26 research outputs found

    Illness perceptions of COVID-19 in Europe: Predictors, impacts and temporal evolution

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    Objective: Illness perceptions (IP) are important predictors of emotional and behavioral responses in many diseases. The current study aims to investigate the COVID-19-related IP throughout Europe. The specific goals are to understand the temporal development, identify predictors (within demographics and contact with COVID-19) and examine the impacts of IP on perceived stress and preventive behaviors. Methods: This was a time-series-cross-section study of 7, 032 participants from 16 European countries using multilevel modeling from April to June 2020. IP were measured with the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire. Temporal patterns were observed considering the date of participation and the date recoded to account the epidemiological evolution of each country. The outcomes considered were perceived stress and COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Results: There were significant trends, over time, for several IP, suggesting a small decrease in negativity in the perception of COVID-19 in the community. Age, gender, and education level related to some, but not all, IP. Considering the self-regulation model, perceptions consistently predicted general stress and were less consistently related to preventive behaviors. Country showed no effect in the predictive model, suggesting that national differences may have little relevance for IP, in this context. Conclusion: The present study provides a comprehensive picture of COVID-19 IP in Europe in an early stage of the pandemic. The results shed light on the process of IP formation with implications for health-related outcomes and their evolution. © Copyright © 2021 Dias Neto, Nunes da Silva, Roberto, Lubenko, Constantinou, Nicolaou, Lamnisos, Papacostas, Höfer, Presti, Squatrito, Vasiliou, McHugh, Monestès, Baban, Alvarez-Galvez, Paez-Blarrina, Montesinos, Valdivia-Salas, Ori, Lappalainen, Kleszcz, Gloster, Karekla and Kassianos

    Patterns of psychological responses among the public during the early phase of COVID-19: A cross-regional analysis

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    This study aimed to compare the mediation of psychological flexibility, prosociality and coping in the impacts of illness perceptions toward COVID-19 on mental health among seven regions. Convenience sampled online survey was conducted between April and June 2020 from 9130 citizens in 21 countries. Illness perceptions toward COVID-19, psychological flexibility, prosociality, coping and mental health, socio-demographics, lockdown-related variables and COVID-19 status were assessed. Results showed that psychological flexibility was the only significant mediator in the relationship between illness perceptions toward COVID-19 and mental health across all regions (all ps = 0.001–0.021). Seeking social support was the significant mediator across subgroups (all ps range = <0.001–0.005) except from the Hong Kong sample (p = 0.06) and the North and South American sample (p = 0.53). No mediation was found for problem-solving (except from the Northern European sample, p = 0.009). Prosociality was the significant mediator in the Hong Kong sample (p =0.016) and the Eastern European sample (p = 0.008). These findings indicate that fostering psychological flexibility may help to mitigate the adverse mental impacts of COVID-19 across regions. Roles of seeking social support, problem-solving and prosociality vary across regions. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Mental Health Status of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak An International Study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive health crisis that has exerted enormous physical and psychological pressure. Mental healthcare for healthcare workers (HCWs) should receive serious consideration. This study served to determine the mental-health outcomes of 1,556 HCWs from 45 countries who participated in the COVID-19 IMPACT project, and to examine the predictors of the outcomes during the first pandemic wave. Methods: Outcomes assessed were self-reported perceived stress, depression symptom, and sleep changes. The predictors examined included sociodemographic factors and perceived social support. Results: The results demonstrated that half of the HCWs had moderate levels of perceived stress and symptoms of depression. Half of the HCWs (n = 800, 51.4%) had similar sleeping patterns since the pandemic started, and one in four slept more or slept less. HCWs reported less perceived stress and depression symptoms and higher levels of perceived social support than the general population who participated in the same project. Predictors associated with higher perceived stress and symptoms of depression among HCWs included female sex, not having children, living with parents, lower educational level, and lower social support. Discussion: The need for establishing ways to mitigate mental-health risks and adjusting psychological interventions and support for HCWs seems to be significant as the pandemic continues

