251 research outputs found

    The impact of binary-star yields on the spectra of galaxies

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    One of the complexities in modelling integrated spectra of stellar populations is the effect of interacting binary stars besides Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa). These include common envelope systems, cataclysmic variables, novae, and are usually ignored in models predicting the chemistry and spectral absorption line strengths in galaxies. In this paper, predictions of chemical yields from populations of single and binary stars are incorporated into a galactic chemical evolution model to explore the significance of the effects of these other binary yields. Effects on spectral line strengths from different progenitor channels of SNeIa are also explored. Small systematic effects are found when the yields from binaries, other than SNeIa, are included, for a given star formation history. These effects are, at present, within the observational uncertainties on the line strengths. More serious differences can arise in considering different types of SNIa models, their rates and contributions

    Spectroscopic ages and metallicities of stellar populations: validation of full spectrum fitting

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    Fitting whole spectra at intermediate spectral resolution (R = 1000 -- 3000), to derive physical properties of stellar populations, appears as an optimized alternative to methods based on spectrophotometric indices: it uses all the redundant information contained in the signal. This paper addresses the validation of the method and it investigates the quality of the population models together with the reliability of the fitting procedures. We are using two algorithms: STECKMAP, a non-parametric regularized program and NBURSTS a parametric non-linear minimization. We compare three spectral synthesis models for single stellar populations: Pegase-HR, Galaxev (BC03) and Vazdekis/Miles, and we analyse spectra of Galactic clusters whose populations are known from studies of color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) and spectroscopy of individual stars. We find that: (1) The quality of the models critically depends on the stellar library they use. Pegase-HR and Vazdekis/Miles are consistent, while the comparison between Pegase-HR and BC03 shows some systematics reflecting the limitations of the stellar library (STELIB) used to generate the latter models; (2) The two fitting programs are consistent; (3) For globular clusters and M67 spectra, the method restitutes metallicities in agreement with spectroscopy of stars within 0.14 dex; (4) The spectroscopic ages are very sensitive to the presence of a blue horizontal branch (BHB) or of blue stragglers. A BHB morphology results in a young SSP-equivalent age. Fitting a free amount of blue stars in addition to the SSP model to mimic the BHB improves and stabilizes the fit and restores ages in agreement with CMDs studies. This method is potentially able to disentangle age or BHB effects in extragalactic clusters.Comment: accepted in MNRAS; Full version available at http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/labo/perso/prugniel/mina/koleva.pd

    Mergers and Mass Accretion Rates in Galaxy Assembly: The Millennium Simulation Compared to Observations of z~2 Galaxies

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    Recent observations of UV-/optically selected, massive star forming galaxies at z~2 indicate that the baryonic mass assembly and star formation history is dominated by continuous rapid accretion of gas and internal secular evolution, rather than by major mergers. We use the Millennium Simulation to build new halo merger trees, and extract halo merger fractions and mass accretion rates. We find that even for halos not undergoing major mergers the mass accretion rates are plausibly sufficient to account for the high star formation rates observed in z~2 disks. On the other hand, the fraction of major mergers in the Millennium Simulation is sufficient to account for the number counts of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), in support of observational evidence that these are major mergers. When following the fate of these two populations in the Millennium Simulation to z=0, we find that subsequent mergers are not frequent enough to convert all z~2 turbulent disks into elliptical galaxies at z=0. Similarly, mergers cannot transform the compact SMGs/red sequence galaxies at z~2 into observed massive cluster ellipticals at z=0. We argue therefore, that secular and internal evolution must play an important role in the evolution of a significant fraction of z~2 UV-/optically and submillimeter selected galaxy populations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Cosmic Dawn (CoDa): the first radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of reionization and galaxy formation in the Local Universe

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    Cosmic reionization by starlight from early galaxies affected their evolution, thereby impacting reionization, itself. Star formation suppression, for example, may explain the observed underabundance of Local Group dwarfs relative to N-body predictions for Cold Dark Matter. Reionization modelling requires simulating volumes large enough [~(100Mpc)^3] to sample reionization "patchiness", while resolving millions of galaxy sources above ~10^8 Msun , combining gravitational and gas dynamics with radiative transfer. Modelling the Local Group requires initial cosmological density fluctuations pre-selected to form the well-known structures of the local universe today. Cosmic Dawn ("CoDa") is the first such fully-coupled, radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of reionization of the local universe. Our new hybrid CPU-GPU code, RAMSES-CUDATON, performs hundreds of radiative transfer and ionization rate-solver timesteps on the GPUs for each hydro-gravity timestep on the CPUs. CoDa simulated (91Mpc)^3 with 4096^3 particles and cells, to redshift 4.23, on ORNL supercomputer Titan, utilizing 8192 cores and 8192 GPUs. Global reionization ended slightly later than observed. However, a simple temporal rescaling which brings the evolution of ionized fraction into agreement with observations also reconciles ionizing flux density, cosmic star formation history, CMB electron scattering optical depth and galaxy UV luminosity function with their observed values. Photoionization heating suppressed the star formation of haloes below ~2 x 10^9 Msun , decreasing the abun- dance of faint galaxies around MAB_1600 = [-10,-12]. For most of reionization, star formation was dominated by haloes between 10^10 - 10^11 Msun , so low-mass halo suppression was not reflected by a distinct feature in the global star formation history. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted in MNRA

    The SPHINX cosmological simulations of the first billion years: The impact of binary stars on reionization

