67 research outputs found

    Characterization of adaptability components of Brazilian isolates of Macrophomina pseudophaseolina

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Negreiros, Andréia Mitsa Paiva, Naama Jéssica de Assis Melo, Hohana Lissa de Sousa Medeiros, Fernando Henrique Alves Silva, Josep Armengol, and Rui Sales Júnior. 2020. "Characterization of Adaptability Components of Brazilian Isolates of Macrophomina Pseudophaseolina". Journal of Phytopathology 168 (7-8). Wiley: 490-99. doi:10.1111/jph.12927. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Macrophomina pseudophaseolina is a new Macrophomina species reported on different crop and weed species in Brazil, India and Senegal, but to date there are no studies about its adaptability components. In this work, a collection of 62 M. pseudophaseolina isolates obtained from roots of the weed species Trianthema portulacastrum and Boerhavia diffusa collected in Northeastern Brazil, was used to: (a) study the effect of temperature and salinity on mycelial growth, (b) to determine their sensitivity to the fungicide carbendazim and (c) to assess their aggressiveness on melon and watermelon seedlings. Results showed variability among M. pseudophaseolina isolates. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth ranged between 26.4 and 38.1oC. NaCl reduced the in vitro growth of all isolates, which were also highly sensitive to the fungicide carbendazim, exhibiting EC50 values ranging from 0.013 to 0.089 mg/L a.i. Disease severity values on melon and watermelon seedlings showed that M. pseudophaseolina isolates were more aggressive in melon than in watermelon. Information about adaptability components of M. pseudophaseolina obtained in this study could be incorporated on breeding programs for melon and watermelon crops.This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).Paiva Negreiros, AM.; Melo, N.; De Soussa Medeiros, H.; Alves Silva, F.; Armengol Fortí, J.; Sales Junior, R. (2020). Characterization of adaptability components of Brazilian isolates of Macrophomina pseudophaseolina. Journal of Phytopathology. 168(7-8):490-499. https://doi.org/10.1111/jph.12927S4904991687-8Ambrósio, M. M. Q., Dantas, A. C. A., Martínez-Perez, E., Medeiros, A. C., Nunes, G. H. S., & Picó, M. B. (2015). Screening a variable germplasm collection of Cucumis melo L. for seedling resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina. Euphytica, 206(2), 287-300. doi:10.1007/s10681-015-1452-xBrito, A. C. de Q., de Mello, J. F., Michereff, S. J., de Souza-Motta, C. M., & Machado, A. R. (2019). First report of Macrophomina pseudophaseolina causing stem dry rot in cassava in Brazil. Journal of Plant Pathology, 101(4), 1245-1245. doi:10.1007/s42161-019-00309-3Cervantes-Garcia, D., Saul Padilla-Ramirez, J., Simpson, J., & Mayek-Perez, N. (2003). Osmotic Potential Effects on In Vitro Growth, Morphology and Pathogenicity of Macrophomina phaseolina. Journal of Phytopathology, 151(7-8), 456-462. doi:10.1046/j.1439-0434.2003.00751.xFerreira, D. F. (2011). Sisvar: a computer statistical analysis system. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 35(6), 1039-1042. doi:10.1590/s1413-70542011000600001Gupta, G. K., Sharma, S. K., & Ramteke, R. (2012). Biology, Epidemiology and Management of the Pathogenic Fungus Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid with Special Reference to Charcoal Rot of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Journal of Phytopathology, 160(4), 167-180. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0434.2012.01884.xLannou, C. (2012). Variation and Selection of Quantitative Traits in Plant Pathogens. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 50(1), 319-338. doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-081211-173031Machado, A. R., Pinho, D. B., Soares, D. J., Gomes, A. A. M., & Pereira, O. L. (2018). Bayesian analyses of five gene regions reveal a new phylogenetic species of Macrophomina associated with charcoal rot on oilseed crops in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 153(1), 89-100. doi:10.1007/s10658-018-1545-1Mastan, A., Bharadwaj, R., Kushwaha, R. K., & Vivek Babu, C. S. (2019). Functional Fungal Endophytes in Coleus forskohlii Regulate Labdane Diterpene Biosynthesis for Elevated Forskolin Accumulation in Roots. Microbial Ecology, 78(4), 914-926. doi:10.1007/s00248-019-01376-wMedeiros, A. C., Melo, D. R. M. de, Ambrósio, M. M. de Q., Nunes, G. H. de S., & Costa, J. M. da. (2015). Métodos de inoculação de Rhizoctonia solani e Macrophomina phaseolina em meloeiro (Cucumis melo). Summa Phytopathologica, 41(4), 281-286. doi:10.1590/0100-5405/2083Mbaye, N., Mame, P. S., Ndiaga, C., & Ibrahima, N. (2015). Is the recently described Macrophomina pseudophaseolina pathogenically different from Macrophomina phaseolina? African Journal of Microbiology Research, 9(45), 2232-2238. doi:10.5897/ajmr2015.7742Negreiros, A. M. P., Sales Júnior, R., León, M., Melo, N. J., Michereff, S. J., Ambrósio, M. M., … Armengol, J. (2019). Identification and pathogenicity of Macrophomina species collected from weeds in melon fields in Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Phytopathology, 167(6), 326-337. doi:10.1111/jph.12801Francisco, de A. S. e S., & Carlos, A. V. de A. (2016). The Assistat Software Version 7.7 and its use in the analysis of experimental data. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(39), 3733-3740. doi:10.5897/ajar2016.11522Tonin, R. F. B., Avozani, A., Danelli, A. L. D., Reis, E. M., Zoldan, S. M., & Garcés-Fiallos, F. R. (2013). In vitro mycelial sensitivity of Macrophomina phaseolina to fungicides. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 43(4), 460-466. doi:10.1590/s1983-40632013000400014Wrather, J. A., Anderson, T. R., Arsyad, D. M., Tan, Y., Ploper, L. D., Porta-Puglia, A., … Yorinori, J. T. (2001). Soybean disease loss estimates for the top ten soybean-producing counries in 1998. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 23(2), 115-121. doi:10.1080/07060660109506918Zhan, J., & McDonald, B. A. (2013). Experimental Measures of Pathogen Competition and Relative Fitness. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 51(1), 131-153. doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-082712-102302Zhao, L., Cai, J., He, W., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Macrophomina vaccinii sp. nov. causing blueberry stem blight in China. MycoKeys, 55, 1-14. doi:10.3897/mycokeys.55.3501

