5,359 research outputs found


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    Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membuat dan menguji sistem kontrol sorting barang berdasarkan warna berbasis PLC Festo FC 440. PLC Festo FC 440 digunakan sebagai kontrol pemisahan barang secara otomatis berdasarkan warna benda. Sistem ini dikembangkan dari alat yang sudah ada, Metode yang digunakan dalam membangun unit sorting barang berdasarkan warna berbasis PLC Festo FC 440 adalah metode rancang bangun yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu, (1) Identifikasi kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, (4) Pembuatan dan (5) Pengujian. Unit sorting barang berdasarkan warna berbasis PLC Festo FC 440 terdiri dari perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Untuk perangkat keras terdiri dari: catu daya, PLC Festo FC 440, sensor warna, motor DC, dan mekanik konveyor yang disesuaikan. Sedangkan untuk parangkat lunak terdiri dari pemrograman FST Version 4.2 dengan bahasa pemrograman statement list. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan mengukur tegangan keluaran dari masing-masing rangkaian, hasil pengujian LCD, hasil sensor warna dari obyek berwarna, merah, silver, hitam, tanpa obyek, dan pengujian sorting gate. Hasil pengujian dan unjuk kerja unit sorting barang berdasarkan warna berbasis PLC Festo FC 440 telah menunjukkan hasil yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Kebenaran sensor warna untuk benda kerja dengan warna merah sebesar 100%, warna silver sebesar 80%, warna hitam sebesar 100%. Untuk tampilan LCD kebenarannya mencapai 100% untuk warna merah, warna silver sebesar 100%, warna hitam sebesar 100% dan tanpa obyek sebesar 100%

    Nanoparticle shape and thermal radiation on Marangoni Water, Ethylene Glycol and Engine Oil Based Cu, Al2O3 and SWCNTs

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between particle shape and radiation effects on Marangoni boundary layer flow and heat transfer of water, ethylene glycol and engine oil based Cu, Al2O3 and SWCNTs. There are three types of nanoparticle shapes are considered in this research such as sphere, cylinder and lamina. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations are reduced into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by applying similarity transformation which is solved using shooting technique in conjunction with Newton’s method and Runge Kutta algorithm. Temperature profiles are graphically and tabularly provided for the effects of solid volume fraction parameter, radiation parameter and empirical shape factor. The result shows that solid volume fraction and radiation energy gives a good impact on thermal boundary layer. Sphere nanoparticle shape predicts a better result on heat transfer rather than other nanoparticle shapes

    Estimating excess hazard ratios and net survival when covariate data are missing: strategies for multiple imputation.

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    BACKGROUND: Net survival is the survival probability we would observe if the disease under study were the only cause of death. When estimated from routinely collected population-based cancer registry data, this indicator is a key metric for cancer control. Unfortunately, such data typically contain a non-negligible proportion of missing values on important prognostic factors (eg, tumor stage). METHODS: We carried out an empirical study to compare the performance of complete records analysis and several multiple imputation strategies when net survival is estimated via a flexible parametric proportional hazards model that includes stage, a partially observed categorical covariate. Starting from fully observed cancer registry data, we induced missingness on stage under three scenarios. For each of these scenarios, we simulated 100 incomplete datasets and evaluated the performance of the different strategies. RESULTS: Ordinal logistic models are not suitable for the imputation of tumor stage. Complete records analysis may lead to grossly misleading estimates of net survival, even when the missing data mechanism is conditionally independent of survival time given the covariates and the bias on the excess hazard ratios estimates is negligible. CONCLUSIONS: As key covariates are unlikely missing completely at random, studies estimating net survival should not use complete records. When the missingness can be inferred from available data, appropriate multiple imputation should be performed. In the context of flexible parametric proportional hazards models with a partially observed stage covariate, a multinomial logistic imputation model for stage should be used and should include the Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard estimate and the event indicator


