8 research outputs found


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    All human beings are born with needs and there are several needs emergent throughout the life span of all human beings; they spend their majority of the time in fulfilling their needs and this process continues till their death. Human beings needs may be different at different times in their lives. Fulfilling the needs is necessary for healthy growth and development of human beings. The innovation and technology, in addition to fulfilling the needs of human beings also brings change in the need fulfilment mechanism. Internet usage are becoming very common among the urban and educated population; it automatically changes the mode of need fulfilment, especially belongingness and love needs; satisfaction of these needs are important in order to feel supported and accepted, and preventing problems such as loneliness, depression and anxiety and several psychological problems. It is a known fact that the needs of the students are different from other segments of the people; several needs of them are fulfilled by their parents and they do not feel such things as needs, and their needs are generally related to studies, friends, entertainment, romance, relationship and so on; and there is a possibility that using of WhatsApp can contribute to fulfil the needs. However, there are several researches about the use of WhatsApp and its negative impact on academic performance of the users, and WhatsApp dependency among the students. Academics alone cannot be a parameter to measure progress or success of students; students who are having better academic records, but do not have better relationship with family, friends and community will not be called successful. The prevailing dependency among the students such as drug dependency, alcohol consumption and use of tobacco are more dangerous that affect their performance, health and ruin their whole life. However, dependency such as cinema, TV, FM Radio and social media have some positivity in them; these dependency are based on the purpose of using and the time and money that the user spent for it; here the users are not to discontinue of using them but has to use them with appropriate purpose with some time and money allotments and without affecting their roles and tasks. As the researcher sensed that the use of WhatsApp contributes to strengthen and maintain healthy relationship and social tie with friends, family and community, and diverse perception among the students about the WhatsApp dependency, the researcher highly focused and directed the research to look into the use of WhatsApp in contributing to fulfilling the belonging and love needs, and perception of students about the WhatsApp dependency

    Psycho-Social Profile of MSM with Special Reference to Ernakulam District, Kerala, India

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    Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex. As an orientation homosexuality refers to an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual affectionate or romantic attractions primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. It also refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them and membership in a community of others who share them. The Problem investigated in this research is that the Psycho-Social Profile of MSM (Men who has Sex with Men), with special reference to Ernakulam District, Kerala, India. The Prime objective of this non-experimental research is to Study the Personal Profile of MSM, to Study the Psychological Problems of MSM, to Study the Social Problems of MSM, to Study Sexuality and Sexual exploitation of MSM, and to Study their Level of awareness on the issues related to Homosexuality in Ernakulam district. The Research Design used in this study is Mixed Method Design. The Instruments used to collect data are Pre-test, Pilot Study, Socio-demographic Profile, Interview Schedule and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The Findings of the study are elaborated in the main full paper. The Government should take care of the well being of MSMs persons and for that we have given quite a few suggestion and need of further research in this field. Keywords: MSM, Personal Profile, Psychological Problems, Social Problems, Sexualit

    An outline of child marriage during COVID-19 in Karnataka, India

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    General Child marriage situation pre-covid, why increased during covid, causes, reflection from selected communities. Many socio-economic evils deprives numerous children from their right to healthy and safe nurturing environment. One such evil is the child marriage practised from age old days and yet not eradicated. UNICEF defines child marriage or early marriage as the union of a girl or boy under the age of 18 years which encompasses both official weddings and informal cohabitations in which children under the age of 18 live as if they were married. According to UNICEF, 110 million child marriages occurred from 2011 to 2021 worldwide and 25 million were averted during the same time frame (UNICEF, 2021b). In spite of being a pioneer in the battle against child marriage, India still has 15.6 million women between the ages of 20 and 24 who were married before they turned 18. There are 223 million child brides in India, with 102 million of them marrying before the age of 15. In terms of the prevalence of child marriage, these data rank India fourth in South Asia (UNICEF, 2019)

