471 research outputs found

    The orientation number of three complete graphs with linkages

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    For a graph G, let D(G) be the set of all strong orientations of G. The orientation number of G is d~(G) = min{d(D)|D ∈ D(G)}, where d(D) denotes the diameter of the digraph D. In this paper, we consider the problem of determining the orientation number of three complete graphs with linkages.Publisher's Versio

    On proper Hamiltonian-connection number of graphs

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    A graph G is Hamiltonian-connected if every two vertices of G are connected by a Hamilton path. A bipartite graph H is Hamiltonian-laceable if any two vertices from different partite sets of H are connected by a Hamilton path. An edge-coloring (adjacent edges may receive the same color) of a Hamiltonian-connected (respectively, Hamiltonian-laceable) graph G (resp. H) is a proper Hamilton path coloring if every two vertices u and v of G (resp. H) are connected by a Hamilton path Puv such that no two adjacent edges of Pᵤᵥ are colored the same. The minimum number of colors in a proper Hamilton path coloring of G (resp. H) is the proper Hamiltonian-connection number of G (resp. H). In this paper, proper Hamiltonian-connection numbers are determined for some classes of Hamiltonian-connected graphs and that of Hamiltonian-laceable graphs.Publisher's Versio

    Association of Leukocyte Count and hsCRP with Metabolic Abnormalities in Subjects with Normal Glucose Tolerance (CURES – 64)

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    Objective : The aim of the present study was to assess the association of leukocyte count and high sensitivity C-Reactive protein (hsCRP) with metabolic abnormalities in subjects with normal glucose tolerance. Methods : Subjects with Normal Glucose Tolerance (NGT) (n = 865) were recruited from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study [CURES]. Standard methods were used for assessing hsCRP [Nephelometry, in a subset] and leukocytes [Flowcytometry, Sysmex SF-3000]. Insulin resistance was calculated using the Homeostasis Assessment model (HOMA-IR). Results : Body mass index, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c, serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HOMA IR and hsCRP increased significantly with increasing tertiles of leukocyte count [p for trend < 0.001]. Both leukocyte count and hsCRP showed a positive correlation with cardiovascular risk factors. Leukocyte count showed a positive correlation with hsCRP [p=0.008]. Both mean leukocyte count [p<0.001] and hsCRP [p=0.04] were higher in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MS), which increased with increase in number of metabolic abnormalities [p for trend <0.001]. Regression models showed leukocyte count [p<0.001] and hsCRP [p=0.03] to be associated with MS, even after adjusting for age and gender. Conclusion : A significant association exists between systemic inflammation [leukocyte count and hsCRP] and MS/ cardiovascular risk factors in Asian Indians even among non-diabetic subjects


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    Objective: To investigate the proteomics status of human blood and urine in diabetic nephropathy.Methods: In the present study 90 patients were selected. The study was comprised of 30 Diabetic mellitus (DM) with microalbuminuria patients (Group 3), 30 DM without microalbuminuria patients (group 2), 30 healthy controls (Group 1). Fasting glucose, post prandial glucose, lipid profile, fructosamine in serum and micro albumin in urine were investigated in all the patients.Results: The significant increase in serum fructosamine, fasting and post prandial glucose levels along with increased microalbuminuria observed in group 3 patients compared to group 2 and group 1 patients. Hyperglycemia increases fructosamine, cholesterol, triglycerides with decrease in HDL-cholesterol levels, indicates the major risk of atherogenicity. To study the effect of age, smoking, DM duration on DN, patients were grouped in different way and analysed.Conclusion: The results suggested that smoking, age and prolonged DM influences DN. Normal and DN patients serum and urine samples were selected and protein was separated by SDS-PAGE and identified by LC-MS. Results of LC-MS showed the difference in proteomics of normal and DN patients