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan reaksi gerakan tangan bagi kaum disabilitas setelah menggunakan alat bantu dan untuk mengetahui hasil uji efektivitas alat bantu reaksi gerakan tangan pada mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani adaptif dengan kompetensi dasar melakukan gerak dasar menekan dalam permainan sederhana bagi kaum disabilitas di SLB BC Fadhilah Cipacing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan gabungan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teori. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam penerapan alat bantu reaksi gerakan tangan ini, yaitu: penentuan kompetensi dasar, pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), pengambilan data pengujian alat, dan menganalisa perkembangan kemampuan motorik siswa disabilitas setelah menggunakan alat bantu. Efektivitas penggunaan alat bantu reaksi ini berasal dari hasil pengujian penguasaan reaksi siswa disabilitas terhadap penggunaan alat. Peningkatan hasil penguasaan reaksi siswa dari pengujian awal hingga pengujian akhir reaksi non lokomotor siswa dalam permainan sederhana dengan nilai N-Gain secara keseluruhan sebesar 68,4% dengan kategori sedang dan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa sebesar 8,8 dengan keterangan baik. Kata Kunci: alat bantu, reaksi, disabilitas, gerak dasar This research was performed to determine the level ofhand reactions gestures mastery for the disabilities after using the reaction tools and to determine the effectiveness of the test results hand movement reactions tool on the subjects of adaptive physical education with basic competence perform basic motion presses in simple games for the disabilities in SLB BC Fadhilah Cipacing. This research is a qualitative research using combined triangulation, there are data sources triangulation and theory triangulation. There are several steps in the implementation of hand movement reaction tools, namely: the determination of basic competence, learning implementation plan (RPP), data collections fromtested tool, and analyzed the motoric development of disability students after using tool. The effectiveness of the reaction toolcame from the results of tested students’ mastery of reaction disabilities after using the tool. The results from initial tested students' reactions to the final tested of non locomotor reactions of students in simple games with N-Gain value overall amounted to 68.4% in the moderate category and the average value obtained by students at 8.8 with a good description. Keywords: tools, reaction, disability, basic motio


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    ABSTRACT Nizamuddin Nur Ramadaniawan. K4612112. Apllication Of Problem Based Learning Models To Improve The Competence Of The Straddle-Style High Jump Students Class X SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta Academic 2015/2016. Skripsi, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. June 2016. This study aims to examine (1) There is influence of Problem Based Learning model of the straddle style high jump learning students class x sma negeri 4 surakarta academic 2015/2016, and (2) Effectiveness of competence high jump using the straddle style models problem Based Learning on students class x sma negeri 4 surakarta academic 2015/2016. The sample used in this study is a class X-1 and X-IIS IIS 2. This research used experimental methods to design Pretest-Posttest Non-equivalent Control Group. The data collection technique used is the competency test and measurement knowledge and skills straddle-style high jump and observation sheet. Analytical techniques were used: (1) Analysis Descriptive statistics and (2) Analysis of inferential statistics. The results of this study are as follows, First, There is a difference in the effect of higher learning style straddle jump between using model of Problem Based Learning and conventional students class x sma negeri 4 surakarta academic 2015/2016, namely the achievement of a high price leap -rata using model of Problem Based Learning at 104.4 cm while the conventional models of 100.4 cm. Second, the effectiveness of the straddle-style high jump competence can be seen from the competency assessment of knowledge and skills, At pretest obtained experimental class of 26 students with an average value of 6.5, after being given treatment, conducted post-test increases with average value average of 7.69. In the control class pretest obtained an average value of 6.29, after being given treatment, conducted post-test increases with an average value of 7.12. Whereas by comparison inferentially, an increase of 38.2% (without variable covariate) to 71.8% (with variable covariate). So we can conclude the model for the better. When calculated contribution in% at 87.96%. Keywords: Problem Based Learning, conventional, high jump competence results straddle styl


