30 research outputs found

    A Toxin–Antitoxin System Promotes the Maintenance of an Integrative Conjugative Element

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    SXT is an integrative and conjugative element (ICE) that confers resistance to multiple antibiotics upon many clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae. In most cells, this ∼100 Kb element is integrated into the host genome in a site-specific fashion; however, SXT can excise to form an extrachromosomal circle that is thought to be the substrate for conjugative transfer. Daughter cells lacking SXT can theoretically arise if cell division occurs prior to the element's reintegration. Even though ∼2% of SXT-bearing cells contain the excised form of the ICE, cells that have lost the element have not been detected. Here, using a positive selection-based system, SXT loss was detected rarely at a frequency of ∼1×10−7. As expected, excision appears necessary for loss, and factors influencing the frequency of excision altered the frequency of SXT loss. We screened the entire 100 kb SXT genome and identified two genes within SXT, now designated mosA and mosT (for maintenance of SXT Antitoxin and Toxin), that promote SXT stability. These two genes, which lack similarity to any previously characterized genes, encode a novel toxin-antitoxin pair; expression of mosT greatly impaired cell growth and mosA expression ameliorated MosT toxicity. Factors that promote SXT excision upregulate mosAT expression. Thus, when the element is extrachromosomal and vulnerable to loss, SXT activates a TA module to minimize the formation of SXT-free cells

    Gain and Loss of Phototrophic Genes Revealed by Comparison of Two Citromicrobium Bacterial Genomes

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    Proteobacteria are thought to have diverged from a phototrophic ancestor, according to the scattered distribution of phototrophy throughout the proteobacterial clade, and so the occurrence of numerous closely related phototrophic and chemotrophic microorganisms may be the result of the loss of genes for phototrophy. A widespread form of bacterial phototrophy is based on the photochemical reaction center, encoded by puf and puh operons that typically are in a ‘photosynthesis gene cluster’ (abbreviated as the PGC) with pigment biosynthesis genes. Comparison of two closely related Citromicrobial genomes (98.1% sequence identity of complete 16S rRNA genes), Citromicrobium sp. JL354, which contains two copies of reaction center genes, and Citromicrobium strain JLT1363, which is chemotrophic, revealed evidence for the loss of phototrophic genes. However, evidence of horizontal gene transfer was found in these two bacterial genomes. An incomplete PGC (pufLMC-puhCBA) in strain JL354 was located within an integrating conjugative element, which indicates a potential mechanism for the horizontal transfer of genes for phototrophy

    Sequential induction of three recombination directionality factors directs assembly of tripartite integrative and conjugative elements

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    Tripartite integrative and conjugative elements (ICE3) are a novel form of ICE that exist as three separate DNA regions integrated within the genomes of Mesorhizobium spp. Prior to conjugative transfer the three ICE3 regions of M. ciceri WSM1271 ICEMcSym1271 combine and excise to form a single circular element. This assembly requires three coordinated recombination events involving three site-specific recombinases IntS, IntG and IntM. Here, we demonstrate that three excisionases–or recombination directionality factors—RdfS, RdfG and RdfM are required for ICE3 excision. Transcriptome sequencing revealed that expression of ICE3 transfer and conjugation genes was induced by quorum sensing. Quorum sensing activated expression of rdfS, and in turn RdfS stimulated transcription of both rdfG and rdfM. Therefore, RdfS acts as a “master controller” of ICE3 assembly and excision. The dependence of all three excisive reactions on RdfS ensures that ICE3 excision occurs via a stepwise sequence of recombination events that avoids splitting the chromosome into a non-viable configuration. These discoveries expose a surprisingly simple control system guiding molecular assembly of these novel and complex mobile genetic elements and highlight the diverse and critical functions of excisionase proteins in control of horizontal gene transfer

    Comparative ICE Genomics: Insights into the Evolution of the SXT/R391 Family of ICEs

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    Integrating and conjugative elements (ICEs) are one of the three principal types of self-transmissible mobile genetic elements in bacteria. ICEs, like plasmids, transfer via conjugation; but unlike plasmids and similar to many phages, these elements integrate into and replicate along with the host chromosome. Members of the SXT/R391 family of ICEs have been isolated from several species of gram-negative bacteria, including Vibrio cholerae, the cause of cholera, where they have been important vectors for disseminating genes conferring resistance to antibiotics. Here we developed a plasmid-based system to capture and isolate SXT/R391 ICEs for sequencing. Comparative analyses of the genomes of 13 SXT/R391 ICEs derived from diverse hosts and locations revealed that they contain 52 perfectly syntenic and nearly identical core genes that serve as a scaffold capable of mobilizing an array of variable DNA. Furthermore, selection pressure to maintain ICE mobility appears to have restricted insertions of variable DNA into intergenic sites that do not interrupt core functions. The variable genes confer diverse element-specific phenotypes, such as resistance to antibiotics. Functional analysis of a set of deletion mutants revealed that less than half of the conserved core genes are required for ICE mobility; the functions of most of the dispensable core genes are unknown. Several lines of evidence suggest that there has been extensive recombination between SXT/R391 ICEs, resulting in re-assortment of their respective variable gene content. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that there may be a network of phylogenetic relationships among sequences found in all types of mobile genetic elements

    The repertoire of ICE in prokaryotes underscores the unity, diversity, and ubiquity of conjugation