    An Outline of Child Marriage During COVID-19 in Karnataka, India

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    General Child marriage situation pre-covid, why increased during covid, causes, reflection from selected communities. Many socio-economic evils deprives numerous children from their right to healthy and safe nurturing environment. One such evil is the child marriage practised from age old days and yet not eradicated. UNICEF defines child marriage or early marriage as the union of a girl or boy under the age of 18 years which encompasses both official weddings and informal cohabitations in which children under the age of 18 live as if they were married. According to UNICEF, 110 million child marriages occurred from 2011 to 2021 worldwide and 25 million were averted during the same time frame (UNICEF, 2021b). In spite of being a pioneer in the battle against child marriage, India still has 15.6 million women between the ages of 20 and 24 who were married before they turned 18. There are 223 million child brides in India, with 102 million of them marrying before the age of 15. In terms of the prevalence of child marriage, these data rank India fourth in South Asia (UNICEF, 2019)

    Kuntouttavan työtoiminnan prosessien kehittäminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää kuntouttavan työtoiminnan prosesseja Pohjois-Satakunnan peruspalveluliikelaitoskuntayhtymässä. Kehittämistehtävässä kehitettiin toimivat mallit kuntouttavan työtoiminnan palveluun kunta -ja palvelurakenneuudistuksen mukanaan tuomassa uudessa organisaatiossa. Kuntouttavan työtoiminnan palvelua kehitettiin toimintatutkimuksen menetelmillä, jossa toimintatutkimuksen syklit, suunnittelu, toiminta, havainnointi ja reflektointi seurasivat toisiaan. Kehittämistehtävässä tarkasteltiin kuntouttavan työtoiminnan palvelua organisaation ja työntekijöiden näkökulmasta, mutta myös asiakasnäkökulma otettiin huomioon. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin reflektoivaa päiväkirjaa sekä työntekijöiden ja asiakkaiden haastatteluja. Haastattelut tehtiin teemahaastattelun menetelmällä. Kehittämistehtävässä muodostettiin prosessikaaviot aktivointisuunnitelman laatimisesta, kuntouttavan työtoiminnan prosessista sekä työnjaosta eri toimipisteiden välillä. Lisäksi kehitettiin työntekijöiden työn yhtenäistämiseksi erilaisia malleja kuntouttavan työtoiminnan ohjaukseen. Kehittämistehtävän perusteella voidaan kuntayhtymän eri toimipisteissä tarjota tasavertaista ja yhdenmukaista palvelua ja asiakkaiden saatavilla ovat laadukkaat ja kattavat kuntouttavan työtoiminnan palvelut. Kehittämistehtävän mukaan tulevaisuuden haasteena on kuntouttavan työtoiminnan asiakasmäärien kasvu, osaamista vastaavien työtoimintapaikkojen löytyminen sekä riittävä ohjausresurssi, myös aktiivisen sosiaalipolitiikan mukanaan tuomat lakimuutokset tuovat haastetta kuntouttavan työtoiminnan järjestämiseen. Kehittämisen keskeisinä käsitteinä olivat kunta- ja palvelurakenneuudistus, aktiivinen sosiaalipolitiikka, kuntouttava työtoiminta, osallisuus ja kuntouttavan työtoiminnan vaikuttavuus Avainsanat: sosiaalipolitiikka, työllisyyspolitiikka, työttömät, kuntouttava työtoiminta, palvelurakenne.The aim of this development project was to improve rehabilitative employment activities and working processes. This development project was executed in the new organization of Social and Healthcare federation of municipalities in Pohjois-Satakunta. The rehabilitative employment activity and its processes were improved with methods of activity analysis. There planning, action, observation and reflection had been followed by each other. The aim of the rehabilitative employment activity is working life or maintaining the unemployed person’s ability to work. The materials of this developments project were collected with interviews and reflective diary. During this development project had been created new patterns how to guide new clients to the rehabilitative employment activities. This development project is also description of that process. Keywords: rehabilitative employment activity, activation policy, unemployment, social politics