    Mental health and adherence to covid-19 protective behaviors among cancer patients during the covid-19 pandemic: An international, multinational cross-sectional study

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    A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted during the first COVID-19 wave, to examine the impact of COVID-19 on mental health using an anonymous online survey, enrolling 9565 individuals in 78 countries. The current sub-study examined the impact of the pandemic and the associated lockdown measures on the mental health, and protective behaviors of cancer patients in comparison to non-cancer participants. Furthermore, 264 participants from 30 different countries reported being cancer patients. The median age was 51.5 years, 79.9% were female, and 28% had breast cancer. Cancer participants reported higher self-efficacy to follow recommended national guidelines regarding COVID-19 protective behaviors compared to non-cancer participants (p < 0.01). They were less stressed (p < 0.01), more psychologically flexible (p < 0.01), and had higher levels of positive affect compared to non-cancer participants. Amongst cancer participants, the majority (80.3%) reported COVID-19, not their cancer, as their priority during the first wave of the pandemic and females reported higher levels of stress compared to males. In conclusion, cancer participants appeared to have handled the unpredictable nature of the first wave of the pandemic efficiently, with a positive attitude towards an unknown and otherwise frightening situation. Larger, cancer population specific and longitudinal studies are warranted to ensure adequate medical and psychological care for cancer patients

    Mental health and adherence to covid-19 protective behaviors among cancer patients during the covid-19 pandemic: An international, multinational cross-sectional study

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    A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted during the first COVID-19 wave, to examine the impact of COVID-19 on mental health using an anonymous online survey, enrolling 9565 individuals in 78 countries. The current sub-study examined the impact of the pandemic and the associated lockdown measures on the mental health, and protective behaviors of cancer patients in comparison to non-cancer participants. Furthermore, 264 participants from 30 different countries reported being cancer patients. The median age was 51.5 years, 79.9% were female, and 28% had breast cancer. Cancer participants reported higher self-efficacy to follow recommended national guidelines regarding COVID-19 protective behaviors compared to non-cancer participants (p < 0.01). They were less stressed (p < 0.01), more psychologically flexible (p < 0.01), and had higher levels of positive affect compared to non-cancer participants. Amongst cancer participants, the majority (80.3%) reported COVID-19, not their cancer, as their priority during the first wave of the pandemic and females reported higher levels of stress compared to males. In conclusion, cancer participants appeared to have handled the unpredictable nature of the first wave of the pandemic efficiently, with a positive attitude towards an unknown and otherwise frightening situation. Larger, cancer population specific and longitudinal studies are warranted to ensure adequate medical and psychological care for cancer patients. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    X-shooter, the new wide band intermediate resolution spectrograph at the ESO Very Large Telescope

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    X-shooter is the first 2nd generation instrument of the ESO Very Large Telescope(VLT). It is a very efficient, single-target, intermediate-resolution spectrograph that was installed at the Cassegrain focus of UT2 in 2009. The instrument covers, in a single exposure, the spectral range from 300 to 2500 nm. It is designed to maximize the sensitivity in this spectral range through dichroic splitting in three arms with optimized optics, coatings, dispersive elements and detectors. It operates at intermediate spectral resolution (R~4,000 - 17,000, depending on wavelength and slit width) with fixed echelle spectral format (prism cross-dispersers) in the three arms. It includes a 1.8"x4" Integral Field Unit as an alternative to the 11" long slits. A dedicated data reduction package delivers fully calibrated two-dimensional and extracted spectra over the full wavelength range. We describe the main characteristics of the instrument and present its performance as measured during commissioning, science verification and the first months of science operations.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Evaluation of a Partially-automated Magnetic Bead-based Method for DNA Extraction for Wheat and Barley MAS

