39 research outputs found

    A Functionally-Fitted Block Numerov Method for Solving Second-Order Initial-Value Problems with Oscillatory Solutions

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    [EN] A functionally-fitted Numerov-type method is developed for the numerical solution of second-order initial-value problems with oscillatory solutions. The basis functions are considered among trigonometric and hyperbolic ones. The characteristics of the method are studied, particularly, it is shown that it has a third order of convergence for the general second-order ordinary differential equation, y′′=f(x,y,y′), it is a fourth order convergent method for the special second-order ordinary differential equation, y′′=f(x,y). Comparison with other methods in the literature, even of higher order, shows the good performance of the proposed method.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Una lesión rara: el lipoma intraóseo: Presentación de dos casos

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    Se presentan 2 casos de lipoma intraóseo, uno de ellos bilateral en ambos calcáneos y el otro localizado en la parte proximal de la tibia derecha de otro paciente. El caso bilateral de calcáneo fue tratado de forma conservadora. El caso localizado en la tibia fue intervenido quirúrgicamente, realizándosele curetaje de la lesión y relleno con injerto de esponjosa antólogo. La evolución fue satisfactoria en los 3 casos, sin dolor ni repercusión funcional en los pacientes.This report presents two cases of intraosseus lipomans one of which were bilateral calcaneus and the other was found in the proximal area of another patient's right tibiae. The first was treated conservatively, whereas surgical treatment was pursued in the second case, consisting in a curettage of the lesion and filling it up with autogenous bone graft. Evolution in the three cases was satisfactory, the patients suffering no pain or functional repercusions

    Experiencias y resultados para facilitar la compatibilización de un máster interuniversitario con un trabajo a tiempo completo

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    Presentamos un Máster interuniversitario en Geoinformática, impartido por las universidades de A Coruña y Vigo, y diseñado para que el alumno trabajador pueda seguir las clases. El máster se basa en el uso de una plataforma online que permite la visualización de las clases tanto en tiempo real como en diferido y en el esfuerzo del profesorado para transformar sus materias. La visualización de una clase incluye la interacción entre el profesorado y el alumnado, así como la compartición de documentos, pantalla o pizarra. Hemos realizado encuestas tanto al alumnado como al profesorado y analizado los resultados de satisfacción. Como punto negativo, se ha observado la reticencia de una parte menor del profesorado a emplear este nuevo sistema.We present an interuniversity master degree in Geoinformatics, offered by the universities of A Coruña and Vigo, and designed to allow working students to follow the lessons. The master is based on the use of a digital platform that allows both live and on-demand visualization of lectures, and on the effort of the faculty to transform the subjects. The visualization of a lecture includes the interaction between professors and students, as well as the possibility of sharing documents, screens or digital blackboards. We have conducted surveys to professors and students and analyzed the results. As a negative point, we have observed that a small part of the faculty have reservations to use the system

    Domestic violence. A look from adolescence

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    Introducción: la violencia intrafamiliar es la acción o la omisión por algún miembro de la familia en relación de poder que incluye el abuso físico, emocional, por descuido y sexual. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de la violencia intrafamiliar según la percepción de adolescentes provenientes de familias disfuncionales. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo interpretativo de corte transversal con una estrategia mixta: análisis cuantitativo de variables y cualitativo de casos de familias disfuncionales pertenecientes a dos consultorios médicos de la familia del Policlínico “José Ramón León Acosta” de Santa Clara. Resultados: de las 164 familias registradas el 58,6% resultaron disfuncionales. Los adolescentes víctimas de violencia presentaron condiciones socio-económico-culturales regulares o malas (70,7%) y pertenecían a familias extensas (80,2%). Como formas represivas predominó el método de agresión verbal (100%): críticas, amenazas, gritos, insultos, peleas y burlas. Conclusiones: la violencia intrafamiliar constituye un serio problema de salud que afecta a las familias disfuncionales, su caracterización permitió reconocer como agresores más frecuentes a la madre, al padre y a los hermanos. Se deben realizar acciones de promoción de salud en la comunidad y de tipo preventivas con las familias que constituyen riesgo de violencia.Introduction: domestic violence is the act or omission by a member of the family in a power relationship that includes physical, emotional, carelessness and sexual abuse. Objective: to describe the behavior of intrafamily violence according to the perception of adolescents from dysfunctional families. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study with a mixed strategy was carried out: quantitative analysis of variables and qualitative of cases of dysfunctional families that are taken care by two family medical offices of the José Ramón León Acosta Polyclinic in Santa Clara. Results: of 164 registered families, 58.6% were dysfunctional. The adolescents’ victims of violence presented regular or bad socio-economic-cultural conditions (70.7%) and belonging to extended families (80.2%). As a repression forms, the method of verbal aggression prevailed (100%): criticism, threats, shouting, insults, fights and ridicule. Conclusions: intrafamily violence constitutes a serious health problem that affects dysfunctional families, its characterization allowed recognizing as more frequent aggressors the mother, father and siblings. Health promotion and preventive actions should be carried out in the community with families that constitute a risk of violence

    A Belief System's Organization Based on a Computational Model of the Dynamic Context: First Approximation