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    Horizontal gene transfer shapes the genomes of prokaryotes by allowing rapid acquisition of novel adaptive functions. Conjugation allows the broadest range and the highest gene transfer input per transfer event. While conjugative plasmids have been studied for decades, the number and diversity of integrative conjugative elements (ICE) in prokaryotes remained unknown. We defined a large set of protein profiles of the conjugation machinery to scan over 1,000 genomes of prokaryotes. We found 682 putative conjugative systems among all major phylogenetic clades and showed that ICEs are the most abundant conjugative elements in prokaryotes. Nearly half of the genomes contain a type IV secretion system (T4SS), with larger genomes encoding more conjugative systems. Surprisingly, almost half of the chromosomal T4SS lack co-localized relaxases and, consequently, might be devoted to protein transport instead of conjugation. This class of elements is preponderant among small genomes, is less commonly associated with integrases, and is rarer in plasmids. ICEs and conjugative plasmids in proteobacteria have different preferences for each type of T4SS, but all types exist in both chromosomes and plasmids. Mobilizable elements outnumber self-conjugative elements in both ICEs and plasmids, which suggests an extensive use of T4SS in trans. Our evolutionary analysis indicates that switch of plasmids to and from ICEs were frequent and that extant elements began to differentiate only relatively recently. According to the present results, ICEs are the most abundant conjugative elements in practically all prokaryotic clades and might be far more frequently domesticated into non-conjugative protein transport systems than previously thought. While conjugative plasmids and ICEs have different means of genomic stabilization, their mechanisms of mobility by conjugation show strikingly conserved patterns, arguing for a unitary view of conjugation in shaping the genomes of prokaryotes by horizontal gene transfer

    Unusual Integrase Gene Expression on the clc Genomic Island in Pseudomonas sp. Strain B13

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    An unusual type of gene expression from an integrase promoter was found in cultures of the bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. The promoter controls expression of the intB13 integrase gene, which is present near the right end of a 105-kb conjugative genomic island (the clc element) encoding catabolism of aromatic compounds. The enzymatic activity of integrase IntB13 is essential for site-specific integration of the clc element into the bacterial host's chromosome. By creating transcription fusions between the intB13 promoter and the gfp gene, we showed that integrase expression in strain B13 was inducible under stationary-phase conditions but, strangely, occurred in only a small proportion of individual bacterial cells rather than equally in the whole population. Integrase expression was significantly stimulated by growing cultures on 3-chlorobenzoate. High cell density, heat shock, osmotic shock, UV irradiation, and treatment with alcohol did not result in measurable integrase expression. The occurrence of the excised form of the clc element and an increase in the rates of clc element transfer in conjugation experiments correlated with the observed induction of the intB13′-gfp fusion in stationary phase and in the presence of 3-chlorobenzoate. This suggested that activation of the intB13 promoter is the first step in stimulation of clc transfer. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a chlorinated compound's stimulating horizontal transfer of the genes encoding its very metabolism

    Ecological fitness, genomic islands and bacterial pathogenicity: A Darwinian view of the evolution of microbes

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    The compositions of bacterial genomes can be changed rapidly and dramatically through a variety of processes including horizontal gene transfer. This form of change is key to bacterial evolution, as it leads to ‘evolution in quantum leaps’. Horizontal gene transfer entails the incorporation of genetic elements transferred from another organism—perhaps in an earlier generation—directly into the genome, where they form ‘genomic islands’, i.e. blocks of DNA with signatures of mobile genetic elements. Genomic islands whose functions increase bacterial fitness, either directly or indirectly, have most likely been positively selected and can be termed ‘fitness islands’. Fitness islands can be divided into several subtypes: ‘ecological islands’ in environmental bacteria and ‘saprophytic islands’, ‘symbiosis islands’ or ‘pathogenicity islands’ (PAIs) in microorganisms that interact with living hosts. Here we discuss ways in which PAIs contribute to the pathogenic potency of bacteria, and the idea that genetic entities similar to genomic islands may also be present in the genomes of eukaryotes

    Stochasticity and bistability in horizontal transfer control of a genomic island in Pseudomonas

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    Genomic islands (GEI) comprise a recently recognized large family of potentially mobile DNA elements and play an important role in the rapid differentiation and adaptation of bacteria. Most importantly, GEIs have been implicated in the acquisition of virulence factors, antibiotic resistances or toxic compound metabolism. Despite detailed information on coding capacities of GEIs, little is known about the regulatory decisions in individual cells controlling GEI transfer. Here, we show how self-transfer of ICEclc, a GEI in Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 is controlled by a series of stochastic processes, the result of which is that only a few percent of cells in a population will excise ICEclc and launch transfer. Stochastic processes have been implicated before in producing bistable phenotypic transitions, such as sporulation and competence development, but never before in horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Bistability is instigated during stationary phase at the level of expression of an activator protein InrR that lays encoded on ICEclc, and then faithfully propagated to a bistable expression of the IntB13 integrase, the enzyme responsible for excision and integration of the ICEclc. Our results demonstrate how GEI of a very widespread family are likely to control their transfer rates. Furthermore, they help to explain why HGT is typically confined to few members within a population of cells. The finding that, despite apparent stochasticity, HGT rates can be modulated by external environmental conditions provides an explanation as to why selective conditions can promote DNA exchange