
The Cause of Faint Coronal Jets from Emerging-Flux Regions in Solar Coronal Holes


Coronal jets are transient thin bursts of magnetically channeled solar material from the surface into the corona. They are brightest at their base, with a bright point (jet bright point, JBP) at an edge of the base. Early studies (Shibata et al. 1992) suggested that jets result from magnetic flux emergence: a small bipole emerges into unipolar ambient field, driving the jet and forming the JBP via interchange reconnection. More recent studies, using higher-cadence, higher-resolution, and broader wavelength coverage than before, show that prominent coronal jets are usually driven by a minifialment eruption (Sterling et al. 2015), and that, rather than flux emergence, flux cancelation usually prepares and triggers the eruption (Panesar et al. 2016). Here, we analyzed eight emerging flux regions to determine whether the emerging flux directly drove any coronal jets. We used EUV images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) (in 304, 171, 211, 193, and 94 channels), and magnetograms from SDO/Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager (HMI). All eight regions produced jet-like features that were weak in intensity (faint jets), by which we mean they were so faint that we likely would not have identified them as jets had we initially searched for jets in AIA movies alone (as in, e.g., Panesar et al. 2016, Moore et al. 2013) without knowing whether the base was an emerging bipole. In seven of the eight regions, all jets (faint or prominent) erupted from locations where one leg of the emerging bipole was evidently canceling with an ambient opposite-polarity flux clump. The eighth case, the one that had the fastest flux emergence, possibly made faint jets by the flux-emergence mechanism, but these too might instead have resulted from flux cancelation

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