    Sequential networks for cosmic ray simulations

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    A hybrid model of generating cosmic ray showers based on neural networks is presented. We show that the neural network learns the solution to the governing cascade equation in one dimension. We then use the neural network to generate the energy spectra at every height slice. Pitfalls of training to generate a single height slice is discussed, and we present a sequential model which can generate the entire shower from an initial table. Errors associated with the model and the potential to generate the full three dimensional distribution of the shower is discussed

    Effect of Soil Moisture Stress on Physiological Response in Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Varieties

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    Four varieties of grape namely Flame Seedless, Thompson Seedless, Sharad Seedless and Tas-A-Ganesh were subjected to different levels of moisture stress to study their physiological response. Stress was imposed for 14 days by withholding irrigation. Observations on relative water content, leaf water potential, leaf osmotic potential and gas exchange parameters like photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency (WUE) were recorded. None of the varieties could survive for 14 days without irrigation (100% stress). Flame Seedless and Thompson Seedless at 50% moisture stress maintained higher turgidity as indicated by lesser reduction in relative water content and water potential attributed to better osmotic adjustment. Marginal reduction in photosynthesis and greater reduction in transpiration rate in the variety Flame Seedless may have resulted in higher WUE under moisture stress. Higher photosynthetic rate, lower transpiration rate, higher water relation parameters and high WUE in Flame Seedless under soil moisture stress indicated its better tolerance to drought

    Contra Harmonic Mean Labelling of Graphs

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    A graph labelling is an assignment of integers to the vertices or edges or both subject to certain conditions. A Graph G(V, E) with p vertices and q edges is called a Contra Harmonic mean graph if it is possible to label all the vertices x ∈ V with distinct labels f(x) from {1, 2, 3, 4, …., p } in such a way that each edge e = uv is labelled with f uv = f(u) 2 + f(v) 2 f u +f(v) or f uv = f(u) 2 + f(v) 2 f u +f(v) are distinct

    Twin Edge Colorings of Certain Square Graphs and Product Graphs

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    A twin edge k ⁣k\!-coloring of a graph GG is a proper edge kk-coloring of GG with the elements of Zk\mathbb{Z}_k so that the induced vertex kk-coloring, in which the color of a vertex vv in GG is the sum in Zk\mathbb{Z}_k of the colors of the edges incident with v,v, is a proper vertex k ⁣k\!-coloring. The minimum kk for which GG has a twin edge k ⁣k\!-coloring is called the twin chromatic index of G.G. Twin chromatic index of the square Pn2,P_n^2, n4,n\ge 4, and the square Cn2,C_n^2, n6,n\ge 6, are determined. In fact, the twin chromatic index of the square C72C_7^2 is Δ+2,\Delta+2, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree. Twin chromatic index of CmPnC_m\,\Box\,P_n is determined, where \Box denotes the Cartesian product. CrC_r and PrP_r are, respectively, the cycle, and the path on rr vertices each

    Marine microalgal extracts on cultivable crops as a considerable bio-fertilizer: A Review

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    849-854Around the globe, all countries whether developing or developed depend on agriculture. Nowadays due to advances in science and agricultural technology, the usage of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified crops is increasing day by day to meet the demand of the rising population. This looks helpful to meet our demand but this is a great threat for the future generation as the water and food will be more toxic due to accumulation of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which in turn reduces the soil fertility and contaminate the ground water. Due to this condition, the food web is getting totally collapsed. Because of realization of these problems, people are shifting to organic farming. Current researchers are focusing on terrestrial organic sources for agro production but there are immense sources in the wide marine environment. The marine sources will play a substantial role on agricultural development in the future. Microalgae are the best, as they are cheap, renewable source, easily available and are cultural organisms. Moreover, microalgae contain all the essential nutrients needed for plant growth. The majorities of microalgae are capable to fix the atmospheric nitrogen and are effectively used as bio-fertilizers. This review focuses on the broad overview of bio-fertilizers with special reference on marine derived microalgal bio-fertilizers and its role in increasing crop production by altering various physiochemical parameters of diversified agricultural crops