    Prevalence of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 and 2 among blood donors in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil

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    Introduction: Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 and 2 (HTLV-1/2) is endemic in Brazil, but few studies have investigated the seroprevalence of HTLV and its subtypes among blood donors in the capital city Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. Aim: To estimate the seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 and to identify circulating subtypes among blood donors in Manaus. Materials and Methods: Blood donors (2001-2003) were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies by ELISA. Positive results were confirmed and subtyped by Western blot assays. Prevalence rates were calculated and compared with demographic data. Results: Among the 87,402 individuals screened, 116 (0.13%) were seropositive for HTLV-1/2. A second sample (76/116) was collected and retested by HTLV-1/2 ELISA, of which only 41/76 were positive. Western blot confirmed HTLV infection in 24/41 retested blood donors [HTLV-1 (n=16), HTLV-2 (n=5) and HTLV-untypable (n=3)]. Discussion: HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 are prevalent among blood donors in Manaus. However, additional studies are needed to comprehend the epidemiology of HTLV-1/2 in Amazonas not only to understand the pathophysiology of the disease providing adequate medical assistance, but also to reduce or block virus transmission. © 2017, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of an Antimicrobial L-Amino Acid Oxidase and Peptide Derivatives from Bothropoides mattogrosensis Pitviper Venom

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    Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The prevalence of bacterial resistance to common antibiotics has increased in recent years, highlighting the need to develop novel alternatives for controlling these pathogens. Pitviper venoms are composed of a multifaceted mixture of peptides, proteins and inorganic components. L-amino oxidase (LAO) is a multifunctional enzyme that is able to develop different activities including antibacterial activity. In this study a novel LAO from Bothrops mattogrosensis (BmLAO) was isolated and biochemically characterized. Partial enzyme sequence showed full identity to Bothrops pauloensis LAO. Moreover, LAO here isolated showed remarkable antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, clearly suggesting a secondary protective function. Otherwise, no cytotoxic activities against macrophages and erythrocytes were observed. Finally, some LAO fragments (BmLAO-f1, BmLAO-f2 and BmLAO-f3) were synthesized and further evaluated, also showing enhanced antimicrobial activity. Peptide fragments, which are the key residues involved in antimicrobial activity, were also structurally studied by using theoretical models. The fragments reported here may be promising candidates in the rational design of new antibiotics that could be used to control resistant microorganisms

