248 research outputs found

    Rheological study of structural transitions in triblock copolymers in a liquid crystal solvent

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    Rheological properties of triblock copolymers dissolved in a nematic liquid crystal (LC) solvent demonstrate that their microphase separated structure is heavily influenced by changes in LC order. Nematic gels were created by swelling a well-defined, high molecular weight ABA block copolymer with the small-molecule nematic LC solvent 4-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). The B midblock is a side-group liquid crystal polymer (SGLCP) designed to be soluble in 5CB and the A endblocks are polystyrene, which is LC-phobic and microphase separates to produce a physically cross-linked, thermoreversible, macroscopic polymer network. At sufficiently low polymer concentration a plateau modulus in the nematic phase, characteristic of a gel, abruptly transitions to terminal behavior when the gel is heated into its isotropic phase. In more concentrated gels, endblock aggregates persist into the isotopic phase. Dramatic changes in network structure are observed over small temperature windows (as little as 1 °C) due to tccche rapidly changing LC order near the isotropization point. The discontinuous change in solvent quality produces an abrupt change in viscoelastic properties for three polymers having different pendant mesogenic groups and matched block lengths

    Director dynamics in liquid-crystal physical gels

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    Nematic liquid-crystal (LC) elastomers and gels have a rubbery polymer network coupled to the nematic director. While LC elastomers show a single, non-hydrodynamic relaxation mode, dynamic light-scattering studies of self-assembled liquid-crystal gels reveal orientational fluctuations that relax over a broad time scale. At short times, the relaxation dynamics exhibit hydrodynamic behavior. In contrast, the relaxation dynamics at long times are non-hydrodynamic, highly anisotropic, and increase in amplitude at small scattering angles. We argue that the slower dynamics arise from coupling between the director and the physically associated network, which prevents director orientational fluctuations from decaying completely at short times. At long enough times the network restructures, allowing the orientational fluctuations to fully decay. Director dynamics in the self-assembled gels are thus quite distinct from those observed in LC elastomers in two respects: they display soft orientational fluctuations at short times, and they exhibit at least two qualitatively distinct relaxation processes

    Self-Assembly of Coil/Liquid-Crystalline Diblock Copolymers in a Liquid Crystal Solvent

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    Diblock copolymers having a random-coil polymer block (polystyrene, PS) connected to a side-group liquid crystal polymer (SGLCP) self-assemble in a nematic liquid crystal (LC), 4-pentyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl, into micelles with PS-rich cores and SGLCP-rich coronas. The morphologies of block copolymers with varying PS content are characterized as a function of temperature and concentration using small-angle neutron scattering, rheometry, and transmission electron microscopy. Unlike conventional solvents, the nematic LC can undergo a first-order transition between distinct fluid phases, accessing the regimes of both strong and slight selectivity in a single polymer/solvent pair. Micelles dissolve away above a microphase separation temperature (MST) that is often equal to the solution’s isotropization point, TNI. However, increasing or decreasing the polymer’s PS content can shift the MST to be above or below TNI, respectively, and in the former case, micelles abruptly swell with solvent at TNI. Comparable effects can be achieved by modulating the overall polymer concentration

    Especialização metalogenética contrastante no campo pegmatítico varisco da Serra de Arga (Minho-Portugal)

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    Global Estimates of Average Ground-Level Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations from Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth

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    Exposure to airborne particles can cause acute or chronic respiratory disease and can exacerbate heart disease, some cancers, and other conditions in susceptible populations. Ground stations that monitor fine particulate matter in the air (smaller than 2.5 microns, called PM2.5) are positioned primarily to observe severe pollution events in areas of high population density; coverage is very limited, even in developed countries, and is not well designed to capture long-term, lower-level exposure that is increasingly linked to chronic health effects. In many parts of the developing world, air quality observation is absent entirely. Instruments aboard NASA Earth Observing System satellites, such as the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), monitor aerosols from space, providing once daily and about once-weekly coverage, respectively. However, these data are only rarely used for health applications, in part because the can retrieve the amount of aerosols only summed over the entire atmospheric column, rather than focusing just on the near-surface component, in the airspace humans actually breathe. In addition, air quality monitoring often includes detailed analysis of particle chemical composition, impossible from space. In this paper, near-surface aerosol concentrations are derived globally from the total-column aerosol amounts retrieved by MODIS and MISR. Here a computer aerosol simulation is used to determine how much of the satellite-retrieved total column aerosol amount is near the surface. The five-year average (2001-2006) global near-surface aerosol concentration shows that World Health Organization Air Quality standards are exceeded over parts of central and eastern Asia for nearly half the year

    Effect of Modified Pin Profile and Process Parameters on the Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6

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    This work deals with the effect of a new “bolt-head” pin profile on the friction stir welding performance of the aluminum alloy 6061-T6, compared to traditional pin profiles. Friction stir welding parameters such as the tool rotation speed and the welding speed were investigated together with the different pin profiles; the results show that the new “bolt-head” pin profile leads to better mechanical properties of welded specimens. The pin profiles used in this work were the straight square (SS), straight hexagon (SH), taper cylindrical (TC), and the straight hexagon “bolt-head” (SHBH). It was found that the last pin profile improves the material flow behavior and the uniform distribution of plastic deformation and reduces the formation of macroscopic defects on the welded zone. Mechanical tensile tests on welded specimens were performed to determine the tensile strength: the specimens welded with the SHBH pin profile have shown the highest mechanical properties. An approach is presented for material flow on this aluminum alloy using the SHBH pin profile, which is related to the improvement on the resulting mechanical properties


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    Entamoeba histolytica es el protozoario parásito cosmopolita causante de la amibiasis y sus múltiples manifestaciones clínicas afectando con mayor frecuencia a los países en vías de desarrollo en donde existe hacinamiento y condiciones sanitarias deficientes e inadecuadas; en México representa un problema de saludpública por su frecuencia, morbilidad, mortalidad y fácil dispersión; para el control de la amibiasis y sus manifestaciones clínicas, se administra metronidazol como droga de elección, sin embargo este fármaco produce efectos secundarios indeseables. Reportes recientes indican que cultivos in vitro de E. histolytica han desarrollado resistencia a este fármaco. En este trabajo evaluamos el efecto de 1, 10, 20 y 100 mg/mL de liofilizados de medios condicionados con probióticos (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei y Lactococcus lactis) sobre el crecimiento axénico in vitro de E. histolytica. Las concentraciones ensayadas mostraron diferencia estadística significativa (ANOVA p=0.05) como inhibidores del crecimiento in vitro de Entamoeba histolytica HM1-IMSS. Estos resultados abren la posibilidad de contar con una alternativa nutricional para la prevención y tratamiento de la amibiasis sin presentar efectos secundarios indeseables.Palabras claves: Entamoeba histolytica, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactococcus lactis, cultivo axénico, probióticos.Entamoeba histolytica, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactococcus lactis, axenic culture, probiotics