456 research outputs found

    Fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings determined by micro cantilever bending tests

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    To investigate the local fracture toughness of thin coatings new small scale methods like FIB milling of micro cantilever are used. Webler et al. used this technique for measuring the fracture toughness of NiAl bond [1]. This method can also be used to investigate the local fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings. The fracture toughness of ceramic coatings can be determined by different indentation techniques [2]. The drawback of these methods is the analysis of the KIc-value without the specific knowledge of the crack front propagation, which can only be determined after the experiment. By using micro-cantilever produced by ion beam milling it is possible to measure the local fracture toughness with freestanding micro-cantilever independent of the substrate. Therefore two yttrium stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coats with a thickness of 250μm, which were deposited by suspension plasma spraying on a layer of Amdry 9954 bond coat and IN 738 substrate with different standoff distances of about 70 and 100 mm, were investigated. Figure 1. shows the micro-cantilever with the initial crack (a) before testing. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Correlation of Microstructure and Properties of Cold Gas Sprayed INCONEL 718 Coatings

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    In the cold gas spray process, deposition of particles takes place through intensive plastic deformation upon impact in a solid state at temperatures well below their melting point. The high particle impact velocities and corresponding peening effects can lead to high compressive residual stresses in cold spray coatings. This can be advantageous with regard to mechanical properties as fatigue life and hence, cold spray is an ideal process for repair applications. In this study, INCONEL 718 particles were cold sprayed by using nitrogen as propellant gas. The deposited coatings with different thicknesses were characterized using electron microscopy techniques to study grain refinement and precipitates in the coating. In addition, depth-resolved residual stress measurements have been performed by the incremental hole drilling method. The residual stress depth profiles in the coatings indicate compressive residual stresses of several hundred MPa which are hardly influenced by the coating thickness. In addition, large compressive stress levels are found in surface- near regions of the substrate due to the grit blasting process. Furthermore, a post-heat treatment analysis was performed to investigate its influence on residual stresses and bonding strength. These findings are used to develop a consistent explanation of the dependence of strength values on thickness

    Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition

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    [EN] In the context of energy conversion efficiency and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from power generation and energy-intensive industries, membrane technologies for H-2 extraction and CO2 capture and utilization become pronouncedly important. Mixed protonic-electronic conducting ceramic membranes are hence attractive for the pre-combustion integrated gasification combined cycle, specifically in the water gas shift and H-2 separation process, and also for designing catalytic membrane reactors. This work presents the fabrication, microstructure and functional properties of Lanthanum tungstates (La28-xW4+xO54+delta, LaWO) asymmetric membranes supported on porous ceramic and porous metallic substrates fabricated by means of the sequential tape casting route and plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD). Pure LaWO and W site substituted LaWO were employed as membrane materials due to the promising combination of properties: appreciable mixed protonic-electronic conductivity at intermediate temperatures and reducing atmospheres, good sinterability and noticeable chemical stability under harsh operating conditions. As substrate materials porous LaWO (non-substituted), MgO and Crofer22APU stainless steel were used to support various LaWO membrane layers. The effect of fabrication parameters and material combinations on the assemblies' microstructure, LaWO phase formation and gas tightness of the functional layers was explored along with the related fabrication challenges for shaping LaWO layers with sufficient quality for further practical application. The two different fabrication strategies used in the present work allow for preparing all-ceramic and ceramic-metallic assemblies with LaWO membrane layers with thicknesses between 25 and 60 mu m and H-2 flux of ca. 0.4 ml/min cm(2) measured at 825 degrees C in 50 vol% H-2 in He dry feed and humid Ar sweep configuration. Such a performance is an exceptional achievement for the LaWO based H-2 separation membranes and it is well comparable with the H-2 flux reported for other newly developed dual phase cer-cer and cer-met membranes.ProtOMem Project under the BMBF grant 03SF0537 is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, the authors thank Ralf Laufs for his assistance in operating the PS-PVD facility. Dr. A. Schwedt from the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy (Gemeinschaftslabor fur Elektronenmikroskopie GFE), RWTH Aachen University is acknowledged for performing the EBSD analysis on the PS-PVD samples.Ivanova, ME.; Deibert, W.; Marcano, D.; Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Mauer, G.; Meulenberg, WA.; Bram, M.... (2019). Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition. Separation and Purification Technology. 219:100-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2019.03.015S100112219A.A. Evers, The hydrogen society, More than just a vision? ISBN 978-3-937863-31-3, Hydrogeit Verlag, 16727 Oberkraemer, Germany, 2010.Deibert, W., Ivanova, M. E., Baumann, S., Guillon, O., & Meulenberg, W. A. (2017). Ion-conducting ceramic membrane reactors for high-temperature applications. Journal of Membrane Science, 543, 79-97. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2017.08.016Arun C. Bose, Inorganic membranes for energy and environmental applications, Edt. A. C. Bose, ISBN: 978-0-387-34524-6, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2009.M. Marrony, H. Matsumoto, N. Fukatsu, M. Stoukides, Typical applications of proton ceramic cells: a way to market? in: M. Marrony (ed.), Proton-conducting ceramics. From fundamentals to applied research, by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., ISBN 978-981-4613-84-2, 2016.Di Giorgio, P., & Desideri, U. (2016). Potential of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells as Electricity Storage System. Energies, 9(8), 662. doi:10.3390/en9080662A.L. Dicks, D.A.J. Rand, Fuel cell systems explained, ISBN: 9781118613528, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018.Zheng, Y., Wang, J., Yu, B., Zhang, W., Chen, J., Qiao, J., & Zhang, J. (2017). A review of high temperature co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2to produce sustainable fuels using solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs): advanced materials and technology. Chemical Society Reviews, 46(5), 1427-1463. doi:10.1039/c6cs00403bGötz, M., Lefebvre, J., Mörs, F., McDaniel Koch, A., Graf, F., Bajohr, S., … Kolb, T. (2016). Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1371-1390. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.07.066Woodhead publishing series in energy, Nr. 76, Membrane reactors for energy applications and basic chemical production, Edt. A. Basile, L. Di Paola, F.I. Hai, V. Piemonte, by Elsevier Ltd, ISBN 978-1-78242-223-5, 2015.Morejudo, S. H., Zanón, R., Escolástico, S., Yuste-Tirados, I., Malerød-Fjeld, H., Vestre, P. K., … Kjølseth, C. (2016). Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor. Science, 353(6299), 563-566. doi:10.1126/science.aag0274Malerød-Fjeld, H., Clark, D., Yuste-Tirados, I., Zanón, R., Catalán-Martinez, D., Beeaff, D., … Kjølseth, C. (2017). Thermo-electrochemical production of compressed hydrogen from methane with near-zero energy loss. Nature Energy, 2(12), 923-931. doi:10.1038/s41560-017-0029-4J. Franz, Energetic and economic analysis of CO2 retention in coal gasification power plants by means of polymer and ceramic membranes (dissertation, German), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, Shaker Verlag, 2013.Franz, J., & Scherer, V. (2011). Impact of ceramic membranes for CO2 separation on IGCC power plant performance. Energy Procedia, 4, 645-652. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.01.100E. Forster, dissertation, Thermal stability of ceramic membranes and catalysts for H2-separation in CO-shift reactors, Energy and Environment Band, vol. 284, ISBN 978-3-95806-084-5, RUB 2015.Escolástico, S., Stournari, V., Malzbender, J., Haas-Santo, K., Dittmeyer, R., & Serra, J. M. (2018). Chemical stability in H2S and creep characterization of the mixed protonic conductor Nd5.5WO11.25-δ. 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    Advanced thermal barrier coatings

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    Advances in TBC Systems

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