    Genome of Rhodnius prolixus, an insect vector of Chagas disease, reveals unique adaptations to hematophagy and parasite infection

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    Rhodnius prolixus not only has served as a model organism for the study of insect physiology, but also is a major vector of Chagas disease, an illness that affects approximately seven million people worldwide. We sequenced the genome of R. prolixus, generated assembled sequences covering 95% of the genome ( approximately 702 Mb), including 15,456 putative protein-coding genes, and completed comprehensive genomic analyses of this obligate blood-feeding insect. Although immune-deficiency (IMD)-mediated immune responses were observed, R. prolixus putatively lacks key components of the IMD pathway, suggesting a reorganization of the canonical immune signaling network. Although both Toll and IMD effectors controlled intestinal microbiota, neither affected Trypanosoma cruzi, the causal agent of Chagas disease, implying the existence of evasion or tolerance mechanisms. R. prolixus has experienced an extensive loss of selenoprotein genes, with its repertoire reduced to only two proteins, one of which is a selenocysteine-based glutathione peroxidase, the first found in insects. The genome contained actively transcribed, horizontally transferred genes from Wolbachia sp., which showed evidence of codon use evolution toward the insect use pattern. Comparative protein analyses revealed many lineage-specific expansions and putative gene absences in R. prolixus, including tandem expansions of genes related to chemoreception, feeding, and digestion that possibly contributed to the evolution of a blood-feeding lifestyle. The genome assembly and these associated analyses provide critical information on the physiology and evolution of this important vector species and should be instrumental for the development of innovative disease control methods

