1,478 research outputs found

    Drell-Yan bounds on gapped continuum spectra

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    Theories with gapped continuum spectra have gotten some attention, either as pure 4D models like unparticles, or in 5D realizations as certain soft walls constructions. In this paper, we derive experimental bounds from Drell-Yan processes (pp → ℓ+ℓ−, pp → ℓ±ν) in a particular scenario where the electroweak bosons propagate in an extra dimension that produces a propagator with a continuum spectrum, on top of the isolated corresponding Standard Model pole. Using current LHC data we put a lower bound on the gap of 4.2 TeV (expected), 6.2 TeV (observed, bins with < 10 events combined) at 95% CL, with some dependence in the observed limit on how low statistics bins are treated. We also study the limits for HL-LHC.Atraccion de Talento program (Modalidad 1) of the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) 2019-T1/TIC-14019Spanish Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigacion) CEX2020-001007-S PID2021-124704NB-I00MCIN/AEIGerman Research Foundation (DFG) A-FQM-178-UGR18FSE Investing in your futureFEDER/Junta de Andalucia - Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento FQM-225Junta de Andalucia 2021 SGR 00649Ramon y Cajal Program of the University of GranadaGeneralitat de Catalunya PID2020-115845GB-I00Spanish Government PHY-2112540National Science Foundation (NSF)CERCA program of the Generalitat de CatalunyaConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)ANPCyT PICT 2018-03682 PID2020-114767GB-I00 RYC-2016-20678 PICT-2021-0037

    Acute and chronic stress differentially regulate cyclin-dependent kinase 5 in mouse brain: implications to glucocorticoid actions and major depression

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    Stress activates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which in turn increases circulating glucocorticoid concentrations and stimulates the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Chronically elevated glucocorticoids by repetitive exposure to stress are implicated in major depression and anxiety disorders. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), a molecule essential for nervous system development, function and pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, can modulate GR activity through phosphorylation. We examined potential contribution of CDK5 to stress response and pathophysiology of major depression. In mice, acute immobilized stress (AS) caused a biphasic effect on CDK5 activity, initially reducing but increasing afterwards in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus (HIPPO), whereas chronic unpredictable stress (CS) strongly increased it in these brain areas, indicating that AS and CS differentially regulate this kinase activity in a brain region-specific fashion. GR phosphorylation contemporaneously followed the observed changes of CDK5 activity after AS, thus CDK5 may in part alter GR phosphorylation upon this stress. In the postmortem brains of subjects with major depression, CDK5 activity was elevated in Brodmann's area 25, but not in entire PFC and HIPPO. Messenger RNA expression of glucocorticoid-regulated/stress-related genes showed distinct expression profiles in several brain areas of these stressed mice or depressive subjects in which CDK5-mediated changes in GR phosphorylation may have some regulatory roles. Taken together, these results indicate that CDK5 is an integral component of stress response and major depression with regulatory means specific to different stressors, brain areas and diseases in part through changing phosphorylation of GR

    Composición en ácidos grasos y contenidos de vitaminas A y E de la leche de cabra de la raza Payoya en sistemas de pastoreo arbustivo-mediterráneo

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    Apenas hay trabajos sobre el consumo de pastos arbustivo-mediterráneos y su relación con la calidad de los productos caprinos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del nivel de pastoreo sobre la calidad de la leche de cabras de raza Payoya. Se seleccionaron 16 explotaciones situadas en la Sierra de Cádiz. De enero a mayo se realizó una monitorización para caracterizar el manejo alimenticio. Según el porcentaje de necesidades energéticas cubiertas por el pastoreo (NEP), las explotaciones se clasificaron en tres grupos: alto, medio y bajo pastoreo. Mensualmente se recogieron muestras de leche de tanque y fueron analizados la composición de ácidos grasos (AG) y los contenidos en vitaminas A (retinol) y E (α- y β+γ-tocoferol). Los porcentajes de AG deseables nutricionalmente (α-linolénico, total n-3 PUFA) fueron significativamente mayores, mientras que el índice n-6/n-3 fue menor en el grupo de pastoreo alto en comparación con el grupo de pastoreo bajo. Para el grupo de pastoreo medio estos valores fueron intermedios. Además, se obtuvo una correlación positiva entre el NEP y los contenidos de varios AG n-3 y el total de n-3 (r=0,33), mientras que se obtuvo una correlación negativa con el índice n-6/n-3 (r=-0,45). Los contenidos en los isó- meros CLA estudiados no se vieron afectados por el nivel de pastoreo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre grupos para la suma de las formas β- y γ-tocoferol, ni para el retinol. En cambio, sí ha habido diferencias significativas para el contenido de α-tocoferol (177 μg/100 g - alto pastoreo; 132 μg/100 g - medio; 93 μg/100 g - bajo). Además, existió una correlación positiva entre el NEP y el contenido de α-tocoferol (r=0.42). En conclusión, el mayor nivel de pastoreo ha tenido un efecto positivo sobre la calidad de la leche, con mayores contenidos en algunos componentes funcionales (α-tocoferol; AG n-3)Information about consumption of Mediterranean bush pastures and its relationship to the quality of goat products in Andalusia (southern Spain) is scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of grazing level on fatty acid composition and vitamins A and E contents in milk of Payoya goats. 16 farms in the Sierra de Cádiz were selected and surveyed to characterize feeding systems from January to May. According to the percentage of energy needs covered by grazing (NEP), farms were classified into three groups: high, medium and low grazing. In this period, milk samples were monthly collected from the bulk tank and analyzed for fatty acids (FA) composition and vitamin A (retinol) and E (α- and β+γ-tocopherol) contents. Contents of the nutritionally desirable FA (α-linolenic, total n-3 PUFA) were significantly higher, while the n-6:n-3 ratio was lower in the high compared with the low grazing group, and with intermediate values in the medium group. In addition, a positive correlation was found between NEP and the contents of several n-3 FA and total n-3 (r=0.33), while a negative correlation was obtained with the n-6:n-3 ratio (r=-0.45). CLA isomers contents were not affected by the grazing level. Retinol and β+γ-tocopherol contents were not affected by the grazing level, whereas α-tocopherol content was higher in the high grazing group (177 μg/100 g for high grazing; 132 for medium; 93 for low). In addition, the NEP was positively correlated with the contents of α-tocopherol (r=0.42). In conclusion, the highest level of grazing had a positive effect on the quality of milk from Payoya breed, with higher amounts of some functional components (α-tocopherol; n-3 FA)

