, the presence of deceptive moves primes responses in the wrong direction, which may be only partly mitigated by delaying a response until veridical cues emerge

    On the compact operators case of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numerical radius

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    The authors would like to thank Bill Johnson for kindly answering several inquiries.We study the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property for numerical radius restricted to the case of compact operators (BPBp-nu for compact operators in short). We show that C0(L) spaces have the BPBp-nu for compact operators for every Hausdorff topological locally compact space L. To this end, on the one hand, we provide some techniques allowing to pass the BPBp-nu for compact operators from subspaces to the whole space and, on the other hand, we prove some strong approximation property of C0(L) spaces and their duals. Besides, we also show that real Hilbert spaces and isometric preduals of ℓ1 have the BPBp-nu for compact operators

    Maternal depression and anxiety predicts the pattern of offspring symptoms during their transition to adulthood

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    Background. Episodes of depression and anxiety (D&A) during the transition from late adolescence to adulthood, particularly when persistent, are predictive of long-term disorders and associated public health burden. Understanding risk factors at this time is important to guide intervention. The current objective was to investigate the associations between maternal symptoms of D&A with offspring symptoms during their transition to adulthood. Method. Data from a large population-based birth cohort study, in South Brazil, were used. Prospective associations between maternal D&A and offspring risk of these symptoms during the transition to adulthood (18/19, 24 and 30 years) were estimated. Results. Maternal D&A in adolescence was associated with offspring symptoms across the transition to adulthood, associations were consistently stronger for females than for males. Daughters whose mothers reported D&A were 4.6 times (95% confidence interval 2.71–7.84) as likely to report D&A at all three time-points, than daughters of symptom-free mothers. Conclusions. Maternal D&A is associated with persistent D&A during the daughter’s transition to adulthood. Intervention strategies should consider the mother’s mental health

    Síntesis y estudio de las propiedades estructurales de zeolitas crecidas a partir del sistema NaOH+H2O+A* (A*= SiO2, Al) en un medio alcalino (pH > 10)

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    In this paper we present the synthesis of Zeolitesthrough the obtaining of a gel composed forthe mixture of alkaline and aluminosilicate solutes.We studied the kinetics of the structurationof zeolites taking into account the reactions A:NaOH+H2O+SiO2 and B: NaOH+H2O+Al. Thevalues of concentration used on each one of thesesolutes were 4.2 g (NaOH), 60- 20 ml (H2O forthe solutes A and B respectively), 6.0 g (SiO2) y 1,7(Al). For the resulting gel, which was gotten whenadding in a slowly way the solute B to the A one, weobtained a Ph equals 14. The synthesized zeoliteswere under thermic treatments of 120°C per cyclesfrom 8 to 10 hours. The structural properties withthe identification of the growing phases were studiedthrough the technic of X- ray diffraction changing2q in the interval 5-60°. From the spectrums ofXRD we observed a mainly predominance of thecrystal phase in the composition of Zeolita with anamorphous component. The presence of phasescoming from other minerals which have been theproducts of the reaction is reflected in the synthesisof the samples. We studied the morphology ofthe surface through scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Based on SEM images it is seen that someareas of the surface are led by isolated grains andcharacterized for values in the size of the grain atabout 20 mm.En este trabajo se presenta la síntesis de zeolitasmediante la obtención de un gel compuesto por lamezcla de soluciones alcalinas y aluminosilicatos.La cinética de formación de las zeolitas se estudióa partir de las reacciones A: NaOH+H2O+SiO2 yB: NaOH+H2O+Al. Los valores de concentraciónempleados en cada una de las soluciones fueron 4.2g (NaOH), 60-20 ml (H2O para las soluciones A yB respectivamente), 6.0 g (SiO2) y 1,7 (Al). Para elgel resultante de la zeolita obtenido al añadir lentamentela disolución B a la A se obtuvo un pH=14.Las zeolitas sintetizadas fueron sometidas a tratamientostérmicos de 120 ºC por ciclos de 8 a 10horas. Las propiedades estructurales junto con laidentificación de las fases de crecimiento fueron estudiadasmediante la técnica de difracción de rayosX (XRD), variando 2q en el rango entre 5-60º. Apartir de los espectros de XRD se observa un predominiode la fase cristalina en la composición dela zeolita acompañado de una componente amorfa.La presencia de fases de otros minerales, productosde la reacción, es evidenciada en el crecimientode las muestras. La morfología de la superficie fueestudiada por microscopia electrónica de barrido(SEM). A partir de las imágenes de SEM se observaque algunas regiones de la superficie son gobernadaspor granos aislados caracterizadas por valoresen el tamaño de grano alrededor de 20 nm

    Nanoscale magnetism and magnetic phase transitions in atomically thin CrSBr

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    Since their first observation in 2017, atomically thin van der Waals (vdW) magnets have attracted significant fundamental, and application-driven attention. However, their low ordering temperatures, TcT_c, sensitivity to atmospheric conditions and difficulties in preparing clean large-area samples still present major limitations to further progress. The remarkably stable high-TcT_c vdW magnet CrSBr has the potential to overcome these key shortcomings, but its nanoscale properties and rich magnetic phase diagram remain poorly understood. Here we use single spin magnetometry to quantitatively characterise saturation magnetization, magnetic anisotropy constants, and magnetic phase transitions in few-layer CrSBr by direct magnetic imaging. We show pristine magnetic phases, devoid of defects on micron length-scales, and demonstrate remarkable air-stability down the monolayer limit. We address the spin-flip transition in bilayer CrSBr by direct imaging of the emerging antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase wall and elucidate the magnetic properties of CrSBr around its ordering temperature. Our work will enable the engineering of exotic electronic and magnetic phases in CrSBr and the realisation of novel nanomagnetic devices based on this highly promising vdW magnet.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary material. Questions and comments are welcom

    Manipulation of Pre-Target Activity on the Right Frontal Eye Field Enhances Conscious Visual Perception in Humans

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    The right Frontal Eye Field (FEF) is a region of the human brain, which has been consistently involved in visuo-spatial attention and access to consciousness. Nonetheless, the extent of this cortical site’s ability to influence specific aspects of visual performance remains debated. We hereby manipulated pre-target activity on the right FEF and explored its influence on the detection and categorization of low-contrast near-threshold visual stimuli. Our data show that pre-target frontal neurostimulation has the potential when used alone to induce enhancements of conscious visual detection. More interestingly, when FEF stimulation was combined with visuo-spatial cues, improvements remained present only for trials in which the cue correctly predicted the location of the subsequent target. Our data provide evidence for the causal role of the right FEF pre-target activity in the modulation of human conscious vision and reveal the dependence of such neurostimulatory effects on the state of activity set up by cue validity in the dorsal attentional orienting network