332 research outputs found

    Paving the way for H2AX phosphorylation: chromatin changes in the DNA damage response.

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    The dynamics of chromatin-associated proteins control the accessibility of DNA to essential biological transactions like transcription, replication, recombination and repair. Here, we briefly outline what is known about the chromatin changes that occur during the cellular response to DNA breakage, focusing on our recent findings revealing that the chromatin factor HP1beta is mobilized within seconds after DNA damage by an unrecognized signaling cascade mediated by casein kinase 2 (CK2) phosphorylation, paving the way for histone H2AX phosphorylation. We also show here that HP1beta mobilization is neither associated with histone H3 modification on Ser10, an alteration proposed to assist in HP1 ejection from chromatin, nor with evidence of a physical interaction between HP1beta and the CK2 regulatory subunit. Interestingly, following its rapid mobilization, we find that HP1beta gradually re-accumulates on damaged chromatin over a longer time period, suggesting that temporal changes in HP1beta dynamics and interaction with chromatin may assist in different stages of the cellular response to DNA breakage.S

    Cyclin G1 regulates the outcome of taxane-induced mitotic checkpoint arrest

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    Anti-mitotic chemotherapeutic agents such as taxanes activate the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) to arrest anaphase onset, but taxane-exposed cells eventually undergo slippage to exit mitosis. The therapeutic efficacy of taxanes depends on whether slippage after SAC arrest culminates in continued cell survival, or in death by apoptosis. However, the mechanisms that determine these outcomes remain unclear. Here, we identify a novel role for cyclin G1 (CCNG1), an atypical cyclin. Increased CCNG1 expression accompanies paclitaxel-induced, SAC-mediated mitotic arrest, independent of p53 integrity or signaling through the SAC component, BUBR1. CCNG1 overexpression promotes cell survival after paclitaxel exposure. Conversely, CCNG1 depletion by RNA interference delays slippage and enhances paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. Consistent with these observations, CCNG1 amplification is associated with significantly shorter post-surgical survival in patients with ovarian cancer who have received adjuvant chemotherapy with taxanes and platinum compounds. Collectively, our findings implicate CCNG1 in regulating slippage and the outcome of taxane-induced mitotic arrest, with potential implications for cancer therapy

    Engineering Archeal Surrogate Systems for the Development of Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors against Human RAD51

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    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are increasingly important targets for drug discovery. Efficient fragment-based drug discovery approaches to tackle PPIs are often stymied by difficulties in the production of stable, unliganded target proteins. Here, we report an approach that exploits protein engineering to "humanise" thermophilic archeal surrogate proteins as targets for small-molecule inhibitor discovery and to exemplify this approach in the development of inhibitors against the PPI between the recombinase RAD51 and tumour suppressor BRCA2. As human RAD51 has proved impossible to produce in a form that is compatible with the requirements of fragment-based drug discovery, we have developed a surrogate protein system using RadA from Pyrococcus furiosus\textit{Pyrococcus furiosus}. Using a monomerised RadA as our starting point, we have adopted two parallel and mutually instructive approaches to mimic the human enzyme: firstly by mutating RadA to increase sequence identity with RAD51 in the BRC repeat binding sites, and secondly by generating a chimeric archaeal human protein. Both approaches generate proteins that interact with a fourth BRC repeat with affinity and stoichiometry comparable to human RAD51. Stepwise humanisation has also allowed us to elucidate the determinants of RAD51 binding to BRC repeats and the contributions of key interacting residues to this interaction. These surrogate proteins have enabled the development of biochemical and biophysical assays in our ongoing fragment-based small-molecule inhibitor programme and they have allowed us to determine hundreds of liganded structures in support of our structure-guided design process, demonstrating the feasibility and advantages of using archeal surrogates to overcome difficulties in handling human proteins.Wellcome Trust Translational (Grant ID: 080083/Z/06/Z) and Seeding Drug Discovery Initiative (Grant ID: 91050/Z/10/Z) award

    Impact of Alternative Splicing on the Human Proteome

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    Alternative splicing is a critical determinant of genome complexity and, by implication, is assumed to engender proteomic diversity. This notion has not been experimentally tested in a targeted, quantitative manner. Here, we have developed an integrative approach to ask whether perturbations in mRNA splicing patterns alter the composition of the proteome. We integrate RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) (to comprehensively report intron retention, differential transcript usage, and gene expression) with a data-independent acquisition (DIA) method, SWATH-MS (sequential window acquisition of all theoretical spectra-mass spectrometry), to capture an unbiased, quantitative snapshot of the impact of constitutive and alternative splicing events on the proteome. Whereas intron retention is accompanied by decreased protein abundance, alterations in differential transcript usage and gene expression alter protein abundance proportionate to transcript levels. Our findings illustrate how RNA splicing links isoform expression in the human transcriptome with proteomic diversity and provides a foundation for studying perturbations associated with human diseases.We gratefully acknowledge funding from the EMBL (to M.G.-P. and J.C.M.), the NIH (U01CA152813 to Y.S.L. and R.A.), the ERC (AdG-670821 [Proteomics 4D] to R.A.), the Swiss National Science Foundation (31003A_166435 to R.A.), SystemsX.ch through project PhosphonetX-PPM (to R.A.), the UK Medical Research Council (G1001521, G1001522, and 4050551988 to A.R.V.), and the NHMRC (1127745 to V.O.W.). V.O.W. is supported by an innovation fellowship from VESKI

    A mitotic function for the high-mobility group protein HMG20b regulated by its interaction with the BRC repeats of the BRCA2 tumor suppressor.