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    Autisme merupakan gangguan perkembangan mental pada anak yang mengakibatkan anak sulit melakukan interaksi sosial. Diagnosa autisme biasanya dilakukan oleh seorang ahli tumbuh kembang anak, namun sebenarnya orang tua juga dapat melakukan diagnosa awal kemungkinan autisme pada anak dengan melakukan pengamatan perilaku anak dalam kesehariannya, khususnya cara berkomunikasi, interaksi sosial anak dengan teman seumurnya, serta kemampuan anak dalam berimajinasi. Sistem pakar diagnosa autisme dibangun dengan tujuan untuk membantu orang tua dalam melakukan diagnosa awal kemungkinan gangguan autisme pada anak. Diagnosa dimulai dengan melihat gejala berupa perilaku autisme pada keseharian anak, kemudian memasukkan data gejala yang sesuai ke dalam sistem. Pengetahuan pada sistem direpresentasikan dalam bentuk aturan. Metode penalaran yang digunakan adalah metode runut maju (forward chaining). Keluaran pada sistem berupa jawaban ada tidaknya kemungkinan autisme pada anak dan tingkat kepercayaan pakar terhadap gangguan autisme jika memang anak tersebut mengalami kemungkinan gangguan autisme berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode certainty factor. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil diagnosa pakar di lapangan dengan hasil diagnosa sistem. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 82,85%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini telah bekerja sesuai dengan aturan yang ada, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam upaya mengetahui dan memberikan penanganan dini terhadap perilaku autisme anak.;---Autism is a disorder mental development for children which causes them to making social interaction difficulty. Autism diagnosis is usually done by an expert in child development, but actually parents also could doing early diagnosis about autism probability of children within making examination of child behaviour in daily, especially about the skill of communication, the child’s social interaction with friend his age, and also children ability to imagine something else. Expert system for diagnosis autism was made with the aim to helping parents to doing the early diagnosis about autism probability of children. Diagnosis begins with a look at the symptom like autism behaviour in child's daily activity, and then input the appropriate symptom data into the system. Knowledges of the system are representing into the rule. Reasoning method we used is forward chaining method. Output by the system form of the answer, is there autism probability of children and measure belief of expert toward autism disorder if the child realy have the disorder of autism probability based on the calculation that using certainty factor method. Testing doing by compare between the result of diagnosa by expert in child development and the result of system diagnosa. From this test, it's getting amount of the accurate point about 82,85%, This shows that system has working based on the rule, until it could be the alternative into the effort to knowing and give the early treatment toward autism behaviour of children

    Jual Beli Komputer Rakitan Ditinjau dari Aspek Hukum Perdata dan Hukum Pidana

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    Buying and selling assemblies computer raises legal protection of the consumer computer assembly and compensation responsibilities businessmen assembled computers (in the aspect of civil law), and consumer must be protected computer assembly, and entrepreneurs also have the rights and obligations that must be fulfilled when the consumer suffer losses due to the use of computer assembly products sold by the business. In addition to the criminal penalties for businesses that violate computer assembly applicable law (in aspects of criminal law) is alsoset to the rule of law


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    Perbedaan asal - tujuan wisata dan pola penggunaan lahan menghasilkan volume yang berbeda dan waktu gerakan di jalan-jalan. Sepanjang hari pada fluktuasi lalu lintas jalan, seperti menjadi padat pada jam-jam tertentu dan bergoyang di lain waktu. Misalnya di Bagian Jalan Andi Tonro Makassar. Efek pada jumlah angkutan umum di daerah juga merupakan indikator dari peningkatan arus lalu lintas di jalan ini, salah satunya adalah transportasi umum (minibus). Dimana Jalan Tonro Makassar Andi adalah pilihan dari beberapa ini rute trek transportasi kota. Kondisi arus lalu lintas pada jam sibuk (peak hour) di jalan-jalan waktu Andi Tonro studi ini dilakukan, hasil perhitungan dapat dilihat total volume rata-rata jam puncak (peak hour) di Jalan Andi Tonro = 315,031 smp / jam dengan kecepatan (V ) = 21,90 km / jam. MKJI diperoleh berdasarkan kapasitas (C) = 2755 smp / jam, dengan waktu perjalanan (TT) = 0.046 jam, tingkat layanan "D" dengan nilai 0,9, yang berarti arus lalu lintas dari jalan mulai tidak stabil

    Inventarisasi Tanaman Berpotensi Sebagai Indikator Asam-Basa Alami Di Kota Kupang

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    Abstract.  This study investigated a natural acid-base indicator which is extracted from plants in Kupang city. There are 14 plants that potential as a source of natural indicator for acid base titration, i.e, Kol Ungu (Brassica oleracea Capitata Group), Turi Merah flower (Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers), Belimbing Wuluh flower (Averhoa bilimbi L), Kaktus Merah fruit (Opuntia vulgaris Mill), Ruelia flower (Ruellia simplex), Flamboyan flower (Delonix regia), bugenvil flower (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.), Bayam Merah leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Jamblang fruit (Syzygium cumini L.), Murbey fruit (Morus alba L.), Pinang fruit (Areca catechu L.), Sirih fruit (Piper betle L.), Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn), and Nanas Kerang leaves (Rhoeo discolor). Plants extract shows a sharp color change in acid and base solution. Promising results as a natural indicator also shown in acid base titration which is have similar equivalent point to synthetic indicator. We can use these natural indicators as an alternative to synthetic indicator because they are found to be simple, very useful, cheap, easy to extract, accurate, and eco-friendly. Keywords: Plant, Natural indicator, Acid-Bas
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