209 research outputs found

    Multiannual trend of micro-pollutants in sediments and benthic community response in a mediterranean lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Italy)

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    Long-term variations of ecological status in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Northern Adriatic) were investigated, combining data on the concentration of surface sediment contaminants and on the structure of the macrobenthic community. The aim was to assess any amount of chemical contamination and check the response of the macrobenthic community to sediment contamination. Over the studied period, the sediments of the lagoon showed contamination by trace metals and organochlorine pesticides, with most of them exceeding the thresholds indicated by the Italian legislation in many samples. Contamination by polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) instead never exceeded the threshold. The ecological status based on the macrobenthic community, evaluated through biotic indices (AMBI and M-AMBI), fell below the Good/Moderate threshold in most samples. The results indicate a possible influence of toxic compounds in sediment on benthic organisms, but most of the variability shown by the macrobenthic community is probably due to other factors. The difficulty in establishing a cause/effect relationship was due to the co-occurrence and variability of various stressors (both natural and anthropogenic) and their interactions. The methods currently used for monitoring transitional waters thus seem insufficient to disentangle the effect of pollutants and other environmental variables on the benthos. Integrated approaches (e.g., bioaccumulation and toxicity tests) are thus needed for a more precise identification of the risk posed by a high concentration of pollutants in such environments

    A CUDA-powered method for the feature extraction and unsupervised analysis of medical images

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    Funder: Università degli Studi di Milano - BicoccaAbstractImage texture extraction and analysis are fundamental steps in computer vision. In particular, considering the biomedical field, quantitative imaging methods are increasingly gaining importance because they convey scientifically and clinically relevant information for prediction, prognosis, and treatment response assessment. In this context, radiomic approaches are fostering large-scale studies that can have a significant impact in the clinical practice. In this work, we present a novel method, called CHASM (Cuda, HAralick &amp; SoM), which is accelerated on the graphics processing unit (GPU) for quantitative imaging analyses based on Haralick features and on the self-organizing map (SOM). The Haralick features extraction step relies upon the gray-level co-occurrence matrix, which is computationally burdensome on medical images characterized by a high bit depth. The downstream analyses exploit the SOM with the goal of identifying the underlying clusters of pixels in an unsupervised manner. CHASM is conceived to leverage the parallel computation capabilities of modern GPUs. Analyzing ovarian cancer computed tomography images, CHASM achieved up to 19.5×\sim 19.5\times ∼ 19.5 × and 37×\sim 37\times ∼ 37 × speed-up factors for the Haralick feature extraction and for the SOM execution, respectively, compared to the corresponding C++ coded sequential versions. Such computational results point out the potential of GPUs in the clinical research.</jats:p

    Mitiq: A software package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers

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    We introduce Mitiq, a Python package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers. Error mitigation techniques can reduce the impact of noise on near-term quantum computers with minimal overhead in quantum resources by relying on a mixture of quantum sampling and classical post-processing techniques. Mitiq is an extensible toolkit of different error mitigation methods, including zero-noise extrapolation, probabilistic error cancellation, and Clifford data regression. The library is designed to be compatible with generic backends and interfaces with different quantum software frameworks. We describe Mitiq using code snippets to demonstrate usage and discuss features and contribution guidelines. We present several examples demonstrating error mitigation on IBM and Rigetti superconducting quantum processors as well as on noisy simulators

    Steady State Bioequivalence of Generic and Innovator Formulations of Stavudine, Lamivudine, and Nevirapine in HIV-Infected Ugandan Adults

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    Generic antiretroviral therapy is the mainstay of HIV treatment in resource-limited settings, yet there is little evidence confirming the bioequivalence of generic and brand name formulations. We compared the steady-state pharmacokinetics of lamivudine, stavudine and nevirapine in HIV-infected subjects who were receiving a generic formulation (Triomune®) or the corresponding brand formulations (Epivir®, Zerit®, and Viramune®)., 1.1 (0.95–1.31). The generic formulation was not statistically bioequivalent to the brand formulations during steady state, although exposures were comparable. A mixed random effects model identified about 50% intersubject variability in the pharmacokinetic parameters.These findings provide support for the use of Triomune in resource-limited settings, although identification of the sources of intersubject variability in these populations is critical

    The present state of research into industrial clusters and districts. Content analysis of material published 1997-2006

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    [EN] The aim of this work is to help gain a better understanding of the research conducted on territorial agglomerations of firms at a multidisciplinary level. To this end, an analysis was performed of the contents of the most significant scientific literature on economics, management, planning and development, urban studies and geography published over the period 1997-2006. From the results, a database of 142 papers from 43 journals was then elaborated. An analysis of these works reveals the level of development of the main lines of research in this field and, consequently, makes it possible to detect the topics that require greater attention and that can be the object of future research for researchers and academics. The main conclusions include the growing number of studies conducted on the subject in recent years, as well as a greater predominance of empirical research over conceptual work, and the existence of a significant change in the topics or lines of research throughout the period under study. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.This research was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, National R&D & Innovation Plan 2007–2010, under the project entitled “El Distrito Industrial: el impacto del Capital Social sobre la Gestio´n de la Cadena de Suministro” (The Industrial District: the impact of Social Capital on the management of the Supply Chain) (SEJ2007- 62876/ECON).Martinez-Fernandez, M.; Capó Vicedo, J.; Vallet-Bellmunt, T. (2012). The present state of research into industrial clusters and districts. Content analysis of material published 1997-2006. European Planning Studies. 20(2):281-304. doi:10.1080/09654313.2012.650906S28130420