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    The inactivation of BRCA2, a suppressor of breast, ovarian and other epithelial cancers, triggers instability in chromosome structure and number, which are thought to arise from defects in DNA recombination and mitotic cell division, respectively. Human BRCA2 controls DNA recombination via eight BRC repeats, evolutionarily conserved motifs of ∌35 residues, that interact directly with the recombinase RAD51. How BRCA2 controls mitotic cell division is debated. Several studies by different groups report that BRCA2 deficiency affects cytokinesis. Moreover, its interaction with HMG20b, a protein of uncertain function containing a promiscuous DNA-binding domain and kinesin-like coiled coils, has been implicated in the G2-M transition. We show here that HMG20b depletion by RNA interference disturbs the completion of cell division, suggesting a novel function for HMG20b. In vitro, HMG20b binds directly to the BRC repeats of BRCA2, and exhibits the highest affinity for BRC5, a motif that binds poorly to RAD51. Conversely, the BRC4 repeat binds strongly to RAD51, but not to HMG20b. In vivo, BRC5 overexpression inhibits the BRCA2-HMG20b interaction, recapitulating defects in the completion of cell division provoked by HMG20b depletion. In contrast, BRC4 inhibits the BRCA2-RAD51 interaction and the assembly of RAD51 at sites of DNA damage, but not the completion of cell division. Our findings suggest that a novel function for HMG20b in cytokinesis is regulated by its interaction with the BRC repeats of BRCA2, and separate this unexpected function for the BRC repeats from their known activity in DNA recombination. We propose that divergent tumor-suppressive pathways regulating chromosome segregation as well as chromosome structure may be governed by the conserved BRC motifs in BRCA2

    Early Neutrophilia Marked by Aerobic Glycolysis Sustains Host Metabolism and Delays Cancer Cachexia

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    An elevated neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio negatively predicts the outcome of patients with cancer and is associated with cachexia, the terminal wasting syndrome. Here, using murine model systems of colorectal and pancreatic cancer we show that neutrophilia in the circulation and multiple organs, accompanied by extramedullary hematopoiesis, is an early event during cancer progression. Transcriptomic and metabolic assessment reveals that neutrophils in tumor-bearing animals utilize aerobic glycolysis, similar to cancer cells. Although pharmacological inhibition of aerobic glycolysis slows down tumor growth in C26 tumor-bearing mice, it precipitates cachexia, thereby shortening the overall survival. This negative effect may be explained by our observation that acute depletion of neutrophils in pre-cachectic mice impairs systemic glucose homeostasis secondary to altered hepatic lipid processing. Thus, changes in neutrophil number, distribution, and metabolism play an adaptive role in host metabolic homeostasis during cancer progression. Our findings provide insight into early events during cancer progression to cachexia, with implications for therapy

    Clinical and biological significance of RAD51 expression in breast cancer: a key DNA damage response protein

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    Impaired DNA damage response (DDR) may play a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer (BC). RAD51 is a key player in DNA double-strand break repair. In this study, we aimed to assess the biological and clinical significance of RAD51 expression with relevance to different molecular classes of BC and patients’ outcome. The expression of RAD51 was assessed immunohistochemically in a well-characterised annotated series (n = 1184) of early-stage invasive BC with long-term follow-up. A subset of cases of BC from patients with known BRCA1 germline mutations was included as a control group. The results were correlated with clinicopathological and molecular parameters and patients’ outcome. RAD51 protein expression level was also assayed in a panel of cell lines using reverse phase protein array (RPPA). RAD51 was expressed in the nuclei (N) and cytoplasm (C) of malignant cells. Subcellular colocalisation phenotypes of RAD51 were significantly associated with clinicopathological features and patient outcome. Cytoplasmic expression (RAD51C+) and lack of nuclear expression (RAD51 N-) were associated with features of aggressive behaviour, including larger tumour size, high grade, lymph nodal metastasis, basal-like, and triple-negative phenotypes, together with aberrant expression of key DDR biomarkers including BRCA1. All BRCA1-mutated tumours had RAD51C+/N- phenotype. RPPA confirmed IHC results and showed differential expression of RAD51 in cell lines based on ER expression and BRCA1 status. RAD51 N+ and RAD51C+ tumours were associated with longer and shorter breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS), respectively. The RAD51 N+ was an independent predictor of longer BCSS (P<0.0001). Lack of RAD51 nuclear expression is associated with poor prognostic parameters and shorter survival in invasive BC patients. The significant associations between RAD51 subcellular localisation and clinicopathological features, molecular subtype and patients’ outcome suggest that the trafficking of DDR proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm might play a role in the development and progression of BC