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetomella pseudocircinoseta and Coniella pseudodiospyri on Eucalyptus microcorys leaves, Cladophialophora eucalypti, Teratosphaeria dunnii and Vermiculariopsiella dunnii on Eucalyptus dunnii leaves, Cylindrium grande and Hypsotheca eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus grandis leaves, Elsinoe salignae on Eucalyptus saligna leaves, Marasmius lebeliae on litter of regenerating subtropical rainforest, Phialoseptomonium eucalypti (incl. Phialoseptomonium gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus grandis × camaldulensis leaves, Phlogicylindrium pawpawense on Eucalyptus tereticornis leaves, Phyllosticta longicauda as an endophyte from healthy Eustrephus latifolius leaves, Pseudosydowia eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus sp. leaves, Saitozyma wallum on Banksia aemula leaves, Teratosphaeria henryi on Corymbia henryi leaves. Brazil, Aspergillus bezerrae, Backusella azygospora, Mariannaea terricola and Talaromyces pernambucoensis from soil, Calonectria matogrossensis on Eucalyptus urophylla leaves, Calvatia brasiliensis on soil, Carcinomyces nordestinensis on Bromelia antiacantha leaves, Dendryphiella stromaticola on small branches of an unidentified plant, Nigrospora brasiliensis on Nopalea cochenillifera leaves, Penicillium alagoense as a leaf endophyte on a Miconia sp., Podosordaria nigrobrunnea on dung, Spegazzinia bromeliacearum as a leaf endophyte on Tilandsia catimbauensis, Xylobolus brasiliensis on decaying wood. Bulgaria, Kazachstania molopis from the gut of the beetle Molops piceus. Croatia, Mollisia endocrystallina from a fallen decorticated Picea abies tree trunk. Ecuador, Hygrocybe rodomaculata on soil. Hungary, Alfoldia vorosii (incl.Alfoldia gen. nov.) from Juniperus communis roots, Kiskunsagia ubrizsyi (incl. Kiskunsagia gen. nov.) from Fumana procumbens roots. India, Aureobasidium tremulum as laboratory contaminant, Leucosporidium himalayensis and Naganishia indica from windblown dust on glaciers. Italy, Neodevriesia cycadicola on Cycas sp. leaves, Pseudocercospora pseudomyrticola on Myrtus communis leaves, Ramularia pistaciae on Pistacia lentiscus leaves, Neognomoniopsis quercina (incl. Neognomoniopsis gen. nov.) on Quercus ilex leaves. Japan, Diaporthe fructicola on Passiflora edulis × P. edulis f. flavicarpa fruit, Entoloma nipponicum on leaf litter in a mixed Cryptomeria japonica and Acer spp. forest. Macedonia, Astraeus macedonicus on soil. Malaysia, Fusicladium eucalyptigenum on Eucalyptus sp. twigs, Neoacrodontiella eucalypti (incl. Neoacrodontiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus urophylla leaves. Mozambique, Meliola gorongosensis on dead Philenoptera violacea leaflets. Nepal, Coniochaeta dendrobiicola from Dendriobium lognicornu roots. New Zealand, Neodevriesia sexualis and Thozetella neonivea on Archontophoenix cunninghamiana leaves. Norway, Calophoma sandfjordenica from a piece of board on a rocky shoreline, Clavaria parvispora on soil, Didymella finnmarkica from a piece of Pinus sylvestris driftwood. Poland, Sugiyamaella trypani from soil. Portugal, Colletotrichum feijoicola from Acca sellowiana. Russia, Crepidotus tobolensis on Populus tremula debris, Entoloma ekaterinae, Entoloma erhardii and Suillus gastroflavus on soil, Nakazawaea ambrosiae from the galleries of Ips typographus under the bark of Picea abies. Slovenia, Pluteus ludwigii on twigs of broadleaved trees. South Africa, Anungitiomyces stellenboschiensis (incl. Anungitiomyces gen. nov.) and Niesslia stellenboschiana on Eucalyptus sp. leaves, Beltraniella pseudoportoricensis on Podocarpus falcatus leaf litter, Corynespora encephalarti on Encephalartos sp. leaves, Cytospora pavettae on Pavetta revoluta leaves, Helminthosporium erythrinicola on Erythrina humeana leaves, Helminthosporium syzygii on a Syzygium sp. barkcanker, Libertasomyces aloeticus on Aloe sp. leaves, Penicillium lunae from Musa sp. fruit, Phyllosticta lauridiae on Lauridia tetragona leaves, Pseudotruncatella bolusanthi (incl. Pseudotruncatellaceae fam. nov.) and Dactylella bolusanthi on Bolusanthus speciosus leaves. Spain, Apenidiella foetida on submerged plant debris, Inocybe grammatoides on Quercus ilex subsp. ilex forest humus, Ossicaulis salomii on soil, Phialemonium guarroi from soil. Thailand, Pantospora chromolaenae on Chromolaena odorata leaves. Ukraine, Cadophora helianthi from Helianthus annuus stems. USA, Boletus pseudopinophilus on soil under slash pine, Botryotrichum foricae, Penicillium americanum and Penicillium minnesotense from air. Vietnam, Lycoperdon vietnamense on soil. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes

    Percepções de homens com transtornos mentais sobre risco e autocuidado face às infecções sexualmente transmissíveis

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    Estudos recentes mostraram altas taxas de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) entre pessoas com transtornos mentais no Brasil. Visando contribuir para avanços nas ações de prevenção junto a essa população, neste trabalho são analisadas as percepções de homens com transtornos mentais sobre risco e autocuidado face às IST. Entrevistas abertas e em profundidade com questões sobre autocuidado em saúde sexual foram realizadas com 22 homens com transtornos mentais. Os dados das entrevistas foram analisados com base na análise estrutural de narração. Os resultados mostraram que os entrevistados pouco conhecem sobre as IST. Apesar de reconhecerem a existência de risco nas relações sexuais, o uso de preservativo é raro. O principal aspecto dificultador do uso decorreu da representação de que pessoas aparentemente sadias não representam riscos. Entre os que fizeram uso do preservativo, essa conduta esteve motivada pela proximidade de experiências de uma IST contraída. Entretanto, o uso foi prejudicado por acharem que o preservativo compromete o prazer e também pelo uso de álcool e drogas. Alguns não encontram sentido em se autocuidar, o que se mostrou atrelado ao contexto de exclusão social. Houve ainda situações em que se preferiu correr o risco de se infectar. Faz-se urgente promover saúde sexual para essa população, considerando os aspectos psicossociais envolvidos no autocuidado

    Bird-termite interactions in Brazil: A review with perspectives for future studies

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