    Automated data analysis to rapidly derive and communicate ecological insights from satellite-tag data: A case study of reintroduced red kites

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    Analysis of satellite-telemetry data mostly occurs long after it has been collected, due to the time and effort needed to collate and interpret such material. Such delayed reporting does reduce the usefulness of such data for nature conservation when timely information about animal movements is required. To counter this problem we present a novel approach which combines automated analysis of satellite-telemetry data with rapid communication of insights derived from such data. A relatively simple algorithm (comprising speed of movement and turning angle calculated from fixes), allowed instantaneous detection of excursions away from settlement areas and automated calculation of home ranges on the remaining data Automating the detection of both excursions and home range calculations enabled us to disseminate ecological insights from satellite-tag data instantaneously through a dedicated web portal to inform conservationists and wider audiences. We recommend automated analysis, interpretation and communication of satellite tag and other ecological data to advance nature conservation research and practice

    Aperture effects on the oxygen abundance determinations from CALIFA data

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    This paper aims at providing aperture corrections for emission lines in a sample of spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) database. In particular, we explore the behavior of the log([OIII]5007/Hbeta)/([NII]6583/Halpha) (O3N2) and log[NII]6583/Halpha (N2) flux ratios since they are closely connected to different empirical calibrations of the oxygen abundances in star forming galaxies. We compute median growth curves of Halpha, Halpha/Hbeta, O3N2 and N2 up to 2.5R_50 and 1.5 disk R_eff. The growth curves simulate the effect of observing galaxies through apertures of varying radii. The median growth curve of the Halpha/Hbeta ratio monotonically decreases from the center towards larger radii, showing for small apertures a maximum value of ~10% larger than the integrated one. The median growth curve of N2 shows a similar behavior, decreasing from the center towards larger radii. No strong dependence is seen with the inclination, morphological type and stellar mass for these growth curves. Finally, the median growth curve of O3N2 increases monotonically with radius. However, at small radii it shows systematically higher values for galaxies of earlier morphological types and for high stellar mass galaxies. Applying our aperture corrections to a sample of galaxies from the SDSS survey at 0.02<=z<=0.3 shows that the average difference between fiber-based and aperture corrected oxygen abundances, for different galaxy stellar mass and redshift ranges, reaches typically to ~11%, depending on the abundance calibration used. This average difference is found to be systematically biased, though still within the typical uncertainties of oxygen abundances derived from empirical calibrations. Caution must be exercised when using observations of galaxies for small radii (e.g. below 0.5R_eff) given the high dispersion shown around the median growth curves.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Biometric system verification close to "real world" conditions

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04391-8_31Proceedings of Joint COST 2101 and 2102 International Conference, BioID_MultiComm 2009, Madrid, Spain.In this paper we present an autonomous biometric device developed in the framework of a national project. This system is able to capture speech, hand-geometry, online signature and face, and can open a door when the user is positively verified. Nevertheless the main purpose is to acquire a database without supervision (normal databases are collected in the presence of a supervisor that tells you what to do in front of the device, which is an unrealistic situation). This system will permit us to explain the main differences between what we call "real conditions" as opposed to "laboratory conditions".This work has been supported by FEDER and MEC, TEC2006-13141-C03/TCM, and COST-2102

    The O3N2 and N2 abundance indicators revisited: improved calibrations based on CALIFA and Te-based literature data

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    The use of IFS is since recently allowing to measure the emission line fluxes of an increasingly large number of star-forming galaxies both locally and at high redshift. The main goal of this study is to review the most widely used empirical oxygen calibrations, O3N2 and N2, by using new direct abundance measurements. We pay special attention to the expected uncertainty of these calibrations as a function of the index value or abundance derived and the presence of possible systematic offsets. This is possible thanks to the analysis of the most ambitious compilation of Te-based HII regions to date. This new dataset compiles the Te-based abundances of 603 HII regions extracted from the literature but also includes new measurements from the CALIFA survey. Besides providing new and improved empirical calibrations for the gas abundance, we also present here a comparison between our revisited calibrations with a total of 3423 additional CALIFA HII complexes with abundances derived using the ONS calibration by Pilyugin et al. (2010). The combined analysis of Te-based and ONS abundances allows us to derive their most accurate calibration to date for both the O3N2 and N2 single-ratio indicators, in terms of all statistical significance, quality and coverage of the space of parameters. In particular, we infer that these indicators show shallower abundance dependencies and statistically-significant offsets compared to those of Pettini and Pagel (2004), Nagao et al. (2006) and P\'erez-Montero and Contini (2009). The O3N2 and N2 indicators can be empirically applied to derive oxygen abundances calibrations from either direct abundance determinations with random errors of 0.18 and 0.16, respectively, or from indirect ones (but based on a large amount of data) reaching an average precision of 0.08 and 0.09 dex (random) and 0.02 and 0.08 dex (systematic; compared to the direct estimations),respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&