1,239 research outputs found

    Stanford telemetry monitoring experiment on Lunar Explorer 35 Final report

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    Explorer 35 data analysis including occultation study and antenna pattern interpretation along with electromagnetic property experiment

    Noncommutative resolutions of discriminants

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    We give an introduction to the McKay correspondence and its connection to quotients of Cn\mathbb{C}^n by finite reflection groups. This yields a natural construction of noncommutative resolutions of the discriminants of these reflection groups. This paper is an extended version of E.F.'s talk with the same title delivered at the ICRA.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Contemporary Mathematics 705, "Representations of Algebras

    A McKay correspondence for reflection groups

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    We construct a noncommutative desingularization of the discriminant of a finite reflection group G as a quotient of the skew group ring A=S∗G. If G is generated by order 2 reflections, then this quotient identifies with the endomorphism ring of the reflection arrangement A(G) viewed as a module over the coordinate ring SG/(Δ) of the discriminant of G. This yields, in particular, a correspondence between the nontrivial irreducible representations of G to certain maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over the coordinate ring SG/(Δ). These maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules are precisely the nonisomorphic direct summands of the coordinate ring of the reflection arrangement A(G) viewed as a module over SG/(Δ). We identify some of the corresponding matrix factorizations, namely, the so-called logarithmic (co-)residues of the discriminant

    Radar studies of the planets

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    The radar measurements phase of the lunar studies involving reflectivity and topographic mapping of the visible lunar surface was ended in December 1972, but studies of the data and production of maps have continued. This work was supported by Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston. Topographic mapping of the equatorial regions of Mars has been carried out during the period of each opposition since that of 1967. The method comprised extended precise traveling time measurements to a small area centered on the subradar point. As measurements continued, planetary motions caused this point to sweep out extensive areas in both latitude and longitude permitting the development of a fairly extensive topographical map in the equatorial region. Radar observations of Mercury and Venus have also been made over the past few years. Refinements of planetary motions, reflectivity maps and determinations of rotation rates have resulted

    Commercial-off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability: Issues and futures

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    Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Simulation Packages (CSPs) are widely used in industry to simulate discrete-event models. Interoperability of CSPs requires the use of distributed simulation techniques. Literature presents us with many examples of achieving CSP interoperability using bespoke solutions. However, for the wider adoption of CSP-based distributed simulation it is essential that, first and foremost, a standard for CSP interoperability be created, and secondly, these standards are adhered to by the CSP vendors. This advanced tutorial is on an emerging standard relating to CSP interoperability. It gives an overview of this standard and presents case studies that implement some of the proposed standards. Furthermore, interoperability is discussed in relation to large and complex models developed using CSPs that require large amount of computing resources. It is hoped that this tutorial will inform the simulation community of the issues associated with CSP interoperability, the importance of these standards and its future

    Association of the Dictyostelium 30 kDa actin bundling protein with contact regions

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    \u27Contact regions\u27 are plasma membrane domains derived from areas of intercellular contact between aggregating Dictyostelium amebae (H.M. Ingalls et al. (1986). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4779). Purified contact regions contain a prominent actin-binding protein with an M(r) of 34,000. Immunoblotting with monoclonal antibodies identifies this polypeptide as a 34,000 M(r) actin-bundling protein (known as 30 kDa protein), previously shown to be enriched in filopodia (M. Fechheimer (1987). J. Cell Biol. 104, 1539). About four times more 30 kDa protein by mass is associated with contact regions than is found in total plasma membranes isolated from aggregating cells. In agreement with these observations, immunostaining of the 30 kDa protein in aggregating cells reveals a prominent localization along the plasma membrane at sites of intercellular contact. By contrast, alpha-actinin does not appear to be significantly enriched at sites of cell to cell contact. Binding experiments using purified plasma membranes, actin and 30 kDa protein indicate that the 30 kDa protein is associated with the plasma membrane primarily through interactions with actin filaments. Calcium ions are known to decrease the interaction of actin with 30 kDa protein in solution. Surprisingly, membrane-associated complexes of actin and the 30 kDa protein are much less sensitive to dissociation by micromolar levels of free calcium ions than are complexes in solutions lacking membranes

    Early Intervention, Documentation, and Service Delivery: A Review of IFSPs and Service Notes

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    This abstract will be available for download after an embargo perio

    Comparative analysis of the growth and biological activity of a respiratory and atheroma isolate of reveals strain-dependent differences in inflammatory activity and innate immune evasion

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    En el año 2010, como contraparte de los festejos del centenario de la Revolución mexicana, el poeta Jorge Esquinca invitó a treinta y cuatro poetas a participar en una antología titulada País de sombra y fuego. La relevancia de este ejercicio poético proviene de la pregunta que lo estructura: ¿Existe todavía en el vocablo Patria un núcleo generador de significado?A través del análisis de estos poemas y de los tópicos que prevalecen en ellos, es posible conocer el doloroso México que perciben los poetas mexicanos y la forma en que la poesía mexicana contemporánea del siglo XXI lo nombra.In 2010, as a counterpart to the festivities related to the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, the poet Jorge Esquinica invited thirty-four poets to participate in an anthology titled País de sombra y fuego. The relevance of this poetic exercise stems from the very question which gives it structure. Is the word Motherland still relevant in today's world?Through an analysis of these poems and the themes that prevail in them, it is possible to discover how these anthologized Mexican poets view their country nowadays and how they address its main issues.A l’any 2010, com a contrapart dels festejos del centenari de la Revolució mexicana, el poeta Jorge Esquinca va convidar trenta-quatre poetes a participar en una antologia titulada País de sombra y fuego. La rellevància d’aquest exercici poètic prové de la pregunta que l’estructura: existeix encara en el terme Pàtria un nucli generador de significat? A través de l’anàlisi d’aquests poemes i dels tòpics que prevalen en ells, és possible conèixer el dolorós Mèxic que perceben els poetes mexicans i la forma en què la poesia mexicana contamporània del segle XXI ho nombra
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