388 research outputs found

    Evidence of Twisting and Mixed-polarity Solar Photospheric Magnetic Field in Large Penumbral Jets: IRIS and Hinode Observations

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    A recent study using {\it Hinode} (SOT/FG) data of a sunspot revealed some unusually large penumbral jets that often repeatedly occurred at the same locations in the penumbra, namely at the tail of a penumbral filament or where the tails of multiple penumbral filaments converged. These locations had obvious photospheric mixed-polarity magnetic flux in \NaI\ 5896 Stokes-V images obtained with SOT/FG. Several other recent investigations have found that extreme ultraviolet (EUV)/X-ray coronal jets in quiet Sun regions (QRs), coronal holes (CHs) and near active regions (ARs) have obvious mixed-polarity fluxes at their base, and that magnetic flux cancellation prepares and triggers a minifilament flux-rope eruption that drives the jet. Typical QR, CH, and AR coronal jets are up to a hundred times bigger than large penumbral jets, and in EUV/X-ray images show clear twisting motion in their spires. Here, using IRIS \MgII\ k 2796 \AA\ SJ images and spectra in the penumbrae of two sunspots we characterize large penumbral jets. We find redshift and blueshift next to each other across several large penumbral jets, and interpret these as untwisting of the magnetic field in the jet spire. Using Hinode/SOT (FG and SP) data, we also find mixed-polarity magnetic flux at the base of these jets. Because large penumbral jets have mixed-polarity field at their base and have twisting motion in their spires, they might be driven the same way as QR, CH and AR coronal jets.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures; to appear in Ap


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    Fly ash is generated from thermal power stations as an industrial by-product of coal combustion materials. Its particles are generally glassy, spherical in shape, and typically range in size from 0.5-300 µm. Coal fly ash is widely used as a partial cementitious material in concrete, which not only offers economic and environmental benefits but also improves concrete performance. However, variability of the physical description and chemical composition of fly ash has been considered to be a major barrier to its increased use in cement and concrete. In this study the variability and properties of fly ash are characterized with an emphasis on particle size analysis as a means for fly ash producers to better understand material properties in relation to the process of production, classification, and potential modes of utilization. Fly ash samples were collected from different coal-fired power plants from certain Indian and Canadian sources. The particle size analysis results using Laser Diffraction Technique showed a wide variation between the particle size distributions of the studied sources. However, no correlation between the varied size distributions and chemical compositions of fly ash samples was found. Laboratory experiments on the selected fly ash samples are being undertaken to correlate fly ash characteristics and their effects on the performance of concrete mixtures with cementitious replacement level up to 50%

    The Cause of Faint Coronal Jets from Emerging-Flux Regions in Solar Coronal Holes

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    Coronal jets are transient thin bursts of magnetically channeled solar material from the surface into the corona. They are brightest at their base, with a bright point (jet bright point, JBP) at an edge of the base. Early studies (Shibata et al. 1992) suggested that jets result from magnetic flux emergence: a small bipole emerges into unipolar ambient field, driving the jet and forming the JBP via interchange reconnection. More recent studies, using higher-cadence, higher-resolution, and broader wavelength coverage than before, show that prominent coronal jets are usually driven by a minifialment eruption (Sterling et al. 2015), and that, rather than flux emergence, flux cancelation usually prepares and triggers the eruption (Panesar et al. 2016). Here, we analyzed eight emerging flux regions to determine whether the emerging flux directly drove any coronal jets. We used EUV images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) (in 304, 171, 211, 193, and 94 channels), and magnetograms from SDO/Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager (HMI). All eight regions produced jet-like features that were weak in intensity (faint jets), by which we mean they were so faint that we likely would not have identified them as jets had we initially searched for jets in AIA movies alone (as in, e.g., Panesar et al. 2016, Moore et al. 2013) without knowing whether the base was an emerging bipole. In seven of the eight regions, all jets (faint or prominent) erupted from locations where one leg of the emerging bipole was evidently canceling with an ambient opposite-polarity flux clump. The eighth case, the one that had the fastest flux emergence, possibly made faint jets by the flux-emergence mechanism, but these too might instead have resulted from flux cancelation

