627 research outputs found

    Structuring for serendipity: family wealth creation, farmer autonomy and the pursuit of security in an uncertain Australian countryside

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    The social and economic particularities of family farms have captured researchers’ attention for many years; but rural scholarship still lacks a clear, analytical sense of how and why family farms are organised in the ways that they are. This thesis critically examines the internal logics underpinning the socio-economic organisation of Australian farms. It adopts Johnsen’s (2003) conceptualisation of farm enterprises as three-way coalitions between farm businesses, farm households and the respective property holdings. Changes to the Australian agricultural property regime are used as the lens through which to observe how the organisational logics of farm enterprises are recalibrated in response to environmental policy reforms; specifically, the separation of land and water titles. Despite the obvious economic significance of separating land and water titles, the impacts on farm organisation remain under-researched. Hence, this thesis uniquely brings together scholarship on family farming with that of water reforms. A qualitative research method – farm life history – is used to generate narratives of the development of 40 farms in Victoria, Australia. Twenty-one of these are from an irrigation district where land and water titles have been separated, and nineteen from a dry land region unaffected by the reforms. The interpretive chapters comprise an analysis of the ways in which the ownership configurations of farm businesses, land and water assets embody farmers’ aspirations for building wealth and maintaining autonomy. These aspirations are jointly articulated in the concept of ‘structuring for serendipity’, which elevates the notions of risk, uncertainty and security as critical drivers shaping farm-level responses to contemporary conditions. The thesis concludes that the organisational forms observed within the Australian agricultural sector ultimately represent farmers’ pursuit of a sense of security in a constantly changing and uncertain countryside

    До питання про культурну атрибутацію шару ранньозалізного віку на городищі Теребовля І

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    У статті на основі досліджень І.Русанової, Р.Миська та М.Ягодинської проведено атрибутацію культурного шару ранньозалізного віку на городищі літописної Теребовлі. Висловлюється припущення, що перші оборонні споруди на городищі Теребовля І «Замкова Гора», вал 3-ій та 4-ий городища збудовані носіями висоцької культури у ІХ-VIII ст. до н.е

    Transient nucleation driven by solvent evaporation

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    We theoretically investigate homogeneous crystal nucleation in a solution containing a solute and a volatile solvent. The solvent evaporates from the solution, thereby continuously increasing the concentration of the solute. We view it as an idealized model for the far-out-of-equilibrium conditions present during the liquid-state manufacturing of organic electronic devices. Our model is based on classical nucleation theory, taking the solvent to be a source of the transient conditions in which the solute drops out of solution. Other than that, the solvent is not directly involved in the nucleation process itself. We approximately solve the kinetic master equations using a combination of Laplace transforms and singular perturbation theory, providing an analytical expression for the nucleation flux, predicting that (i) the nucleation flux lags slightly behind a commonly used quasi-steady-state approximation, an effect that is governed by two counteracting effects originating from the solvent evaporation: while a faster evaporation rate results in an increasingly larger influence of the lag time on the nucleation flux, this lag time itself we find to decrease with increasing evaporation rate, (ii) the nucleation flux and the quasi-steady-state nucleation flux are never identical, except trivially in the stationary limit and (iii) the initial induction period of the nucleation flux, which we characterize with a generalized induction time, decreases weakly with the evaporation rate. This indicates that the relevant time scale for nucleation also decreases with increasing evaporation rate. Our analytical theory compares favorably with results from numerical evaluation of the governing kinetic equations

    A Philosophical Analysis of Bayesian model selection

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    Reproducibility and Data Storage for Active Learning-Aided Systematic Reviews

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    In the screening phase of a systematic review, screening prioritization via active learning effectively reduces the workload. However, the PRISMA guidelines are not sufficient for reporting the screening phase in a reproducible manner. Text screening with active learning is an iterative process, but the labeling decisions and the training of the active learning model can happen independently of each other in time. Therefore, it is not trivial to store the data from both events so that one can still know which iteration of the model was used for each labeling decision. Moreover, many iterations of the active learning model will be trained throughout the screening process, producing an enormous amount of data (think of many gigabytes or even terabytes of data), and machine learning models are continually becoming larger. This article clarifies the steps in an active learning-aided screening process and what data is produced at every step. We consider what reproducibility means in this context and we show that there is tension between the desire to be reproducible and the amount of data that is stored. Finally, we present the RDAL Checklist (Reproducibility and Data storage for Active Learning-Aided Systematic Reviews Checklist), which helps users and creators of active learning software make their screening process reproducible

    Дії, що дезорганізують роботу установ виконання покарань: співрозмірність злочину та покарання

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    Досліджується співрозмірність покарання за дії, що дезорганізують роботу уста­нов виконання покарань (ст. 392 КК України), із характером та ступенем суспільної небезпеки цього злочину, а також співрозмірність покарання за злочин, що розгля­дається, із покараннями за окремі злочини із суміжними складами.Исследуется соразмерность наказания за действия, которые дезорганизуют рабо­ту учреждений исполнения наказаний (ст. 392 УК Украины), с характером и уровнем общественной опасности этого преступления, а также с соразмерность наказания за расматриваемое преступление с наказаними за отдельные преступления со смежными составами.The article contains the study of adequacy of punishment for actions disorganizing work of penitentiary institutions (art. 392 of Criminal Code of Ukraine) and public danger of this crime also punishments for other crimes

    Addressing the challenges of reconstructing systematic reviews datasets: a case study and a noisy label filter procedure

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    Systematic reviews and meta-analyses typically require significant time and effort. Machine learning models have the potential to enhance screening efficiency in these processes. To effectively evaluate such models, fully labeled datasets—detailing all records screened by humans and their labeling decisions—are imperative. This paper presents the creation of a comprehensive dataset for a systematic review of treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder, as reported by Oud et al. (2018) for running a simulation study. The authors adhered to the PRISMA guidelines and published both the search query and the list of included records, but the complete dataset with all labels was not disclosed. We replicated their search and, facing the absence of initial screening data, introduced a Noisy Label Filter (NLF) procedure using active learning to validate noisy labels. Following the NLF application, no further relevant records were found. A simulation study employing the reconstructed dataset demonstrated that active learning could reduce screening time by 82.30% compared to random reading. The paper discusses potential causes for discrepancies, provides recommendations, and introduces a decision tree to assist in reconstructing datasets for the purpose of running simulation studies

    Detection and phylogenetic analysis of adenoviruses occurring in a single anole species

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    Adenoviruses (AdVs) infect a wide range of hosts, and they have undergone recent and ancient host transfers multiple times. In reptiles, AdVs have been found in many captive individuals, and have been implicated in morbidity and mortality in several species. Yet the pathogenicity, transmission, phylogenetic distribution, and source of AdVs in the environment are still unknown. We therefore chose to opportunistically sample deceased captive Anolis sagrei individuals that were collected from different populations in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, as well as fecal samples from one island population, to explore the disease dynamics and diversity of adenovirus infecting A. sagrei populations. We found that adenovirus infection was present in our captive colony at low prevalence (26%), and was likely not the primary cause of observed morbidity and mortality. Among the 10 individuals (out of 38 sampled) which tested positive for adenovirus, we identified four adenovirus clades, several of which are distantly related, despite the close relationships of the A. sagrei host populations. These results suggest that while adenovirus may not be highly prevalent in the wild, it is present at low levels across much of the range of A. sagrei. It may undergo frequent host switching across both deep and shallow host divergences