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    In this article we present a model of organization of a belief system based on a set of binary recursive functions that characterize the dynamic context that modifies the beliefs. The initial beliefs are modeled by a set of two-bit words that grow, update, and generate other beliefs as the different experiences of the dynamic context appear. Reason is presented as an emergent effect of the experience on the beliefs. The system presents a layered structure that allows a functional organization of the belief system. Our approach seems suitable to model different ways of thinking and to apply to different realistic scenarios such as ideologies

    Morphological variability of native maize (Zea mays L.) of the west highland of Puebla and east highland of Tlaxcala, Mexico

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    The objective of this research was to assess the morphological variability of maize landraces native of the west highland of Puebla and east highland of Tlaxcala, México, in order to, besides define it, related it to races, commercial varieties and with the altitude of the localities of seed collection. The genetic resources evaluated were 134 accessions collected in 34 localities, along with 10 controls. Experiments were established on three localities using a Lattice 12 x 12. Thirty-two morphological traits were analyzed, 27 of them resulting with highly significant differences, reflecting the high variability at the level of morphological characters, many of them of agronomic interest. From variance analysis 16 traits were selected for use in a cluster analysis through the Modified Localization Method, which joint the populations in six groups, most of them in the group 1, with morphological traits of long cycle varieties: high plants, with greater primary branches of the tassel, greater ear diameter and length, and greater grain length and width. The conclusions indicate that the morphological variability of Landraces is not associated with the altitude of localities of seed collection and that these have more relation with Chalqueño race, small with Conico race, absent with Conico Norteño and Palomero Toluqueño races and almost absent with commercial varieties.The objective of this research was to assess the morphological variability of maize landraces native of the west highland of Puebla and east highland of Tlaxcala, México, in order to, besides define it, related it to races, commercial varieties and with the altitude of the localities of seed collection. The genetic resources evaluated were 134 accessions collected in 34 localities, along with 10 controls. Experiments were established on three localities using a Lattice 12 x 12. Thirty-two morphological traits were analyzed, 27 of them resulting with highly significant differences, reflecting the high variability at the level of morphological characters, many of them of agronomic interest. From variance analysis 16 traits were selected for use in a cluster analysis through the Modified Localization Method, which joint the populations in six groups, most of them in the group 1, with morphological traits of long cycle varieties: high plants, with greater primary branches of the tassel, greater ear diameter and length, and greater grain length and width. The conclusions indicate that the morphological variability of Landraces is not associated with the altitude of localities of seed collection and that these have more relation with Chalqueño race, small with Conico race, absent with Conico Norteño and Palomero Toluqueño races and almost absent with commercial varieties

    Effectiveness of a clinical practice guideline implementation strategy for patients with anxiety disorders in primary care: cluster randomized trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anxiety is a common mental health problem seen in primary care. However, its management in clinical practice varies greatly. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have the potential to reduce variations and improve the care received by patients by promoting interventions of proven benefit. However, uptake and adherence to their recommendations can be low.</p> <p>Method/design</p> <p>This study involves a community based on cluster randomized trial in primary healthcare centres in the Madrid Region (Spain). The project aims to determine whether the use of implementation strategy (including training session, information, opinion leader, reminders, audit, and feed-back) of CPG for patients with anxiety disorders in primary care is more effective than usual diffusion.</p> <p>The number of patients required is 296 (148 in each arm), all older than 18 years and diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and panic attacks by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV). They are chosen by consecutive sampling.</p> <p>The main outcome variable is the change in two or more points into Goldberg anxiety scale at six and twelve months. Secondary outcome variables include quality of life (EuroQol 5D), and degree of compliance with the CPG recommendations on treatment, information, and referrals to mental health services. Main effectiveness will be analyzed by comparing the patients percentage improvement on the Goldberg scale between the intervention group and the control group. Logistic regression with random effects will be used to adjust for prognostic factors. Confounding factors or factors that might alter the effect recorded will be taken into account in this analysis.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>There is a need to identify effective implementation strategies for CPG for the management of anxiety disorders present in primary care. Ensuring the appropriate uptake of guideline recommendations can reduce clinical variation and improve the care patients receive.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN83365316">ISRCTN83365316</a></p

    A trigonometrically fitted intra-step block Falkner method for the direct integration of second-order delay differential equations with oscillatory solutions.

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    [EN]An intra-step block Falkner method whose coefficients depend on a parameter w and the step length h is presented in this study for solving numerically second-order delay differential equations with oscillatory solutions. In the development of the method, the collocation and interpolation techniques were employed. The investigation of the properties of the method has shown that it is zero-stable and consistent, and consequently, convergent. The application of the method to some standard problems from the scientific literature show that it produced very accurate results

    A second-derivative functionally fitted method of maximal order for oscillatory initial value problems.

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    [EN]This paper deals with the construction of a functionally fitted method for solving first-order differential systems whose solutions present an oscillatory behaviour. The method incorporates the second derivative to obtain better accuracies and is developed on the basis that it provides no errors when the true solution is a linear combination of some trigonometric and exponential functions containing a parameter. The main properties of the method are presented, showing a fourth-order convergence. Some numerical experiments are included to show the good performance of the proposed method