    A CME-Producing Solar Eruption from the Interior of an Emerging Bipolar Active Region

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    In a negative-polarity coronal hole, magnetic flux emergence, seen by the Solar Dynamics Observatory's {SDO) Helioseismic Magnetic lmager (HMI), begins at approximately 19:00 UT on March 3, 2016. The emerged magnetic field produced sunspots, which NOAA numbered 12514 two days later. The emerging magnetic field is largely bipolar with the opposite-polarity fluxes spreading apart overall, but there is simultaneously some convergence and cancellation of opposite-polarity flux at the polarity inversion line (PIL) inside the emerging bipole. In the first fifteen hours after emergence onset, three obvious eruptions occur, observed in the coronal EUV images from SDO's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). The first two erupt from separate segments of the external PIL between the emerging positve-polarity flux and the extant surrounding negative-polarity flux, with the exploding magnetic field being prepared and triggered by flux cancellation at the external PIL. The emerging bipole shows obvious overall left-handed shear and/or twist in its magnetic field. The focus of th is poster is the third and largest eruption, which comes from inside the emerging bipole and blows it open to produce a CME observed by SOHO/LASCO. That eruption is preceded by flux cancellation at the emerging bipole's interior PIL, cancellation that plausibly builds a sheared and twisted flux rope above the interior PIL and finally triggers the blow-out eruption of the flux rope via photospheric-convectiondriven slow tether-cutting reconnection of the legs of the sheared core field, low above the interior PIL, as proposed by van Ballegooijen & Martens (1989) and Moore & Roumeliotis (1992). The production of this eruption is a (perhaps rare) counterexample to solar eruptions that result from external collisional shearing between opposite polarities from two distinct emerging and/or emerged bipoles (Chintzoglou et al. 2019)

    Utilization of agro-industrial residues for the production of β-Galactosidase using fungal isolate under solid state fermentation conditions

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    β-Galactosidase is an enzyme of commercial importance owing to its multiple benefits. Among all microbial sources, fungal species are of great interest for the production of this enzyme. Thus, the aim of this present work was to optimize the media as well as process parameters to achieve maximum β-Galactosidase production by solid state fermentation using the fungal isolate Rhizomucor pusillus. Various agro-industrial residues were tested for carbon as well as for nitrogen sources. The different process parameters were also studied to observe their effects on β-galactosidase production. Among all screened agro-industrial residues, wheat bran and corn steep liquor had the potential to be used as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively; whereas MgSO4 was found to be a suitable salt supplement. The optimal process parameters included particle size of 1000 microns, 50% moisture content, pH 5.5, 50 ºC temperature, and 7 days of fermentation

    Invisibility of Solar Active Region Umbra-to-Umbra Coronal Loops: New Evidence that Magnetoconvection Drives Solar-Stellar Coronal Heating

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    Coronal heating generally increases with increasing magnetic field strength: the EUV/X-ray corona in active regions is 10--100 times more luminous and 2--4 times hotter than that in quiet regions and coronal holes, which are heated to only about 1.5 MK, and have fields that are 10--100 times weaker than that in active regions. From a comparison of a nonlinear force-free model of the three-dimensional active region coronal field to observed extreme-ultraviolet loops, we find that (1) umbra-to-umbra coronal loops, despite being rooted in the strongest magnetic flux, are invisible, and (2) the brightest loops have one foot in an umbra or penumbra and the other foot in another sunspot's penumbra or in unipolar or mixed-polarity plage. The invisibility of umbra-to-umbra loops is new evidence that magnetoconvection drives solar-stellar coronal heating: evidently, the strong umbral field at both ends quenches the magnetoconvection and hence the heating. Our results from EUV observations and nonlinear force-free modeling of coronal magnetic field imply that, for any coronal loop on the Sun or on any other convective star, as long as the field can be braided by convection in at least one loop foot, the stronger the field in the loop, the stronger the coronal heating