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    We present the SPHINX suite of cosmological adaptive mesh refinement simulations, the first radiation-hydrodynamical simulations to simultaneously capture large-scale reionization and the escape of ionizing radiation from thousands of resolved galaxies. Our 55 and 1010 co-moving Mpc volumes resolve haloes down to the atomic cooling limit and model the inter-stellar medium with better than ≈10\approx10 pc resolution. The project has numerous goals in improving our understanding of reionization and making predictions for future observations. In this first paper we study how the inclusion of binary stars in computing stellar luminosities impacts reionization, compared to a model that includes only single stars. Owing to the suppression of galaxy growth via strong feedback, our galaxies are in good agreement with observational estimates of the galaxy luminosity function. We find that binaries have a significant impact on the timing of reionization: with binaries, our boxes are 99.999.9 percent ionized by volume at z≈7z\approx 7, while without them our volumes fail to reionize by z=6z=6. These results are robust to changes in volume size, resolution, and feedback efficiency. The escape of ionizing radiation from individual galaxies varies strongly and frequently. On average, binaries lead to escape fractions of ≈7−10\approx 7-10 percent, about 3.53.5 times higher than with single stars only. The higher escape fraction is a result of a shallower decline in ionizing luminosity with age, and is the primary reason for earlier reionization, although the higher integrated luminosity with binaries also plays a sub-dominant role

    An analysis of the composite stellar population in M32

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    We obtained long-slit spectra of high signal-to-noise ratio of the galaxy M32 with the GMOS spectrograph at the GEMINI North telescope. We analysed the integrated spectra by means of full spectral fitting in order to extract the mixture of stellar populations that best represents its composite nature. Three different galactic radii were analysed, from the nuclear region out to 2 arcmin from the centre. This allows us to compare, for the first time, the results of integrated light spectroscopy with those of resolved colour-magnitude diagrams from the literature. As our main result, we propose that an ancient and an intermediate-age population coexist in M32, and that the balance between these two populations change between the nucleus and outside 1 effective radius in the sense that the contribution from the intermediate population is larger at the nuclear region. We retrieve a smaller signal of a young population at all radii whose origin is unclear and may be a contamination from horizontal-branch stars, such as the ones identified by Brown et al. in the nuclear region. We compare our metallicity distribution function for a region 1 to 2 arcmin from the centre to the one obtained with photometric data by Grillmair et al. Both distributions are broad, but our spectroscopically derived distribution has a significant component with [Z/Z_{\sun}] \leq -1, which is not found by Grillmair et al.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Impact of the Specific Mutation in KRAS Codon 12 Mutated Tumors on Treatment Efficacy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving Cetuximab-Based First-Line Therapy: A Pooled Analysis of Three Trials

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    Purpose: This study investigated the impact of specific mutations in codon 12 of the Kirsten-ras (KRAS) gene on treatment efficacy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Patients: Overall, 119 patients bearing a KRAS mutation in codon 12 were evaluated. All patients received cetuximab-based first-line chemotherapy within the Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG), AIO KRK-0104 or AIO KRK-0306 trials. Results: Patients with KRAS codon 12 mutant mCRC showed a broad range of outcome when treated with cetuximab-based first-line regimens. Patients with tumors bearing a KRAS p.G12D mutation showed a strong trend to a more favorable outcome compared to other mutations (overall survival 23.3 vs. 14-18 months; hazard ratio 0.66, range 0.43-1.03). An interaction model illustrated that KRAS p.G12C was associated with unfavorable outcome when treated with oxaliplatin plus cetuximab. Conclusion: The present analysis suggests that KRAS codon 12 mutation may not represent a homogeneous entity in mCRC when treated with cetuximab-based first-line therapy. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    The nature of high [O III]88 μ m/[C II]158 μm galaxies in the epoch of reionization: Low carbon abundance and a top-heavy IMF?

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    ALMA observations of z > 6 galaxies have revealed abnormally high [O III]88 μm/[C II]158 μm ratios and [C II]158 μm deficits compared to local galaxies. The origin of this behaviour is unknown. Numerous solutions have been proposed including differences in C and O abundance ratios, observational bias, and differences in ISM properties, including ionization parameter, gas density, or photodissociation region (PDR) covering fraction. In order to elucidate the underlying physics that drives this high-redshift phenomenon, we employ SPHINX20, a state-of-the-art, cosmological radiation–hydrodynamics simulation, that resolves detailed ISM properties of thousands of galaxies in the epoch of reionization which has been post-processed with CLOUDY to predict emission lines. We find that the observed z > 6 [O III]88 μm–SFR and [C II]158 μm–SFR relations can only be reproduced when the C/O abundance ratio is ∼8 × lower than Solar and the total metal production is ∼4 × higher than that of a Kroupa IMF. This implies that high-redshift galaxies are potentially primarily enriched by low-metallicity core–collapse supernovae with a more top-heavy IMF. As AGB stars and type-Ia supernova begin to contribute to the galaxy metallicity, both the [C II]158 μm–SFR and [C II]158 μm luminosity functions are predicted to converge to observed values at z ∼ 4.5. While we demonstrate that ionization parameter, LyC escape fraction, ISM gas density, and CMB attenuation all drive galaxies towards higher [O III]88 μm/[C II]158 μm, observed values at z > 6 can only be reproduced with substantially lower C/O abundances compared to Solar. The combination of [C II]158 μm and [O III]88 μm can be used to predict the values of ionization parameter, ISM gas density, and LyC escape fraction and we provide estimates of these quantities for nine observed z > 6 galaxies. Finally, we demonstrate that [O I]63 μm can be used as a replacement for [C II]158 μ m in high-redshift galaxies where [C II]158 μ m is unobserved and argue that more observation time should be used to target [O I]63 μm at z > 6. Future simulations will be needed to self-consistently address the numerous uncertainties surrounding a varying IMF at high redshift and the associated metal returns
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