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    A partially automated method of DNA isolation (a Freedom Evo workstation coupled with a paramagnetic bead-based DNA isolation kit from Machery-Nagel) was evaluated in terms of DNA quantity, purity, and quality in comparison with a conventional manual method (the membrane-based Qiagen Plant DNeasy kit). In addition, the efficiency in terms of time and cost was evaluated. The partially automated method enabled the isolation from each sample of DNA of good A260/A280 ratio and sufficient quantity to serve as a template for dozens of PCR amplifications suitable for conventional marker-assisted selection applications. However, lower PCR efficiencies, presumably due to lower DNAquality, were obtained with DNA extracted by the partially automated method as compared with the Qiagen method. The partially automated method presented here was shown to be superior to the conventional Qiagen method in that the costs and time required were reduced by ca. 50%. The Freedom Evo workstation coupled with Machery-Nagel DNA isolation kit appeared advantageous for high-throughput applications required for plant molecular breeding

    Different migration strategies used by two inland wader species during autumn migration, case of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola and Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago

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    Waders generally follow two alternative strategies. The "B-strategy" or "energy minimization" strategy is to initiate migration late in the season, start moulting at the breeding grounds and migrate slowly in small steps, whereas the "S-strategy" or "time minimization" is to migrate immediately after the end of the breeding period and moult on the wintering grounds after a migration with only a few stopover sites. We studied Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola and Common Snipes Gallinago gallinago at the Polish Jeziorsko reservoir. Adult and juvenile Wood Sandpipers migrate during different periods, and showed no signs of moult. In contrast, both age groups of Common Snipe migrate during the same period, and up to 30% of ringed adult Common Snipes had started their post-breeding moult at the reservoir. Wood Sandpipers stayed 4-5 days at the reservoir, where they fattened at a rate of 1.15 g/day (which was positively correlated with their length of stay, r = 0.21), and left with 21% of fat (% of LBM), allowing them to cover distances exceeding 2,500 km (which enables them to reach the coast of the Mediterranean Sea). In contrast, Common Snipes stayed 11 days, fattening 0.3 g/day, and left the reservoir independently of their fat reserve. Common Snipes stored a significantly smaller fat reserve than Wood Sandpipers, and their reserve was predicted to allow maximally 1,500 km of constant flight. Our findings support the hypothesis that, under common feeding conditions at Jeziorsko reservoir, Common Snipes behave according to the energy minimization strategy whereas Wood Sandpipers use a time minimization strategy

    Transport of construction aggregate

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    Wraz z rozwojem branży transportu drogowego można zauważyć pewną tendencję, w której przewoźnik staje się specjalistą w konkretnym rodzaju ładunków. Coraz więcej firm transportowych rezygnuje z różnorodności taboru na rzecz wyspecjalizowania się w transporcie jednego rodzaju ładunku, np. transport ładunków chłodniczych, transport ponadgabarytowy, transport ładunków sypkich, etc. Przewoźnicy ukierunkowując się na konkretny typ ładunku, stają się profesjonalistami w swoich dziedzinach. Klienci bardzo chętnie korzystają z usług firm będących profesjonalistami w swojej branży, aby zakupiony przez nich towar dotarł do nich w myśl zasady logistyki 7W – właściwy produkt, właściwa ilość, właściwy stan, właściwe miejsce, właściwy czas, właściwy klient oraz właściwy koszt. Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia dotyczące przewozu kruszywa budowlanego w transporcie drogowym. Artykuł ukierunkowany jest przede wszystkim na przedstawienie zagadnień związanych z samą organizacją i realizacją transportu kruszywa budowlanego poprzez wszystkie jego etapy: załadunek, przewóz materiału oraz rozładunek.With the development of the road transport industry, a certain tendency may be taught in which the carrier becomes a specialist in a particular type of cargo. More and more transport companies resign from the diversity of rolling stock in favour of specializing in transport of one type of cargo, e.g. transport of refrigerated cargo, oversized transport, transport of bulk cargo, etc. Carriers orientating them-selves to a specific type of cargo become professionals in their fields. Customers are very eager to use the services of companies that are professionals in their industry so that the goods purchased by them will reach them according to the 7W logistics principle - the right product, the right quantity, the right condition, the right place, the right time, the right customer and the right cost. The article presents the issues related to the transport of construction aggregates in road transport. The article is aimed primarily at presenting issues related to the organization and implementation of transport of construction aggregates through all its stages: loading, transporting material and unloadin