17 research outputs found

    Pathway-Based High-Throughput Chemical Screen Identifies Compounds That Decouple Heterochromatin Transformations

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    Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) facilitates the formation of repressive heterochromatin domains by recruiting histone lysine methyltransferase enzymes to chromatin, resulting in increased levels of histone H3K9me3. To identify chemical inhibitors of the HP1-heterochromatin gene repression pathway, we combined a cell-based assay that utilized chemical-mediated recruitment of HP1 to an endogenous active gene with high-throughput flow cytometry. Here we characterized small molecule inhibitors that block HP1-mediated heterochromatin formation. Our lead compounds demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition of HP1-stimulated gene repression and were validated in an orthogonal cell-based system. One lead inhibitor was improved by a change in stereochemistry, resulting in compound 2, which was further used to decouple the inverse relationship between H3K9 and H3K4 methylation states. We identified molecular components that bound compound 2, either directly or indirectly, by chemical affinity purification with a biotin-tagged derivative, followed by quantitative proteomic techniques. In summary, our pathway-based chemical screening approach resulted in the discovery of new inhibitors of HP1-mediated heterochromatin formation while identifying exciting new molecular interactions in the pathway to explore in the future. This modular platform can be expanded to test a wide range of chromatin modification pathways yielding inhibitors that are cell permeable and function in a physiologically relevant setting

    A unified phylogeny-based nomenclature for histone variants

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    Histone variants are non-allelic protein isoforms that play key roles in diversifying chromatin structure. The known number of such variants has greatly increased in recent years, but the lack of naming conventions for them has led to a variety of naming styles, multiple synonyms and misleading homographs that obscure variant relationships and complicate database searches. We propose here a unified nomenclature for variants of all five classes of histones that uses consistent but flexible naming conventions to produce names that are informative and readily searchable. The nomenclature builds on historical usage and incorporates phylogenetic relationships, which are strong predictors of structure and function. A key feature is the consistent use of punctuation to represent phylogenetic divergence, making explicit the relationships among variant subtypes that have previously been implicit or unclear. We recommend that by default new histone variants be named with organism-specific paralog-number suffixes that lack phylogenetic implication, while letter suffixes be reserved for structurally distinct clades of variants. For clarity and searchability, we encourage the use of descriptors that are separate from the phylogeny-based variant name to indicate developmental and other properties of variants that may be independent of structure

    Dynamic F-actin movement is essential for fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Histone acetylation recruits the SWR1 complex to regulate active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis

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    Active DNA demethylation is critical for controlling the DNA methylomes in plants and mammals. However, little is known about how DNA demethylases are recruited to target loci, and the involvement of chromatin marks in this process. Here, we identify 2 components of the SWR1 chromatin-remodeling complex, PIE1 and ARP6, as required for ROS1-mediated DNA demethylation, and discover 2 SWR1-associated bromodomain-containing proteins, AtMBD9 and nuclear protein X1 (NPX1). AtMBD9 and NPX1 recognize histone acetylation marks established by increased DNA methylation 1 (IDM1), a known regulator of DNA demethylation, redundantly facilitating H2A.Z deposition at IDM1 target loci. We show that at some genomic regions, H2A.Z and DNA methylation marks coexist, and H2A.Z physically interacts with ROS1 to regulate DNA demethylation and antisilencing. Our results unveil a mechanism through which DNA demethylases can be recruited to specific target loci exhibiting particular histone marks, providing a conceptual framework to understand how chromatin marks regulate DNA demethylation